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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Kevin Gaston

Professor Kevin Gaston

Professor of Biodiversity and Conservation

 Environment and Sustainability Institute 2.01


Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


I lead basic, strategic and applied research in ecology and conservation biology, with particular emphases at present including the linked triumvirate of common ecology, nighttime ecology and personalised ecology. I was founding Director of the Environment and Sustainability Institute from 2010–17.

You can view my Google Scholar account here.

You can find out more by watching a two-minute video of me explaining my work.

Kevin J Gaston- Environmental management from Kernowpods on Vimeo


1989 PhD Biology (University of York)
1986 BSc Zoology (University of Sheffield)


2011-2017  Director of the ESI, University of Exeter
2002-2011  Professor of Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Sheffield 
1995-2002  Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Sheffield 
1994           Royal Society University Research Fellow, Imperial College 
1989-1994  Junior, Senior and Principal Research Fellow, The Natural History Museum

Research group links

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Research interests

  • Common ecology
  • Nighttime ecology (including the impacts of artificial light at night)
  • Personalised ecology

Research projects

Current and recent projects include

  • Net zero, resilience, and green skills 
  • Renewing biodiversity through a people-in-nature approach (RENEW)
  • IDEAL UK FIRE: Toward Informed Decisions on Ecologically Adaptive Land management for mitigating UK FIRE
  • The effects of artificial nighttime lighting on moth visual ecology and survival
  • Artificial light as a driver of nighttime landscape ecology
  • Tevi: Environmental Growth for Business

