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Professor Jamie Stevens

Professor Jamie Stevens

Professor of Molecular Ecology, Deputy Head of Department, and JICAS (Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies) Lead


 Hatherly C3A


Hatherly Building, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK


I am an evolutionary biologist with wide ranging interests in molecular ecology, population genetics and evolution.

My reseach focuses on questions in the field of population/conservation genetics, with particular emphasis on applying knowledge of population genetic process to the management and conservation of Atlantic salmon and trout, and a variety of marine organisms.

I teach/lead on modules in fish population genetics, marine connectivity and reef ecology. I also teach the entomological component of a forensic science module.

I am the Deputy Head of Biosciences (Streatham).  Further details on all aspects of my research group can be found at:


1987-1991 PhD Parasite Systematics, University of Bristol
1986-1987 MSc Biological Computation, University of York
1980-1984 BSc Applied Biology, Liverpool Polytechnic


2007-present Associate Professor of Molecular Systematics, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter
2004-2007 Reader in Molecular Systematics, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter
2001-2004 Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Exeter
1998-2001 Wellcome Trust Research Fellow (Biodiversity), School of Biological Sciences, University of Exeter
1996-1998 Research Fellow, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester/School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol
1993-1996 Research Associate, School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol
1992-1993 Charge de Recherche, Laboratoire Genetique Moleculaire des Parasites et des Vecteurs, UMR CNRS/ORSTOM 9926, Montpellier, France
1987-1991 Research Assistant, MRC Trypanosomiasis Research Group, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bristol

Assessing marine connectivity in temperate waters using pink sea fans


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Research interests

The unifying theme of my research is molecular ecology. Within this subject area, two distinct strands of research are being undertaken: (i) fish population genetics, (ii) parasite systematics and evolution.  See our research group (MEEG) web pages for further information.

Much of our current research focuses on the population genetics of salmon and trout in the rivers of England and Wales, for which we employ a range of population-level molecular techniques including: microsatellite, SNPs and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Current projects aim to evaluate the genetic diversity of trout across southern Britain to inform management practices aimed at conserving these fish in rivers under increasing anthropogenic and environmental pressures.  This work is within the broader framework of a multi-partner European Union funded project: Atlantic Aquatic Resource Conservation (AARC).  We also have ongoing projects focusing on temporal stability in Atlantic salmon and patterns of metal tolerance in trout. The findings of all studies have direct relevance to fish conservation and stock management across Britain and Europe, and benefit from substantial EU and Environment Agency funding.  We are also grateful to the following for financial and logistical support:  The Westcountry Rivers Trust, The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Atlantic Salmon Trust.

We also contribute to a number of previous EU-funded multi-agency projects on salmonids, including the Atlantic Salmon Arc Project (ASAP, INTERREG IIIB projects 040 + 203) and SALSEA-Merge, an FP7 project, both of which have sought to develop a genetic baseline for salmon in their natal rivers, to facilitate identification and tracking of migrating salmon in the marine environment.  These projects are trans-national and aimed to characterise genetic differences between salmon populations across western European, from Norway to northern Spain. This genetic information is now being used to address one of the remaining uncertainties in salmon ecology, namely at-sea mortality. The identification of distinct populations, and assignment of fish caught by marine fisheries to their river of origin will help identify levels of individual stock exploitation and facilitate improved management of this threatened species.

More recently, research within the group has expanded to undertake studies on genetic connectivity in marine invertebrates.  In partnership with Prof Peter Mumby (University of Queensland/University of Exeter) and others, we have recently published an evaluation of patterns of connectivity in the dominant Caribbean reef-building coral, Montastrea annularis; this uses both empirical data and ocean current modelling. The work has been critical in demonstrating how, while marine connectivity (as measured by gene-flow) is correlated with distance, physical barriers, including oceanic currents and river outflows, can play key roles in shaping both macro and micro (local) patterns of marine connectivity. His group is a partner in the EU FP7 project, Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE); Exeter is the lead partner in this project and the laboratory is participating in genetic connectivity analysis. The group has also been contracted by Natural England on a 4-year project to analyse marine connectivity in temperate marine octocoral species.  The aim of this work is to provide genetic data on gene flow to supplement existing data on larval dispersal and oceanographic currents. Together these data will be used to inform decisions on the designation of candidate marine protected areas in UK waters.

Parasitological research within the group continues and includes projects on the evolution of trypanosomes, the causative agents of African Sleeping Sickness and Chagas disease, and other protozoa, and on a range of arthropod ectoparasites, including blowflies, screwworm flies and mites. This research has been supported by the NERC and the IAEA.

Research projects

2008–2011: EU Framework 7 project: SALSEA-Merge – Biodiversity of Atlantic salmon using microsatellite markers and SNiPs: calibration of existing multi-institution data sets for mixed stock analysis of marine salmon fisheries samples and allocation to river of origin. See:

2008–2012: Natural England – Molecular Ecology Approaches to Exploring Marine Connectivity: Analysis of Keystone Species within the British Isles.  The project assesses genetic connectivity between two octocoral species groups: seafans (Eunicella) and soft corals (Alcyonium). The broader objectives of the research are to provide data for the basis of management plans for MPA designation and planning.

2010–2012: European Union Atlantic Area INTERREG, Atlantic Aquatic Resource Conservation (AARC) project; Exeter lead partner laboratory for genetic typing (microsatellite analysis).  The Stevens laboratory is developing a database of genetic variability in trout (Salmo trutta) to underpin conservation of river-resident trout and to identify sea trout marine migrations.  The findings of this multi-agency project will inform management policy for trout stocks and mixed-stock fisheries in southern England.

2009–2013: EU Framework 7 project (with Prof P. J. Mumby and a 17 laboratory international consortium): FORCE – Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment: an ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change. The aim of the research is to provide solutions to coral reef management problems. See:


2008: SALSEA-Merge, European Union Framework 7, Project No: 212529; 1/4/2008 – 31/3/2011: €129,067 = £104,088

2008: GWR, South West Regional Development Agency – Sustainability of Atlantic salmon in southwest rivers; PhD studentship 1/10/2008 – 30/9/2011: £ 55,200

2008: Natural England – Marine Connectivity Project; PhD studentship 1/10/2008 – 31/3/2013: £90,100 

2009: Environment Agency – Genetic characterisation of Atlantic salmon in England and Wales (Wales and Southwest populations); 1/4/2009 – 31/7/2014: £50,000

2009: NERC Standard Grant (with Prof. C. R. Tyler) – Population-level consequences of exposure of fish to oestrogenic wastewater treatment works effluents; 1/11/2009 – 31/10/2012: £353,790

2010: European Union Atlantic Area INTERREG, Atlantic Aquatic Resource Conservation (AARC) project; 01/01/2010 – 31/12/13: € 466,000

2010–1014: EU Framework 7 project (with Prof P. J. Mumby): FORCE – Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment: an ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change 1/1/2010 – 31/5/2014.  Stevens budget : € 22,500

2011–2014: PhD Studentship: Effects of changing climate on Atlantic salmon.  Wildlife & Game Conservation Trust (£30,000) and Westcountry Rivers Trust (£15,000); 1/1/2011 – 31/12/13; total £45,000.

