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Dr Anke Lange

Dr Anke Lange

Research Fellow


 Geoffrey Pope 202


Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter , Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK


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Tyler CR, Parsons A, Rogers NJ, Lange A, Brown AR (2019). Plasticisers and Their Impact on Wildlife. Abstract.

Journal articles

Horie Y, Yamagishi T, Yamamoto J, Suzuki M, Onishi Y, Chiba T, Miyagawa S, Lange A, Tyler CR, Okamura H, et al (2023). Adverse effects of thyroid-hormone-disrupting chemicals 6-propyl-2-thiouracil and tetrabromobisphenol a on Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, 263 Abstract.  Author URL.
Toyota K, Akashi H, Ishikawa M, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Sato T, Lange A, Tyler CR, Iguchi T, Miyagawa S, et al (2023). Comparative analysis of gonadal transcriptomes between turtle and alligator identifies common molecular cues activated during the temperature-sensitive period for sex determination. Gene, 888, 147763-147763.
Matthee C, Brown AR, Lange A, Tyler CR (2023). Correction to “Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Fish to Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals”. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(39), 14768-14768.
Baynes A, Lange A, Beresford N, Bryden E, Whitlock K, Tyler CR, Jobling S (2023). Endocrine Disruption is Reduced but Still Widespread in Wild Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Living in English Rivers. Environ Sci Technol, 57(34), 12632-12641. Abstract.  Author URL.
Matthee C, Tyler CR, Brown A, Lange A (2023). Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Fish to Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science and Technology Abstract.
Lange A, Segner H (2023). The Role of Glutathione and Sulfhydryl Groups in Cadmium Uptake by Cultures of the Rainbow Trout RTG-2 Cell Line. Cells, 12(23), 2720-2720. Abstract.
Millard RS, Bickley LK, Bateman KS, Verbruggen B, Farbos A, Lange A, Moore KA, Stentiford GD, Tyler CR, van Aerle R, et al (2022). Resistance to white spot syndrome virus in the European shore crab is associated with suppressed virion trafficking and heightened immune responses. Front Immunol, 13 Abstract.  Author URL.
Tinguely SM, David A, Lange A, Tyler CR (2021). Effects of maternal exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of 17α-ethinyloestradiol in a live bearing freshwater fish, Xenotoca eiseni (Cyprinodontiformes, Goodeidae). Aquatic Toxicology, 232, 105746-105746.
Cooper R, David A, Lange A, Tyler CR (2021). Health Effects and Life Stage Sensitivities in Zebrafish Exposed to an Estrogenic Wastewater Treatment Works Effluent. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 12 Abstract.
Knipe H, Temperton B, Lange A, Bass D, Tyler CR (2021). Probiotics and competitive exclusion of pathogens in shrimp aquaculture. REVIEWS IN AQUACULTURE, 13(1), 324-352.  Author URL.
Wood E, Pablo C-L, Cram D, Walker L, York J, Anke L, Hamilton P, Tyler C, Young A (2021). Social dominance and rainfall predict telomere dynamics in a cooperative arid-zone bird. Molecular Ecology
Lange A, Paris JR, Gharbi K, Cézard T, Miyagawa S, Iguchi T, Studholme DJ, Tyler CR (2020). A newly developed genetic sex marker and its application to understanding chemically induced feminisation in roach (<i>Rutilus rutilus</i>). Molecular Ecology Resources, 20(4), 1007-1022. Abstract.
Miyaoku K, Ogino Y, Lange A, Ono A, Kobayashi T, Ihara M, Tanaka H, Toyota K, Akashi H, Yamagishi G, et al (2020). Characterization of G protein‐coupled estrogen receptors in Japanese medaka, <scp><i>Oryzias latipes</i></scp>. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 41(9), 1390-1399. Abstract.
Alshami IJJ, Ono Y, Correia A, Hacker C, Lange A, Scholpp S, Kawasaki M, Ingham PW, Kudoh T (2020). Development of the electric organ in embryos and larvae of the knifefish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. Developmental Biology, 466(1-2), 99-108.
Robinson PC, Littler HR, Lange A, Santos EM (2020). Developmental exposure window influences silver toxicity but does not affect the susceptibility to subsequent exposures in zebrafish embryos. Histochem Cell Biol, 154(5), 579-595. Abstract.  Author URL.
Parsons AE, Lange A, Hutchinson TH, Miyagawa S, Iguchi T, Kudoh T, Tyler CR (2020). Expression dynamics of genes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) cascade and their responses to 3,3′,5-triiodo-l-thyronine (T3) highlights potential vulnerability to thyroid-disrupting chemicals in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo-larvae. Aquatic Toxicology, 225, 105547-105547.