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Journal articles

Sanders D, Frago E, Kehoe R, Patterson C, Gaston K (In Press). A meta-analysis of biological impacts of artificial light at night. Nature Ecology and Evolution
Robinson BS, Inger R, Gaston KJ (In Press). A rose by any other name: plant identification knowledge & socio-demographics. PLoS One
Bennie J, Davies TW, Cruse D, Inger R, Gaston K (In Press). Artificial Light at Night Causes Top-down and Bottom-up Trophic Effects on Invertebrate Populations. Journal of Applied Ecology
Troscianko J, Briolat ES, Gaston KJ, Bennie J, Rosenfeld EJ (In Press). Artificial nighttime lighting impacts visual ecology links between flowers, pollinators and predators. Nature Communications
Chapman K, Smith MT, Gaston K, Hempel de Ibarra N (In Press). Bumblebee nest departures under low light conditions at sunrise and sunset. Biology Letters Abstract.
Gaston K (In Press). Characterising personalised ecologies. Journal of Zoology
Gardner AS, Maclean IMD, Gaston KJ (In Press). Climatic predictors of species distributions neglect biophysiologically meaningful variables. Diversity and Distributions
Sanchez De Miguel A, Kyba CCM, Aube M, Zamorano J, Cardiel N, Tapia C, Bennie J, Gaston KJ (In Press). Colour remote sensing of the impact of arti cial light at night (I): the potential of the International Space Station and other DSLR-based platforms. Remote Sensing of Environment
Phillips B, Bullock J, Osborne J, Gaston K (In Press). Ecosystem service provision by road verges. Journal of Applied Ecology
Zhang W, Sheldon BC, Grenyer R, Gaston K (In Press). Habitat change and biased sampling influence estimation of diversity trends. Current Biology
Sanders D, Kehoe R, Cruse D, Van Veen F, Gaston KJ (In Press). Low levels of artificial light at night strengthen top-down control in insect food web. Current Biology
Phillips B (In Press). Monitoring public engagement with nature using Google Trends. People and Nature Abstract.
Cox D, Sanchez De Miguel A, Dzurjak S, Bennie J, Gaston K (In Press). National scale spatial variation in artificial light at night. Remote Sensing
Gaston KJ, Holt L (In Press). Nature, extent and ecological implications of night-time light from road vehicles. Journal of Applied Ecology
Gaston KJ (In Press). Nighttime ecology: the ‘nocturnal problem’ revisited. American Naturalist
Gaston K, Ackermann S, Bennie J, Cox D, Phillips B, Sanchez De Miguel A, Sanders D (In Press). Pervasiveness of biological impacts of artificial light at night. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Phillips B, Navaratnam A, Hooper J, Bullock J, Osborne J, Gaston K (In Press). Road verge extent and habitat composition across Great Britain. Landscape and Urban Planning
Cox D, Bennie J, Casalegno S, Hudson HL, Anderson K, Gaston KJ (In Press). Skewed contributions of individual trees to indirect nature experiences. Landscape and Urban Planning
Garrett J, Donald PF, Gaston KJ (In Press). Skyglow extends into the world’s Key Biodiversity Areas. Animal Conservation
Phillips BB, Bullock JM, Osborne JL, Gaston K (In Press). Spatial extent of road pollution: a national analysis. Science of the Total Environment
Shanahan DF, Fuller RA, Bush R, Lin BB, Gaston KJ (In Press). The health benefits of urban nature: how much do we need?.
Sanchez De Miguel A, Kyba C, Zamorano J, Gallego J, Gaston K (In Press). The nature of the diffuse light near cities detected in nighttime satellite imagery. Scientific Reports
Soga M, Gaston K (In Press). Towards a unified understanding of human-nature interactions. Nature Sustainability
Anderson K, Hancock S, Casalegno S, Griffiths A, Griffiths D, Sargent F, Macallum J, Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (In Press). Visualising the urban green volume: Exploring LiDAR voxels with tangible technologies and virtual models. Landscape and Urban Planning Abstract.
Morrell S, Hatchell J, Wordingham F, Bennie J, Inston M, Gaston K (2024). Changing streetlighting schemes and the ecological availability of darkness. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 21(211). Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2024). Do people who experience more nature act more to protect it? a meta-analysis. Biological Conservation, 289, 110417-110417.
Baker DJ, Maclean IMD, Gaston KJ (2024). Effective strategies for correcting spatial sampling bias in species distribution models without independent test data. Diversity and Distributions, 30(3). Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2024). Extinction of experience due to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 14(2), 108-110.
Anderson K, Brewin RJW, Mleczko MM, Mueller M, Shutler JD, Wilkinson R, Yan X, Gaston KJ (2024). The dark side of Earth observation. Nature Sustainability, 7(3), 224-227.
Gaston KJ, Gardner AS, Cox DTC (2023). Anthropogenic changes to the nighttime environment. BioScience, 73(4), 280-290. Abstract.
Bullough K, Gaston KJ, Troscianko J (2023). Artificial light at night causes conflicting behavioural and morphological defence responses in a marine isopod. Proc Biol Sci, 290(2000). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jolkkonen J, Gaston KJ, Troscianko J (2023). Artificial lighting affects the landscape of fear in a widely distributed shorebird. Communications Biology, 6(1). Abstract.
Delahay RJ, Sherman D, Soyalan B, Gaston KJ (2023). Biodiversity in residential gardens: a review of the evidence base. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32(13), 4155-4179. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2023). Global synthesis reveals heterogeneous changes in connection of humans to nature. One Earth, 6(2), 131-138.