2012: Environment Agency (NW Region) Northwest rivers salmon project; 1/3/2012 – 31/7/2014: £85,000

2013: Southwest Water Exmoor Mires project (studentship) 1/7/13 – 30/9/14: £28,125

2013: NERC Standard Grant (with Prof. C. R. Tyler and Dr D.J. Studholme) – Can roach, Rutilus rutilus, adapt to the harmful effects of oestrogen exposure from waste water treatment work effluents? 21/4/2013 – 20/4/2016: £387,022

Research networks

2001-2003 EU COST Action 833: Mange and myiasis of livestock

2002-2007 Scientific Advisor; International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna - Coordinated Research Programme: Enabling Technologies for the Expansion of SIT for Old and New World Screwworm.

Research grants

  • 2008 European Union
    A Framework 7 project, typing salmon in their natal rivers to provide a genetic baseline facilitating identification and tracking of migrating salmon in the marine environment.


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Journal articles

Finnegan AK, Griffiths AM, King RA, Machado-Schiaffino G, Porcher J-P, Garcia-Vasquez E, Bright D, Stevens JR (In Press). Use of multiple markers demonstrates a cryptic western refugium and postglacial colonisation routes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in northwest Europe. Heredity, 111(1), 34-43. Abstract.
Tréhin C, Rivot E, Santanbien V, Patin R, Gregory SD, Lamireau L, Marchand F, Beaumont WRC, Scott LJ, Hillman R, et al (2024). A multi-population approach supports common patterns in marine growth and maturation decision in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from southern Europe. J Fish Biol, 104(1), 125-138. Abstract.  Author URL.
King RA, Hillman R, Boyle J, Stevens JR (2024). Genetic data confirm the presence of juvenile <i>Alosa alosa</i> in the estuary of the River Tamar. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 4(2). Abstract.
Macleod KL, Jenkins TL, Witt MJ, Stevens JR (2024). Rare, long‐distance dispersal underpins genetic connectivity in the pink sea fan, <i>Eunicella verrucosa</i>. Evolutionary Applications, 17(3). Abstract.
Osmond DR, King RA, Stockley B, Launey S, Stevens JR (2023). A low-density single nucleotide polymorphism panel for brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) suitable for exploring genetic diversity at a range of spatial scales. J Fish Biol, 102(1), 258-270. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ellis CD, MacLeod KL, Jenkins TL, Rato LD, Jézéquel Y, Pavičić M, Díaz D, Stevens JR (2023). Shared and distinct patterns of genetic structure in two sympatric large decapods. Journal of Biogeography, 50(7), 1271-1284. Abstract.
Macleod KL, Paris JR, Jenkins TL, Stevens JR (2023). The First Genome of the Cold-Water Octocoral, the Pink Sea Fan, Eunicella verrucosa. Genome Biol Evol, 15(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
King RA, Toms S, Stevens JR (2022). Evaluating the importance of accurate sex ratios on egg deposition targets and conservation limit compliance for Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i> L.) in the River Tamar, south‐west England. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 30(2), 161-170. Abstract.
Tinlin-Mackenzie A, Ellis CD, Lodola A, Martin-Ruiz C, Stevens JR, Fitzsimmons C (2022). New kid on the block: first record of juvenile American lobster, Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, in European waters. BioInvasions Records, 11(4), 991-1000. Abstract.
Jenkins TL, Stevens JR (2022). Predicting habitat suitability and range shifts under projected climate change for two octocorals in the north-east Atlantic. PeerJ, 10 Abstract.  Author URL.
King RA, Stevens JR (2021). Development of SNP markers derived from RAD sequencing for Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i> L.) inhabiting the rivers of southern England. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 13(4), 369-373.  Author URL.
Bekkevold D, Piper A, Campbell R, Rippon P, Wright RM, Crundwell C, Wysujack K, Stevens JR, King RA, Aarestrup K, et al (2021). Genetic stock identification of sea trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i> L.) along the British North Sea Coast shows prevalent long-distance migration. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(3), 952-966. Abstract.
Andrew King R, Miller AL, Stevens JR (2021). Has stocking contributed to an increase in the rod catch of anadromous trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the Shetland Islands, UK?. J Fish Biol, 99(3), 980-989. Abstract.  Author URL.
Westbury MV, Thompson KF, Louis M, Cabrera AA, Skovrind M, Castruita JAS, Constantine R, Stevens JR, Lorenzen ED (2021). Ocean-wide genomic variation in Gray's beaked whales. <i>Mesoplodon grayi</i>. Royal Society Open Science, 8(3). Mesoplodon grayi' data-abstract='
. The deep oceans of the Southern Hemisphere are home to several elusive and poorly studied marine megafauna. In the absence of robust observational data for these species, genetic data can aid inferences on population connectivity, demography and ecology. A previous investigation of genetic diversity and population structure in Gray's beaked whale (
. Mesoplodon grayi
. ) from Western Australia and New Zealand found high levels of mtDNA diversity, no geographic structure and stable demographic history. To further investigate phylogeographic and demographic patterns across their range, we generated complete mitochondrial and partial nuclear genomes of 16 of the individuals previously analysed and included additional samples from South Africa (
. n
. = 2) and South Australia (
. n
. = 4), greatly expanding the spatial range of genomic data for the species. Gray's beaked whales are highly elusive and rarely observed, and our data represents a unique and geographically broad dataset. We find relatively high levels of diversity in the mitochondrial genome, despite an absence of population structure at the mitochondrial and nuclear level. Demographic analyses suggest these whales existed at stable levels over at least the past 1.1 million years, with an approximately twofold increase in female effective population size approximately 250 thousand years ago, coinciding with a period of increased Southern Ocean productivity, sea surface temperature and a potential expansion of suitable habitat. Our results suggest that Gray's beaked whales are likely to be resilient to near-future ecosystem changes, facilitating their conservation. Our study demonstrates the utility of low-effort shotgun sequencing in providing ecological information on highly elusive species.
. ' onclick='modalCall(this);return false;'>Abstract
Bache-Jeffreys M, de Moraes BLC, Ball RE, Menezes G, Pálsson J, Pampoulie C, Stevens JR, Griffiths AM (2021). Resolving the spatial distributions of Dipturus intermedius and Dipturus batis—the two taxa formerly known as the ‘common skate’. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(8), 923-936. Abstract.
Hooper L, Jenkins TL, Griffiths AM, Moore KA, Stevens JR (2021). The complete mitochondrial genome of the pink sea fan, <i>Eunicella verrucosa</i> (Pallas, 1766). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6(11), 3309-3311.
Gilbey J, Utne KR, Wennevik V, Beck AC, Kausrud K, Hindar K, Garcia de Leaniz C, Cherbonnel C, Coughlan J, Cross TF, et al (2021). The early marine distribution of Atlantic salmon in the North-east Atlantic: a genetically informed stock-specific synthesis. FISH AND FISHERIES, 22(6), 1274-1306.  Author URL.
Jenkins TL, Guillemin M, Simon‐Nutbrown C, Burdett HL, Stevens JR, Peña V (2021). Whole genome genotyping reveals discrete genetic diversity in north‐east Atlantic maerl beds. Evolutionary Applications, 14(6), 1558-1571. Abstract.
King RA, Stevens JR (2020). An improved genetic sex test for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Conservation Genetics Resources, 12(2), 191-193. Abstract.
Ellis CD, Jenkins TL, Svanberg L, Eriksson SP, Stevens JR (2020). Crossing the pond: genetic assignment detects lobster hybridisation. Sci Rep, 10(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Houston RD, Bean TP, Macqueen DJ, Gundappa MK, Jin YH, Jenkins TL, Selly SLC, Martin SAM, Stevens JR, Santos EM, et al (2020). Harnessing genomics to fast-track genetic improvement in aquaculture. Nature Reviews Genetics, 21(7), 389-409.
Jenkins TL, Ellis CD, Durieux EDH, Filippi J, Bracconi J, Stevens JR (2020). Historical translocations and stocking alter the genetic structure of a Mediterranean lobster fishery. Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), 5631-5636. Abstract.
