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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Angus Buckling

Professor Angus Buckling

Professor of Evolutionary Biology

 01326 255794

 Daphne du Maurier 


Daphne du Maurier Building, University of Exeter,  Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Broad research specialisms

I work on the evolutionary ecology of microbes, primarily by studying evolution in real time in controlled environments (experimental evolution).  Research interests range from developing and testing general evolutionary ecology theory (host-parasite coevolution, social evolution, evolution of species diversity, evolution within community contexts) to more applied issues (evolution of virulence, antimicrobials, biomethane production, heavy metal bioremediation).


1998 PhD Edinburgh
1995 BSc(hons) Psychology/Zoology University of Bristol


1998-2001: Postdoctoral RA, Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
2001-2004: Royal Society URF, Biology & Bicohemistry, University of Bath
2004-2009: Royal Society URF, Zoology, University of Oxford
2007-2010: Tutorial Fellow in Zoology, Magdalen College, Oxford.
2009-2010: University Lecturer, Zoology, University of Oxford
2011- present: Professor, Biosciences, University of Exeter Cornwall Campus

Research group links

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Research projects

  • Evolution of Biomethane communities 
  • Social evolution of heavy metal remediation
  • Bacteria-phage coevolution
  • Evolution of pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Evolutionary phage therapy

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Journal articles

Yvon-Durocher G, Buckling A, Smirnoff N (In Press). Adaptation of phytoplankton to a decade of experimental warming linked to increased photosynthesis. Nature Ecology and Evolution
Lear L, Padfield D, Hesse E, Kay S, Buckling A, Vos M (In Press). Copper Reduces the Virulence of Bacterial Communities at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations.
Lear L, Hesse E, Buckling A, Vos M (In Press). Copper Selects for Siderophore-Mediated Virulence in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa.
Stevenson E, Cole M, Lindeque P, Buckling A, Murray AK (In Press). Culturing the Plastisphere: comparing methods to isolate culturable bacteria colonising microplastics. Frontiers in Microbiology
Dimitriu T, Andrew C. M, Buckling A (In Press). Increased copy number couples the evolution of plasmid horizontal transmission and plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA Abstract.
Padfield D, Buckling A, Yvon-Durocher G, Lowe C, Warfield R (In Press). Linking phytoplankton community metabolism to the individual size distribution. Ecology Letters
Yvon-Durocher G, Padfield D, Buckling A, Lowe C, Ffrench-Constant R, Schaum E (In Press). Metabolic compensation constrains the temperature dependence of gross primary production. Ecology Letters
Watson BNJ, Capria L, Alseth EO, Pons BJ, Biswas A, Lenzi L, Buckling A, van Houte S, Westra ER, Meaden S, et al (2024). CRISPR-Cas in Pseudomonas aeruginosa provides transient population-level immunity against high phage exposures. The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, 18(1).
Castledine M, Buckling A (2024). Critically evaluating the relative importance of phage in shaping microbial community composition. Trends Microbiol Abstract.  Author URL.
Risely A, Newbury A, Stalder T, Simmons BI, Top EM, Buckling A, Sanders D (2024). Host- plasmid network structure in wastewater is linked to antimicrobial resistance genes. Nat Commun, 15(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Stevenson EM, Buckling A, Cole M, Lindeque PK, Murray AK (2024). Selection for antimicrobial resistance in the plastisphere. Sci Total Environ, 908 Abstract.  Author URL.
Castledine M, Newbury A, Lewis R, Hacker C, Meaden S, Buckling A (2023). Antagonistic Mobile Genetic Elements can Counteract Each Other's Effects on Microbial Community Composition. mBio, 14(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Barton S, Padfield D, Masterson A, Buckling A, Smirnoff N, Yvon‐Durocher G (2023). Comparative experimental evolution reveals species‐specific idiosyncrasies in marine phytoplankton adaptation to warming. Global Change Biology, 29(18), 5261-5275. Abstract.
Lear L, Inamine H, Shea K, Buckling A (2023). Diversity loss from multiple interacting disturbances is regime-dependent. Ecol Lett, 26(12), 2056-2065. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chu X-L, Buckling A, Zhang Q-G (2023). Source-sink migration of natural enemies drives maladaptation of victim populations in sink habitats. Evolution, 77(8), 1902-1909. Abstract.  Author URL.
Winter M, Harms K, Johnsen PJ, Buckling A, Vos M (2023). Testing for the fitness benefits of natural transformation during community-embedded evolution. Microbiology (Reading), 169(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sierocinski P, Stilwell P, Padfield D, Bayer F, Buckling A (2023). The ecology of scale: impact of volume on coalescence and function in methanogenic communities. Interface Focus, 13(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lear L, Hesse E, Newsome L, Gaze W, Buckling A, Vos M (2023). The effect of metal remediation on the virulence and antimicrobial resistance of the opportunistic pathogen <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>. Evolutionary Applications, 16(7), 1377-1389. Abstract.
Walsh SK, Imrie RM, Longdon B, Buckling A (2023). The host phylogeny determines viral infectivity and replication across Staphylococcus host species. PLoS Pathogens Abstract.
Lear L, Padfield D, Inamine H, Shea K, Buckling A (2022). Disturbance-mediated invasions are dependent on community resource abundance. Ecology, 103(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Schaum C-E, Buckling A, Smirnoff N, Yvon-Durocher G (2022). Evolution of thermal tolerance and phenotypic plasticity under rapid and slow temperature fluctuations. Proc Biol Sci, 289(1980). Abstract.  Author URL.
Newbury A, Dawson B, Klümper U, Hesse E, Castledine M, Fontaine C, Buckling A, Sanders D (2022). Fitness effects of plasmids shape the structure of bacteria-plasmid interaction networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 119(22). Abstract.  Author URL.
Castledine M, Sierocinski P, Inglis M, Kay S, Hayward A, Buckling A, Padfield D (2022). Greater Phage Genotypic Diversity Constrains Arms-Race Coevolution. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 12
Torres-Barceló C, Turner PE, Buckling A (2022). Mitigation of evolved bacterial resistance to phage therapy. Curr Opin Virol, 53 Abstract.  Author URL.
Castledine M, Padfield D, Sierocinski P, Pascual JS, Hughes A, Mäkinen L, Friman V-P, Pirnay J-P, Vos DD, Buckling A, et al (2022). Parallel phage resistance - virulence trade - offs during clinical phage therapy and in vitro. Access Microbiology, 4(5).
Luján AM, Paterson S, Hesse E, Sommer LM, Marvig RL, Sharma MD, Alseth EO, Ciofu O, Smania AM, Molin S, et al (2022). Polymicrobial infections can select against Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutators because of quorum-sensing trade-offs. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6(7), 979-988. Abstract.
