Dr Judith Bannerman
Technical Strategy and Operations Partner FHLS
Hatherly Building, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK
I am currently the Technical Strategy and Operations Partner for Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and have worked as a Technical Services Manager in Engineering and Physics. I have extensive experience in lab management, Health and Safety, purchasing large lab equipment, building labs, space management and have built a good working relationship with stakeholders across the campus.
I have a PhD in Material Science Engineering from the University of Exeter (2007), The Effects of Accelerated Ageing on the Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Artists' Acrylic Paints. A project in conjunction with Tate Britain. I have 8 years' experience in Research and Development. I have experience in analytical techniques such as DMTA (Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry), SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry), TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy), Micro CT (Computed Tomography), Tensile Testing, Fracture Toughness testing, VSC (Video Spectral Comparator), photogrammetry, RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), micro-fade testing and accelerated ageing techniques.
I also have experience in Project Management from initial concepts, to funding application through to completion and disseminating of information on the national and international stage. I have worked for various research groups around the world such as the Swedish National Heritage Board, Tate Britain, Queen's University as a Professor of Conservation Research Science, and the Canadian Conservation Institute. I have also been a part of the University of Nottingham's Mentoring program for many years.
PhD in Material Science Engineering
Research interests
- Reflectance Transformation Imaging applied to engineering, mining, industrial applications and cultural heritage objects.
- Photogrammetry applied in alternative research areas such as industry, cultural heritage, engineering, underwater archaeology
- Application of materials science testing techniques to alternative areas of research such as archaeology, cultural heritage, biology, geography etc.
- Micro-fade testing in cultural heritage, engineering and industry
Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M., Hinrichs Degerblad; K and Gunilla Lagnesjo. 2015. Textile art and flame retardants – The United Nations Case. NKF XX Congress: Monumental Treasures – Preservation and Conservation, Helsinki, Finland. October 21-23, 2015.
Winther; T., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobson; K and Johan Samuelsson. 2015. Adhesives for adhering polystyrene plastic and their long-term effect. Studies in Conservation, Volume 60, Issue 2, March, 2015, pp. 107-120.
Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M., Hinrichs Degerblad; K and Gunilla Lagnesjo. 2015. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects. Technical report for the Swedish National Heritage Board and the United Nations, New York. March, 2015. Dnr. 3.2.2-03516-2012.
Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Wikström; L., Sandström; T and U. Brynnel. 2013. Practical aspects on the testing and use of adhesives on polystyrene. Future talks_13, Die Neue Sammlung, 23-25 October 2013.
Bannerman; J., Nilsson; J., Lagnesgo; G and B-I Andersson. 2013. Tid för studier av tid. Final Report, FoU Government Grant, Project Dnr 353-03473-2011. June 2013.
Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobsson; K., and J. Samuelsson. 2013. Foga samman plast = vad händer på lång sikt?/ Joining plastic together - what happens over time?: En jämförande studie av limning av styrenplast och dess långtidspåverkan. / A comparative study of seven different adhesives for adhering polystyrene and their long-term effect. Final Report, FoU Government Grant, Project Dnr 353-3471-2011. March 2013. http://www.raa.se/kulturarvet/foremal-och-samlingar/plast-i-samlingar/foga-samman-plast-vad-hander-pa-lang-sikt/
Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobsson; K., and J. Samuelsson. 2013. Seven different adhesives for adhering polystyrene plastic and their long-term effect. Technical report 20130129, January 2013.
Bannerman; J. 2013. The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate the light fastness of a Carl Larsson Painting: Preliminary findings. Technical report for the National Museum of Stockholm, January 2013.
Bannerman; J. 2012. An introduction to Micro-Fade Testing. Technical workshop and report. Stockholm, Sweden. December 2012.
Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M and J. Scharing. 2012. Yes, it is beautiful - but is it light-fast? The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate light fastness of natural dyes. Dyes in History Association Conference Presentation, Antwerp, Belgium October 2012.
Bannerman; J and M. Bergstrand. 2012. The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate the light fastness of natural dyes: Two case studies. Dyes in History Association Conference, Antwerp, Belgium October 2012.
Bannerman; J. 2012. Microfadometry as a Tool in Conservation: Lighting Decisions and Cleaning. Fagdag Conference, January 2012, Bergen, Norway.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: A New Tool for Museums. Conference at Riksutstelninger, Dec. 9th 2011. Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Tensile Testing in Conservation. Presentation for Gotland University Students in Conservation, November, 2011, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden.
Carlsson; A., Thusson; Kaj., Mårtensson; M and J. Bannerman. 2011. Ansiktsmask från Hellvi – undersökning om föremålet är hittat på Gotland. Internal Report for Riksantikvarieämbetet.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Microfadometry as a Tool in Cleaning Graffiti on an Oversize Analogue Inkjet Print on PVC. Poster Presentation: Tate Microfadometry Conference, Sept. 2011. Tate Modern, London.
Bannerman; J., Cunningham; Z., Heath: A., Underhill; M and J. Townsend. 2011. Microclimate and Anoxic Frames. Presentation: AIC 2011 Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Post prints Paintings and RATS specialty Group.
Heath; A., Townsend; J., Hackney; S., Underhill; M., Cunningham; Z and J. Bannerman. 2011. Concept, design and development of Anoxic Frames for Display at Tate. Pending: ICOM-CC 2011.
