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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Judith Bannerman

Dr Judith Bannerman

Technical Strategy and Operations Partner FHLS




Hatherly Building, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK


I am currently the Technical Strategy and Operations Partner for Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and have worked as a Technical Services Manager in Engineering and Physics. I have extensive experience in lab management, Health and Safety, purchasing large lab equipment, building labs, space management and have built a good working relationship with stakeholders across the campus.

I have a PhD in Material Science Engineering from the University of Exeter (2007), The Effects of Accelerated Ageing on the Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Artists' Acrylic Paints. A project in conjunction with Tate Britain. I have 8 years' experience in Research and Development. I have experience in analytical techniques such as DMTA (Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis), DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry), SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry), TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy), Micro CT (Computed Tomography), Tensile Testing, Fracture Toughness testing, VSC (Video Spectral Comparator), photogrammetry, RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), micro-fade testing and accelerated ageing techniques.

I also have experience in Project Management from initial concepts, to funding application through to completion and disseminating of information on the national and international stage. I have worked for various research groups around the world such as the Swedish National Heritage Board, Tate Britain, Queen's University as a Professor of Conservation Research Science, and the Canadian Conservation Institute. I have also been a part of the University of Nottingham's Mentoring program for many years.    


PhD in Material Science Engineering

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Research interests


  • Reflectance Transformation Imaging applied to engineering, mining, industrial applications and cultural heritage objects.
  • Photogrammetry applied in alternative research areas such as industry, cultural heritage, engineering, underwater archaeology
  • Application of materials science testing techniques to alternative areas of research such as archaeology, cultural heritage, biology, geography etc.
  • Micro-fade testing in cultural heritage, engineering and industry


Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M., Hinrichs Degerblad; K and Gunilla Lagnesjo. 2015. Textile art and flame retardants – The United Nations Case. NKF XX Congress: Monumental Treasures – Preservation and Conservation, Helsinki, Finland. October 21-23, 2015.

Winther; T., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobson; K and Johan Samuelsson.  2015. Adhesives for adhering polystyrene plastic and their long-term effect. Studies in Conservation, Volume 60, Issue 2, March, 2015, pp. 107-120.

Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M., Hinrichs Degerblad; K and Gunilla Lagnesjo. 2015. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects. Technical report for the Swedish National Heritage Board and the United Nations, New York. March, 2015. Dnr. 3.2.2-03516-2012.

Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Wikström; L., Sandström; T and U. Brynnel. 2013. Practical aspects on the testing and use of adhesives on polystyrene. Future talks_13, Die Neue Sammlung, 23-25 October 2013.

Bannerman; J., Nilsson; J., Lagnesgo; G and B-I Andersson. 2013. Tid för studier av tid. Final Report, FoU Government Grant,  Project Dnr 353-03473-2011. June 2013.

Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobsson; K., and J. Samuelsson. 2013. Foga samman plast = vad händer på lång sikt?/ Joining plastic together - what happens over time?: En jämförande studie av limning av styrenplast och dess långtidspåverkan. / A comparative study of seven different adhesives for adhering polystyrene and their long-term effect. Final Report, FoU Government Grant, Project Dnr 353-3471-2011. March 2013.

Winther; Thea., Bannerman; J., Skogstad; H., Johansson; M., Jacobsson; K., and J. Samuelsson. 2013. Seven different adhesives for adhering polystyrene plastic and their long-term effect. Technical report 20130129, January 2013.

Bannerman; J. 2013. The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate the light fastness of a Carl Larsson Painting: Preliminary findings. Technical report for the National Museum of Stockholm, January 2013.

Bannerman; J. 2012. An introduction to Micro-Fade Testing. Technical workshop and report. Stockholm, Sweden. December 2012.

Bannerman; J., Bergstrand; M and J. Scharing. 2012. Yes, it is beautiful - but is it light-fast? The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate light fastness of natural dyes. Dyes in History Association Conference Presentation, Antwerp, Belgium October 2012.

