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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Juliet Osborne

Professor Juliet Osborne

Chair in Applied Ecology

 Environment and Sustainability Institute 0.12


Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


My research looks at how insects and plants interact within the environment, and their role in the provision of ecosystem services. My work includes the study of pollination and pest regulation in crops. I am particularly interested in conserving and promoting bee populations, and protecting and promoting wild flower and crop pollination. To achieve this, I work closely with beekeepers, conservation organisations and local land-owners.

My google scholar page

From 2017-2020 I was Director of the Environment and Sustainability Institute, promoting cross collaboration between disciplines to solve the challenges of our environment.  I also chaired the University of Exeter working group to develop a plan for the University to reduce address the climate and environment emergency. This was published in a white paper in 2019.

You can find out more about my research by watching a two-minute video of me explaining my work.

Here is another video of my research group [embed: 150]

Here is some of our work with stakeholders


1994 PhD in Pollination Ecology (University of Cambridge)
1989 BA Natural Sciences (University of Cambridge)


2017-2020: Director of the Environment & Sustainability Institute

2013 - present Chair in Applied Ecology, University of Exeter

2012 Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
2008-2012 Programme Leader & Deputy Scientific Director of the Centre for Soils & Ecosystem Function, Rothamsted Research
2006-2008 Principal Investigator, Rothamsted Research
2002-2005 Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Rothamsted Research
1995-2002 Postdoctoral Researcher, Rothamsted Research

Research group links

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Research interests

  • Bumblebee ecology
  • Modelling impacts of multiple stressors on bee populations
  • Impacts on pollination in farmland
  • Vespa velutina, the asian hornet, and invasive species in Europe
  • Use of radio-telemetry and radar to track individual flying bees and butterflies
  • Insect movement patterns across the landscape
  • Effects of interactions between diseases and foraging patterns on bee populations

Research projects

Current projects (2021)

Completed projects

PhD studentships:

  • Perspectives on pollinator decline: Which bees do we want to save? Exploring the science and ideology of a social movement - Fay Kahane (SWDTP - ESRC studentship)
  • GW4+ ESRC/BBSRC studentship: Understanding UK agri-environment schemes: participation, engagement and impact - Jen Clements (SWDTP - ESRC/BBSRC studentship)
  • Hedges and verges as habitat networks for biodiversity, pollination and nutrient cycling - Ben Phillips (GW4+ NERC Case PhD studentship with Cornwall AONB)
  • Nest searching ecology of queen bumblebees in Cornish gardens - Beth Roberts (GW4+ NERC studentship)
  • Cucurbit pollination: mechanisms and management to improve field crop quality and quantity - Jessica Knapp (AHDB studentship)
  • Modelling honeybee colony and foraging dynamics for pesticide risk assessment - Jack Rumkee (BBSRC CASE studentship with Syngenta)

