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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Jonathan Blount

Professor Jonathan Blount

Professor of Animal Ecophysiology / Faculty (ESE) Director of Postgraduate Research

 01326 371877



Science and Engineering Research Support Facility (SERSF):, University of Exeter,  Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Broad research specialisms

My research focusses on studies of mechanism and function in animal ecology. I have three main interests: (1) behavioural and evolutionary ecology of animal signalling; (2) nutrition ecology; and (3) oxidative stress and the biology of ageing. Some of the work carried out in my group addresses these topics in isolation. For example, we study predator-prey interactions in relation to aposematic (warning) signals, mimicry and chemical defences. In other work we study the mechanistic basis of ageing. However, there are interesting linkages between animal signalling, nutrition and oxidative stress at the physiological level. As such, many of our current projects are highly integrative and include studies of behaviour and underlying biochemical and molecular mechanisms. Much of my work focuses on basic research, but I am also interested in how an understanding of mechanism and function can help tackle applied questions in conservation biology. I work on a broad range of species in the field and the lab. I am a member of the Behaviour research group.


1994 BSc (Hons) Rural Resources Management (University of Plymouth; First Class)
1998 MSc Ecology (University of Wales, Bangor; Distinction)
2002 PhD in Ecophysiology (University of Glasgow)

2011 Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice / Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


2018-         Professor - University of Exeter

2015-2018 Associate Professor - University of Exeter

2012-2014 Senior Lecturer - University of Exeter

2005-2012 Royal Society Research Fellow - University of Exeter

2004-2005 Royal Society Research Fellow - University of Glasgow

2002-2004 NERC-funded post-doc - University of Glasgow

1994-1997 Curator of Animals - Newquay Zoo

Office hours: I am available to meet students at the following times (no appointment necessary): Tuesdays 1-2pm; Fridays 9.30-10.30am


Research group links

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Research interests

  • ecophysiology
  • behavioural ecology
  • animal signals
  • chemical defences
  • oxidative stress
  • evolution of life histories
  • intergenerational effects
  • ageing

Research projects

Current�research projects:

Transgenerational costs of reproduction and the evolution of life histories

The assumption that investment in reproduction reduces lifespan is a cornerstone of life history theory. Oxidative damage has been proposed as a mechanism underlying the cost of reproduction, but tests of this idea have proved equivocal. We have suggested that previous results can be explained if oxidative damage has impacts not only on an individual breeder's fitness, but also on the fitness of their developing offspring (Blount et al. 2016 Biol. Rev. 91, 483-497; Vitikainen et al. & Blount 2016 Front. Ecol. Evol. 4, 58). Such trans-generational costs of reproduction could have a profound influence on life history evolution, but there is currently little theory or data to evaluate this hypothesis. We are currently developing a new theoretical framework to incorporate trans-generational impacts of oxidative damage into life history theory, and testing the assumptions and predictions of our models in a tractable wild mammal system - our long-term study population of banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) in Uganda. This work is funded by a NERC standard grant to JD Blount, MA Cant and RA Johnstone.

Evolutionary ecology of aposematism

Many prey species use conspicuous warning signals to advertise the fact that they are defended (i.e. aposematism).�We are interested�in�the mechanisms which underpin variation in aposematic signals and chemical defences. Currently funded projects in my group focus on the developmental ecology of aposematic traits in green and black poison dart frogs; honest�signalling in ladybird beetles; and the costs of chemical defences in monarch butterflies.

The price of defence - fitness consequences of intraguild predation amongst ladybirds

The harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) is an alien invader in Europe, and being highly competitive and polyphagous, it poses a serious threat to other aphidophagous insects. Native/naturalised ladybird species may deter harlequins from preying on their eggs and larvae by investing in chemical defences, but such investment could carry serious costs. One possibility which this project is investigating is that individuals face a trade-off in the allocation of resources to the production of well-defended offspring versus the maximisation of offspring number per se.

Interested in joining us?

Underpinning these interests I have analytical expertise in the use of HPLC, LC-MS and GC-MS techniques, for example to assay biological pigments, toxins, and nutrients. Please contact me with any queries about facilities available in our Metabolomics Lab.

I am always keen to hear from students or postdocs who are interested in research that combines studies of behaviour and physiological mechanisms. If you are interested in joining my research group, please get in touch by email (