Inamine H, Miller A, Roxburgh S, Buckling A, Shea K (2022). Pulse and Press Disturbances Have Different Effects on Transient Community Dynamics. The American Naturalist, 200(4), 571-583.
Gómez P, Hall AR, Paterson S, Buckling A (2022). Rapid decline of adaptation of Pseudomonas fluorescens to soil biotic environment. Biol Lett, 18(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Campbell C, Russo L, Albert R, Buckling A, Shea K (2022). Whole community invasions and the integration of novel ecosystems. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Winter M, Buckling A, Harms K, Johnsen PJ, Vos M (2021). Antimicrobial resistance acquisition via natural transformation: context is everything. Curr Opin Microbiol, 64, 133-138. Abstract.  Author URL.
van Houte S, Padfield D, Gómez P, Luján AM, Brockhurst MA, Paterson S, Buckling A (2021). Compost spatial heterogeneity promotes evolutionary diversification of a bacterium. J Evol Biol, 34(2), 246-255. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lear L, Hesse E, Buckling A, Vos M (2021). Copper selects for siderophore-mediated virulence in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>. Abstract.
Seifarth J, Inamine H, Buckling A, Shea K (2021). Duration and timing interactions of early-life stress and the potential for recovery. ECOSPHERE, 12(7).  Author URL.
Miller AD, Inamine H, Buckling A, Roxburgh SH, Shea K (2021). How disturbance history alters invasion success: biotic legacies and regime change. Ecol Lett, 24(4), 687-697. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chu X-L, Zhang Q-G, Buckling A, Castledine M (2021). Interspecific Niche Competition Increases Morphological Diversity in Multi-Species Microbial Communities. Front Microbiol, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang QG, Chu XL, Buckling A (2021). Overcoming the growth–infectivity trade-off in a bacteriophage slows bacterial resistance evolution. Evolutionary Applications, 14(8), 2055-2063. Abstract.
Castledine M, Padfield D, Sierocinski P, Soria Pascual J, Hughes A, Mäkinen L, Friman V-P, Pirnay J-P, Merabishvili M, De Vos D, et al (2021). Parallel evolution of phage resistance - virulence trade - offs during <i>in vitro</i> and nasal <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> phage treatment. Abstract.
Bruce JB, Lion S, Buckling A, Westra ER, Gandon S (2021). Regulation of prophage induction and lysogenization by phage communication systems. Curr Biol, 31(22), 5046-5051.e7. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, O'Brien S, Lujan AM, Sanders D, Bayer F, Veen EM, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2021). Stress causes interspecific facilitation within a compost community. ECOLOGY LETTERS, 24(10), 2169-2177.  Author URL.
Rowe M, Veerus L, Trosvik P, Buckling A, Pizzari T (2021). The Reproductive Microbiome: an Emerging Driver of Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, Mating Systems, and Reproductive Isolation: (Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35, 220-234, 2020). Trends Ecol Evol, 36(1).  Author URL.
Broniewski JM, Chisnall MAW, Høyland-Kroghsbo NM, Buckling A, Westra ER (2021). The effect of Quorum sensing inhibitors on the evolution of CRISPR-based phage immunity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ISME J, 15(8), 2465-2473. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sierocinski P, Soria Pascual J, Padfield D, Salter M, Buckling A (2021). The impact of propagule pressure on whole community invasions in biomethane-producing communities. iScience, 24(6). Abstract.
Castledine M, Pennycook J, Newbury A, Lear L, Erdos Z, Lewis R, Kay S, Sanders D, Sünderhauf D, Buckling A, et al (2020). Characterising a stable five-species microbial community for use in experimental evolution and ecology. Abstract.
Castledine M, Sierocinski P, Padfield D, Buckling A (2020). Community coalescence: an eco-evolutionary perspective. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 375(1798). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ferraresso J, Lawton B, Bayliss S, Sheppard S, Cardazzo B, Gaze W, Buckling A, Vos M (2020). Determining the prevalence, identity and possible origin of bacterial pathogens in soil. Environ Microbiol, 22(12), 5327-5340. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lear L, Hesse E, Shea K, Buckling A (2020). Disentangling the mechanisms underpinning disturbance-mediated invasion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1919). Abstract.
Padfield D, Vujakovic A, Paterson S, Griffiths R, Buckling A, Hesse E (2020). Evolution of diversity explains the impact of pre-adaptation of a focal species on the structure of a natural microbial community. ISME J, 14(11), 2877-2889. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barton S, Jenkins J, Buckling A, Schaum C-E, Smirnoff N, Raven JA, Yvon‐Durocher G (2020). Evolutionary temperature compensation of carbon fixation in marine phytoplankton. Ecology Letters, 23(4), 722-733. Abstract.
Castledine M, Padfield D, Buckling A (2020). Experimental (co)evolution in a multi-species microbial community results in local maladaptation. Ecol Lett, 23(11), 1673-1681. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dimitriu T, Matthews A, Buckling A (2020). Increased copy number couples the evolution of plasmid horizontal transmission and antibiotic resistance. Abstract.
Rowe M, Veerus L, Trosvik P, Buckling A, Pizzari T (2020). Reproductive Microbiomes and the Sexual Transmission of Beneficial Microbes: Reply to Lombardo et al. Trends Ecol Evol, 35(11), 964-965.  Author URL.
Baumgartner M, Bayer F, Pfrunder-Cardozo KR, Buckling A, Hall AR (2020). Resident microbial communities inhibit growth and antibiotic-resistance evolution of Escherichia coli in human gut microbiome samples. PLoS Biol, 18(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Stilwell P, O'Brien S, Hesse E, Lowe C, Gardner A, Buckling A (2020). Resource heterogeneity and the evolution of public goods cooperation. EVOLUTION LETTERS, 4(2), 155-163.  Author URL.
Rowe M, Veerus L, Trosvik P, Buckling A, Pizzari T (2020). The Reproductive Microbiome: an Emerging Driver of Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, Mating Systems, and Reproductive Isolation. Trends Ecol Evol, 35(3), 220-234. Abstract.  Author URL.
Broniewski JM, Meaden S, Paterson S, Buckling A, Westra ER (2020). The effect of phage genetic diversity on bacterial resistance evolution. ISME J, 14(3), 828-836. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chu X-L, Zhang D-Y, Buckling A, Zhang Q-G (2020). Warmer temperatures enhance beneficial mutation effects. J Evol Biol, 33(8), 1020-1027. Abstract.  Author URL.
Castledine M, Buckling A, Padfield D (2019). A shared coevolutionary history does not alter the outcome of coalescence in experimental populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens. J Evol Biol, 32(1), 58-65. Abstract.  Author URL.