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Journal articles

Phillips B, Bullock J, Osborne J, Gaston K (In Press). Ecosystem service provision by road verges. Journal of Applied Ecology
Roberts B, Cox R, Osborne J (In Press). Quantifying the relative predation pressure on bumblebee nests by the European badger (Meles meles) using artificial nests. Ecology and Evolution Abstract.
Becher M, Twiston-Davies G, Osborne J, Lander T (In Press). Resource gaps pose the greatest threat for bumblebees during the colony establishment phase. Insect Conservation and Diversity Abstract.
Phillips B, Navaratnam A, Hooper J, Bullock J, Osborne J, Gaston K (In Press). Road verge extent and habitat composition across Great Britain. Landscape and Urban Planning
Phillips BB, Bullock JM, Osborne JL, Gaston K (In Press). Spatial extent of road pollution: a national analysis. Science of the Total Environment
O’Shea-Wheller TA, Corbett A, Osborne JL, Recker M, Kennedy PJ (2024). VespAI: a deep learning-based system for the detection of invasive hornets. Communications Biology, 7(1). Abstract.
Poidatz J, Chiron G, Kennedy P, Osborne J, Requier F (2023). Density of predating Asian hornets at hives disturbs the 3D flight performance of honey bees and decreases predation success. Ecol Evol, 13(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Rojas-Nossa SV, O'Shea-Wheller TA, Poidatz J, Mato S, Osborne J, Garrido J (2023). Predator and pollinator? an invasive hornet alters the pollination dynamics of a native plant. Basic and Applied Ecology, 71, 119-128.
O'Shea-Wheller TA, Curtis RJ, Kennedy PJ, Groom EKJ, Poidatz J, Raffle DS, Rojas-Nossa SV, Bartolomé C, Dasilva-Martins D, Maside X, et al (2023). Quantifying the impact of an invasive Hornet on Bombus terrestris Colonies. Commun Biol, 6(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Allen-Perkins A, Magrach A, Dainese M, Garibaldi LA, Kleijn D, Rader R, Reilly JR, Winfree R, Lundin O, McGrady CM, et al (2022). CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology, 103(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Kahane F, Osborne J, Crowley S, Shaw R (2022). Motivations underpinning honeybee management practices: a Q methodology study with UK beekeepers. Ambio, 51(10), 2155-2168. Abstract.
Twiston-Davies G, Becher MA, Osborne JL (2021). BEE-STEWARD: a research and decision-support software for effective land management to promote bumblebee populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(10), 1809-1815. Abstract.
Shaw RF, Christman K, Crookes R, Gilbert CN, Osborne JL (2021). Effect of height and colour of bee bricks on nesting occupancy of bees and wasps in sw england. Conservation Evidence, 18, 10-17. Abstract.
Horn J, Becher MA, Johst K, Kennedy PJ, Osborne JL, Radchuk V, Grimm V (2021). Honey bee colony performance affected by crop diversity and farmland structure: a modeling framework. Ecol Appl, 31(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Clements J, Lobley M, Osborne J, Wills J (2021). How can academic research on UK agri-environment schemes pivot to meet the addition of climate mitigation aims?. Land Use Policy, 106, 105441-105441.
Phillips B, Bullock J, Gaston K, Hudson-Edwards K, Bamford M, Cruse D, Dicks L, Falagan C, Wallace C, Osborne J, et al (2021). Impacts of multiple pollutants on pollinator activity in road verges. Journal of Applied Ecology
Phillips BB, Wallace C, Roberts BR, Whitehouse AT, Gaston KJ, Bullock JM, Dicks LV, Osborne JL (2020). Enhancing road verges to aid pollinator conservation: a review. Biological Conservation, 250, 108687-108687.
Shaw RF, Phillips BB, Doyle T, Pell JK, Redhead JW, Savage J, Woodcock BA, Bullock JM, Osborne JL (2020). Mass-flowering crops have a greater impact than semi-natural habitat on crop pollinators and pollen deposition. Landscape Ecology, 35(2), 513-527. Abstract.
Knapp JL, Phillips BB, Clements J, Shaw RF, Osborne J (2020). Socio-psychological factors, beyond knowledge, predict people’s engagement with pollinator conservation. People and Nature
Knapp JL, Osborne JL (2019). Cucurbits as a model system for crop pollination management. Journal of Pollination Ecology, 25, 89-102. Abstract.
Coppinger CR, Ellender BR, Stanley DA, Osborne J (2019). Insights into the impacts of rural honey hunting in Zambia. African Journal of Ecology, 57(4), 610-614.
Woodcock BA, Garratt MPD, Powney GD, Shaw RF, Osborne JL, Soroka J, Lindström SAM, Stanley D, Ouvrard P, Edwards ME, et al (2019). Meta-analysis reveals that pollinator functional diversity and abundance enhance crop pollination and yield. Nature Communications, 10(1). Abstract.
Knapp JL, Shaw RF, Osborne JL (2019). Pollinator visitation to mass-flowering courgette and co-flowering wild flowers: Implications for pollination and bee conservation on farms. Basic and Applied Ecology, 34, 85-94. Abstract.