Hamilton PB, Lockyer AE, Uren Webster TM, Studholme DJ, Paris JR, Baynes A, Nicol E, Dawson DA, Moore K, Farbos A, et al (2020). Investigation into Adaptation in Genes Associated with Response to Estrogenic Pollution in Populations of Roach (Rutilus rutilus) Living in English Rivers. Environ Sci Technol, 54(24), 15935-15945. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sherman KD, Paris J, King RA, Moore KA, Dahlgren CP, Knowles LC, Stump K, Tyler CR, Stevens JR (2020). RAD-Seq Analysis and <i>in situ</i> Monitoring of Nassau Grouper Reveal Fine-Scale Population Structure and Origins of Aggregating Fish. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 7  Author URL.
King RA, Stockley B, Stevens JR (2020). Small coastal streams—Critical reservoirs of genetic diversity for trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i> L.) in the face of increasing anthropogenic stressors. Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), 5651-5669. Abstract.
Arias-Robledo G, Wall R, Szpila K, Shpeley D, Whitworth T, Stark T, King RA, Stevens JR (2019). Ecological and geographical speciation in Lucilia bufonivora: the evolution of amphibian obligate parasitism. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 10, 218-230. Abstract.
Horreo JL, Griffiths AM, Machado-Schiaffino G, Stevens JR, Garcia-Vazquez E (2019). Northern areas as refugia for temperate species under current climate warming: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) as a model in northern Europe. J Fish Biol, 95(1), 304-310. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jenkins TL, Ellis CD, Triantafyllidis A, Stevens JR (2019). Single nucleotide polymorphisms reveal a genetic cline across the north-east Atlantic and enable powerful population assignment in the European lobster. Evolutionary Applications, 12(10), 1881-1899. Abstract.
Arias-Robledo G, Stevens JR, Wall R (2019). Spatial and temporal habitat partitioning by calliphorid blowflies. Med Vet Entomol, 33(2), 228-237. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kennedy EV, Tonk L, Foster NL, Mumby PJ, Stevens JR (2019). Temporal stability of Orbicella annularis symbioses: a case study in the Bahamas. Bulletin of Marine Science, 95 Abstract.
Arias-Robledo G, Stark T, Wall RL, Stevens JR (2019). The toad fly Lucilia bufonivora: its evolutionary status and molecular identification. Med Vet Entomol, 33(1), 131-139. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamston TJ, de Vere N, King RA, Pellicer J, Fay MF, Cresswell JE, Stevens JR (2018). Apomixis and hybridization drives reticulate evolution and phyletic differentiation in sorbus l.: Implications for conservation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9 Abstract.
Jenkins TL, Stevens JR (2018). Assessing connectivity between MPAs: Selecting taxa and translating genetic data to inform policy. Marine Policy, 94, 165-173. Abstract.
Ikediashi C, Paris JR, King RA, Beaumont WRC, Ibbotson A, Stevens JR (2018). Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the chalk streams of England are genetically unique. J Fish Biol, 92(3), 621-641. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hutchinson R, Stevens JR (2018). Barcoding in trypanosomes. Parasitology, 145(5), 563-573. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jenkins TL, Castilho R, Stevens JR (2018). Meta-analysis of northeast Atlantic marine taxa shows contrasting phylogeographic patterns following post-LGM expansions. PeerJ, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Jenkins TL, Ellis CD, Stevens JR (2018). SNP discovery in European lobster (Homarus gammarus) using RAD sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources, 11(3), 253-257.
Espinosa-Álvarez O, Ortiz PA, Lima L, Costa-Martins AG, Serrano MG, Herder S, Buck GA, Camargo EP, Hamilton PB, Stevens JR, et al (2018). Trypanosoma rangeli is phylogenetically closer to Old World trypanosomes than to Trypanosoma cruzi. Int J Parasitol, 48(7), 569-584. Abstract.  Author URL.
Paris JR, Sherman KD, Bell E, Boulenger C, Delord C, El-Mahdi MBM, Fairfield EA, Griffiths AM, Gutmann Roberts C, Hedger RD, et al (2018). Understanding and managing fish populations: keeping the toolbox fit for purpose. J Fish Biol, 92(3), 727-751. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hume BCC, D'Angelo C, Smith EG, Stevens JR, Burt JA, Wiedenmann J (2018). Validation of the binary designation Symbiodinium thermophilum (Dinophyceae). J Phycol, 54(5), 762-764. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gilbey J, Coughlan J, Wennevik V, Prodöhl P, Stevens JR, Garcia de Leaniz C, Ensing D, Cauwelier E, Cherbonnel C, Consuegra S, et al (2017). A microsatellite baseline for genetic stock identification of European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(2), 662-674. Abstract.
Hamston TJ, Wilson RJ, de Vere N, Rich TCG, Stevens JR, Cresswell JE (2017). Breeding system and spatial isolation from congeners strongly constrain seed set in an insect-pollinated apomictic tree: Sorbus subcuneata (Rosaceae). Sci Rep, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Holland LP, Jenkins TL, Stevens JR (2017). Contrasting patterns of population structure and gene flow facilitate exploration of connectivity in two widely distributed temperate octocorals. Heredity (Edinb), 119(1), 35-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sherman KD, King RA, Dahlgren CP, Simpson SD, Stevens JR, Tyler CR (2017). Historical processes and contemporary anthropogenic activities influence genetic population dynamics of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) within the Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4(DEC). Abstract.
Paris JR, Stevens JR, Catchen JM (2017). Lost in parameter space: a road map for STACKS. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(10), 1360-1373. Abstract.
Nicol E, Stevens JR, Jobling S (2017). Riverine fish diversity varies according to geographical isolation and land use modification. Ecology and Evolution, 7(19), 7872-7883. Abstract.
Goodwin JCA, Andrew King R, Iwan Jones J, Ibbotson A, Stevens JR (2016). A small number of anadromous females drive reproduction in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population in an English chalk stream. Freshwater Biology, 61(7), 1075-1089. Abstract.
Sherman KD, Dahlgren CP, Stevens JR, Tyler CR (2016). Integrating population biology into conservation management for endangered Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 554, 263-280. Abstract.
King RA, Hillman R, Elsmere P, Stockley B, Stevens JR (2016). Investigating patterns of straying and mixed stock exploitation of sea trout, Salmo trutta, in rivers sharing an estuary in south-west England. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 23(5), 376-389. Abstract.
Hamilton PB, Cowx IG, Oleksiak MF, Griffiths AM, Grahn M, Stevens JR, Carvalho GR, Nicol E, Tyler CR (2016). Population-level consequences for wild fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of chemicals – a critical review. Fish and Fisheries, 17(3), 545-566. Abstract.
Kennedy EV, Tonk L, Foster NL, Chollett I, Ortiz J-C, Dove S, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Mumby PJ, Stevens JR (2016). Symbiodinium biogeography tracks environmental patterns rather than host genetics in a key Caribbean reef-builder, Orbicella annularis. Proc Biol Sci, 283(1842). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dillon MJ, Bowkett AE, Bungard MJ, Beckman K, O'Brien M, Bates K, Fisher MC, Stevens JR, Thornton CR (2016). Tracking the amphibian pathogens Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans by using a highly specific monoclonal antibody and lateral-flow technology. Microbial Biotechnology Abstract.
Hall MJR, Wall RL, Stevens JR (2016). Traumatic Myiasis: a Neglected Disease in a Changing World. Annu Rev Entomol, 61, 159-176. Abstract.  Author URL.
McDonagh LM, West H, Harrison JW, Stevens JR (2016). Which mitochondrial gene (if any) is best for insect phylogenetics?. INSECT SYSTEMATICS & EVOLUTION, 47(3), 245-266.  Author URL.
Kennedy EV, Foster NL, Mumby PJ, Stevens JR (2015). Erratum to: Widespread prevalence of cryptic Symbiodinium D in the key Caribbean reef builder, Orbicella annularis. Coral Reefs
Pountney A, Filby AL, Thomas GO, Simpson VR, Chadwick EA, Stevens JR, Tyler CR (2015). High liver content of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) in otters (Lutra lutra) from England and Wales. Chemosphere, 118, 81-86. Abstract.  Author URL.
Paris JR, King RA, Stevens JR (2015). Human mining activity across the ages determines the genetic structure of modern brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations. Evolutionary Applications Abstract.