van Sluijs L, van Houte S, van der Oost J, Brouns SJ, Buckling A, Westra ER (2019). Addiction systems antagonize bacterial adaptive immunity. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 366(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, Padfield D, Bayer F, van Veen EM, Bryan CG, Buckling A (2019). Anthropogenic remediation of heavy metals selects against natural microbial remediation. Proc Biol Sci, 286(1905). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dimitriu T, Marchant L, Buckling A, Raymond B (2019). Bacteria from natural populations transfer plasmids mostly towards their kin. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286
Fortuna MA, Barbour MA, Zaman L, Hall AR, Buckling A, Bascompte J (2019). Coevolutionary dynamics shape the structure of bacteria-phage infection networks. Evolution, 73(5), 1001-1011. Abstract.  Author URL.
Klümper U, Recker M, Zhang L, Yin X, Zhang T, Buckling A, Gaze W (2019). Selection for antibiotic resistance is reduced when embedded in a natural microbial community. Abstract.
Klumper U, Recker M, Zhang L, Yin X, Zhang T, Buckling A, Gaze W (2019). Selection for antimicrobial resistance is reduced when embedded in a natural microbial community. The ISME Journal
Vos M, Buckling A, Kuijper B (2019). Sexual Selection in Bacteria?. Trends Microbiol, 27(12), 972-981. Abstract.  Author URL.
Klümper U, Maillard A, Hesse E, Bayer F, Houte SV, Longdon B, Gaze W, Buckling A (2019). Short-term evolution under copper stress increases probability of plasmid uptake. Abstract.
Mikonranta L, Buckling A, Jalasvuori M, Raymond B (2019). Targeting antibiotic resistant bacteria with phage reduces bacterial density in an insect host. Biol Lett, 15(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Padfield D, Castledine M, Buckling A (2019). Temperature-dependent changes to host-parasite interactions alter the thermal performance of a bacterial host. Abstract.
Landsberger M, Gandon S, Meaden S, Rollie C, Chevallereau A, Chabas H, Buckling A, Westra ER, van Houte S (2018). Anti-CRISPR Phages Cooperate to Overcome CRISPR-Cas Immunity. Cell, 174(4), 908-916.e12. Abstract.  Author URL.
Landsberger M, Gandon S, Meaden S, Chabas H, Buckling A, Westra ER, Houte SV (2018). Anti-CRISPR phages cooperate to overcome CRISPR-Cas immunity. Abstract.
Sierocinski P, Bayer F, Yvon-Durocher G, Burdon M, Großkopf T, Alston M, Swarbreck D, Hobbs PJ, Soyer OS, Buckling A, et al (2018). Biodiversity-function relationships in methanogenic communities. Mol Ecol, 27(22), 4641-4651. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, O'Brien S, Tromas N, Bayer F, Luján AM, van Veen EM, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2018). Ecological selection of siderophore-producing microbial taxa in response to heavy metal contamination. Ecol Lett, 21(1), 117-127. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schaum E, Buckling A, Studholme D, Smirnoff N, Yvon-Durocher G (2018). Environmental fluctuations accelerate molecular evolution of thermal tolerance in a marine diatom. Nature Communications
Schaum C-E, Buckling A, Smirnoff N, Studholme DJ, Yvon-Durocher G (2018). Environmental fluctuations accelerate molecular evolution of thermal tolerance in a marine diatom (vol 9, 1719, 2018). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9  Author URL.
O'Brien S, Hesse E, Luján A, Hodgson DJ, Gardner A, Buckling A (2018). No effect of intraspecific relatedness on public goods cooperation in a complex community. Evolution, 72(5), 1165-1173. Abstract.  Author URL.
Murray AK, Zhang L, Yin X, Zhang T, Buckling A, Snape J, Gaze W (2018). Novel Insights into Selection for Antibiotic Resistance in Complex Microbial Communities. mBio
Murray AK, Zhang L, Yin X, Zhang T, Buckling A, Snape J, Gaze WH (2018). Novel Insights into Selection for Antibiotic Resistance in Complex Microbial Communities. Abstract.
Dimitriu T, Marchant L, Buckling A, Raymond B (2018). Plasmid transfer is biased towards close kin in bacteria from natural populations. Abstract.
Zhao X-F, Buckling A, Zhang Q-G, Hesse E (2018). Specific adaptation to strong competitors can offset the negative effects of population size reductions. Proc Biol Sci, 285(1875). Abstract.  Author URL.
Mikonranta L, Buckling A, Jalasvuori M, Raymond B (2018). Targeting antibiotic resistant bacteria with phages reduces bacterial density in an insect host. Abstract.
Zhang Q-G, Lu H-S, Buckling A (2018). Temperature drives diversification in a model adaptive radiation. Proc Biol Sci, 285(1886). Abstract.  Author URL.
Stilwell P, Lowe C, Buckling A (2018). The effect of cheats on siderophore diversity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Evol Biol, 31(9), 1330-1339. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barton S, Jenkins J, Buckling A, Schaum C-E, Smirnoff N, Yvon-Durocher G (2018). Universal metabolic constraints on the thermal tolerance of marine phytoplankton. Abstract.
Quigley BJZ, Brown SP, Leggett HC, Scanlan PD, Buckling A (2018). Within-host interference competition can prevent invasion of rare parasites. Parasitology, 145(6), 770-774. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sierocinski P, Milferstedt K, Bayer F, Großkopf T, Alston M, Bastkowski S, Swarbreck D, Hobbs PJ, Soyer OS, Hamelin J, et al (2017). A Single Community Dominates Structure and Function of a Mixture of Multiple Methanogenic Communities. Curr Biol, 27(21), 3390-3395.e4. Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Brien S, Lujan A, Paterson S, Cant MA, Buckling A (2017). Adaptation to public goods cheats in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Tognon M, Köhler T, Gdaniec BG, Hao Y, Lam JS, Beaume M, Luscher A, Buckling A, van Delden C (2017). Co-evolution with Staphylococcus aureus leads to lipopolysaccharide alterations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ISME J, 11(10), 2233-2243. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, O’Brien S, Tromas N, Bayer F, Lujan A, Veen EV, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2017). Ecological selection of siderophore-producing microbial taxa in response to heavy metal contamination. Abstract.
Leggett HC, Wild G, West SA, Buckling A (2017). Fast-killing parasites can be favoured in spatially structured populations. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 372(1719). Abstract.  Author URL.
Leggett HC, Cornwallis CK, Buckling A, West SA (2017). Growth rate, transmission mode and virulence in human pathogens. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 372(1719). Abstract.  Author URL.
Morley D, Broniewski JM, Westra ER, Buckling A, van Houte S (2017). Host diversity limits the evolution of parasite local adaptation. Mol Ecol, 26(7), 1756-1763. Abstract.  Author URL.
Best A, Ashby B, White A, Bowers R, Buckling A, Koskella B, Boots M (2017). Host-parasite fluctuating selection in the absence of specificity. Proc Biol Sci, 284(1866). Abstract.  Author URL.
Westra ER, Sünderhauf D, Landsberger M, Buckling A (2017). Mechanisms and consequences of diversity-generating immune strategies. Nat Rev Immunol, 17(11), 719-728. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Hall AR, Buckling A (2017). Parasite genetic distance and local adaptation in co-evolving bacteria-bacteriophage populations. Mol Ecol, 26(7), 1747-1755. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sierocinski P, Milferstedt K, Bayer F, Großkopf T, Alston M, Bastkowski S, Swarbreck D, Hobbs PJ, Soyer OS, Hamelin J, et al (2017). Predicting the structure and function of coalesced microbial communities. Abstract.