Bannerman; J and M. Bergstrand. 2012. The Micro-fade Tester as a tool to evaluate the light fastness of natural dyes: Two case studies. Dyes in History Association Conference, Antwerp, Belgium October 2012.

Bannerman; J.  2012.  Microfadometry as a Tool in Conservation: Lighting Decisions and Cleaning.  Fagdag Conference, January 2012, Bergen, Norway.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: A New Tool for Museums.  Conference at Riksutstelninger, Dec. 9th 2011.  Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Tensile Testing in Conservation.  Presentation for Gotland University Students in Conservation, November, 2011, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden.

Carlsson; A., Thusson; Kaj., Mårtensson; M and J. Bannerman.  2011.  Ansiktsmask från Hellvi – undersökning om föremålet är hittat på Gotland.  Internal Report for Riksantikvarieämbetet.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Microfadometry as a Tool in Cleaning Graffiti on an Oversize Analogue Inkjet Print on PVC.  Poster Presentation: Tate Microfadometry Conference, Sept. 2011. Tate Modern, London.

Bannerman; J., Cunningham; Z., Heath: A., Underhill; M and J. Townsend.  2011.  Microclimate and Anoxic Frames.  Presentation: AIC 2011 Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Post prints Paintings and RATS specialty Group.

Heath; A., Townsend; J., Hackney; S., Underhill; M., Cunningham; Z and J. Bannerman.  2011.  Concept, design and development of Anoxic Frames for Display at Tate.  Pending: ICOM-CC 2011.

Bannerman; J., Cunningham; Z., Underhill; M and A. Heath.  2011.  Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of two Iron Gall Ink Documents: 1782 and 1859.  Presentation for the  13th International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts. Copenhagen, Denmark.  Publication pending 2012.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture.  Poster for the CAC, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; May 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of a sample of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture.  Presentation for the British Museum, Feb. 2011, British Museum, London.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Microfadometry and Anoxic Testing of a sample of Japanese Tiger Bamboo Basketry (torachiku) used in Sculpture.  Presentation for the Swedish National Heritage Board, Visby, Gotland Island, Sweden, Feb. 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: Digital Colour Photographs. Tate Britain Report, London. March 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: Rene Magritte - The Spirit of Geometry. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: Acrylic Red House Paint from an artwork on display in Paper Conservation. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: J. M. W. Turner – The Blue Rigi. Tate Britain Report, London. February 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: John Martin – The Garden of Eden and a Study for ‘The Last Judgment’ . Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: Paul Nash - Three Rooms and Mansions of the Dead. Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.

Bannerman; J.  2011.  Micro-fade Testing: Graffiti on a photograph by Metzger on PVC. Tate Britain Report, London. January 2011.

Bannerma; J., Heath; A., Cunningham; Z and Mark Underhill.  2010.  Educational Seminar on Anoxic / Hypoxic Framing and Microfadometry at Tate Britain.  Internal Presentation, December 2010, Tate Britain, London.

Bannerman; J.  2010.  Micro-Fade Analysis of Two, Sir John Gilbert Watercolour Reproductions.  For Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London.  Tate Britain Report, London.

Bannerman; J.  2010.  Iron Gall Ink Assessment using Micro-Fade Testing of two Documents: 1782 and 1859.  Tate Britain, Internal Report, London.

Bannerman; J.  2010.  Micro-fade Analysis of Pigments: A selection from Andrew Lerwill’s Thesis.  Tate Britain Internal Report, London.

Bannerman; J.  2010.  Micro-fading Report on Tiger Basket Samples from the British Museum.  Tate Britain Internal Report, London.

Bannerman; J.  2010.  Micro-fading Report on Watercolour paint outs similar to those used by Sir John Gilbert.  Internal report for Guildhall Art Gallery Guildhall Yard, London.

Heath; A and J. Bannerman.  2010. Micro-Fade Testing. Pamphlet.  Tate Britain, London.