Hume BCC, D'Angelo C, Smith EG, Stevens JR, Burt J, Wiedenmann J (2015). Symbiodinium thermophilum sp. nov. a thermotolerant symbiotic alga prevalent in corals of the world's hottest sea, the Persian/Arabian Gulf. Sci Rep, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Kennedy EV, Foster NL, Mumby PJ, Stevens JR (2015). Widespread prevalence of cryptic Symbiodinium D in the key Caribbean reef builder, Orbicella annularis. Coral Reefs Abstract.
Selly SLC, Hickey J, Stevens JR (2014). A tale of two hatcheries: Assessing bias in the hatchery process for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture, 434, 254-263. Abstract.
Bowkett AE, Jones T, Rovero F, Nielsen MR, Davenport TRB, Hawkins DM, Plowman AB, Stevens JR (2014). Distribution and genetic diversity of the Endangered Abbott's duiker <i>Cephalophus spadix</i> in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH, 24(2), 105-114.  Author URL.
Stevens JR (2014). Free-living bodonids and derived parasitic trypanosomatids: but what lies in between?. Trends Parasitol, 30(3), 113-114. Abstract.  Author URL.
Horreo JL, Machado-Schiaffino G, Griffiths AM, Bright D, Stevens JR, Garcia-Vazquez E (2014). Long-term effects of stock transfers: Synergistic introgression of allochthonous genomes in salmonids. Journal of Fish Biology
Hamilton PB, Nicol E, De-Bastos ESR, Williams RJ, Sumpter JP, Jobling S, Stevens JR, Tyler CR (2014). Populations of a cyprinid fish are self-sustaining despite widespread feminization of males. BMC Biol, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Bowkett AE, Jones T, Laizzer RL, Plowman AB, Stevens JR (2013). Can molecular data validate morphometric identification of faecal pellets in Tanzanian forest antelope species?. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES, 5(4), 1095-1100.  Author URL.
Berry CM, Wall R, Morgan E, Stevens J (2013). Identifying ticks. Veterinary Record, 172(8).
Holland LP, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Stevens JR (2013). Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci from the ubiquitous temperate octocoral Alcyonium digitatum (Linnaeus, 1758). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 767-770. Abstract.
Holland LP, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Krupa AP, Stevens JR (2013). Isolation and characterization of fourteen microsatellite loci from the endangered octocoral Eunicella verrucosa (Pallas 1766). Conservation Genetics Resources, 5(3), 825-829. Abstract.
Söffker M, Stevens JR, Tyler CR (2012). Comparative breeding and behavioral responses to ethinylestradiol exposure in wild and laboratory maintained zebrafish (Danio rerio) populations. Environ Sci Technol, 46(20), 11377-11383. Abstract.  Author URL.
Foster NL, Paris CB, Kool JT, Baums IB, Stevens JR, Sanchez JA, Bastidas C, Agudelo C, Bush P, Day O, et al (2012). Connectivity of Caribbean coral populations: complementary insights from empirical and modelled gene flow. Mol Ecol, 21(5), 1143-1157. Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan ER, Clare EL, Jefferies R, Stevens JR (2012). Parasite epidemiology in a changing world: can molecular phylogeography help us tell the wood from the trees?. Parasitology, 139(14), 1924-1938. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton PB, Cruickshank C, Stevens JR, Teixeira MMG, Mathews F (2012). Parasites reveal movement of bats between the New and Old Worlds. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 63(2), 521-526. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton PB, Teixeira MMG, Stevens JR (2012). The evolution of Trypanosoma cruzi: the 'bat seeding' hypothesis. Trends Parasitol, 28(4), 136-141. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ikediashi C, Billington S, Stevens JR (2012). The origins of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) recolonizing the River Mersey in northwest England. Ecol Evol, 2(10), 2537-2548. Abstract.  Author URL.
Horreo JL, Machado-Schiaffino G, Griffiths AM, Bright D, Stevens JR, Garcia-Vazquez E (2011). Atlantic Salmon at Risk: Apparent Rapid Declines in Effective Population Size in Southern European Populations. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, 140(3), 605-610.  Author URL.
Hamilton PB, Lewis MD, Cruickshank C, Gaunt MW, Yeo M, Llewellyn MS, Valente SA, Maia da Silva F, Stevens JR, Miles MA, et al (2011). Identification and lineage genotyping of South American trypanosomes using fluorescent fragment length barcoding. Infect Genet Evol, 11(1), 44-51. Abstract.  Author URL.
Horreo JL, Machado-Schiaffino G, Ayllon F, Griffiths AM, Bright D, Stevens JR, Garcia-Vasquez E (2011). Impact of climate change and human-mediated introgression on southern European Atlantic salmon populations. Global Change Biology, 17(5), 1778-1787. Abstract.
Ellis JS, Gilbey J, Armstrong A, Balstad T, Cauwelier E, Cherbonnel C, Consuegra S, Coughlan J, Cross TF, Crozier W, et al (2011). Microsatellite standardization and evaluation of genotyping error in a large multi-partner research programme for conservation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Genetica, 139(3), 353-367. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ellis JS, Sumner KJ, Griffiths AM, Bright DI, Stevens JR (2011). Population genetic structure of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. in the River Tamar, southwest England. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 18(3), 233-245. Abstract.
Mumby PJ, Elliott IA, Eakin CM, Skirving W, Paris CB, Edwards HJ, Enríquez S, Iglesias-Prieto R, Cherubin LM, Stevens JR, et al (2011). Reserve design for uncertain responses of coral reefs to climate change. Ecol Lett, 14(2), 132-140. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hamilton PB, Stevens JR (2011). Resolving relationships between Australian trypanosomes using DNA barcoding data. Trends Parasitol, 27(3).  Author URL.
Leonard G, Soanes DM, Stevens JR (2011). Resolving the question of trypanosome monophyly: a comparative genomics approach using whole genome data sets with low taxon sampling. Infect Genet Evol, 11(5), 955-959. Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffiths AM, Ellis JS, Clifton-Dey D, Machado-Schiaffino G, Bright D, Garcia-Vazquez E, Stevens JR (2011). Restoration versus recolonisation: the origin of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) currently in the River Thames. Biological Conservation, 144(11), 2733-2738.
Durrant CJ, Stevens JR, Hogstrand C, Bury NR (2011). The effect of metal pollution on the population genetic structure of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) residing in the River Hayle, Cornwall, UK. Environmental Pollution
Durrant CJ, Stevens JR, Hogstrand C, Bury NR (2011). The effect of metal pollution on the population genetic structure of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) residing in the River Hayle, Cornwall, UK. Environmental Pollution, 159(12), 3595-3603. Abstract.
McDonagh LM, Stevens JR (2011). The molecular systematics of blowflies and screwworm flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) using 28S rRNA, COX1 and EF-1α: insights into the evolution of dipteran parasitism. Parasitology, 138(13), 1760-1777. Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffiths AM, Machado-Schiaffino G, Dillane E, Coughlan J, Horreo JL, Bowkett AE, Minting P, Toms S, Roche W, Gargan P, et al (2010). Genetic stock identification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in the southern part of the European range. BMC Genet, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffiths AM, Koizumi I, Bright D, Stevens JR (2009). A case of isolation by distance and short-term temporal stability of population structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) within the River Dart, southwest England. Evolutionary Applications, 2(4), 537-554. Abstract.
Griffiths AM, Evans LM, Stevens JR (2009). Characterization and utilization of microsatellite loci in the New World screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax. Med Vet Entomol, 23 Suppl 1, 8-13. Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffiths AM, Bright D, Stevens JR (2009). Comparison of patterns of genetic variability in wild and supportively bred stocks of brown trout, Salmo trutta. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 16(6), 514-519.
Griffiths AM, Bright D, Stevens JR (2009). Complete mitochondrial control region sequences indicate a distinct variety of brown trout Salmo trutta in the Aral Sea. J Fish Biol, 74(5), 1136-1142. Abstract.  Author URL.