Beaume M, Köhler T, Greub G, Manuel O, Aubert J-D, Baerlocher L, Farinelli L, Buckling A, van Delden C, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study, et al (2017). Rapid adaptation drives invasion of airway donor microbiota by Pseudomonas after lung transplantation. Sci Rep, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Gorter FA, Scanlan PD, Buckling A (2016). Adaptation to abiotic conditions drives local adaptation in bacteria and viruses coevolving in heterogeneous environments. Biol Lett, 12(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
van Houte S, Buckling A, Westra ER (2016). Evolutionary Ecology of Prokaryotic Immune Mechanisms. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 80(3), 745-763. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, Buckling A (2016). Host population bottlenecks drive parasite extinction during antagonistic coevolution. Evolution, 70(1), 235-240. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chabas H, van Houte S, Høyland-Kroghsbo NM, Buckling A, Westra ER (2016). Immigration of susceptible hosts triggers the evolution of alternative parasite defence strategies. Proc Biol Sci, 283(1837). Abstract.  Author URL.
Inglis RF, Scanlan P, Buckling A (2016). Iron availability shapes the evolution of bacteriocin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ISME J, 10(8), 2060-2066. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gómez P, Paterson S, De Meester L, Liu X, Lenzi L, Sharma MD, McElroy K, Buckling A (2016). Local adaptation of a bacterium is as important as its presence in structuring a natural microbial community. Nat Commun, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang Q-G, Buckling A (2016). Migration highways and migration barriers created by host-parasite interactions. Ecol Lett, 19(12), 1479-1485. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vos M, Mcleman, Buckling, Hesse, Sierocinski, Johnsen PJ, Perron GG, Huelter N (2016). No effect of natural transformation on the evolution of resistance to bacteriophages in the Acinetobacter baylyi model system. Scientific Reports
Friman VP, Soanes-Brown D, Sierocinski P, Molin S, Johansen HK, Merabishvili M, Pirnay JP, De Vos D, Buckling A (2016). Pre-adapting parasitic phages to a pathogen leads to increased pathogen clearance and lowered resistance evolution with Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis bacterial isolates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(1), 188-198. Abstract.
Bondy-Denomy J, Qian J, Westra ER, Buckling A, Guttman DS, Davidson AR, Maxwell KL (2016). Prophages mediate defense against phage infection through diverse mechanisms. ISME J, 10(12), 2854-2866. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang Q-G, Buckling A (2016). Resource-dependent antagonistic coevolution leads to a new paradox of enrichment. ECOLOGY, 97(5), 1319-1328.  Author URL.
van Houte S, Ekroth AKE, Broniewski JM, Chabas H, Ashby B, Bondy-Denomy J, Gandon S, Boots M, Paterson S, Buckling A, et al (2016). The diversity-generating benefits of a prokaryotic adaptive immune system. Nature, 532(7599), 385-388. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Hall AR, Blackshields G, Friman V-P, Davis MR, Goldberg JB, Buckling A (2015). Coevolution with bacteriophages drives genome-wide host evolution and constrains the acquisition of abiotic-beneficial mutations. Mol Biol Evol, 32(6), 1425-1435. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Buckling A, Hall AR (2015). Experimental evolution and bacterial resistance: (co)evolutionary costs and trade-offs as opportunities in phage therapy research. Bacteriophage, 5(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Westra ER, van Houte S, Oyesiku-Blakemore S, Makin B, Broniewski JM, Best A, Bondy-Denomy J, Davidson A, Boots M, Buckling A, et al (2015). Parasite Exposure Drives Selective Evolution of Constitutive versus Inducible Defense. Curr Biol, 25(8), 1043-1049. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gorter FA, Hall AR, Buckling A, Scanlan PD (2015). Parasite host range and the evolution of host resistance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(5), 1119-1130. Abstract.
Gómez P, Ashby B, Buckling A (2015). Population mixing promotes arms race host-parasite coevolution. Proc Biol Sci, 282(1798). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pirnay J-P, Blasdel BG, Bretaudeau L, Buckling A, Chanishvili N, Clark JR, Corte-Real S, Debarbieux L, Dublanchet A, De Vos D, et al (2015). Quality and safety requirements for sustainable phage therapy products. Pharm Res, 32(7), 2173-2179. Abstract.  Author URL.
Luján AM, Gómez P, Buckling A (2015). Siderophore cooperation of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil. Biol Lett, 11(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hesse E, Best A, Boots M, Hall AR, Buckling A (2015). Spatial heterogeneity lowers rather than increases host-parasite specialization. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(9), 1682-1690. Abstract.
Gómez P, Bennie J, Gaston KJ, Buckling A (2015). The impact of resource availability on bacterial resistance to phages in soil. PLoS One, 10(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Brien S, Buckling A (2015). The sociality of bioremediation: Hijacking the social lives of microbial populations to clean up heavy metal contamination. EMBO Reports, 16(10), 1241-1245.
O'Brien S, Buckling A (2015). The sociality of bioremediation: Hijacking the social lives of microbial populations to clean up heavy metal contamination the sociality of bioremediation: Hijacking the social lives of microbial populations to clean up heavy metal contamination Siobhan O'Brien & Angus Buckling. EMBO Reports
Frígols B, Quiles-Puchalt N, Mir-Sanchis I, Donderis J, Elena SF, Buckling A, Novick RP, Marina A, Penadés JR (2015). Virus Satellites Drive Viral Evolution and Ecology. PLoS Genet, 11(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Inglis RF, West S, Buckling A (2014). An experimental study of strong reciprocity in bacteria. Biol Lett, 10(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Westra ER, Buckling A, Fineran PC (2014). CRISPR-Cas systems: beyond adaptive immunity. Nat Rev Microbiol, 12(5), 317-326. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ashby B, Gupta S, Buckling A (2014). Effects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolution. Evolution, 68(10), 2972-2982. Abstract.
Ashby B, Gupta S, Buckling A (2014). Effects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolution. Evolution, 68(10), 2972-2982. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lopez Pascua L, Hall AR, Best A, Morgan AD, Boots M, Buckling A (2014). Higher resources decrease fluctuating selection during host-parasite coevolution. Ecology Letters, 17(11), 1380-1388. Abstract.
Lopez Pascua L, Hall AR, Best A, Morgan AD, Boots M, Buckling A (2014). Higher resources decrease fluctuating selection during host-parasite coevolution. Ecol Lett, 17(11), 1380-1388. Abstract.  Author URL.