Bannerman; Judith.  2010.  Micro-fade testing of a 19th Century, Porcupine Quill Decorated, Game Bag from the Yukon Territory.  Historical Dyes and Textiles, London.  Pending.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  The Strengthening and Light aging Properties of Parylene N and C when used on Historical Papers as a Preservation Method.  Proposal for the Heritage Science for Conservation section of the Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Predicting Longevity with Micro-Fade Testing. Poster for the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Fragment of a Silk Union Jack Flag.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of Fuji CD-R Data Disc.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of Printer Inks.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Black Silk Dress from the 1800’s.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Cotton Lace Hankie.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fading of a 19th Century, Porcupine Quill Decorated, Game Bag from the Yukon Territory.  Pending Publication in the Dyes in History and Archaeology Magazine.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade Tester – A New Tool for Collections Preservation.  Canadian Conservation Institute Magazine Issue 1 (2009), in French and English, Ottawa. 

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of printed Japanese Kozo Paper.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Chinese Silk Stocking.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Cotton Sampler.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of two Sound Reels: Acetate and Polyester.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a Wooden Tea Chest.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a 19th Century Print – “The Meeting”.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of a 19th Century Purple Silk Dress.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2009.  Micro-fade analysis of various Raw Wood Blocks and Dyed Veneers.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Conservation Research. For the AIC Conference May 2009, Los Angels, California.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Analyzing Historical Artifacts and Predicting Longevity.  For the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Abstract: Micro-Fading: A New Tool for Analyzing The Fade Rate of Porcupine Decorated Aboriginal Artifacts. For the CAC Conference, May 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of a Silk Prayer Scarf from 1920.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on a Micmac Box.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of Black and White Gelatin Photographs from the 1900’s.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on the Game Bag from the Royal Alberta Museum.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Porcupine Quill Decoration on the Hudson Bay Jacket.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of Black and White Collodion Photographs from the 1900’s.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of Japanese Tissue Paper Samples:Preliminary Study.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith. 2008.  Micro-fade issues.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith. 2008.  Banitng Homestead Should be a Museum First.  In the Alliston Herald, Alliston Ontario, November 12th, 2008.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Discussion and Analysis of four Sir Frederick Banting Paintings.  For the Gibson Centre, Banting Art Conference, November, 2008.

Bannerman; Judith. 2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Paintings‘Bobcaygeon’, 1925 and ‘En-route, Alaska’, 1926.  Client Report for the Banting House National Historic Site of Canada, London, Ontario, Canada.  CCI Press, Ottawa, Ontario.

Bannerman; Judith. 2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Painting “Harbour” from the New Tecumseth Public Library. Client Report for the New Tecumseth Public Library, Alliston, Ontario, Canada.  CCI Press, Ottawa,Ontario.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of the Sir Frederick Banting Painting from the Museum on the Boyne.  Client Report for the Museum on the Boyne, Alliston, Ontario, Canada.  CCI Press, Ottawa, Ontario.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  The Use of Micro-fading on a Birch Bark Quill box: Analysis of Dyed Porcupine Quills.  Client Report for Private collector and Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2008.  Micro-fade analysis of Individually Coloured and Natural Quills.  Internal report, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa.

Bannerman; Judith.  2007.  The Effects of Ultraviolet Light Ageing on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Artists’ Acrylic Paints.  Thesis, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, England.

Foster; Gary and Judith. Bannerman.  2004.  Conservation of Modern Artists’ Paints:Acry-Med-Ex Project.  X-at, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, England.

Bannerman; Judith.  1999.  A Scientific Investigation into Copper-Alloys from Nicopolis, Bulgaria.  Thesis.  Department of Archaeology and the Department of Engineering, University of Nottingham Press, Nottingham, England.

Bannerman; Judith.  1998.  A Study of Communication Between Arctic North American Peoples Through the Analysis of Dwelling Technology.  Thesis.  Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham Press, Nottingham, England.

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