Bannerman; J., Cunningham; Z., Underhill; M and A. Heath. 2011. Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of two Iron Gall Ink Documents: 1782 and 1859. Presentation for the 13th International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts. Copenhagen, Denmark. Publication pending 2012.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture. Poster for the CAC, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; May 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of a sample of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture. Presentation for the British Museum, Feb. 2011, British Museum, London.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of a sample of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture. Presentation for the Swedish National Heritage Board, Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden, Feb. 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: Digital Colour Photographs. Tate Britain Report, London. March 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: Rene Magritte - The Spirit of Geometry. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: Acrylic Red House Paint from an artwork on display in Paper Conservation. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: J. M. W. Turner – The Blue Rigi. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: John Martin – The Garden of Eden and a Study for ‘The Last Judgment’ . Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: Paul Nash - Three Rooms and Mansions of the Dead. Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.
Bannerman; J. 2011. Micro-fade Testing: Graffiti on a photograph by Metzger on PVC. Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.
Bannerma; J., Heath; A., Cunningham; Z and Mark Underhill. 2010. Educational Seminar on Anoxic / Hypoxic Framing and Microfadometry at Tate Britain. Internal Presentation, December 2010, Tate Britain, London.
Bannerman; J. 2010. Micro-Fade Analysis of Two, Sir John Gilbert Watercolour Reproductions. For Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London. Tate Britain Report, London.
Bannerman; J. 2010. Iron Gall Ink Assessment using Micro-Fade Testing of two Documents: 1782 and 1859. Tate Britain, Internal Report, London.
Bannerman; J. 2010. Micro-fade Analysis of Pigments: A selection from Andrew Lerwill’s Thesis. Tate Britain Internal Report, London.
Bannerman; J. 2010. Micro-fading Report on Tiger Basket Samples from the British Museum. Tate Britain Internal Report, London.
Bannerman; J. 2010. Micro-fading Report on Watercolour paint outs similar to those used by Sir John Gilbert. Internal report for Guildhall Art Gallery Guildhall Yard, London.
Heath; A and J. Bannerman. 2010. Micro-Fade Testing. Pamphlet. Tate Britain, London.
Bannerman; Judith. 2010. Micro-fade testing of a 19th Century, Porcupine Quill Decorated, Game Bag from the Yukon Territory. Historical Dyes and Textiles, London. Pending.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. The Strengthening and Light aging Properties of Parylene N and C when used on Historical Papers as a Preservation Method. Proposal for the Heritage Science for Conservation section of the Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Predicting Longevity with Micro-Fade Testing. Poster for the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Fragment of a Silk Union Jack Flag. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of Fuji CD-R Data Disc. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of Printer Inks. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Black Silk Dress from the 1800’s. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Cotton Lace Hankie. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fading of a 19th Century, Porcupine Quill Decorated, Game Bag from the Yukon Territory. Pending Publication in the Dyes in History and Archaeology Magazine.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade Tester – A New Tool for Collections Preservation. Canadian Conservation Institute Magazine Issue 1 (2009), in French and English, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of printed Japanese Kozo Paper. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Chinese Silk Stocking. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Cotton Sampler. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of two Sound Reels: Acetate and Polyester. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a Wooden Tea Chest. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a 19th Century Print – “The Meeting”. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of a 19th Century Purple Silk Dress. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2009. Micro-fade analysis of various Raw Wood Blocks and Dyed Veneers. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Conservation Research. For the AIC Conference May 2009, Los Angels, California.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Analyzing Historical Artifacts and Predicting Longevity. For the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Analyzing The Fade Rate of Porcupine Decorated Aboriginal Artifacts. For the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of a Silk Prayer Scarf from 1920. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on a Micmac Box. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of Black and White Gelatin Photographs from the 1900’s. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on the Game Bag from the Royal Alberta Museum. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on the Hudson Bay Jacket. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of Black and White Collodion Photographs from the 1900’s. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of Japanese Tissue Paper Samples:Preliminary Study. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade issues. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Banitng Homestead Should be a Museum First. In the Alliston Herald, Alliston Ontario, November 12th, 2008.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Discussion and Analysis of four Sir Frederick Banting Paintings. For the Gibson Centre, Banting Art Conference, November, 2008.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Paintings‘Bobcaygeon’, 1925 and ‘En-route, Alaska’, 1926. Client Report for the Banting House National Historic Site of Canada, London, Ontario, Canada. CCI Press, Ottawa, Ontario.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Painting “Harbour” from the New Tecumseth Public Library. Client Report for the New Tecumseth Public Library, Alliston, Ontario, Canada. CCI Press, Ottawa,Ontario.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Painting from the Museum on the Boyne. Client Report for the Museum on the Boyne, Alliston, Ontario, Canada. CCI Press, Ottawa, Ontario.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. The Use of Micro-fading on a Birch Bark Quill box: Analysis of Dyed Porcupine Quills. Client Report for Private collector and Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2008. Micro-fade analysis of Individually Coloured and Natural Quills. Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.
Bannerman; Judith. 2007. The Effects of Ultraviolet Light Ageing on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Artists’ Acrylic Paints. Thesis, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, England.
Foster; Gary and Judith. Bannerman. 2004. Conservation of Modern Artists’ Paints:Acry-Med-Ex Project. X-at, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, England.
Bannerman; Judith. 1999. A Scientific Investigation into Copper-Alloys from Nicopolis, Bulgaria. Thesis. Department of Archaeology and the Department of Engineering, University of Nottingham Press, Nottingham, England.
Bannerman; Judith. 1998. A Study of Communication Between Arctic North American Peoples Through the Analysis of Dwelling Technology. Thesis. Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham Press, Nottingham, England.
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