Long RM, Lappin-Scott HM, Stevens JR (2009). Enrichment and identification of polycyclic aromatic compound-degrading bacteria enriched from sediment samples. Biodegradation, 20(4), 521-531. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bowkett AE, Plowman AB, Stevens JR, Davenport TRB, van Vuuren BJ (2009). Genetic testing of dung identification for antelope surveys in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Conservation Genetics, 10, 251-255. Abstract.
Colwell DD, Otranto D, Stevens JR (2009). Oestrid flies: eradication and extinction versus biodiversity. Trends in Parasitology, 25(11), 500-504. Abstract.
McDonagh L, García R, Stevens JR (2009). Phylogenetic analysis of New World screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax, suggests genetic isolation of some Caribbean island populations following colonization from South America. Med Vet Entomol, 23 Suppl 1, 14-22. Abstract.  Author URL.
Leonard G, Stevens JR, Richards TA (2009). REFGEN and TREENAMER: Automated Sequence Data Handling for Phylogenetic Analysis in the Genomic Era. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 5 Abstract.
Leonard G, Stevens JR, Richards TA (2009). REFGEN and TREENAMER: automated sequence data handling for phylogenetic analysis in the genomic era. Evol Bioinform Online, 5, 1-4. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coe TS, Hamilton PB, Hodgson D, Paull GC, Stevens JR, Sumner K, Tyler CR (2008). An environmental estrogen alters reproductive hierarchies, disrupting sexual selection in group-spawning fish. Environ Sci Technol, 42(13), 5020-5025. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wells JD, Stevens JR (2008). Application of DNA-Based Methods in Forensic Entomology. Annual Review of Entomology, 53, 103-120.
Finnegan AK, Stevens JR (2008). Assessing the long-term genetic impact of historical stocking events on contemporary populations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 15(4), 315-326. Abstract.
Horreo JL, Machado-Schiaffino G, Griffiths A, Bright D, Stevens J, Garcia-Vazquez E (2008). Identification of differential broodstock contribution affecting genetic variability in hatchery stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 280(1-4), 89-93. Abstract.
Stevens JR (2008). Kinetoplastid phylogenetics, with special reference to the evolution of parasitic trypanosomes. Parasite, 15(3), 226-232. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, West H, Wall R (2008). Mitochondrial genomes of the sheep blowfly, Lucilia sericata, and the secondary blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22
Otranto D, Stevens JR, Testini G, Cantacessi C, MácA J (2008). Molecular characterization and phylogenesis of Steganinae (Diptera, Drosophilidae) inferred by the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22(1), 37-47. Abstract.
Otranto, D. Stevens, J. R. Cantacessi, C.Gasser, R. B. (2008). Parasite transmission by insects: a female affair?. Trends in Parasitology, 24
Hamilton PB, Gibson, W.C. Stevens, J.R. (2007). Patterns of co-evolution between trypanosomes and their hosts deduced from ribosomal RNA and protein-coding gene phylogenies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 44(1), 15-25.
Wells JD, Wall, R. Stevens, J.R. (2007). Phylogenetic analysis of forensically important Lucilia flies based on cytochrome oxidase I sequence: a cautionary tale for forensic species determination. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 121, 229-233.
Hartley CJ, Newcomb RD, Russell RJ, Yong CG, Stevens JR, Yeates DK, La Salle J, Oakeshott JG (2006). Amplification of DNA from preserved specimens shows blowflies were preadapted for the rapid evolution of insecticide resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(23), 8757-8762.
Otranto D, Stevens, J.R. Brianti, E. Dorchies, P. (2006). Human and livestock migrations: a history of bot fly biodiversity in the mediterranean region. Trends in Parasitology, 22(5), 209-213.
Rodrigues AC, Paiva F, Campaner M, Stevens JR, Noyes HA, Teixeira MMG (2006). Phylogeny of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri and related trypanosomes reveals lineages of isolates associated with artiodactyl hosts diverging on SSU and ITS ribosomal sequences. Parasitology, 132(2), 215-224. Abstract.
Simpson AGB, Stevens, J.R. Lukes, J. (2006). The evolution and diversity of kinetoplastid flagellates. Trends in Parasitology, 22(4), 168-174.
Stevens JR, Wallman, J.F. (2006). The evolution of myiasis in humans and other animals in the Old and New Worlds (part I): phylogenetic analyses. Trends in Parasitology, 22(3), 129-136.
Stevens JR, Wallman, J.F. Otranto, D. Wall, R. Pape T (2006). The evolution of myiasis in humans and other animals in the Old and New Worlds (part II): biological and life-history studies. Trends in Parasitology, 22(4), 181-188.
Hamilton PB, Stevens, J.R. Gidley, P. Holz, P. Gibson WC (2005). A new lineage of trypanosomes from Australian vertebrates and terrestrial bloodsucking leeches (Haemadipsidae). International Journal for Parasitology, 35, 431-443.
Kerridge A, Lappin-Scott, H. Stevens, J.R. (2005). Antibacterial properties of larval secretions of the blowfly, Lucilia sericata. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 19, 333-337.
Pegler KR, Evans, L. Stevens, J.R. Wall, R. (2005). Morphological and molecular comparison of host-derived populations of parasitic Psoroptes mites. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 19, 392-403.
Hamilton PB, Stevens JR, Holz P, Boag B, Cooke B, Gibson WC (2005). The inadvertent introduction into Australia of Trypanosoma nabiasi, the trypanosome of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and its potential for biocontrol. Mol Ecol, 14(10), 3167-3175. Abstract.  Author URL.
Otranto D, Traversa, D. Milillo, P. De Luca F, Stevens J (2005). Utility of mitochondrial and ribosomal genes for differentiation and phylogenesis of species of gastrointestinal bot flies. Journal of Economic Entomology, 98(6), 2235-2245.
Stevens, J. (2004). Computational aspects of host–parasite phylogenies. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 5(4), 339-349.
Maia Da Silva F, Noyes H, Campaner M, Junqueira ACV, Coura JR, Añez N, Shaw JJ, Stevens JR, Teixeira MMG (2004). Phylogeny, taxonomy and grouping of Trypanosoma rangeli isolates from man, triatomines and sylvatic mammals from widespread geographical origin based on SSU and ITS ribosomal sequences. Parasitology, 129(5), 549-561. Abstract.
Hamilton PB, Stevens, J.R. Gaunt, M.W. Gidley, J. Gibson WC (2004). Trypanosomes are monophyletic: evidence from genes for glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and small subunit ribosomal RNA. International Journal for Parasitology, 34, 1393-1404.
Evans LM, Dawson, D.A. Wall, R. Burke, T. Stevens J (2003). Isolation of Psoroptes scab mite microsatellite markers (Acari: Psoroptidae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 3, 420-424.
Otranto D, Traversa, D. Guida, B. Tarsitano, E. Fiorente P, Stevens JR (2003). Molecular characterization of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene of Oestridae species causing obligate myiasis. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17, 307-315.
Otranto D, Traversa, D. Tarsitano, E. Stevens, J. (2003). Molecular differentiation of Hypoderma bovis and Hypoderma lineatum (Diptera, Oestridae) by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Veterinary Parasitology, 112, 197-201.
Stevens JR, Schofield, C.J. (2003). Phylogenetics and sequence analysis – some problems for the unwary. Trends in Parasitology, 19(12), 582-588.
Otranto D, Coldwell, D.D. Traversa, D. Stevens, J.R. (2003). Species identification of Hypoderma affecting domestic and wild ruminants by morphological and molecular characterization. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17, 316-325.
Stevens JR (2003). The evolution of myiasis in blowflies (Calliphoridae). International Journal for Parasitology, 33(10), 1105-1113.
Michon P, Stevens JR, Kaneko O, Adams JH (2002). Evolutionary relationships of conserved cysteine-rich motifs in the adhesion molecules of malaria parasites. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 19(7), 1128-1142.
Griffiths AM, Stevens JRF (2002). Internet sites relevant to the common methodologies and themes of data exploration used in the study of infection genetics and evolution. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 1(4), 321-325.
Otranto D, Stevens, J.R. (2002). Molecular approaches to the study of myiasis-causing larvae. International Journal for Parasitology, 32, 1345-1360.