Research grants

  • 2016 NERC
    Transgenerational costs of reproduction and the evolution of life histories
  • 2012 NERC
    PhD studentship: The price of defence - fitness consequences of intraguild predation amongst ladybirds
  • 2010 Royal Society
    Royal Society URF extension
  • 2009 NERC
    Standard grant: Social influences on aging in a wild cooperative mammal
  • 2009 NERC
    PhD studentship: Load-lightening, oxidative balance and the evolution of cooperative societies
  • 2009 Panamanian Government
    PhD studentship: Phenotypic plasticity in aposematism in the green and black poison dart frog
  • 2009 Royal Society
    Research grant: Maternal workload-lightening and oxidative stress in cooperative societies
  • 2009 Cayman Island Turtle Farm
    Contract research grant: An investigation into the causes of hatching failure in farmed green turtles
  • 2009 NERC
    Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility grant: Environmental modulation of investment in egg production in green turtles
  • 2007 NERC
    PhD studentship: Consequences of trade-offs during growth and development in pheasants Phasianus colchicus
  • 2007 NERC
    Open CASE PhD studentship: Effects of over-winter dietary provisioning on health and productivity of garden birds
  • 2006 European Social fund
    Research grant: The Impact of Environmental Stresses on Cornwall's Biological Resources
  • 2006 NERC
    PhD studentship: Carotenoids and Costs of Egg Production in Green Turtles Chelonia mydas
  • 2004 Royal Society University Research Fellowship
    Royal Society URF
  • 2004 NERC
    Standard grant: Dietary antioxidants, Lifespan and Mate Attraction in Fish
  • 2004 Research Council of Norway
    Standard grant: Effects of Environmental Variation on the Importance of Carotenoids for Offspring Production in Atlantic Salmon
  • 2003 European Commission
    TARI grant: Two-Spotted Gobies as a Model System for Studies of Quality Signalling and Reproductive Costs in Fish
  • 2002 European Commission
    TARI grant: Carotenoids and Quality Signalling in Fish: Integrating Biochemical and Behavioural Analyses
  • 2001 Research Council of Norway
    Standard grant: Carotenoids and Reproductive Performance in Fish: Gobies as a Model System

