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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Arnab Pradhan

Dr Arnab Pradhan

Research Fellow in Medical Mycology

 Geoffrey Pope 328


Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter , Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK


Upon completion of MSc in Biochemistry and MRes in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Glasgow, I started PhD in Medical Sciences at MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, University of Aberdeen under the supervision of Professor Alistair Brown. I defended my PhD in February, 2019 and started as a Postdoctoral fellow in Medical Mycology in April at the University of Exeter. In February, 2023, I joined a Welcome Trust project with Professor Neil Gow and Professor Alistair Brown to explore Exploring the mannan based PRR ligands and their impact on antifungal immunity in Candida.

My main area of research is focused on Medical Mycology, investigating mechanisms of Candida albicans adaptation to host niches and immune response.


  • PhD in Medical Sciences (MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, University of Aberdeen, UK)
  • MRes in Biomedical Sciences (Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (University of Glasgow, UK)
  • MSc in Biochemistry (Bangalore University, India)
  • BSc in Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology (Bangalore University, India)


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Research interests

Understanding stress adaptation and impact of fungal adaptation upon host recognition and pathogenesis.

Research projects

Current Project:

Understanding the impact of fungal adaptation upon host recognition and pathogenesis in Candida albicans


MRC Centre for Medical Mycology


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Journal articles

Brown A, Pradhan A, Larcombe D, Gow N (In Press). Epitope shaving promotes fungal immune evasion. mBio
Avelar GM, Pradhan A, Ma Q, Hickey E, Leaves I, Liddle C, Rodriguez Rondon AV, Kaune A-K, Shaw S, Maufrais C, et al (2024). A CO2 sensing module modulates β-1,3-glucan exposure in Candida albicans. mBio, 15(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Rosati D, Pradhan A, van Heck JIP, Helder L, Jaeger M, Gow NAR, Joosten LAB, Williams DL, Brown AJP, Bruno M, et al (2024). C. albicans N-linked mannans potentiate the induction of trained immunity via Dectin-2. J Infect Dis Abstract.  Author URL.
Campbell JS, Pearce JC, Bebes A, Pradhan A, Yuecel R, Brown AJP, Wakefield JG (2024). Characterising phagocytes and measuring phagocytosis from live Galleria mellonella larvae. Virulence, 15(1).
Larcombe DE, Bohovych IM, Pradhan A, Ma Q, Hickey E, Leaves I, Cameron G, Avelar GM, de Assis LJ, Childers DS, et al (2023). Glucose-enhanced oxidative stress resistance-A protective anticipatory response that enhances the fitness of Candida albicans during systemic infection. PLoS Pathog, 19(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Arita GS, Ma Q, Leaves I, Pradhan A, Hickey E, Dambuza I, Bebes A, Vincenzi Conrado PC, Barros Galinari C, Vicente Seixas FA, et al (2023). The impact of ORF19.36.1 in the pathobiology of Candida albicans. Microbial Pathogenesis, 185 Abstract.
Avelar GM, Dambuza IM, Ricci L, Yuecel R, Mackenzie K, Childers DS, Bain JM, Pradhan A, Larcombe DE, Netea MG, et al (2022). Impact of changes at the Candida albicans cell surface upon immunogenicity and colonisation in the gastrointestinal tract. Cell Surf, 8 Abstract.  Author URL.
de Assis LJ, Bain JM, Liddle C, Leaves I, Hacker C, Peres da Silva R, Yuecel R, Bebes A, Stead D, Childers DS, et al (2022). Nature of β-1,3-Glucan-Exposing Features on Candida albicans Cell Wall and Their Modulation. mBio, 13(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pradhan A, Ma Q, Hickey E, Avelar G, Larcombe D, Bain J, Childers D, Dambuza I, Leaves I, de Assis LJ, et al (2022). S9.4c Diverse environmental inputs mediate changes in β-glucan exposure at the Candida albicans cell surface thereby influencing tissue colonisation during systemic infection. Medical Mycology, 60(Supplement_1).
Pradhan A, Ma Q, de Assis LJ, Leaves I, Larcombe DE, Rodriguez Rondon AV, Nev OA, Brown AJP (2021). Anticipatory Stress Responses and Immune Evasion in Fungal Pathogens. Trends in Microbiology, 29(5), 416-427. Abstract.
Bain JM, Alonso MF, Childers DS, Walls CA, Mackenzie K, Pradhan A, Lewis LE, Louw J, Avelar GM, Larcombe DE, et al (2021). Immune cells fold and damage fungal hyphae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 118(15). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hatinguais R, Pradhan A, Brown GD, Brown AJP, Warris A, Shekhova E (2021). Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Regulate Immune Responses of Macrophages to Aspergillus fumigatus. Front Immunol, 12 Abstract.  Author URL.
Childers DS, Avelar GM, Bain JM, Larcombe DE, Pradhan A, Budge S, Heaney H, Brown AJP (2020). Impact of the Environment upon the Candida albicans Cell Wall and Resultant Effects upon Immune Surveillance. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 425, 297-330. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AJP, Larcombe DE, Pradhan A (2020). Thoughts on the evolution of Core Environmental Responses in yeasts. Fungal Biology, 124(5), 475-481.
Pradhan A, Avelar GM, Bain JM, Childers D, Pelletier C, Larcombe DE, Shekhova E, Netea MG, Brown GD, Erwig L, et al (2019). Non-canonical signalling mediates changes in fungal cell wall PAMPs that drive immune evasion. Nat Commun, 10(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pradhan A, Avelar GM, Bain JM, Childers DS, Larcombe DE, Netea MG, Shekhova E, Munro CA, Brown GD, Erwig LP, et al (2018). Hypoxia Promotes Immune Evasion by Triggering β-Glucan Masking on the Candida albicans Cell Surface via Mitochondrial and cAMP-Protein Kinase a Signaling. mBio, 9(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Pradhan A, Herrero-de-Dios C, Belmonte R, Budge S, Lopez Garcia A, Kolmogorova A, Lee KK, Martin BD, Ribeiro A, Bebes A, et al (2017). Elevated catalase expression in a fungal pathogen is a double-edged sword of iron. PLoS Pathog, 13(5). Abstract.  Author URL.


Childers DS, Avelar GM, Bain J, Pradhan A, Larcome D, Netea M, Erwig L, Gow NAR, Brown AJP (2018). Fungal Transformers: Tracking a Moving Target.  Author URL.

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