Stevens JR, Wall R, Wells J (2002). Paraphyly in Hawaiian hybrid blowfly populations and the evolutionary history of anthropophilic species. Insect Molecular Biology, 11(2), 141-148.
Stevens J, Rambaut A (2001). Evolutionary rate differences in trypanosomes. Infect Genet Evol, 1(2), 143-150. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Wall R (2001). Genetic relationships between blowflies (Calliphoridae) of forensic importance. Forensic Sci Int, 120(1-2), 116-123. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fitch W, Brisse S, Stevens J, Tibayrenc M (2001). Infectious diseases and the golden age of phylogenetics:: an E-debate. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 1(1), 69-74.
Stevens JR, Noyes, H.A. Schofield, C.J. Gibson, W. (2001). The Molecular Evolution of Trypanosomatidae. Advances in Parasitology, 48, 1-56.
Gibson WC, Stevens, J.R. Mwendia, C.M.T. Makumi, J.N. Ngotho JM, Ndung'u JM (2001). Unravelling the phylogenetic relationships of African trypanosomes of suids. Parasitology, 122, 625-631.
Noyes HA, Stevens JR, Teixeira M, Phelan J, Holz P (2000). A nested PCR for the ssrRNA gene detects <i>Trypanosoma binneyi</i> in the platypus and <i>Trypanosoma</i> sp. in wombats and kangaroos in Australia (vol 29, pg 331, 1999). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY, 30(2), 228-228.  Author URL.
Barker GLA, Handley BA, Vacharapiyasophon P, Stevens JR, Hayes PK (2000). Allele-specific PCR shows that genetic exchange occurs among genetically diverse Nodularia (cyanobacteria) filaments in the Baltic Sea. Microbiology (Reading), 146 ( Pt 11), 2865-2875. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gibson W, Bingle L, Blendeman W, Brown J, Wood J, Stevens J (2000). Structure and sequence variation of the trypanosome spliced leader transcript. Mol Biochem Parasitol, 107(2), 269-277. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J (2000). The trypanosomatid evolution workshop London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 17-18 February 2000. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 95(4), 507-508. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Gibson W, Noyes H (2000). Trypanosome evolution under the microscope. PARASITOLOGY TODAY, 16(7), 270-271.  Author URL.
Stothard JR, Stevens J, Gibson W (2000). Trypanosome trees and homologies (multiple letters) [1]. Parasitology Today, 16(4).
Stevens J, Gibson W (2000). Trypanosome trees and homologies - Reply. PARASITOLOGY TODAY, 16(4), 173-173.  Author URL.
Noyes HA, Stevens JR, Teixeira M, Phelan J, Holz P (1999). A nested PCR for the ssrRNA gene detects Trypanosoma binneyi in the platypus and Trypanosoma sp. in wombats and kangaroos in Australia. International Journal for Parasitology, 29(2), 331-339. Abstract.
Gibson W, Stevens J (1999). Genetic exchange in the trypanosomatidae. Adv Parasitol, 43, 1-46. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Noyes HA, Dover GA, Gibson WC (1999). The ancient and divergent origins of the human pathogenic trypanosomes, Trypanosoma brucei and T. cruzi. Parasitology, 118 ( Pt 1), 107-116. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Gibson WC (1999). The evolution of pathogenic trypanosomes. Cad Saude Publica, 15(4), 673-684. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Gibson W (1999). The evolution of salivarian trypanosomes. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 94(2), 225-228.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Gibson W (1999). The molecular evolution of trypanosomes. Parasitol Today, 15(11), 432-437. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Teixeira MM, Bingle LE, Gibson WC (1999). The taxonomic position and evolutionary relationships of Trypanosoma rangeli. Int J Parasitol, 29(5), 749-757. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Gibson W, Noyes HA, Rambaut A (1998). A key to understanding Trypanosoma trees [3] (multiple letters). Parasitology Today, 14(8), 334-335.
Stevens J, Gibson W (1998). A key to understanding Trypanosoma trees. Parasitol Today, 14(8), 334-335.  Author URL.
Komba EK, Kibona SN, Ambwene AK, Stevens JR, Gibson WC (1997). Genetic diversity among Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense isolates from Tanzania. Parasitology, 115(6), 571-579. Abstract.
Enyaru JCK, Matovu E, Odiit M, Okedi LA, Rwendeire AJJ, Stevens JR (1997). Genetic diversity in Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei isolates from mainland and Lake Victoria island populations in south-eastern Uganda: Epidemiological and control implications. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 91(1), 107-113.
Stevens J, Wall R (1997). The evolution of ectoparasitism in the genus Lucilia (Diptera: Calliphoridae). International Journal for Parasitology, 27, 51-59. Abstract.
Kanmogne GD, Stevens JR, Asonganyi T, Gibson WC (1996). Characterization of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates using restriction fragment length polymorphisms in 5 variant surface glycoprotein genes. Acta Trop, 61(3), 239-254. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Wall R (1996). Classification of the genus lucilia (Diptera: Calliphoridae): a preliminary parsimony analysis. Journal of Natural History, 30(7), 1087-1094. Abstract.
Kanmogne GD, Stevens JR, Asonganyi T, Gibson WC (1996). Genetic heterogeneity in the Trypanosoma brucei gambiense genome analysed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA. Parasitol Res, 82(6), 535-541. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Wall R (1996). Species, sub-species and hybrid populations of the blowflies Lucilia cuprina and Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B, 263, 1335-1341. Abstract.
Stevens JR, Tibayrenc M (1996). Trypanosoma brucei s.l: evolution, linkage and the clonality debate. Parasitology, 112 ( Pt 5), 481-488. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Tibayrenc M (1995). Detection of linkage disequilibrium in Trypanosoma brucei isolated from tsetse flies and characterized by RAPD analysis and isoenzymes. Parasitology, 110 ( Pt 2), 181-186. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mathieu-Daudé F, Stevens J, Welsh J, Tibayrenc M, McClelland M (1995). Genetic diversity and population structure of Trypanosoma brucei: clonality versus sexuality. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 72, 89-101. Abstract.
Stevens J, Wall R (1995). Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis for studies of genetic variation in populations of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in southern England. BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 85(4), 549-555.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Mathieu-Daudé F, McNamara JJ, Mizen VH, Nzila A (1994). Mixed populations of Trypanosoma brucei in wild Glossina palpalis palpalis. Trop Med Parasitol, 45(4), 313-318. Abstract.  Author URL.
Muller E, Gargani D, Schaeffer V, Stevens J, Fernandez-Becerra C, Sanchez-Moreno M, Dollet M (1994). Variability in the phloem restricted plant trypanosomes (Phytomonas spp) associated with wilts of cultivated crops - Isoenzyme comparison with the lower trypanosomatids. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 100(6), 425-434. Abstract.
Stevens JR, Welburn SC (1993). Genetic processes within an epidemic of sleeping sickness in Uganda. Parasitol Res, 79(5), 421-427. Abstract.  Author URL.
Enyaru JCK, Stevens JR, Odiit M, Okuna NM, Carasco JF (1993). Isoenzyme comparison of Trypanozoon isolates from two sleeping sickness areas of south-eastern Uganda. Acta Tropica, 55(3), 97-115. Abstract.
Stevens JR, Lanham SM, Allingham R, Gashumba JK (1992). A simplified method for identifying subspecies and strain groups in Trypanozoon by isoenzymes. Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 86(1), 9-28. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Godfrey DG (1992). Numerical taxonomy of Trypanozoon based on polymorphisms in a reduced range of enzymes. Parasitology, 104 Pt 1, 75-86. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wall R, Langley PA, Stevens J, Clarke GA (1990). Age determination in the old-world screw-worm fly Chrysomya bezziana by pteridine fluorescence. Journal of Insect Physiology, 36, 213-218. Abstract.
Stevens JR, Cibulskis RE (1990). Analysing isoenzyme band patterns using similarity coefficients: a personal computer program. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 33(4), 205-212. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Nunes VLB, Lanham SM, Oshiro ET (1989). Isoenzyme characterization of Trypanosoma evansi isolated from capybaras and dogs in Brazil. Acta Tropica, 46, 213-222. Abstract.