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Journal articles

Marshall H, Johnstone R, Thompson F, Nichols H, Wells D, Joe H, Kalema-Zikusoka G, Sanderson J, Vitikainen E, Blount J, et al (In Press). A veil of ignorance can promote fairness in a mammal society. Nature Communications
Orledge JM, Blount JD, Hoodless AN, Royle NJ (In Press). Antioxidant supplementation during early development reduces parasite load but does not affect sexual ornament expression in adult ring-necked pheasants Phasianus colchicus. Functional Ecology Abstract.  Author URL.
Blount J, Losdat S, Marri V, Maronde L, Richner H, Helfenstein F (In Press). Effects of an early-life paraquat exposure on adult resistance to oxidative stress, plumage colour and sperm performance in a wild bird. Journal of Animal Ecology
Blount J, Francis ML, Plummer KE, Lythgoe BA, Macallan C, Currie TE (In Press). Effects of supplementary feeding on interspecific dominance hierarchies in garden birds. PLoS ONE
Blount JD, Rowland HM, Drijfhout FP, Endler JA, Inger R, Sloggett JJ, Hurst GDD, Hodgson DJ, Speed MP (In Press). How the ladybird got its spots: effects of resource limitation on the honesty of aposematic signals. Funct. Ecol., (in press)
Blount J, Vitikainen EIK, Stott I, Cant MA (In Press). Oxidative shielding and the cost of reproduction. Biological Reviews Abstract.
Blount J, Paul SC, Stevens M, birkett M, Pell JK (In Press). Parental phenotype not predator cues influence egg warning coloration and defence levels. Animal Behaviour
Blount J (In Press). The price of defence: toxins, visual signals and oxidative state in an aposematic butterfly. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Abstract.
Blount J (In Press). Untangling the oxidative cost of reproduction: an analysis in wild banded mongooses. Ecology and Evolution
Birch G, Meniri M, Cant MA, Blount JD (2024). Defence against the intergenerational cost of reproduction in males: oxidative shielding of the germline. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 99(1), 70-84. Abstract.  Author URL.
Heyworth HC, Pokharel P, Blount JD, Mitchell C, Petschenka G, Rowland HM (2023). Antioxidant availability trades off with warning signals and toxin sequestration in the large milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). Ecol Evol, 13(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Tucker MA, Schipper AM, Adams TSF, Attias N, Avgar T, Babic NL, Barker KJ, Bastille-Rousseau G, Behr DM, Belant JL, et al (2023). Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns. Science, 380(6649), 1059-1064. Abstract.  Author URL.
Khera M, Arbuckle K, Mwanguhya F, Kyabulima S, Mwesige K, Businge R, Blount JD, Cant MA, Nichols HJ (2023). Small increases in ambient temperature reduce offspring body mass in an equatorial mammal. Biology letters, 19(11). Abstract.
Vitikainen EIK, Meniri M, Marshall HH, Thompson FJ, Businge R, Mwanguhya F, Kyabulima S, Mwesige K, Ahabonya S, Sanderson JL, et al (2023). The social formation of fitness: lifetime consequences of prenatal nutrition and postnatal care in a wild mammal population. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 378(1883). Abstract.  Author URL.
Melvin ZE, Dhirani H, Mitchell C, Davenport TRB, Blount JD, Georgiev AV (2022). Methodological confounds of measuring urinary oxidative stress in wild animals. Ecol Evol, 12(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jacobs PJ, Oosthuizen MK, Mitchell C, Blount JD, Bennett NC (2021). Oxidative stress in response to heat stress in wild caught Namaqua rock mice, Micaelamys namaquensis. Journal of Thermal Biology, 98 Abstract.
Allen SF, Ellis F, Mitchell C, Wang X, Boogert NJ, Lin C-Y, Clokey J, Thomas KV, Blount JD (2021). Phthalate diversity in eggs and associations with oxidative stress in the European herring gull (Larus argentatus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169, 112564-112564.
Bodey TW, Cleasby IR, Blount JD, McElwaine G, Vigfusdottir F, Bearhop S (2020). Consistent measures of oxidative balance predict survival but not reproduction in a long-distance migrant. J Anim Ecol, 89(8), 1872-1882. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jacobs PJ, Oosthuizen MK, Mitchell C, Blount JD, Bennett NC (2020). Heat and dehydration induced oxidative damage and antioxidant defenses following incubator heat stress and a simulated heat wave in wild caught four-striped field mice Rhabdomys dilectus. PLoS ONE, 15(11 November). Abstract.
Malod K, Roets PD, Oosthuizen C, Blount JD, Archer CR, Weldon CW (2020). Selection on age of female reproduction in the marula fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae), decreases total antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation. J Insect Physiol, 125 Abstract.  Author URL.
Bearhop S, Bodey T, Cleasby IR, Blount J, Vigfusdottir F, MacKie K (2019). Measures of oxidative state are primarily driven by extrinsic factors in a long-distance migrant. Biology Letters, 15, 1-4.
Briolat E, Zagrobelny M, Olsen C, Blount J, Stevens M (2019). No evidence of quantitative signal honesty across species of aposematic burnet moths (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32, 31-48.
Blount J, Plummer K, Bearhop S, leech D, chamberlain D (2018). Effects of winter food provisioning on the phenotypes of breeding blue tits. Ecology and Evolution
Paul S, Stevens M, Burton J, Pell J, Burkett M, Blount J (2018). Invasive egg predators and food availability interactively affect maternal investment in egg chemical defence. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6 Abstract.
Briolat E, Zagrobelny M, Olsen, CE, Blount J, Stevens M (2018). Sex differences but no evidence of quantitative honesty in the warning signals of six-spot burnet moths (Zygaena filipendulae L.). Evolution, 77, 1460-1474.
Hares MC, Vitikainen EIK, Marshall HH, Thompson FJ, Blount JD, Cant MA (2018). Telomere dynamics in wild banded mongooses: Evaluating longitudinal and quasi-longitudinal markers of senescence. Exp Gerontol, 107, 67-73. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vitikainen EIK, Cant MA, Sanderson JL, Mitchell C, Nichols HJ, Marshall HH, Thompson FJ, Gilchrist JS, Hodge SJ, Johnstone RA, et al (2016). Evidence of Oxidative Shielding of Offspring in a Wild Mammal. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 4  Author URL.