Cox DTC, Baker DJ, Gardner AS, Gaston KJ (2023). Global variation in unique and redundant mammal functional diversity across the daily cycle. Journal of Biogeography, 50(4), 629-640. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Phillips BB, Soga M (2023). Personalised ecology and the future of biodiversity. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction, 1 Abstract.
Coetzee BWT, Smit IPJ, Ackermann S, Gaston KJ (2023). The impacts of artificial light at night in Africa: Prospects for a research agenda. South African Journal of Science, 119(3/4). Abstract.
Evans MJ, Gaston KJ, Cox DTC, Soga M (2023). The research landscape of direct, sensory human–nature interactions. People and Nature, 5(6), 1893-1907. Abstract.
Baker DJ, Maclean IMD, Goodall M, Gaston KJ (2022). Correlations between spatial sampling biases and environmental niches affect species distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(6), 1038-1050. Abstract.
Sánchez de Miguel A, Bennie J, Rosenfeld E, Dzurjak S, Gaston KJ (2022). Environmental risks from artificial nighttime lighting widespread and increasing across Europe. Science Advances, 8(37). Abstract.
Cox DTC, Gardner AS, Gaston KJ (2022). Global and regional erosion of mammalian functional diversity across the diel cycle. Science Advances, 8(32). Abstract.
Fish R, Chan KMA, Maller C, Hails RS, Aime E, Gaston KJ (2022). People and nature: the emerging signature of a relational journal. PEOPLE AND NATURE, 4(3), 592-595.  Author URL.
Chang C-C, Cox DTC, Fan Q, Nghiem TPL, Tan CLY, Oh RRY, Lin BB, Shanahan DF, Fuller RA, Gaston KJ, et al (2022). People's desire to be in nature and how they experience it are partially heritable. PLoS Biol, 20(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2022). The dark side of nature experience: Typology, dynamics and implications of negative sensory interactions with nature. People and Nature, 4(5), 1126-1140. Abstract.
Cox D, Gardner A, Gaston K (2021). Diel niche variation in mammals associated with expanded trait space. Nature Communications, 12, 1753-1753.
Robles J, Zamorano J, Pascual S, Sánchez de Miguel A, Gallego J, Gaston KJ (2021). Evolution of brightness and color of the night sky in madrid. Remote Sensing, 13(8). Abstract.
Oh RYR, Fielding KS, Nghiem TPL, Chang C, Shanahan DF, Gaston KJ, Carrasco RL, Fuller RA (2021). Factors influencing nature interactions vary between cities and types of nature interactions. People and Nature, 3(2), 405-417. Abstract.
Sánchez de Miguel A, Bennie J, Rosenfeld E, Dzurjak S, Gaston KJ (2021). First Estimation of Global Trends in Nocturnal Power Emissions Reveals Acceleration of Light Pollution. Remote Sensing, 13(16), 3311-3311. Abstract.
Phillips B, Bullock J, Gaston K, Hudson-Edwards K, Bamford M, Cruse D, Dicks L, Falagan C, Wallace C, Osborne J, et al (2021). Impacts of multiple pollutants on pollinator activity in road verges. Journal of Applied Ecology
Soga M, Evans MJ, Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (2021). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human–nature interactions: Pathways, evidence and implications. People and Nature, 3(3), 518-527. Abstract.
Lin BB, Ossola A, Alberti M, Andersson E, Bai X, Dobbs C, Elmqvist T, Evans KL, Frantzeskaki N, Fuller RA, et al (2021). Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5(7), e479-e486. Abstract.
Hall K, Robert T, Gaston K, Hempel De Ibarra N (2021). Onset of morning activity in bumblebee foragers under natural low light conditions. Ecology and Evolution Abstract.
Lockett MT, Jones TM, Elgar MA, Gaston KJ, Visser ME, Hopkins GR (2021). Urban street lighting differentially affects community attributes of airborne and ground‐dwelling invertebrate assemblages. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(10), 2329-2339. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Soga M (2020). Extinction of experience: the need to be more specific. People and Nature, 2(3), 575-581. Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Childs DZ, Dobson MC, Gaston KJ, Warren PH, Leake JR (2020). Feeding a city – Leicester as a case study of the importance of allotments for horticultural production in the UK. Science of the Total Environment, 705 Abstract.
Cox DTC, Maclean IMD, Gardner AS, Gaston KJ (2020). Global variation in diurnal asymmetry in temperature, cloud cover, specific humidity and precipitation and its association with leaf area index. Global Change Biology, 26(12), 7099-7111. Abstract.
Kehoe R, Sanders D, Cruse D, Silk M, Gaston KJ, Bridle JR, van Veen F (2020). Longer photoperiods through range shifts and artificial light lead to a destabilizing increase in host–parasitoid interaction strength. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(11), 2508-2516. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2020). Personalised ecology and detection functions. People and Nature, 2(4), 995-1005. Abstract.
Baker DJ, Maclean IMD, Goodall M, Gaston KJ (2020). Species distribution modelling is needed to support ecological impact assessments. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(1), 21-26. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2020). The ecology of human–nature interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1918), 20191882-20191882. Abstract.
Sutherland WJ, Broad S, Butchart SHM, Clarke SJ, Collins AM, Dicks LV, Doran H, Esmail N, Fleishman E, Frost N, et al (2019). A Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation in 2019. Trends Ecol Evol, 34(1), 83-94. Abstract.  Author URL.
de Miguel AS, Bará S, Aubé M, Cardiel N, Tapia CE, Zamorano J, Gaston KJ (2019). Evaluating human photoreceptoral inputs from night-time lights using RGB imaging photometry. Journal of Imaging, 5(4). Abstract.