Phillips BB, Gaston KJ, Bullock JM, Osborne JL (2019). Road verges support pollinators in agricultural landscapes, but are diminished by heavy traffic and summer cutting. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(10), 2316-2327. Abstract.
Roberts BR, Osborne JL (2019). Testing the efficacy of a thermal camera as a search tool for locating wild bumble bee nests. Journal of Apicultural Research, 58(4), 494-500. Abstract.
Knapp J, Becher MA, Rankin C, Twiston-Davies G, Osborne JL (2018). Bombus terrestris in a mass‐flowering pollinator‐dependent crop: a mutualistic relationship?. Ecology and Evolution
Becher MA, Twiston-Davies G, Penny TD, Goulson D, Rotheray EL, Osborne JL (2018). Bumble-BEEHAVE: a systems model for exploring multifactorial causes of bumblebee decline at individual, colony, population and community level. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(6), 2790-2801. Abstract.
Phillips BB, Shaw RF, Holland MJ, Fry EL, Bardgett RD, Bullock JM, Osborne JL (2018). Drought reduces floral resources for pollinators. Global Change Biology, 24, 3226-3235.
Pilgrim ES, Osborne J, Winter M (2018). Evaluating the multiple benefits of multi-layered agroforestry systems. International Journal of Agricultural Management, 7(2), 4-16. Abstract.
Nicholls E, Botías C, Rotheray EL, Whitehorn P, David A, Fowler R, David T, Feltham H, Swain JL, Wells P, et al (2018). Monitoring Neonicotinoid Exposure for Bees in Rural and Peri-urban Areas of the U.K. during the Transition from Pre- to Post-moratorium. Environ Sci Technol, 52(16), 9391-9402. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kennedy PJ, Ford SM, Poidatz J, Thiery D, Osborne JL (2018). Searching for nests of the invasive Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) using radio-telemetry. Communications Biology, 1 Abstract.
Phillips BB, Williams A, Shaw RF, Osborne JL (2018). Shared traits make flies and bees effective pollinators of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Basic and Applied Ecology
Knapp JL, Osborne JL (2017). Courgette Production: Pollination Demand, Supply, and Value. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(5), 1973-1979.
Mauchline AL, Cook SM, Powell W, Chapman JW, Osborne JL (2017). Migratory flight behaviour of the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus. Pest Manag Sci, 73(6), 1076-1082. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rumkee JCO, Becher MA, Thorbek P, Osborne JL (2017). Modeling Effects of Honeybee Behaviors on the Distribution of Pesticide in Nectar within a Hive and Resultant in-Hive Exposure. Environ Sci Technol, 51(12), 6908-6917. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carruthers JM, Cook SM, Wright GA, Osborne JL, Clark SJ, Haughton AJ (2017). Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as a resource for farmland insect pollinators: quantifying floral traits in conventional varieties and breeding systems. GCB Bioenergy, 9, 1370-1379.
Rotheray EL, Osborne JL, Goulson D (2017). Quantifying the food requirements and effects of food stress on bumble bee colony development. Journal of Apicultural Research, 56(3), 288-299. Abstract.
Knapp J, Horn J, Twiston-Davies G, Osborne JL, Becher MA, Grimm V (2016). BEESCOUT: a model of bee scouting behaviour and a software tool for characterizing nectar/pollen landscapes for BEEHAVE. Ecological Modelling, 340, 126-133. Abstract.
Wells T, Wolf S, Nicholls E, Groll H, Lim KS, Clark SJ, Swain J, Osborne JL, Haughton AJ (2016). Flight performance of actively foraging honey bees is reduced by a common pathogen. Environmental Microbiology Reports
Wolf S, Nicholls E, Reynolds AM, Wells P, Lim KS, Paxton RJ, Osborne JL (2016). Optimal search patterns in honeybee orientation flights are robust against emerging infectious diseases. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Henry M, Becher MA, Osborne JL, Kennedy PJ, Aupinel P, Bretagnolle V, Brun F, Grimm V, Horn J, Requier F, et al (2016). Predictive systems models can help elucidate bee declines driven by multiple combined stressors. Apidologie
Gill RJ, Baldock KCR, Brown MJF, Cresswell JE, Dicks LV, Fountain MT, Garratt MPD, Gough LA, Heard MS, Holland JM, et al (2016). Protecting an Ecosystem Service: Approaches to Understanding and Mitigating Threats to Wild Insect Pollinators. , 54, 135-206. Abstract.
Knapp JL, Bartlett LJ, Osborne JL (2016). Re‐evaluating strategies for pollinator‐dependent crops: How useful is parthenocarpy?. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(4), 1171-1179. Abstract.
Osborne JL (2015). Borage. Bee World, 80(1), 33-36.
Carvell C, Bourke AFG, Osborne JL, Heard MS (2015). Effects of an agri-environment scheme on bumblebee reproduction at local and landscape scales. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16(6), 519-530. Abstract.
Horn J, Becher MA, Kennedy PJ, Osborne JL, Grimm V (2015). Multiple stressors: using the honeybee model BEEHAVE to explore how spatial and temporal forage stress affects colony resilience. Oikos, 125(7), 1001-1016. Abstract.