Friman VP, Buckling A (2014). Phages can constrain protist predation-driven attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in multienemy communities. ISME Journal, 8(9), 1820-1830. Abstract.
Friman V-P, Buckling A (2014). Phages can constrain protist predation-driven attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in multienemy communities. ISME J, 8(9), 1820-1830. Abstract.  Author URL.
Friman VP, Jousset A, Buckling A (2014). Rapid prey evolution can alter the structure of predator-prey communities. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(2), 374-380. Abstract.
Ashby B, Gupta S, Buckling A (2014). Spatial structure mitigates fitness costs in host-parasite coevolution. Am Nat, 183(3), E64-E74. Abstract.  Author URL.
Torres-Barceló C, Cabot G, Oliver A, Buckling A, Maclean RC (2013). A trade-off between oxidative stress resistance and DNA repair plays a role in the evolution of elevated mutation rates in bacteria. Proc Biol Sci, 280(1757). Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor TB, Buckling A (2013). Bacterial motility confers fitness advantage in the presence of phages. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26(10), 2154-2160. Abstract.
Gomez P, Buckling A (2013). Coevolution with phages does not influence the evolution of bacterial mutation rates in soil. ISME J  Author URL.
Friman VP, Buckling A (2013). Effects of predation on real-time host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics. Ecology Letters, 16(1), 39-46. Abstract.
Leggett HC, Benmayor R, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2013). Experimental evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a parasite. Current Biology, 23(2), 139-142. Abstract.
Leggett HC, Buckling A, Long GH, Boots M (2013). Generalism and the evolution of parasite virulence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28(10), 592-596. Abstract.
Scanlan PD, Hall AR, Burlinson P, Preston G, Buckling A (2013). No effect of host-parasite co-evolution on host range expansion. J Evol Biol, 26(1), 205-209. Abstract.  Author URL.
Friman V-P, Diggle SP, Buckling A (2013). Protist predation can favour cooperation within bacterial species. Biol Lett, 9(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Friman V-P, Ghoul M, Molin S, Johansen HK, Buckling A (2013). Pseudomonas aeruginosa adaptation to lungs of cystic fibrosis patients leads to lowered resistance to phage and protist enemies. PLoS One, 8(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Gómez P, Buckling A (2013). Real-time microbial adaptive diversification in soil. Ecology Letters, 16(5), 650-655. Abstract.
O'Brien S, Rodrigues AMM, Buckling A (2013). The evolution of bacterial mutation rates under simultaneous selection by interspecific and social parasitism. Proc Biol Sci, 280(1773). Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Brien S, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2013). The interplay between microevolution and community structure in microbial populations. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 24(4), 821-825. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inglis RF, Hall AR, Buckling A (2013). The role of 'soaking' in spiteful toxin production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biol Lett, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor TB, Rodrigues AMM, Gardner A, Buckling A (2013). The social evolution of dispersal with public goods cooperation. J Evol Biol, 26(12), 2644-2653. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lopez Pascua L, Gandon S, Buckling A (2012). Abiotic heterogeneity drives parasite local adaptation in coevolving bacteria and phages. J Evol Biol, 25(1), 187-195. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Brockhurst M (2012). Bacteria-virus coevolution. Adv Exp Med Biol, 751, 347-370. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Buckling A (2012). Co-evolution with lytic phage selects for the mucoid phenotype of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25. ISME Journal, 6(6), 1148-1158. Abstract.
Hall AR, Miller AD, Leggett HC, Roxburgh SH, Buckling A, Shea K (2012). Diversity-disturbance relationships: frequency and intensity interact. Biol Lett, 8(5), 768-771. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall AR, De Vos D, Friman V-P, Pirnay J-P, Buckling A (2012). Effects of sequential and simultaneous applications of bacteriophages on populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in wax moth larvae. Appl Environ Microbiol, 78(16), 5646-5652. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Buckling A, Kong W, Wild Y, Lynch SV, Harrison F (2012). Gut dysbiosis in cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros, 11(5), 454-455.  Author URL.
Pirnay JP, Verbeken G, Rose T, Jennes S, Zizi M, Huys I, Lavigne R, Merabishvili M, Vaneechoutte M, Buckling A, et al (2012). Introducing yesterday's phage therapy in today's medicine. Future Virology, 7(4), 379-390. Abstract.
Hall AR, Scanlan PD, Leggett HC, Buckling A (2012). Multiplicity of infection does not accelerate infectivity evolution of viral parasites in laboratory microcosms. J Evol Biol, 25(2), 409-415. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang QG, Buckling A (2012). Phages limit the evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance in experimental microcosms. Evolutionary Applications, 5(6), 575-582. Abstract.
Morgan AD, Quigley BJ, Brown SP, Buckling A (2012). Selection on non-social traits limits the invasion of social cheats. Ecol Lett Abstract.
Inglis RF, Brown SP, Buckling A (2012). Spite Versus Cheats: Competition Among Social Strategies Shapes Virulence in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Evolution, 66(11), 3472-3484. Abstract.
Koskella B, Lin DM, Buckling A, Thompson JN (2012). The costs of evolving resistance in heterogeneous parasite environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1735), 1896-1903. Abstract.
Quigley BJZ, García López D, Buckling A, McKane AJ, Brown SP (2012). The mode of host-parasite interaction shapes coevolutionary dynamics and the fate of host cooperation. Proc Biol Sci, 279(1743), 3742-3748. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang QG, Buckling A (2011). Antagonistic coevolution limits population persistence of a virus in a thermally deteriorating environment. Ecology Letters, 14(3), 282-288. Abstract.
Zhang Q-G, Buckling A (2011). Antagonistic coevolution limits population persistence of a virus in a thermally deteriorating environment. Ecol Lett, 14(3), 282-288. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gómez P, Buckling A (2011). Bacteria-phage antagonistic coevolution in soil. Science, 332(6025), 106-109. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall AR, Scanlan PD, Buckling A (2011). Bacteria-phage coevolution and the emergence of generalist pathogens. Am Nat, 177(1), 44-53. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jalasvuori M, Friman V-P, Nieminen A, Bamford JKH, Buckling A (2011). Bacteriophage selection against a plasmid-encoded sex apparatus leads to the loss of antibiotic-resistance plasmids. Biol Lett, 7(6), 902-905. Abstract.  Author URL.