Vitikainen EIK, Cant MA, Sanderson JL, Mitchell C, Nichols HJ, Marshall HH, Thompson FJ, Gilchrist JS, Hodge SJ, Johnstone RA, et al (2016). Evidence of oxidative shielding of offspring in a wild mammal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Christensen LL, Selman C, Blount JD, Pilkington JG, Watt KA, Pemberton JM, Reid JM, Nussey DH (2016). Marker-dependent associations among oxidative stress, growth and survival during early life in a wild mammal. Proc Biol Sci, 283(1840). Abstract.  Author URL.
Summers K, Speed MP, Blount JD, Stuckert AMM (2015). Are aposematic signals honest? a review. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(9), 1583-1599. Abstract.
Summers K, Speed MP, Blount JD, Stuckert AMM (2015). Are aposematic signals honest? a review. J Evol Biol, 28(9), 1583-1599. Abstract.  Author URL.
Flores EE, Stevens M, Moore AJ, Rowland HM, Blount JD (2015). Body size but not warning signal luminance influences predation risk in recently metamorphosed poison frogs. Ecology and Evolution, 5(20), 4603-4616. Abstract.
Siitari H, Alatalo R, Pihlaja M, Hämäläinen J, Blount JD, Groothuis TG, Hytönen VP, Surai P, Soulsbury CD (2015). Food supplementation reveals constraints and adaptability of egg quality in the magpie Pica pica. Avian Biology Research, 8(4), 244-253. Abstract.
Cram DL, Blount JD, York JE, Young AJ (2015). Immune response in a wild bird is predicted by oxidative status but does not cause oxidative stress. PLoS One
Blount JD, Vitikainen EIK, Stott I, Cant MA (2015). Oxidative shielding and the cost of reproduction. Biological Reviews
Cram DL, Blount JD, Young AJ (2015). Oxidative status and social dominance in a wild cooperative breeder. Functional Ecology, 29(2), 229-238. Abstract.
Speakman JR, Speakman JR, Blount JD, Bronikowski AM, Buffenstein R, Isaksson C, Kirkwood TBL, Monaghan P, Ozanne SE, Beaulieu M, et al (2015). Oxidative stress and life histories: Unresolved issues and current needs. Ecology and Evolution Abstract.
Christensen LL, Selman C, Blount JD, Pilkington JG, Watt KA, Pemberton JM, Reid JM, Nussey DH (2015). Plasma markers of oxidative stress are uncorrelated in a wild mammal. Ecology and Evolution, 5(21), 5096-5108. Abstract.
Christensen LL, Selman C, Blount JD, Pilkington JG, Watt KA, Pemberton JM, Reid JM, Nussey DH (2015). Plasma markers of oxidative stress are uncorrelated in a wild mammal. Ecology and Evolution Abstract.
Paul SC, Pell JK, Blount JD (2015). Reproduction in Risky Environments: the Role of Invasive Egg Predators in Ladybird Laying Strategies. PLoS One, 10(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lane SM, Solino JH, Mitchell C, Blount JD, Okada K, Hunt J, House CM (2015). Rival male chemical cues evoke changes in male pre- and post-copulatory investment in a flour beetle. Behav Ecol, 26(4), 1021-1029. Abstract.  Author URL.
Archer CR, Hempenstall S, Royle NJ, Selman C, Willis S, Rapkin J, Blount JD, Hunt J (2015). Testing the Effects of DL-Alpha-Tocopherol Supplementation on Oxidative Damage, Total Antioxidant Protection and the Sex-Specific Responses of Reproductive Effort and Lifespan to Dietary Manipulation in Australian Field Crickets (Teleogryllus commodus). Antioxidants (Basel), 4(4), 768-792. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cram DL, Blount JD, Young AJ (2015). The oxidative costs of reproduction are group-size dependent in a wild cooperative breeder. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B
Winters AE, Stevens M, Mitchell C, Blomberg SP, Blount JD (2014). Maternal effects and warning signal honesty in eggs and offspring of an aposematic ladybird beetle. Functional Ecology
Cram DL, Blount JB, Young AJ (2014). Oxidative state and social dominance in a wild cooperative breeder. Functional Ecology
Schmidt CM, Blount JD, Bennett NC (2014). Reproduction is associated with a tissue-dependent reduction of oxidative stress in eusocial female Damaraland mole-rats (Fukomys damarensis). PLoS One, 9(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Losdat S, Helfenstein F, Blount JD, Richner H (2014). Resistance to oxidative stress shows low heritability and high common environmental variance in a wild bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(9), 1990-2000. Abstract.
Losdat S, Helfenstein F, Blount JD, Richner H (2014). Resistance to oxidative stress shows low heritability and high common environmental variance in a wild bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Newcombe D, Blount JD, Mitchell C, Moore AJ (2013). Chemical egg defence in the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, derives from maternal but not paternal diet. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 149(3), 197-205. Abstract.
Newcombe D, Blount JD, Mitchell C, Moore AJ (2013). Chemical egg defence in the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, derives from maternal but not paternal diet. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
Flores EE, Stevens M, Moore AJ, Blount JD (2013). Diet, development and the optimization of warning signals in post-metamorphic green and black poison frogs. Functional Ecology, 27(3), 816-829. Abstract.
Flores EE, Stevens M, Moore AJ, Blount JD (2013). Diet, development and the optimization of warning signals in post-metamorphic green and black poison frogs. Functional Ecology
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Fat provisioning in winter impairs egg production during the following spring: a landscape-scale study of blue tits. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82(3), 673-682. Abstract.
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Fat provisioning in winter impairs egg production during the following spring: a landscape-scale study of blue tits. J Anim Ecol, 82(3), 673-682. Abstract.  Author URL.
Losdat S, Helfenstein F, Blount JD, Marri V, Maronde L, Richner H (2013). Nestling erythrocyte resistance to oxidative stress predicts fledging success but not local recruitment in a wild bird. Biology Letters, 9(1). Abstract.
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Winter food provisioning reduces future breeding performance in a wild bird. Sci Rep, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Orledge JM, Blount JD, Hoodless AN, Royle NJ (2012). Antioxidant supplementation during early development reduces parasite load but does not affect sexual ornament expression in adult ring-necked pheasants. Functional Ecology, 26(3), 688-700. Abstract.
Sepp T, Karu U, Blount JD, Sild E, Maenniste M, Horak P (2012). Coccidian Infection Causes Oxidative Damage in Greenfinches. PLOS ONE, 7(5).  Author URL.
Müller W, Vergauwen J, Eens M, Blount JD (2012). Environmental effects shape the maternal transfer of carotenoids and vitamin E to the yolk. Frontiers in Zoology, 9 Abstract.