Rumkee JCO, Becher MA, Thorbek P, Kennedy PJ, Osborne JL (2015). Predicting Honeybee Colony Failure: Using the BEEHAVE Model to Simulate Colony Responses to Pesticides. Environ Sci Technol, 49(21), 12879-12887. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carreck NL, Osborne JL, Capaldi EA, Riley JR (2015). Tracking bees with radar. Bee World, 80(3), 124-131.
Becher MA, Grimm V, Thorbek P, Horn J, Kennedy PJ, Osborne JL (2014). BEEHAVE: a systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51(2), 470-482. Abstract.
Fürst MA, McMahon DP, Osborne JL, Paxton RJ, Brown MJF (2014). Disease associations between honeybees and bumblebees as a threat to wild pollinators. Nature, 506(7488), 364-366. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carvell C, Bourke AFG, Osborne JL, Heard MS (2014). Effects of an agri-environment scheme on bumblebee reproduction at local and landscape scales. Basic and Applied Ecology Abstract.
Wolf S, McMahon DP, Lim KS, Pull CD, Clark SJ, Paxton RJ, Osborne JL (2014). So near and yet so far: harmonic radar reveals reduced homing ability of Nosema infected honeybees. PLoS One, 9(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lihoreau M, Raine NE, Reynolds AM, Stelzer RJ, Lim KS, Smith AD, Osborne JL, Chittka L (2014). Unravelling the mechanisms of trapline foraging in bees. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6(1).
Mauchline AL, Cook SM, Powell W, Osborne JL (2013). Effects of non-host plant odour on Meligethes aeneus during immigration to oilseed rape. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 146(3), 313-320. Abstract.
Dicks LV, Abrahams A, Atkinson J, Biesmeijer J, Bourn N, Brown C, Brown MJF, Carvell C, Connolly C, Cresswell JE, et al (2013). Identifying key knowledge needs for evidence-based conservation of wild insect pollinators: a collaborative cross-sectoral exercise. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 6(3), 435-446. Abstract.
Becher MA, Osborne JL, Thorbek P, Kennedy PJ, Grimm V (2013). REVIEW: Towards a systems approach for understanding honeybee decline: a stocktaking and synthesis of existing models. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 50(4), 868-880.  Author URL.
Osborne JL, Smith A, Clark SJ, Reynolds DR, Barron MC, Lim KS, Reynolds AM (2013). The ontogeny of bumblebee flight trajectories: from naïve explorers to experienced foragers. PLoS One, 8(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Vanbergen AJ, Initiative TIP (2013). Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(5), 251-259. Abstract.
Becher MA, Osborne JL, Thorbek P, Kennedy PJ, Grimm V (2013). Towards a systems approach for understanding honeybee decline: a stocktaking and synthesis of existing models. Journal of Applied Ecology
Becher MA, Osborne JL, Thorbek P, Kennedy PJ, Grimm V (2013). Towards a systems approach for understanding honeybee decline: a stocktaking and synthesis of existing models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(4), 868-880. Abstract.
Bull JC, Ryabov EV, Prince G, Mead A, Zhang C, Baxter LA, Pell JK, Osborne JL, Chandler D (2012). A Strong Immune Response in Young Adult Honeybees Masks Their Increased Susceptibility to Infection Compared to Older Bees. PLOS PATHOGENS, 8(12).  Author URL.
Osborne JL (2012). Ecology: Bumblebees and pesticides. Nature, 491(7422), 43-45.  Author URL.
Dicks LV, Abrahams A, Atkinson J, Biesmeijer J, Bourn N, Brown C, Brown MJ, Carvell C, Connolly C, Cresswell JE, et al (2012). Identifying key knowledge needs for evidence-based conservation of wild insect pollinators: a collaborative cross-sectoral exercise. Insect Conservation and Diversity
Lihoreau M, Raine NE, Reynolds AM, Stelzer RJ, Lim KS, Smith AD, Osborne JL, Chittka L (2012). Radar Tracking and Motion-Sensitive Cameras on Flowers Reveal the Development of Pollinator Multi-Destination Routes over Large Spatial Scales. PLoS Biology, 10(9). Abstract.
Lye GC, Osborne JL, Park KJ, Goulson D (2012). Using citizen science to monitor Bombus populations in the UK: Nesting ecology and relative abundance in the urban environment. Journal of Insect Conservation, 16(5), 697-707. Abstract.
Carvell C, Osborne JL, Bourke AFG, Freeman SN, Pywell RF, Heard MS (2011). Bumble bee species' responses to a targeted conservation measure depend on landscape context and habitat quality. Ecological Applications, 21(5), 1760-1771. Abstract.
Lye GC, Jennings SN, Osborne JL, Goulson D (2011). Impacts of the use of nonnative commercial bumble bees for pollinator supplementation in raspberry. Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(1), 107-114. Abstract.
Lye GC, Osborne JL, Park KJ, Goulson D (2011). Using citizen science to monitor Bombus populations in the UK: nesting ecology and relative abundance in the urban environment. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1-11.