Scanlan PD, Hall AR, Lopez-Pascua LDC, Buckling A (2011). Genetic basis of infectivity evolution in a bacteriophage. Mol Ecol, 20(5), 981-989. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hall AR, Scanlan PD, Morgan AD, Buckling A (2011). Host-parasite coevolutionary arms races give way to fluctuating selection. Ecology Letters, 14(7), 635-642. Abstract.
Hall AR, Scanlan PD, Morgan AD, Buckling A (2011). Host-parasite coevolutionary arms races give way to fluctuating selection. Ecol Lett, 14(7), 635-642. Abstract.  Author URL.
Abbot P, Abe J, Alcock J, Alizon S, Alpedrinha JAC, Andersson M, Andre J-B, van Baalen M, Balloux F, Balshine S, et al (2011). Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature, 471(7339), E1-E4. Abstract.  Author URL.
Koskella B, Thompson JN, Preston GM, Buckling A (2011). Local biotic environment shapes the spatial scale of bacteriophage adaptation to bacteria. Am Nat, 177(4), 440-451. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor TB, Buckling A (2011). Selection experiments reveal trade-offs between swimming and twitching motilities in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Evolution, 65(11), 3060-3069. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inglis RF, Roberts PG, Gardner A, Buckling A (2011). Spite and the scale of competition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Am Nat, 178(2), 276-285. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pirnay J-P, De Vos D, Verbeken G, Merabishvili M, Chanishvili N, Vaneechoutte M, Zizi M, Laire G, Lavigne R, Huys I, et al (2011). The phage therapy paradigm: prêt-à-porter or sur-mesure?. Pharm Res, 28(4), 934-937.  Author URL.
Koskella B, Taylor TB, Bates J, Buckling A (2011). Using experimental evolution to explore natural patterns between bacterial motility and resistance to bacteriophages. ISME J, 5(11), 1809-1817. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison F, Buckling A (2011). Wider access to genotypic space facilitates loss of cooperation in a bacterial mutator. PLoS One, 6(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Paterson S, Vogwill T, Buckling A, Benmayor R, Spiers AJ, Thomson NR, Quail M, Smith F, Walker D, Libberton B, et al (2010). Antagonistic coevolution accelerates molecular evolution. Nature, 464(7286), 275-278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lopez-Pascua LDC, Brockhurst MA, Buckling A (2010). Antagonistic coevolution across productivity gradients: an experimental test of the effects of dispersal. J Evol Biol, 23(1), 207-211. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor TB, Buckling A (2010). Competition and dispersal in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Am Nat, 176(1), 83-89. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Habets MGJL, Libberton B, Buckling A, Gardner A (2010). Ecological drivers of the evolution of public-goods cooperation in bacteria. Ecology, 91(2), 334-340. Abstract.  Author URL.
Perron GG, Hall AR, Buckling A (2010). Hypermutability and compensatory adaptation in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Am Nat, 176(3), 303-311. Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan AD, Bonsall MB, Buckling A (2010). Impact of bacterial mutation rate on coevolutionary dynamics between bacteria and phages. Evolution, 64(10), 2980-2987. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hellgren O, Sheldon BC, Buckling A (2010). In vitro tests of natural allelic variation of innate immune genes (avian β-defensins) reveal functional differences in microbial inhibition. J Evol Biol, 23(12), 2726-2730. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bell T, Bonsall MB, Buckling A, Whiteley AS, Goodall T, Griffiths RI (2010). Protists have divergent effects on bacterial diversity along a productivity gradient. Biol Lett, 6(5), 639-642. Abstract.  Author URL.
Köhler T, Perron GG, Buckling A, van Delden C (2010). Quorum sensing inhibition selects for virulence and cooperation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS Pathog, 6(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Racey D, Inglis RF, Harrison F, Oliver A, Buckling A (2010). The effect of elevated mutation rates on the evolution of cooperation and virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Evolution, 64(2), 515-521. Abstract.  Author URL.
Maclean RC, Hall AR, Perron GG, Buckling A (2010). The evolution of antibiotic resistance: insight into the roles of molecular mechanisms of resistance and treatment context. Discov Med, 10(51), 112-118. Abstract.  Author URL.
MacLean RC, Hall AR, Perron GG, Buckling A (2010). The population genetics of antibiotic resistance: integrating molecular mechanisms and treatment contexts. Nat Rev Genet, 11(6), 405-414. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang Q-G, Buckling A, Ellis RJ, Godfray HCJ (2009). Coevolution between cooperators and cheats in a microbial system. Evolution, 63(9), 2248-2256. Abstract.  Author URL.
Köhler T, Buckling A, van Delden C (2009). Cooperation and virulence of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(15), 6339-6344. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison F, Buckling A (2009). Cooperative production of siderophores by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 14(11), 4113-4126. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ross-Gillespie A, Gardner A, Buckling A, West SA, Griffin AS (2009). Density dependence and cooperation: theory and a test with bacteria. Evolution, 63(9), 2315-2325. Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan AD, Craig Maclean R, Buckling A (2009). Effects of antagonistic coevolution on parasite-mediated host coexistence. J Evol Biol, 22(2), 287-292. Abstract.  Author URL.
Benmayor R, Hodgson DJ, Perron GG, Buckling A (2009). Host mixing and disease emergence. Curr Biol, 19(9), 764-767. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vos M, Birkett PJ, Birch E, Griffiths RI, Buckling A (2009). Local adaptation of bacteriophages to their bacterial hosts in soil. Science, 325(5942). Abstract.  Author URL.
Escobar-Páramo P, Faivre N, Buckling A, Gougat-Barbera C, Hochberg ME (2009). Persistence of costly novel genes in the absence of positive selection. J Evol Biol, 22(3), 536-543. Abstract.  Author URL.
Zhang QG, Buckling A, Godfray HCJ (2009). Quantifying the relative importance of niches and neutrality for coexistence in a model microbial system. Functional Ecology, 23(6), 1139-1147. Abstract.
Harrison F, Buckling A (2009). Siderophore production and biofilm formation as linked social traits. ISME J, 3(5), 632-634. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vogwill T, Fenton A, Buckling A, Hochberg ME, Brockhurst MA (2009). Source populations act as coevolutionary pacemakers in experimental selection mosaics containing hotspots and coldspots. Am Nat, 173(5), E171-E176. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inglis RF, Gardner A, Cornelis P, Buckling A (2009). Spite and virulence in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(14), 5703-5707. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Craig Maclean R, Brockhurst MA, Colegrave N (2009). The Beagle in a bottle. Nature, 457(7231), 824-829. Abstract.  Author URL.
