Ashish Bhandari
Research Technician
Living Systems Institute S02.07
Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD
Ashish completed his Bachelor's in Biotechnology from Nepal. He then worked as a Research Assistant at the Annapurna Neurological Institute before moving to the USA to complete his MS in Biology from 2015 to 2017 focusing on Molecular Biology from the University of Houston.
After his MS, he focussed his research in neurophysiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center as a Research Assistant performing patch-clamp electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry to study plasticity in the visual thalamus in response to damage to the retina from 2017 to 2022 before moving to the UK.
Currently, he is a Research Technician at the University of Exeter for Prof. Steffen Scholpp (Feb 2023 - current)
Graduate courses in Neuroscience at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
MS Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology) from the University of Houston
BSc Biotechnology from SANN International College, (affiliated to Purbanchal University), Nepal