Dr Tetsu Kudoh
Senior Lecturer
University of Exeter
Geoffrey Pope Building
Stocker Road
Exeter EX4 4QD
Our research group focuses on various aspects of embryogenesis - including normal embryo development and environmental impacts on embryogenesis such as pollution and infection. We use a variety of embryo systems including zebrafish, Arabian killifish, mangrove killifish, knifefish, aquatic gastropods and bivalves.
1996 PhD Osaka University, Japan
1991 MSc Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
1989 BSc International Christian University, Japan
1996-2001 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Molecular Genetics, NICHD, NIH, USA
2001-2006 Senior Research Fellow, Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London
2006-2012 Lecturer in Developmental Biology, Biosciences, University of Exeter
2012-present Senior Lecturer in Developmental Biology, Biosciences, University of Exeter