Tinguely SM, Lange A, Tyler CR (2020). Ontogeny and Dynamics of the Gonadal Development, Embryogenesis, and Gestation in &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Xenotoca eiseni&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; (Cyprinodontiformes, Goodeidae). Sexual Development, 13(5-6), 297-310. Abstract.
Mills LJ, Wilson JD, Lange A, Moore K, Henwood B, Knipe H, Chaput DL, Tyler CR (2020). Using molecular and crowd‐sourcing methods to assess breeding ground diet of a migratory brood parasite of conservation concern. Journal of Avian Biology, 51(9). Abstract.
Parsons A, Lange A, Hutchinson TH, Miyagawa S, Iguchi T, Kudoh T, Tyler CR (2019). Molecular mechanisms and tissue targets of brominated flame retardants, BDE-47 and TBBPA, in embryo-larval life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology, 209, 99-112. Abstract.
David A, Lange A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2018). Concentrating mixtures of neuroactive pharmaceuticals and altered neurotransmitter levels in the brain of fish exposed to a wastewater effluent. Science of the Total Environment, 621, 782-790. Abstract.
Green JM, Lange A, Scott A, Trznadel M, Wai HA, Takesono A, Brown AR, Owen SF, Kudoh T, Tyler CR, et al (2018). Early life exposure to ethinylestradiol enhances subsequent responses to environmental estrogens measured in a novel transgenic zebrafish. Sci Rep, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ogino Y, Tohyama S, Kohno S, Toyota K, Yamada G, Yatsu R, Kobayashi T, Tatarazako N, Sato T, Matsubara H, et al (2018). Functional distinctions associated with the diversity of sex steroid hormone receptors ESR and AR. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 184, 38-46. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lange A, Corcoran J, Miyagawa S, Iguchi T, Winter MJ, Tyler CR (2017). Development of a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) pregnane X receptor (cPXR) transactivation reporter assay and its activation by azole fungicides and pharmaceutical chemicals. Toxicol in Vitro, 41, 114-122. Abstract.  Author URL.
David A, Lange A, Abdul-Sada A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2017). Disruption of the Prostaglandin Metabolome and Characterization of the Pharmaceutical Exposome in Fish Exposed to Wastewater Treatment Works Effluent As Revealed by Nanoflow-Nanospray Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics. Environ Sci Technol, 51(1), 616-624. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tohyama S, Ogino Y, Lange A, Myosho T, Kobayashi T, Hirano Y, Yamada G, Sato T, Tatarazako N, Tyler CR, et al (2017). Establishment of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1)-knockout medaka: ESR1 is dispensable for sexual development and reproduction in medaka, Oryzias latipes. Dev Growth Differ, 59(6), 552-561. Abstract.  Author URL.
Uren Webster TM, Williams TD, Katsiadaki I, Lange A, Lewis C, Shears JA, Tyler CR, Santos EM (2017). Hepatic transcriptional responses to copper in the three-spined stickleback are affected by their pollution exposure history. Aquat Toxicol, 184, 26-36. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockmeier EK, Hodges G, Hutchinson TH, Butler E, Hecker M, Tollefsen KE, Garcia-Reyero N, Kille P, Becker D, Chipman K, et al (2017). The Role of Omics in the Application of Adverse Outcome Pathways for Chemical Risk Assessment. Toxicol Sci, 158(2), 252-262. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tohyama S, Miyagawa S, Lange A, Ogino Y, Mizutani T, Ihara M, Tanaka H, Tatarazako N, Kobayashi T, Tyler CR, et al (2016). Evolution of estrogen receptors in ray-finned fish and their comparative responses to estrogenic substances. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 158, 189-197. Abstract.  Author URL.
Miyagawa S, Lange A, Tohyama S, Ogino Y, Mizutani T, Kobayashi T, Tatarazako N, Tyler CR, Iguchi T (2015). Characterization of Oryzias latipes glucocorticoid receptors and their unique response to progestins. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(3), 302-309. Abstract.
Hamilton PB, Lange A, Nicol E, Bickley LK, De-Bastos ESR, Jobling S, Tyler CR (2015). Effects of Exposure to WwTW Effluents over Two Generations on Sexual Development and Breeding in Roach Rutilus rutilus. Environ Sci Technol, 49(21), 12994-13002. Abstract.  Author URL.