Weber SB, Broderick AC, Groothuis TGG, Ellick J, Godley BJ, Blount JD (2012). Fine-scale thermal adaptation in a green turtle nesting population. Proc Biol Sci, 279(1731), 1077-1084. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mainwaring MC, Blount JD, Hartley IR (2012). Hatching asynchrony can have long-term consequences for offspring fitness in zebra finches under captive conditions. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(2), 430-438. Abstract.
Blount JD, Rowland HM, Drijfhout FP, Endler JA, Inger R, Sloggett JJ, Hurst GDD, Hodgson DJ, Speed MP (2012). How the ladybird got its spots: Effects of resource limitation on the honesty of aposematic signals. Functional Ecology, 26(2), 334-342. Abstract.
Sepp T, Sild E, Blount JD, Männiste M, Karu U, Hõrak P (2012). Individual consistency and covariation of measures of oxidative status in greenfinches. Physiol Biochem Zool, 85(3), 299-307. Abstract.  Author URL.
Selman C, Blount JD, Nussey DH, Speakman JR (2012). Oxidative damage, ageing, and life-history evolution: Where now?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27(10), 570-577. Abstract.
Selman C, Blount JD, Nussey DH, Speakman JR (2012). Oxidative damage, ageing, and life-history evolution: where now?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Orledge JM, ROYLE NJ, BLOUNT JD, PIKE TW, HOODLESS AN (2012). Synergistic effects of supplementation of dietary antioxidants during growth on adult phenotype in ring-necked pheasants, Phasianus colchicus.
Heidinger BJ, Blount JD, Boner W, Griffiths K, Metcalfe NB, Monaghan P (2012). Telomere Length in Early Life Predicts Life Span EDITORIAL COMMENT. OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY, 67(5), 283-284.  Author URL.
Heidinger BJ, Blount JD, Boner W, Griffiths K, Metcalfe NB, Monaghan P (2012). Telomere length in early life predicts life span. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 67(5), 283-284.
Heidinger BJ, Blount JD, Boner W, Griffiths K, Metcalfe NB, Monaghan P (2012). Telomere length in early life predicts lifespan. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
Flores EE, Moore AJ, Blount JD (2012). Unusual whitish eggs in the poison frog Dendrobates auratus Girard, 1855. Tropical Zoology, 25(2), 67-73. Abstract.
Blount JD, Speed MP, Ruxton GD, Stephens PA (2012). Warning displays may function as honest signals of toxicity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1658), 871-877. Abstract.
Blount JD, Pike TW (2011). Deleterious effects of light exposure on immunity and sexual colouration in birds. Functional Ecology Abstract.
Pike TW, Bjerkeng B, Blount JD, Lindström J, Metcalfe NB (2011). How integument colour reflects its carotenoid content: a stickleback's perspective. Functional Ecology, 25(1), 297-304. Abstract.
Losdat S, Richner H, Blount JD, Helfenstein F (2011). Immune activation reduces sperm quality in the great tit. PLoS ONE, 6(7). Abstract.
Losdat S, Richner H, Blount JD, Helfenstein F (2011). Immune activation reduces sperm quality in the great tit. PLoS ONE, 6(7), 1-10. Abstract.
Teuber K, Schiller J, Jakop U, Lüpold S, Orledge JM, Blount JD, Royle NJ, Hoodless A, Müller K (2011). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a simple tool to determine the phospholipid/glycolipid composition of sperm: pheasant spermatozoa as one selected example. Anim Reprod Sci, 123(3-4), 270-278. Abstract.
Okada K, Blount JD, Sharma MD, Snook RR, Hosken DJ (2011). Male attractiveness, fertility and susceptibility to oxidative stress are influenced by inbreeding in Drosophila simulans. J Evol Biol, 24(2), 363-371. Abstract.  Author URL.
Royle NJ, Hall ME, Blount JD, Forbes S (2011). Patterns of egg yolk antioxidant co-variation in an avian brood parasite-host system. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(2), 313-323. Abstract.
Weber SB, Blount JD, Godley BJ, Witt MJ, Broderick AC (2011). Rate of egg maturation in marine turtles exhibits 'universal temperature dependence'. J Anim Ecol, 80(5), 1034-1041. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison XA, Blount J, Inger R, Bearhop S (2010). Carry-over Effects as Drivers of Fitness in Animals. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, 974-982.
Pike TW, Blount JD, Metcalfe NB, Lindström J (2010). Dietary carotenoid availability and reproductive effort influence the age-related decline in performance. Behavioral Ecology, 21(5), 1048-1053. Abstract.
Pike TW, Blount JD, Lindström J, Metcalfe NB (2010). Dietary carotenoid availability, sexual signalling and functional fertility in sticklebacks. Biol Lett, 6(2), 191-193. Abstract.  Author URL.
Speed MP, Ruxton GD, Blount JD, Stephens PA (2010). Diversification of honest signals in a predator-prey system. Ecology Letters, 13(6), 744-753. Abstract.
Hall ME, Blount JD, Forbes S, Royle NJ (2010). Does oxidative stress mediate the trade-off between growth and self-maintenance in structured families?. Functional Ecology, 24(2), 365-373. Abstract.
Mougeot F, Martínez-Padilla J, Blount JD, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Webster LMI, Piertney SB (2010). Oxidative stress and the effect of parasites on a carotenoid-based ornament. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(3), 400-407. Abstract.
Mougeot F, Martínez-Padilla J, Blount JD, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Webster LMI, Piertney SB (2010). Oxidative stress and the effect of parasites on a carotenoid-based ornament. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(10), 1796-1796.
Helfenstein F, Losdat S, Møller AP, Blount JD, Richner H (2010). Sperm of colourful males are better protected against oxidative stress. Ecology Letters, 13(2), 213-222. Abstract.
Svensson PA, Blount JD, Forsgren E, Amundsen T (2009). Female ornamentation and egg carotenoids of six sympatric gobies. Journal of Fish Biology, 75(10), 2777-2787. Abstract.
Mougeot F, Martínez-Padilla J, Webster LMI, Blount JD, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Piertney SB (2009). Honest sexual signalling mediated by parasite and testosterone effects on oxidative balance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1659), 1093-1100. Abstract.
Nussey DH, Pemberton JM, Pilkington JG, Blount JD (2009). Life history correlates of oxidative damage in a free-living mammal population. Functional Ecology, 23(4), 809-817. Abstract.
Lindström J, Pike TW, Blount JD, Metcalfe NB (2009). Optimization of resource allocation can explain the temporal dynamics and honesty of sexual signals. Am Nat, 174(4), 515-525. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gasparini J, Bize P, Piault R, Wakamatsu K, Blount JD, Ducrest AL, Roulin A (2009). Strength and cost of an induced immune response are associated with a heritable melanin-based colour trait in female tawny owls. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78(3), 608-616. Abstract.
