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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

 Tony Baker

Tony Baker

PhD researcher

 Geoffrey Pope 201/202


Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter , Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK


Currently working on the impact (bioaccumulation and biological effects) of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on marine invertebrates, with a view to trophic transfer.  I have been working with Cerium Oxide and Silver Nanofroms, inlcuding the use of isotopic ceria to highlight trophic transfer at low concentration, even when high background levels might mask suchincrease.


BSc (Hons) Marine Biology (1st Class)
BA (Hons) Marketing (2.1)

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Research interests

Project Title: Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Marine Invertebrates

Supervisors: Prof Tamara S. Galloway, Prof Charles R Tyler

Funding Body: Defra

Project Description:

Testing the effects of silver nanoparticles (at environmental conditions) on marine invertebrates, their ability to bioaccumulate, and the variability of pH, salinity, NOM and temperature on their toxicity.

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