Corcoran J, Winter MJ, Lange A, Cumming R, Owen SF, Tyler CR (2015). Effects of the lipid regulating drug clofibric acid on PPARα-regulated gene transcript levels in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at pharmacological and environmental exposure levels. Aquat Toxicol, 161, 127-137. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lange A, Sebire M, Rostkowski P, Mizutani T, Miyagawa S, Iguchi T, Hill EM, Tyler CR (2015). Environmental chemicals active as human antiandrogens do not activate a stickleback androgen receptor but enhance a feminising effect of oestrogen in roach. Aquat Toxicol, 168, 48-59. Abstract.  Author URL.
Tohyama S, Miyagawa S, Lange A, Ogino Y, Mizutani T, Tatarazako N, Katsu Y, Ihara M, Tanaka H, Ishibashi H, et al (2015). Understanding the Molecular Basis for Differences in Responses of Fish Estrogen Receptor Subtypes to Environmental Estrogens. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(12), 7439-7447. Abstract.
David A, Abdul-Sada A, Lange A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2014). A new approach for plasma (xeno)metabolomics based on solid-phase extraction and nanoflow liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 1365, 72-85. Abstract.  Author URL.
Corcoran J, Lange A, Cumming RI, Owen SF, Ball JS, Tyler CR, Winter MJ (2014). Bioavailability of the imidazole antifungal agent clotrimazole and its effects on key biotransformation genes in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquat Toxicol, 152, 57-65. Abstract.  Author URL.
Miyagawa S, Lange A, Tohyama S, Ogino Y, Mizutani T, Kobayashi T, Tatarazako N, Tyler CR, Iguchi T (2014). Characterization of Oryzias latipes glucocorticoid receptors and their unique response to progestins. Journal of Applied Toxicology
Miyagawa S, Lange A, Hirakawa I, Tohyama S, Ogino Y, Mizutani T, Kagami Y, Kusano T, Ihara M, Tanaka H, et al (2014). Differing species responsiveness of estrogenic contaminants in fish is conferred by the ligand binding domain of the estrogen receptor. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(9), 5254-5263. Abstract.
Southam AD, Lange A, Al-Salhi R, Hill EM, Tyler CR, Viant MR (2014). Distinguishing between the metabolome and xenobiotic exposome in environmental field samples analysed by direct-infusion mass spectrometry based metabolomics and lipidomics. Metabolomics, 10(6), 1050-1058. Abstract.  Author URL.
Katsu Y, Lange A, Miyagawa S, Urushitani H, Tatarazako N, Kawashima Y, Tyler CR, Iguchi T (2013). Cloning, expression and functional characterization of carp, cyprinus carpio, estrogen receptors and their differential activations by estrogens. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 33(1), 41-49. Abstract.
Hawkes LA, McGowan A, Godley BJ, Gore S, Lange A, Tyler CR, Wheatley D, White J, Witt MJ, Broderick AC, et al (2013). Estimating sex ratios in Caribbean hawksbill turtles: Testosterone levels and climate effects. Aquatic Biology, 18(1), 9-19. Abstract.
van Aerle R, Lange A, Moorhouse A, Paszkiewicz K, Ball K, Johnston BD, de-Bastos E, Booth T, Tyler CR, Santos EM, et al (2013). Molecular mechanisms of toxicity of silver nanoparticles in zebrafish embryos. Environ Sci Technol, 47(14), 8005-8014. Abstract.  Author URL.
Katsu Y, Lange A, Miyagawa S, Urushitani H, Tatarazako N, Kawashima CR, Iguchi T (2012). Cloning, expression and functional characterization of carp, Cyprinus carpio, estrogen receptors and their differential activations by estrogens. Journal of Applied Toxicology Abstract.
Lange A, Katsu Y, Miyagawa S, Ogino Y, Urushitani H, Kobayashi T, Hirai T, Shears JA, Nagae M, Yamamoto J, et al (2012). Comparative responsiveness to natural and synthetic estrogens of fish species commonly used in the laboratory and field monitoring. Aquat Toxicol, 109, 250-258. Abstract.  Author URL.
Corcoran J, Lange A, Winter MJ, Tyler CR (2012). Effects of Pharmaceuticals on the Expression of Genes Involved in Detoxification in a Carp Primary Hepatocyte Model. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(11), 6306-6314. Abstract.
Al-Salhi R, Abdul-Sada A, Lange A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2012). The xenometabolome and novel contaminant markers in fish exposed to a wastewater treatment works effluent. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(16), 9080-9088. Abstract.
Rostkowski P, Horwood J, Shears JA, Lange A, Oladapo FO, Besselink HT, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2011). Bioassay-directed identification of novel antiandrogenic compounds in bile of fish exposed to wastewater effluents. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(24), 10660-10667. Abstract.
