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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Charlie Ellis

Dr Charlie Ellis

Research Fellow (Industrial Impact)

 Hatherly C15


Hatherly Building, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK


I am a marine biologist and fisheries scientist with a broad and diverse experience in applied ecological research, education and stakeholder engagement. I specialise in areas of crustacean biology, marine conservation, fisheries management, sustainable aquaculture, genetics and interdisciplinary research. I also have a strong history of project conception and development, attracting funding for novel ecological research, in publishing my scientific findings in peer-reviewed literature, and in engaging both the general public and industry stakeholders with my work to create on-the-ground impact.


BSc Marine Biology & Oceanography, 2006; Plymouth University.

PhD Biological Sciences, 'The Reproductive and Molecular Ecology of the European Lobster: Implications for Conservation Management', 2016; University of Exeter.

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Research interests

Crustacean biology, marine conservation, marine ecology, fisheries management, sustainable aquaculture, genetics and interdisciplinary research.

Research projects

I am conducting a new project to develop new genomic assignment resources for the advancement of fisheries conservation, seafood traceability and aquaculture in lobsters. This study is funded by AgriTech Cornwall, and is being carried out with the University of Exeter's Molecular Ecology and Evolution research group. Through the development of novel genetic tools and analyses, the project aims to provide methods which industry can present to offer the identification of ecologically damaging American lobsters introduced into European habitats, refine stock structure to discern capture origins within abundant lobster fisheries of the Atlantic, and develop next-generation markers to discern captive-reared individuals from natural equivalents among the wild stock via assignment to hatchery parents. 


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