Hamilton PB, Stevens JR (2017). 15 Classification and phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi. In  (Ed) American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease, Elsevier, 321-344.
Hamilton PB, Stevens JR (2017). Classification and phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi. In  (Ed) American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease: One Hundred Years of Research: Second Edition, 321-344. Abstract.
Hamilton PB, Stevens JR (2010). 13 Classification and Phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi. In  (Ed) American Trypanosomiasis, Elsevier, 321-338.
Hamilton PB, Stevens, J.R. (2010). Classification and Phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi. In Tibayrenc M, Tellería J (Eds.) American Trypanosomiasis, an Elsevier Title.
Hamilton PB, Stevens JR (2010). Classification and phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi. In  (Ed) American Trypanosomiasis: Chagas Disease One Hundred Years of Research, 321-338. Abstract.
Wells JD, Stevens JR (2009). Molecular Methods for Forensic Entomology. In Byrd JH, Castner JL (Eds.) Forensic Entomology, CRC, 437-452. Abstract.
Stevens, J.R. (2007). Phylogenetic methods for the analysis of parasites and pathogens. In Tibayrenc M (Ed) Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases: modern approaches, 265-297.
Otranto D, Stevens, J.R. (2006). Molecular Phylogeny and Identification. In Colwell DD, Hall MJR, Scholl PJ (Eds.) The Oestrid Flies: Biology, Host-Parasite Relationships, Impact and Management, 51-66.
Stevens JR, Brisse, S. (2004). The Systematics of Trypanosomes of Medical and Veterinary Importance. In Maudlin I, Holmes P, Miles M (Eds.) Trypanosomiasis, 1-23.
Stevens, J. (2002). Sleeping sickness. In Pimentel D (Ed) Encyclopedia of Pest Management.
Gibson W, Stevens J, Truc P (1999). Identification of trypanosomes: from morphology to molecular biology. In Dumas M, Bouteille B, Buguet A (Eds.) Progress in human African trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness, Springer Verlag, 7-29. Abstract.