Lange A, Paull GC, Hamilton PB, Iguchi T, Tyler CR (2011). Implications of Persistent Exposure to Treated Wastewater Effluent for Breeding in Wild Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Populations. Environ Sci Technol, 45(4), 1673-1679. Abstract.
Southam AD, Lange A, Hines A, Hill EM, Katsu Y, Iguchi T, Tyler CR, Viant MR (2011). Metabolomics reveals target and off-target toxicities of a model organophosphate pesticide to roach (Rutilus rutilus): Implications for biomonitoring. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(8), 3759-3767. Abstract.
Tyler CR, Filby AL, Bickley LK, Cumming RI, Gibson R, Labadie P, Katsu Y, Liney KE, Shears JA, Silva-Castro V, et al (2009). Environmental health impacts of equine estrogens derived from hormone replacement therapy. Environ Sci Technol, 43(10), 3897-3904. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bickley LK, Lange A, Winter MJ, Tyler CR (2009). Evaluation of a carp primary hepatocyte culture system for screening chemicals for oestrogenic activity. Aquat Toxicol, 94(3), 195-203. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lange A, Paull GC, Coe TS, Katsu Y, Urushitani H, Iguchi T, Tyler CR (2009). Sexual reprogramming and estrogenic sensitization in wild fish exposed to ethinylestradiol. Environ Sci Technol, 43(4), 1219-1225. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lange A, Katsu Y, Ichikawa R, Paull GC, Chidgey LL, Coe TS, Iguchi T, Tyler CR (2008). Altered sexual development in roach (Rutilus rutilus) exposed to environmental concentrations of the pharmaceutical 17alpha-ethinylestradiol and associated expression dynamics of aromatases and estrogen receptors. Toxicol Sci, 106(1), 113-123. Abstract.  Author URL.
van Aerle R, Kille P, Lange A, Tyler CR (2008). Evidence for the existence of a functional Kiss1/Kiss1 receptor pathway in fish. Peptides, 29(1), 57-64. Abstract.  Author URL.
Paull GC, Lange A, Henshaw AC, Tyler CR (2008). Ontogeny of sexual development in the roach (Rutilus rutilus) and its interrelationships with growth and age. J Morphol, 269(7), 884-895. Abstract.  Author URL.
Katsu, Y. Urushitani, H. Lange, A. (2007).  Developmental effects of exposure to. pharmaceutical steroids in the aquatic environment: Studies in Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), Roach. (Rutilus rutilus) and Medaka (Oryzias latipes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Bickley L, Lange A, Tyler C, Winter M (2007). Fish hepatocyte cultures as an alternative to <i>in vivo</i> tests for screening oestrogen receptor active chemicals. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, 146(4), S72-S72.  Author URL.
Lange, A. Ichikawa, R. Urushitani, H.G.C. (2007). Functional associations between two estrogen receptors, environmental oestrogens, and sexual disruption in the roach (<em>Rutilus rutilus</em>). Environmental Science and Technology, 41(9), 3368-3374.
Urushitani H, Katsu Y, Kato Y, Tooi O, Santo N, Kawashima Y, Ohta Y, Kisaka Y, Lange A, Tyler CR, et al (2007). The Medaka (Oryzias latipes) for use in evaluating developmental effects of endocrine active chemicals with special reference to gonadal intersex (testis-ova). Environmental Sciences, 14(5), 211-233.
Tyler C, Lange A, Santos E, Filby A (2007). The application of transcriptomics and other molecular approaches in advancing our understanding of endocrine disruption. TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 172, S27-S27.  Author URL.
Katsu, Y. Kato, Y. Tooi, O. (2007). The medaka (Oryyzias latipes) for assessing developmental effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals with special reference to gonadal intersex (testis-ova. Environmental Science
Tyler CR, Lange A, Paull GC, Katsu Y, Iguchi T (2007). The roach (Rutilus rutilus) as a sentinel for assessing endocrine disruption. Environ Sci, 14(5), 235-253. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lange A, Ausseil O, Segner H (2002). Alterations of tissue glutathione levels and metallothionein mRNA in rainbow trout during single and combined exposure to cadmium and zinc. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 131C, 231-243.
Lange A, Ausseil O, Segner H (2000). Alterations of tissue thiol levels of rainbow trout exposed to sublethal metal concentrations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part a Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 126
Lange A, Schulz H, Tintemann H, Wenzel KD, Krauss GJ (1998). Purification and characterisation of glutathione S-transferase from needles of air polluted Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees. Journal of Applied Botany, 72(5-6), 207-211.