MacLean RC, Buckling A (2009). The distribution of fitness effects of beneficial mutations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS Genet, 5(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Kümmerli R, Griffin AS, West SA, Buckling A, Harrison F (2009). Viscous medium promotes cooperation in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1672), 3531-3538. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown SP, Buckling A (2008). A social life for discerning microbes. Cell, 135(4), 600-603. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gandon S, Buckling A, Decaestecker E, Day T (2008). Host-parasite coevolution and patterns of adaptation across time and space. J Evol Biol, 21(6), 1861-1866. Abstract.  Author URL.
Collins J, Buckling A, Massey RC (2008). Identification of factors contributing to T-cell toxicity of Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates. J Clin Microbiol, 46(6), 2112-2114. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lopez-Pascua LDC, Buckling A (2008). Increasing productivity accelerates host-parasite coevolution. J Evol Biol, 21(3), 853-860. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison F, Paul J, Massey RC, Buckling A (2008). Interspecific competition and siderophore-mediated cooperation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ISME J, 2(1), 49-55. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Brockhurst MA (2008). Kin selection and the evolution of virulence. Heredity (Edinb), 100(5), 484-488. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Racey D, Gardner A (2008). Resource supply and the evolution of public-goods cooperation in bacteria. BMC Biol, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Poullain V, Gandon S, Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Hochberg ME (2008). The evolution of specificity in evolving and coevolving antagonistic interactions between a bacteria and its phage. Evolution, 62(1), 1-11. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling, A. Bonsall, M.B. Brockhurst, M.A. (2008). The interactive effects of parasites, disturbance, and productivity on experimental adaptive radiations. Evolution, 62, 467-477.
Perron GG, Gonzalez A, Buckling A (2008). The rate of environmental change drives adaptation to an antibiotic sink. J Evol Biol, 21(6), 1724-1731. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pal C, Maciá MD, Oliver A, Schachar I, Buckling A (2007). Coevolution with viruses drives the evolution of bacterial mutation rates. Nature, 450(7172), 1079-1081. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Gardner A (2007). Cooperation peaks at intermediate disturbance. Curr Biol, 17(9), 761-765. Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan AD, Brockhurst MA, Lopez-Pascua LDC, Pal C, Buckling A (2007). Differential impact of simultaneous migration on coevolving hosts and parasites. BMC Evol Biol, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A (2007). Epidemiology. Keep it local. Science, 315(5816), 1227-1228.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Brockhurst MA, Travisano M, Rainey PB (2007). Experimental adaptation to high and low quality environments under different scales of temporal variation. J Evol Biol, 20(1), 296-300. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Morgan AD, Fenton A, Buckling A (2007). Experimental coevolution with bacteria and phage. The Pseudomonas fluorescens--Phi2 model system. Infect Genet Evol, 7(4), 547-552. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Morgan AD, Fenton A, Buckling A (2007). Experimental coevolution with bacteria and phage. The Pseudomonas fluorescens-Φ2 model system. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 7(4), 547-552. Abstract.
Harrison F, Buckling A (2007). High relatedness selects against hypermutability in bacterial metapopulations. Proc Biol Sci, 274(1615), 1341-1347. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Colegrave N, Hodgson DJ, Buckling A (2007). Niche Occupation Limits Adaptive Radiation in Experimental Microcosms. PLOS ONE, 2(2).  Author URL.
Hodgson, D.J. (2007). Short-term rates of parasite evolution predict the evolution of host diversity. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, 1682-1688.
Perron GG, Gonzalez A, Buckling A (2007). Source-sink dynamics shape the evolution of antibiotic resistance and its pleiotropic fitness cost. Proc Biol Sci, 274(1623), 2351-2356. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Poullain V, Hochberg ME (2007). The impact of migration from parasite-free patches on antagonistic host-parasite coevolution. Evolution, 61(5), 1238-1243. Abstract.  Author URL.
West SA, Diggle SP, Buckling A, Gardner A, Griffin AS (2007). The social lives of microbes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 38, 53-77. Abstract.
Fleming V, Feil E, Sewell AK, Day N, Buckling A, Massey RC (2006). Agr interference between clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains in an insect model of virulence. J Bacteriol, 188(21), 7686-7688. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Wei Y, Massey RC, Brockhurst MA, Hochberg ME (2006). Antagonistic coevolution with parasites increases the cost of host deleterious mutations. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1582), 45-49. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Hochberg ME, Bell T, Buckling A (2006). Character displacement promotes cooperation in bacterial biofilms. Curr Biol, 16(20), 2030-2034. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison F, Browning LE, Vos M, Buckling A (2006). Cooperation and virulence in acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. BMC Biol, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan AD, Buckling A (2006). Relative number of generations of hosts and parasites does not influence parasite local adaptation in coevolving populations of bacteria and phages. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19(6), 1956-1963. Abstract.
Morgan AD, Buckling A (2006). Relative number of generations of hosts and parasites does not influence parasite local adaptation in coevolving populations of bacteria and phages. J Evol Biol, 19(6), 1956-1963. Abstract.  Author URL.
Colegrave N, Buckling A (2006). Reply to Edwards' response [3]. BioEssays, 28(4).
Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Rainey PB (2006). Spatial heterogeneity and the stability of host-parasite coexistence. J Evol Biol, 19(2), 374-379. Abstract.  Author URL.
BUCKLING A (2005). Clonal distribution and phase-variable expression of a major histocompatibility complex analogue protein in Staphylococcus aureus. J Bacteriol, 187, 2917-2919.
Buckling A, Neilson J, Lindsay J, ffrench-Constant R, Enright M, Day N, Massey RC (2005). Clonal distribution and phase-variable expression of a major histocompatibility complex analogue protein in Staphylococcus aureus. J Bacteriol, 187(8), 2917-2919. Abstract.  Author URL.
McCart C, Buckling A, Ffrench-Constant RH (2005). DDT resistance in flies carries no cost. Curr Biol, 15(15), R587-R589.  Author URL.