Goulson D, Lepais O, O'Connor S, Osborne JL, Sanderson RA, Cussans J, Goffe L, Darvill B (2010). Effects of land use at a landscape scale on bumblebee nest density and survival. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(6), 1207-1215. Abstract.
Lepais O, Darvill B, O'Connor S, Osborne JL, Sanderson RA, Cussans J, Goffe L, Goulson D (2010). Estimation of bumblebee queen dispersal distances using sibship reconstruction method. Molecular Ecology, 19(4), 819-831. Abstract.
Jacobs JH, Clark SJ, Denholm I, Goulson D, Stoate C, Osborne JL (2010). Pollinator effectiveness and fruit set in common ivy, Hedera helix (Araliaceae). Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 4(1), 19-28. Abstract.
Cussans J, Goulson D, Sanderson R, Goffe L, Darvill B, Osborne JL (2010). Two bee-pollinated plant species show higher seed production when grown in gardens compared to arable farmland. PLoS One, 5(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Lye G, Park K, Osborne J, Holland J, Goulson D (2009). Assessing the value of Rural Stewardship schemes for providing foraging resources and nesting habitat for bumblebee queens (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biological Conservation, 142(10), 2023-2032. Abstract.
Knight ME, Osborne JL, Sanderson RA, Hale RJ, Martin AP, Goulson D (2009). Bumblebee nest density and the scale of available forage in arable landscapes. INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY, 2(2), 116-124.  Author URL.
Williams PH, Osborne JL (2009). Bumblebee vulnerability and conservation world-wide. Apidologie, 40(3), 367-387. Abstract.
Niitepõald K, Smith AD, Osborne JL, Reynolds DR, Carreck NL, Martin AP, Marden JH, Ovaskainen O, Hanski I (2009). Flight metabolic rate and Pgi genotype influence butterfly dispersal rate in the field. Ecology, 90(8), 2223-2232. Abstract.
Reynolds AM, Swain JL, Smith AD, Martin AP, Osborne JL (2009). Honeybees use a Levy flight search strategy and odour-mediated anemotaxis to relocate food sources. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 64(1), 115-123.  Author URL.
Jacobs JH, Clark SJ, Denholm I, Goulson D, Stoate C, Osborne JL (2009). Pollination biology of fruit-bearing hedgerow plants and the role of flower-visiting insects in fruit-set. Ann Bot, 104(7), 1397-1404. Abstract.  Author URL.
Osborne JL, Martin AP, Carreck NL, Swain JL, Knight ME, Goulson D, Hale RJ, Sanderson RA (2008). Bumblebee flight distances in relation to the forage landscape. J Anim Ecol, 77(2), 406-415. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cullen DW, Squire GR, McNicol JW, Jacobs JH, Osborne JL, Ford L, Ramsay G, Scrimgeour C, Young MW (2008). Development and validation of gas chromatography and real-time quantitative PCR for the quantification of landscape-scale gene flow from varieties of high erucic acid (HEAR) oilseed rape. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(13), 2253-2264. Abstract.
Mauchline AL, Birkett MA, Woodcock CM, Pickett JA, Osborne JL, Powell W (2008). Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, to volatiles from a non-host plant, lavender, Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiaceae). Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2(2), 109-115. Abstract.
Damgaard C, Simonsen V, Osborne JL (2008). Prediction of pollen-mediated gene flow between fields of red clover (Trifolium pratense). Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 13(4), 483-490. Abstract.
Osborne JL, Martin AP, Shortall CR, Todd AD, Goulson D, Knight ME, Hale RJ, Sanderson RA (2008). Quantifying and comparing bumblebee nest densities in gardens and countryside habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(3), 784-792. Abstract.
Ovaskainen O, Smith AD, Osborne JL, Reynolds DR, Carreck NL, Martin AP, Niitepõld K, Hanski I (2008). Tracking butterfly movements with harmonic radar reveals an effect of population age on movement distance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(49), 19090-19095. Abstract.
Reynolds AM, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Carreck NL, Osborne JL (2007). Honeybees perform optimal scale-free searching flights when attempting to locate a food source. Journal of Experimental Biology, 210(21), 3763-3770. Abstract.
Reynolds AM, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Carreck NL, Osborne JL (2007). Honeybees perform optimal scale-free searching flights when attempting to locate a food source. J Exp Biol, 210(Pt 21), 3763-3770. Abstract.  Author URL.
Heard MS, Carvell C, Carreck NL, Rothery P, Osborne JL, Bourke AFG (2007). Landscape context not patch size determines bumble-bee density on flower mixtures sown for agri-environment schemes. Biology Letters, 3(6), 638-641. Abstract.
Martin AP, Carreck NL, Swain JL, Goulson D, Knight ME, Hale RJ, Sanderson RA, Osborne JL (2006). A modular system for trapping and mass-marking bumblebees: Applications for studying food choice and foraging range. Apidologie, 37(3), 341-350. Abstract.