Svensson PA, Pélabon C, Blount JD, Forsgren E, Bjerkeng B, Amundsen T (2009). Temporal variability in a multicomponent trait: Nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies. Behavioral Ecology, 20(2), 346-353. Abstract.
Blount JD, Speed MP, Ruxton GD, Stephens PA (2009). Warning displays may function as honest signals of toxicity. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1658), 871-877. Abstract.  Author URL.
Roulin A, Almasi, B. Rossi-Pedruzzi, A. Ducrest, A.L. Wakamatsu K, Miksik I, Blount JD, Jenni-Eiermann S, Jenni L (2008). Corticosterone mediates the condition-dependent component of melanin-based coloration. Animal Behaviour, 75, 1351-1358.
Pike TW, Blount, J.D. Lindström, J. Metcalfe, N.B. (2007). Availability of non-carotenoid antioxidants affects the expression of a carotenoid-based sexual ornament. Biology Letters, 3, 353-356.
Pike TW, Blount, J.D. Bjerkeng, B. Lindström, J. Metcalfe NB (2007). Carotenoids, oxidative stress and female mating preference for longer-lived males. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 274, 1591-1596.
Pike TW, Blount, J.D. Lindström, J. Metcalfe, N.B. (2007). Dietary carotenoid availability influences a male's ability to provide parental care. Behavioral Ecology, 18, 1100-1105.
Arnold KE, Blount, J.D. Metcalfe, N.B. Orr, K.J. Adam A, Houston D, Monaghan P (2007). Sex-specific differences in compensation for poor neonatal nutrition in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. Journal of Avian Biology, 38, 365-366.
Svensson PA, Pélabon, C. Blount, J.D. Surai, P.F. Amundsen T (2006). Does female nuptial coloration reflect egg carotenoids and clutch quality in the Two-Spotted Goby (Gobiusculus flavescens, Gobiidae)?. Functional Ecology, 20, 689-698.
Blount JD, Matheson, S.M. (2006). Effects of carotenoid supply on escape-flight responses in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. Animal Behaviour, 72, 595-601.
Blount JD, Metcalfe, N.B. Arnold, K.E. Surai, P.F. Monaghan P (2006). Effects of neonatal nutrition on adult reproduction in a passerine bird. Ibis, 148, 509-514.
Nager RG, Monaghan, P. Houston, D.C. Arnold, K.E. Blount JD, Verboven N (2006). Maternal effects through the avian egg. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 52, S658-S661.
Groothuis TGG, Eising, C.M. Blount, J.D. Surai, P. Apanius V, Dijkstra C, Müller W (2006). Multiple pathways of maternal effects in black-headed gull eggs: Constraint and mutual adjustment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19, 1304-1313.
Verboven N, Evans, N.P. D'Alba, L. Nager, R.G. Blount JD, Surai PF, Monaghan P (2005). Intra-specific interactions influence egg composition in the lesser black-backed gull (<em>Larus fuscus</em>). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 57, 357-365.
Blount, J.D. (2004). Carotenolds and life-history evolution in animals. Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 430, 10-15.
Blount J, Houston DC, Moller AP, Surai PF (2004). Egg-laying capacity is limited by carotenoid pigment availability in wild gulls Larus fuscus. Biology Letters, 271(0), S79-S81.
Blount JD, Birkhead TR, Metcalfe NB, Surai PF (2003). Carotenoid modulation of immune function and sexual attractiveness in zebra finches. Science, 300(5616), 125-127.
Blount JD, Houston, D.C. Møller, A.P. Wright, J. (2003). Do individual branches of immune defence correlate? a comparative case study of scavenging and non-scavenging birds. Oikos, 102, 340-350.
Blount JD, Arnold KE, Metcalfe NB, Surai PF, Devevey GL, Monaghan P (2003). Neonatal nutrition, adult antioxidant defences and sexual attractiveness in the zebra finch. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 270(1525), 1691-1696.
Blount J, Birkhead TR, Nager RG, Surai PF (2002). Carotenoids and egg quality in the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus: a supplemental feeding study of maternal effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 269(1486), 29-36.
Blount JD, Surai, P.F. Nager, R.G. Houston DC, Moller AP, Trewby ML, Kennedy MW (2002). Carotenoids and egg quality in the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus: a supplemental feeding study of maternal effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 269(1486), 29-36.
Blount JD, Surai, P.F. Houston, D.C. Møller, A.P. (2002). Patterns of yolk enrichment with dietary carotenoids in gulls: the roles of pigment acquisition and utilization. Functional Ecology, 16, 445-453.
Ward JM, Blount, J.D. Ruxton, G.D. Houston, D.C. (2002). The adaptive significance of dark plumage for birds in desert environments. Ardea, 90, 311-323.
Blount JD, Møller, A.P. Houston, D.C. (2001). Antioxidants, showy males and sperm quality. Ecology Letters, 4, 393-396.
Surai PF, Speake, B.K. Wood, N.A.R. Blount, J.D. Bortolotti GR, Sparks NHC (2001). Carotenoid discrimination by the avian embryo: a lesson from wild birds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 128, 743-750.
Surai PF, Bortolotti, G.R. Fidgett, A.L. Blount, J.D. Speake BK (2001). Effects of piscivory on the fatty acid profiles and antioxidants of avian yolk: studies on eggs of the gannet, skua, pelican and cormorant. Journal of Zoology (London), 255, 305-312.
Blount JD, Surai PF, Houston DC, Møller AP (2001). The relationship between dietary and yolk carotenoid composition in a wild bird: a supplemental feeding study of lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus). British Poultry Science, 42(SUPPL. 1).
Moller AP, Biard, C. Blount, J.D. Houston, D.C. Ninni P, Saino N, Surai PF (2000). Carotenoid-dependent signals: Indicators of foraging efficiency, immunocompetence or detoxification ability?. Avian & Poultry Biology Reviews, 11, 137-159.
Blount JD, Taylor NJ (2000). The relative effectiveness of manipulable feeders and olfactory enrichment for Kinkajous. International Zoo Yearbook, 37(1), 381-394. Abstract.
Blount JD (2000). Why egg yolk is yellow (vol 15, pg 47, 2000). TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 15(4), 131-131.  Author URL.
Blount JD, Houston, D.C. Møller, A.P. (2000). Why egg yolk is yellow. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 15, 47-49.
Blount JD (1998). Redevelopment of a disused enclosure for housing Sulawesi crested macaques Macaca Nigra at Newquay Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook, 36(1), 56-63. Abstract.