McDonagh L, Thornton C, Wallman JF, Stevens JR (2009). Development of an antigen-based rapid diagnostic test for the identification of blowfly (Calliphoridae) species of forensic significance. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens JR, Griffiths AM, Garcia-Vasquez E, Machado G, Bright D (2006). The Atlantic Salmon Arc Project (ASAP):: construction of a spatial database of genetic population profiles for Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) to facilitate the sustainable management and conservation of this trans-national migratory species.  Author URL.
Griffiths A, Stevens J, Bright D (2006). The, population structure of brown trout (<i>Salmo trutta</i>) on Dartmoor National Park (England) and short-term temporal stability of microsatellite markers.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Gibson W (1999). The evolution of salivarian trypanosomes.
Stevens J, Noyes H, Gibson W (1998). The evolution of trypanosomes infecting humans and primates. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevens J, Wall R (1997). Genetic variation in populations of the blowflies Lucilia cuprina and lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

May 2012 - present: Fisheries Research Steering Committee, The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Member of the NERC Peer Review College.

Advisor to North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization

Expert Witness for UK Environment Agency

Editorial responsibilities

2001 - present: Editorial Board member for high profile review-style journal Trends in Parasitology (previously Parasitology Today), Elsevier.

2009 - present: Editorial Board for Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Blackwell). 2011 – present: Editorial Board member for journal Forensic Science International, Elsevier.

April 2000 - present: Editorial Board member for journal Infection, Genetics & Evolution, Elsevier

Nov 2011 – present:        Editorial Board member for journal Forensic Science International, Elsevier.

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I am Module coordinator for the Coral Reef Field Course (BIO2081) and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (BIO3066); both modules represent an extension of my research interests into my teaching. I am currently Director of Postgraduate taught Programmes, with overall responsibility for the suite of Masters programmes currently offered in Biosciences.



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Patrick Hamilton (NERC) Determining the effects of estrogenic effluent in rivers on effective population sizes and the genetic diversity of roach (Rutilus rutilus) populations; in collaboration with Prof Charles Tyler (PI) and the Exeter Ecotoxicology group
  • Andy King - Population genetics of brown trout and sea trout (Salmo trutta) in southern Britain; funded by the Aquatic Atlantic Resource Conservation (AARC) project, an EU INTERREG project

Postgraduate researchers

  • Tracy Hamston (Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust) The evolutionary origins and reproductive ecology of the genus Sorbus (Whitebeams and Rowans) in southwest England
  • Lyndsey Holland (Natural England) The molecular ecology of temperate octocoral species: implications for marine connectivity and MPA designation
  • Charles Ikediashi (Atlantic Salmon Trust, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Westcountry Rivers Trust) Assessing the sustainability of Atlantic salmon across the southern part of their European range in the light of climate change and human exploitation
  • Tom Jenkins (NERC GW4 PhD studentship, CASE partner: Natural England. Project: Which taxa: a study of genetic connectivity in temperate marine invertebrates)
  • Emma Kennedy (EU FP7 project Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE) climate change and reef health
  • Josephine Paris (Environment Agency and the Westcountry Rivers Trust) Elucidating patterns of metal tolerance in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.): a next-generation sequencing approach
  • Krista Sherman Impacts of Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) Spawning Aggregation Losses on Reproductive Output & Population Abundances within The Bahamas
  • Kirsten Thompson Biodiversity wildcards: The role of molecular genetics in studying cryptic deep ocean megafauna


  • Andrew Bowkett Whitley Wildlife Foundation

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