Knight ME, Martin AP, Bishop S, Osborne JL, Hale RJ, Sanderson RA, Goulson D (2005). An interspecific comparison of foraging range and nest density of four bumblebee (Bombus) species. Molecular Ecology, 14(6), 1811-1820. Abstract.
Bohan DA, Boffey CWH, Brooks DR, Clark SJ, Dewar AM, Firbank LG, Haughton AJ, Hawes C, Heard MS, May MJ, et al (2005). Effects on weed and invertebrate abundance and diversity of herbicide management in genetically modified herbicide-tolerant winter-sown oilseed rape. Proc Biol Sci, 272(1562), 463-474. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mauchline AL, Osborne JL, Martin AP, Poppy GM, Powell W (2005). The effects of non-host plant essential oil volatiles on the behaviour of the pollen beetle <i>Meligethes aeneus</i>. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA, 114(3), 181-188.  Author URL.
Cant ET, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Osborne JL (2005). Tracking butterfly flight paths across the landscape with harmonic radar. Proc Biol Sci, 272(1565), 785-790. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mauchline AL, Osborne JL, Powell W (2004). Feeding responses of carabid beetles to dimethoate-contaminated prey. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, 6(2), 99-104.  Author URL.
Cresswell JE, Osborne JL (2004). The effect of patch size and separation on bumblebee foraging in oilseed rape: implications for gene flow. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41(3), 539-546.
Firbank LG, Heard MS, Woiwod IP, Hawes C, Haughton AJ, Champion GT, Scott RJ, Hill MO, Dewar AM, Squire GR, et al (2003). An introduction to the Farm-Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 40(1), 2-16.  Author URL.
Haughton AJ, Champion GT, Hawes C, Heard MS, Brooks DR, Bohan DA, Clark SJ, Dewar AM, Firbank LG, Osborne JL, et al (2003). Invertebrate responses to the management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant and conventional spring crops. II. Within-field epigeal and aerial arthropods. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 358(1439), 1863-1877. Abstract.  Author URL.
Roy DB, Bohan DA, Haughton AJ, Hill MO, Osborne JL, Clark SJ, Perry JN, Rothery P, Scott RJ, Brooks DR, et al (2003). Invertebrates and vegetation of field margins adjacent to crops subject to contrasting herbicide regimes in the Farm Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 358(1439), 1879-1898.  Author URL.
Squire GR, Brooks DR, Bohan DA, Champion GT, Daniels RE, Haughton AJ, Hawes C, Heard MS, Hill MO, May MJ, et al (2003). On the rationale and interpretation of the Farm Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 358(1439), 1779-1799.  Author URL.
Hawes C, Haughton AJ, Osborne JL, Roy DB, Clark SJ, Perry JN, Rothery P, Bohan DA, Brooks DR, Champion GT, et al (2003). Responses of plants and invertebrate trophic groups to contrasting herbicide regimes in the Farm Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herb icide-tolerant crops. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 358(1439), 1899-1913.  Author URL.
Cresswell JE, Bell SA, Osborne JL (2002). A model of pollinator-mediated gene flow between plant populations with numerical solutions for bumblebees pollinating oilseed rape. Oikos, 98(3), 375-384.
Osborne JL, Williams IH, Marshall AH, Michaelson-Yeates TPT (2001). Pollination and gene flow in white clover, growing in a patchy habitat. Acta Horticulturae, 561, 35-40. Abstract.
Osborne JL, Williams IH (2001). Site constancy of bumble bees in an experimentally patchy habitat. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 83(1-2), 129-141. Abstract.
Cresswell JE, Osborne JL, Goulson D (2000). An economic model of the limits to foraging range in central place foragers with numerical solutions for bumblebees. Ecological Entomology, 25(3), 249-255. Abstract.
Capaldi EA, Smith AD, Osborne JL, Fahrbach SE, Farris SM, Reynolds DR, Edwards AS, Martin A, Robinson GE, Poppy GM, et al (2000). Ontogeny of orientation flight in the honeybee revealed by harmonic radar. Nature, 403(6769), 537-540. Abstract.
Osborne JL, Clark SJ, Morris RJ, Williams IH, Riley JR, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Edwards AS (1999). A landscape-scale study of bumble bee foraging range and constancy, using harmonic radar. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36(4), 519-533. Abstract.
Riley JR, Reynolds DR, Smith AD, Edwards AS, Osborne JL, Williams IH, McCartney HA (1999). Compensation for wind drift by bumble-bees. NATURE, 400(6740), 126-126.  Author URL.
Osborne JL, Awmack CS, Clark SJ, Williams IH, Mills VC (1997). Nectar and flower production in Vicia faba L (field bean) at ambient and elevated carbon dioxide. Apidologie, 28(1), 43-55. Abstract.
Osborne JL (1996). Focusing on bumble bees. BEE WORLD, 77(1), 57-61.  Author URL.
Riley JR, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Edwards AS, Osborne JL, Williams IH, Carreck NL, Poppy GM (1996). Tracking bees with harmonic radar. NATURE, 379(6560), 29-30.  Author URL.