Royle NJ, Orledge JM, Blount JD (In Press). Early life-history effects, oxidative stress and the evolution and expression of animal signals. In Irschick D, Podos J, Briffa M (Eds.) Animal Signaling: Functional and Evolutionary Perspectives (Eds. Irschick, D. Podos, J. and Briffa, M.) (In press).
McGraw KJ, Blount, J.D. (2008). Control and function of carotenoid coloration in birds: a review of case studies. In Landrum JT (Ed) Carotenoids: Physical, Chemical and Biological Functions and Properties, CRC Press Ltd.
Blount JD, McGraw, K.J. (2008). Signal functions of carotenoid colouration. In Britton G, Liaaen-Jensen S, Pfander H (Eds.) Carotenoids. Volume 4: Natural Functions.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

Scientific duties

2012-2019: Royal Society Newton International Fellowships - panel member

2012-ongoing: NERC Peer Review College

Postgrad examinations

2018: PhD thesis (external examiner), Magali Meniri (University of Neuchatel)

2017: PhD thesis (external examiner), Rute Mendonca (University of Neuchatel / University of Pretoria)

2017: PhD thesis (internal examiner), Dimas Gianuca (University of Exeter)

2016: PhD thesis (external examiner), Liu Yu (Queen Mary College, University of London) 'Biogeography of secondary sexual coloration of barn swallows in China'

2014: PhD thesis (external examiner), Aqeel H. T. Al Jothery (University of Aberdeen) 'Lactation and oxidative stress in small mammals'

2013: PhD thesis (external examiner), Lyndsey A. E. Stewart (University of Glasgow) 'Dietary effects on adult performance and oxidative stress status in three-spined sticklebacks’

2013: PhD thesis (internal examiner), Wendi K. Wolfram (University of Exeter) 'Scent-marking: investigating chemosensory signals in wolf urine'