Tyler CR, Filby AL, van Aerle R, Lange A, Ball J, Santos EM (2008). Fish Toxicogenomics. In Wilson R, Thorndyke M (Eds.) Advances in Experimental Biology, Elsevier Science, 75-132. Abstract.
Tyler CR, Filby AL, van Aerle R, Lange A, Ball J, Santos EM (2008). Fish toxicogenomics. In  (Ed) Advances in Experimental Biology, Elsevier.
Lange A, Maras M, De Coen WM (2005). Molecular methods for gene expression analysis: ecotoxicological applications. In Besten PJD, Munawar M (Eds.) Ecotoxicological testing of marine and freshwater ecosystems, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 153-176. Abstract.


Lange A, Sebire M, Rostkowski P, Horwood J, Miyagawa S, Mizutani T, Iguchi T, Hill EM, Tyler CR (2012). Bioavailable environmental antiandrogens and their potential effects on endpoints relevant to reproduction in fish.  Author URL.
Tyler CR, Hamilton PB, Lange A, Filby AL, Soffkar M, Lee O, Takesono A, Kudoh T, Paull GC, Iguchi T, et al (2012). Health impacts of exposure to environmental oestrogens in fish.  Author URL.
Al-Sahli R, Abdul-Sada A, Lange A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2012). The xenometabolome and novel contaminant biomarkers in fish exposed to a wastewater treatment works effluent.  Author URL.
Southam AD, Hines A, Viant MR, Lange A, Tyler CR, Hill EM (2010). A metabolomic investigation to identify molecular changes induced in roach after exposure to the anti-androgen organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion.  Author URL.
Corcoran J, Lange A, Tyler CR, Winter MJ (2010). Investigating drug-metabolising cytochrome P450 (cyp) isoforms in a fish hepatocyte model.  Author URL.
Tyler C, Lange A, Santos E, Coe T, Paull G, Filby A, Hamilton P (2008). The feminization of fish in English rivers: Causation, mechanisms, and significance.  Author URL.


Lange A, Tyler CR (2008). Genetic markers for signalling and diagnosis of sexual disruption in roach, Rutilus rutilus. Bristol, Environment Agency.
Lange A, Paull GC, Tyler CR (2008). Long-term exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of ethinyloestradiol affects sexual differentiation and development in roach, Rutilus rutilus. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency.
Paull GC, Lange A, Tyler CR (2008). Ontogeny of sexual development in the roach (Rutilus rutilus) and its interrelationships with growth and age. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency.
Lange A (2002). Glutathione response to cadmium in fish cells in vitro and in vivo: Relation to metallothionein, cadmium accumulation and cadmium cytotoxicity. Abstract.

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