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Dr Ann Power

Dr Ann Power

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


 01392 723105

 Biocatalysis Centre BC2.1


Biocatalysis Centre, University of Exeter, The Henry Wellcome Building for Biocatalysis, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD , UK


A cross-disciplinary postdoctoral researcher, I reconstruct air pollution histories for urban landscapes using pond sediments, pioneer biomedical tools for innovative digital environmental monitoring, and contribute to an industrially funded biofuels project.  

Urban air pollution: I have demonstrated how air pollution has evolved in the urban UK landscape since the Industrial Revolution, with progressive shifts in industry, urbanisation and industrialisation. I have shown air pollution signals captured by urban ponds in the heavily industrialised Mersey Region of NW England showed that air pollution has become smaller and potentially more toxic post-1980 due to a rise in combustion-derived particles from road, and air travel. These records extend our knowledge of pollution to before the nation-wide PM pollution monitoring network system and disputes the common perception that air quality has improved since the smogs of the mid-20th century.  I've also reconstructed air pollution trends from Chinese megacities and the novelty of this work was recently covered by The Guardian

Digital environmental monitoring using Imaging flow cytometry (IFC): I have spearheaded the novel application of IFC, a digital biomedical technology from cell research, to the digital monitoring of environmental indicators including bacteria, pollen, microplastics, phytoplankton in ice cores and coccolithophores. I have developed a bespoke deep learning network (Guided Deep Learning), in collaboration with Swansea University, that can accurately classify digital images of pollen in complex, ‘real world’ environmental samples.

Biofuels Research: I have developed a novel method to track the performance of engineered bacteria in solid state biomass using to inform the optimisation of industrial biofuels research.


PhD (2011) - Edge Hill University

BSc Environmental Science (2004) - University of Wolverhampton


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Journal articles

Wagley S, Morcrette H, Kovacs-Simon A, Yang Z, Power A, Tennant R, Love J, Murray N, Titball R, Butler C, et al (In Press). Bacterial dormancy: a subpopulation of viable but non-culturable cells demonstrates better fitness for revival. PLoS Pathogens
Barnes CM, Power AL, Barber DG, Tennant RK, Jones RT, Lee GR, Hatton J, Elliott A, Zaragoza-Castells J, Haley SM, et al (2023). Deductive automated pollen classification in environmental samples via exploratory deep learning and imaging flow cytometry. New Phytol, 240(3), 1305-1326. Abstract.  Author URL.
Power AL, Tennant RK, Stewart AG, Gosden C, Worsley AT, Jones R, Love J (2023). The evolution of atmospheric particulate matter in an urban landscape since the Industrial Revolution. Sci Rep, 13(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Porter A, Barber D, Hobbs C, Love J, Power AL, Bakir A, Galloway TS, Lewis C (2023). Uptake of microplastics by marine worms depends on feeding mode and particle shape but not exposure time. Sci Total Environ, 857(Pt 1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Tennant RK, Power AL, Burton SK, Sinclair N, Parker DA, Jones RT, Lee R, Love J (2022). In-situ sequencing reveals the effect of storage on lacustrine sediment microbiome demographics and functionality. Environmental Microbiome, 17(1). Abstract.
Zheng X, Du J, Schmidt AH, Qiao X, Power A, Grosvenor MJ, Tang Y (2022). Response of lake water nutrient condition to anthropogenic activities from 1871 to 2013 in the Jiuzhaigou World Natural Heritage Site, China. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, 68(4), 345-360.  Author URL.
Scott A, Sueiro Ballesteros L, Bradshaw M, Tsuji C, Power A, Lorriman J, Love J, Paul D, Herman A, Emanueli C, et al (2021). In Vivo Characterization of Endogenous Cardiovascular Extracellular Vesicles in Larval and Adult Zebrafish. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 41(9), 2454-2468. Abstract.  Author URL.
Power AL, Barber DG, Groenhof SRM, Wagley S, Liu P, Parker DA, Love J (2021). The Application of Imaging Flow Cytometry for Characterisation and Quantification of Bacterial Phenotypes. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY, 11  Author URL.
Langley B, Halloran PR, Power A, Rickaby REM, Chana P, Diver P, Thornalley D, Hacker C, Love J (2020). A new method for isolating and analysing coccospheres within sediment. Scientific Reports, 10(1). Abstract.
Fogwill CJ, Turney CSM, Menviel L, Baker A, Weber ME, Ellis B, Thomas ZA, Golledge NR, Etheridge D, Rubino M, et al (2020). Southern Ocean carbon sink enhanced by sea-ice feedbacks at the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Nature Geoscience, 13(7), 489-497. Abstract.
Tennant RK, Ayine M, Power A, Gilman J, Hewlett M, James P, Singleton C, Parker D, Love J (2019). A Hybrid Sequencing Approach Completes the Genome Sequence of Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW 200. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8(3).
Dickinson AW, Power A, Hansen MG, Brandt KK, Piliposian G, Appleby P, O'Neill PA, Jones RT, Sierocinski P, Koskella B, et al (2019). Heavy metal pollution and co-selection for antibiotic resistance: a microbial palaeontology approach. Environment International, 132 Abstract.
Power A, Tennant RK, Jones RT, Tang Y, Du J, Worsley AT, Love J (2018). Monitoring Impacts of Urbanisation and Industrialisation on Air Quality in the Anthropocene Using Urban Pond Sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6


Power A, Worsley A (2018). Historical urban pollution. In  (Ed) Urban Pollution: Science and Management, 7-27. Abstract.

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