Dillon RJ, Vennard CT, Buckling A, Charnley AK (2005). Diversity of locust gut bacteria protects against pathogen invasion. Ecology Letters, 8(12), 1291-1298. Abstract.
Harrison F, Buckling A (2005). Hypermutability impedes cooperation in pathogenic bacteria. Curr Biol, 15(21), 1968-1971. Abstract.  Author URL.
Colegrave N, Buckling A (2005). Microbial experiments on adaptive landscapes. Bioessays, 27(11), 1167-1173. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Brockhurst M (2005). Microbiology: RAMP resistance. Nature, 438(7065), 170-171.  Author URL.
Jenkins ATA, Buckling A, McGhee M, ffrench-Constant RH (2005). Surface plasmon resonance shows that type IV pili are important in surface attachment by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J R Soc Interface, 2(3), 255-259. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Buckling A, Rainey PB (2005). The effect of a bacteriophage on diversification of the opportunistic bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Biol Sci, 272(1570), 1385-1391. Abstract.  Author URL.
Morgan AD, Gandon S, Buckling A (2005). The effect of migration on local adaptation in a coevolving host-parasite system. Nature, 437(7056), 253-256. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gardner A, West SA, Buckling A (2004). Bacteriocins, spite and virulence. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1547), 1529-1535. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jessup CM, Kassen R, Forde SE, Kerr B, Buckling A, Rainey PB, Bohannan BJM (2004). Big questions, small worlds: microbial model systems in ecology. Trends Ecol Evol, 19(4), 189-197. Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffin AS, West SA, Buckling A (2004). Cooperation and competition in pathogenic bacteria. Nature, 430(7003), 1024-1027. Abstract.  Author URL.
Massey RC, Buckling A, Ffrench-Constant R (2004). Interference competition and parasite virulence. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 271(1541), 785-788.  Author URL.
Massey RC, Buckling A, ffrench-Constant R (2004). Interference competition and parasite virulence. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1541), 785-788. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodgson, Colegrave (2004). Niche occupation limits adaptive radiation in. experimental microcosms. Biology Letters
Morgan AD, Buckling A (2004). Parasites mediate the relationship between host diversity and disturbance frequency. Ecology Letters, 7(11), 1029-1034. Abstract.
Jenkins ATA, Ffrench-Constant R, Buckling A, Clarke DJ, Jarvis K (2004). Study of the attachment of <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> on gold and modified gold surfaces using surface plasmon resonance. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS, 20(4), 1233-1236.  Author URL.
Jenkins ATA, ffrench-constant R, Buckling A, Clarke DJ, Jarvis K (2004). Study of the attachment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on gold and modified gold surfaces using surface plasmon resonance. Biotechnol Prog, 20(4), 1233-1236. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Rainey PB, Buckling A (2004). The effect of spatial heterogeneity and parasites on the evolution of host diversity. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1534), 107-111. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Wills MA, Colegrave N (2003). Adaptation limits diversification of experimental bacterial populations. Science, 302(5653), 2107-2109. Abstract.  Author URL.
West SA, Buckling A (2003). Cooperation, virulence and siderophore production in bacterial parasites. Proc Biol Sci, 270(1510), 37-44. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brockhurst MA, Morgan AD, Rainey PB, Buckling A (2003). Population mixing accelerates coevolution. Ecology Letters, 6(11), 975-979. Abstract.
Buckling A, Rainey PB (2002). Antagonistic coevolution between a bacterium and a bacteriophage. Proc Biol Sci, 269(1494), 931-936. Abstract.  Author URL.
Massey RC, Buckling A (2002). Environmental regulation of mutation rates at specific sites. Trends Microbiol, 10(12), 580-584. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodgson DJ, Buckling A, Rainey PB (2002). Mechanisms linking diversity, productivity and invasibility in experimental bacterial communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 269(1506), 2277-2283.
Buckling A, Rainey PB (2002). The role of parasites in sympatric and allopatric host diversification. Nature, 420(6915), 496-499. Abstract.  Author URL.
Massey RC, Buckling A, Peacock SJ (2001). Phenotypic switching of antibiotic resistance circumvents permanent costs in Staphylococcus aureus. Curr Biol, 11(22), 1810-1814. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Read AF (2001). The effect of partial host immunity on the transmission of malaria parasites. Proc Biol Sci, 268(1483), 2325-2330. Abstract.  Author URL.
BUCKLING A (2000). Disturbance and diversity in experimental microcosms. Nature, 408, 961-964.
Buckling A, Kassen R, Bell G, Rainey PB (2000). Disturbance and diversity in experimental microcosms. Nature, 408(6815), 961-964. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kassen R, Buckling A, Bell G, Rainey PB (2000). Diversity peaks at intermediate productivity in a laboratory microcosm. Nature, 406(6795), 508-512. Abstract.  Author URL.
Spiers AJ, Buckling A, Rainey PB (2000). The causes of Pseudomonas diversity. Microbiology (Reading), 146 ( Pt 10), 2345-2350.  Author URL.
Rainey PB, Buckling A, Kassen R, Travisano M (2000). The emergence and maintenance of diversity: insights from experimental bacterial populations. Trends Ecol Evol, 15(6), 243-247. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Ranford-Cartwright LC, Miles A, Read AF (1999). Chloroquine increases Plasmodium falciparum gametocytogenesis in vitro. Parasitology, 118 ( Pt 4), 339-346. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling A, Crooks L, Read A (1999). Plasmodium chabaudi: effect of antimalarial drugs on gametocytogenesis. Exp Parasitol, 93(1), 45-54. Abstract.  Author URL.
Buckling AGJ, Read AF (1999). The effect of chloroquine treatment on the infectivity of Plasmodium chabaudi gametocytes. International Journal for Parasitology, 29(4), 619-625. Abstract.
Buckling AGJ, Taylor LH, Carlton JMR, Read AF (1997). Adaptive changes in Plasmodium transmission strategies following chloroquine chemotherapy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 264(1381), 553-559. Abstract.


Rainey PB, Brockhurst M, Buckling A, Hodgson DJ, Kassen R (2009). The use of model Pseudomonas fluorescens populations to study the causes and consequences of microbial diversity. In  (Ed) Biological Diversity and Function in Soils, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 83-99.


Sbaffi T, Buckling A, Bryan CG (2017). Microbial community composition of mine wastes in Cornwall and West Devon (UK). Abstract.
Buckling A, Harrison F, Vos M, Brockhurst MA, Gardner A, West SA, Griffin A (2007). Siderophore-mediated cooperation and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Abstract.  Author URL.

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