Gill RJ, Baldock KCR, Brown MJF, Cresswell JE, Dicks LV, Fountain MT, Garratt MPD, Gough LA, Heard MS, Holland JM, et al (2016). Chapter Four Protecting an Ecosystem Service Approaches to Understanding and Mitigating Threats to Wild Insect Pollinators. In  (Ed) Ecosystem Services: from Biodiversity to Society, Part 2, Elsevier, 135-206.
Grimm V, Becher MA, Kennedy P, Thorbek P, Osborne J (2014). Ecological Modeling for Pesticide Risk Assessment for Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. In  (Ed) Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators, 149-162. Abstract.
Osborne JL, Free JB (2003). FLOWERING AND REPRODUCTION | Pollination. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences, Elsevier, 315-325.
Osborne J, Loxdale HD, Woiwood IP (2002). Monitoring insect dispersal: methods and approaches. In  (Ed) , 24-49.  Author URL.


Osborne JL, Williams IH, Carreck NL, Poppy GM, Riley JR, Smith AD, Reynolds DR, Edwards AS (1997). Harmonic radar: a new technique for investigating bumblebee and honeybee foraging flight.  Author URL.


Kennedy P, Osborne J (2023). A review of the success of the UK strategy to tackle the invasive insect Vespa velutina nigrithorax, the “Asian hornet”. 23 pages. Abstract.

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I teach a second year module on Applied Insect Ecology. This module focuses on a topic I am passionate about, and that is the diversity of insects and the role they play in the environment in terms of their interactions with plants, humans and other animals. We study insects as pollinators, decomposers, pests, and preators; and also take a look at the role of insects in forensic science, and in our history and culture.

I also teach students for 1 week Grand Challenges event - this year running as Challenges Online .  During a week in June we bring together students from across the University, from every department and campus, to explore how we can solve the Grand Challenges facing the world.  I am one of the academics supporting the Climate and Environment Emergency Challenge.



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Supervision / Group

Research Fellows

  • Grace Twiston-Davies
  • Juliette Poidatz
  • Peter Kennedy
  • Rosalind Shaw

Postgraduate researchers

  • Jen Clements
  • Fay Kahane
  • Benjamin Phillips


  • Matthias Becher - Research Fellow
  • Raluca Herascu - Completed PhD
  • Jess Knapp - Completed PhD
  • David Pascall - Completed PhD
  • Emma Pilgrim - Research Fellow
  • Bethany Roberts - Completed PhD
  • Jack Rumkee - Completed PhD

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Office Hours:

Wednesdays 2-3pm and Thursdays 2-3pm (during term time).

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