2012: PhD thesis (internal examiner), Lucy I. Wright (University of Exeter) 'Insights into the mating systems of green turtles based on molecular parentage analyses'

2011: MPhil thesis (external examiner), Jessica A. Haines (University of Aberdeen) 'Female ornamentation in red grouse and its potential role in sexual selection'

Editorial responsibilities

Associate Editor: Functional Ecology (2007-2015)

Manuscript reviewing: Am. Nat; Anim. Behav; Avian Sci; Aust. J. Zool; Behav. Ecol; Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol; Biol. Lett; Comp. Biochem. Physiol; Condor; Ecol. Lett; Evol; Front. Zool; Funct. Ecol; Ibis; J. Anim. Ecol; J. Appl. Ecol; J. Avian Biol; J. Comp. Physiol. B; J. Exp. Biol; J. Evol. Biol; J. Field Ornithol; J. Fish Biol; Nature; Naturwissenshaften; Physiol. Biochem. Zool; PLoS; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA; Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B; Trends Ecol. Evol.

Grant reviewing: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); Natural Environment Research Council (NERC); The Royal Society; National Science Foundation (NSF), European Research Council (ERC); German Research Foundation; University of Cambridge Junior Research Fellowships

Invited lectures

Invited conference / symposium presentations:

Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group; Workshop on the maternal environment. University of Chicago 2016

International Congress of Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry (ICCPB, sympsium); Krakow, 2015

The Rank Prize Funds (symposium); Oxidative stress, does it play a role in life histories and ageing? Cumbria 2014

European Conference on Behavioural Biology (ECBB, symposium); Ferrara 2010

International Symposium on Carotenoids (International Carotenoid Society), Edinburgh; 2005

Gordon Research Conference on Carotenoids (International Carotenoid Society), California; 2004

Institute of Zoology, London; 2003

Invited seminars:

Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh; 2011

Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg; 2009

School of Psychology, University of Exeter; 2009

Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre, University of Plymouth; 2008

Department of Zoology, University of Bern; 2007

Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter; 2007

Department of Animal Behaviour, University of Bielefeld; 2005

School of Animal & Microbial Sciences, University of Reading; 2005

Edward Grey Institute for Field Ornithology, University of Oxford; 2005

School of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield; 2004

Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge; 2004

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Banchory; 2003

XXVII International Ethological Conference, Tubingen, Germany; 2001

Media Coverage

My work has featured in over 50 newspaper articles (eg The Daily Telegraph; The Independent; The Guardian; The Scotsman; The Herald; The New York Times, Die Welt), popular science magazines (New Scientist; National Geographic), research council publications (NERC's Planet Earth), and also BBC1 TV and various radio broadcasts.

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Year 1

  • Physiology (BIO1420), module co-ordinator

Year 2

  • Animal Ecophysiology (BIO2427)



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Chris Beirne PhD student, 2011- with Andy Young (University of Exeter) and Dez Delahay (FERA)
  • Graham Birch PhD student, 2020- with Michael Cant University of Exeter) and Andy Radford (University of Bristol)
  • Emmanuelle Briolat PhD student, 2013- with Martin Stevens (University of Exeter)
  • Louise Christensen PhD student, 2012- with Colin Selman (University of Glasgow) and Dan Nussey (University of Edinburgh)
  • Jamie Cranston PhD student, 2016 with Dr Regan Early (University of Exeter)
  • Hannah (Cee) Heyworth PhD student, 2019- with Hannah Rowland (Max Planck)
  • Sarah Lane PhD student, 2012- with Clarissa House (University of Exeter)
  • Sarah Paul PhD student, 2012- with Martin Stevens (University of Exeter), Judy Pell (J.K. Pell Consulting) and Jason Baverstock (Rothamsted Research)
  • Miranda Walter MbyRes student, 2014-

Research Technicians


  • Dr Chris Beirne
  • Dr Dom Cram PhD completed 2013. Now a Postdoc in Tim Clutton-Brock's group at the University of Cambridge
  • Dr Eric Flores PhD completed 2013. Now in Panama and working in ecology research and conservation
  • Shona Jack Mbytes
  • Dr Sarah Lane PhD completed 2015. Now doing a postdoc at the University of Plymouth.
  • Chris Mitchell Research Technician 2009-2013. Now a technician at the University of Western Sydney
  • Josie Orledge PhD completed 2011. Now a Lecturer at the University of Exeter
  • Sarah Paul
  • Dr Tom Pike NERC-funded Postdoc 2004-2007. Now a Senior Lecturer at the University of Lincoln
  • Dr Kate Plummer PhD completed 2011. Now a Research Officer at the BTO.
  • Dr Andreas Svensson PhD completed 2006. Now an Associate Professor at Linnaeus University.
  • Emma Vitikainen NERC-funded Postdoc 2009-2012. Now an ERC-funded Postdoc with Mike Cant
  • Dr Sam Weber PhD completed 2010. Winner of ZSL's Huxley-Marsh Prize 2010 for 'best zoology thesis in UK'. Now doing turtle research and conservation at Ascension Island.

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