Goettsch B, Durán AP, Gaston KJ (2019). Global gap analysis of cactus species and priority sites for their conservation. Conserv Biol, 33(2), 369-376. Abstract.  Author URL.
Shanahan DF, Astell-Burt T, Barber EA, Brymer E, Cox DTC, Dean J, Depledge M, Fuller RA, Hartig T, Irvine KN, et al (2019). Nature-Based Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing: the Purpose, the People and the Outcomes. Sports (Basel), 7(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillips BB, Gaston KJ, Bullock JM, Osborne JL (2019). Road verges support pollinators in agricultural landscapes, but are diminished by heavy traffic and summer cutting. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(10), 2316-2327. Abstract.
Miguel ASD, Kyba CCM, Zamorano J, Gallego J, Gaston KJ (2019). The nature of the diffuse light near cities detected in nighttime. satellite imagery. Sci Rep, 10 Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Aimé E, Chan KMA, Fish R, Hails RS, Maller C (2018). <i>People and Nature</i>—A journal of relational thinking. People and Nature, 1(1), 4-5.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2018). Abundance, biomass and energy use of native and alien breeding birds in Britain. Biological Invasions, 20(12), 3563-3573. Abstract.
Bennie J, Davies TW, Cruse D, Bell F, Gaston KJ (2018). Artificial light at night alters grassland vegetation species composition and phenology. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(1), 442-450. Abstract.
Hopkins GR, Gaston KJ, Visser ME, Elgar MA, Jones TM (2018). Artificial light at night as a driver of evolution across urban–rural landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(8), 472-479. Abstract.
Cox DTC, Hudson HL, Plummer KE, Siriwardena GM, Anderson K, Hancock S, Devine-Wright P, Gaston KJ (2018). Covariation in urban birds providing cultural services or disservices and people. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(5), 2308-2319. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ, Kubo T (2018). Cross-generational decline in childhood experiences of neighborhood flowering plants in Japan. Landscape and Urban Planning, 174, 55-62. Abstract.
Correa-Cano ME, Goettsch B, Duffy JP, Bennie J, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2018). Erosion of natural darkness in the geographic ranges of cacti. Scientific Reports, 8(1). Abstract.
Sanders D, Gaston KJ (2018). How ecological communities respond to artificial light at night. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 329(8-9), 394-400. Abstract.
Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (2018). Human–nature interactions and the consequences and drivers of provisioning wildlife. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1745). Abstract.
Dean JH, Shanahan DF, Bush R, Gaston KJ, Lin BB, Barber E, Franco L, Fuller RA (2018). Is nature relatedness associated with better mental and physical health?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7). Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2018). Lighting up the nighttime. Science, 362(6416), 744-746.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Soga M, Duffy JP, Garrett JK, Gaston S, Cox DTC (2018). Personalised Ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33(12), 916-925. Abstract.
Davies T, Cowley A, Bennie J, Leyshon C, Inger R, Carter H, Robinson B, Duffy J, Casalegno S, Lambert G, et al (2018). Popular interest in vertebrates does not reflect extinction risk and is associated with bias in conservation investment. PLoS One, 13(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Cox DTC, Canavelli SB, García D, Hughes B, Maas B, Martínez D, Ogada D, Inger R (2018). Population Abundance and Ecosystem Service Provision: the Case of Birds. BioScience, 68(4), 264-272. Abstract.
Dudley N, Hockings M, Stolton S, Amend T, Badola R, Bianco M, Chettri N, Cook C, Day JC, Dearden P, et al (2018). Priorities for protected area research. Parks, 24(1), 35-50. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2018). Shifting baseline syndrome: causes, consequences, and implications. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(4), 222-230. Abstract.
Kehoe RC, Cruse D, Sanders D, Gaston KJ, van Veen FJF (2018). Shifting daylength regimes associated with range shifts alter aphid-parasitoid community dynamics. Ecology and Evolution, 8(17), 8761-8769. Abstract.
Cox DTC, Shanahan DF, Hudson HL, Fuller RA, Gaston KJ (2018). The impact of urbanisation on nature dose and the implications for human health. Landscape and Urban Planning, 179, 72-80. Abstract.
Sandino J, Gonzalez F, Mengersen K, Gaston KJ (2018). UAVs and machine learning revolutionising invasive grass and vegetation surveys in remote arid lands. Sensors (Switzerland), 18(2). Abstract.
Parsons M, Bratanov D, Gaston KJ, Gonzalez F (2018). UAVs, hyperspectral remote sensing, and machine learning revolutionizing reef monitoring. Sensors (Switzerland), 18(7). Abstract.
Sutherland WJ, Barnard P, Broad S, Clout M, Connor B, Côté IM, Dicks LV, Doran H, Entwistle AC, Fleishman E, et al (2017). A 2017 horizon scan of emerging issues for global conservation and biological diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32(1), 31-40. Abstract.
Chown SL, Brooks CM, Terauds A, Le Bohec C, van Klaveren-Impagliazzo C, Whittington JD, Butchart SHM, Coetzee BWT, Collen B, Convey P, et al (2017). Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity. PLoS Biology, 15(3).
Kyba CCM, Kuester T, Sanchez de Miguel A, Baugh K, Jechow A, Gaston KJ, Holker F, Bennie J, Elvidge CD, Guanter L, et al (2017). Artificially lit surface of Earth at night increasing in radiance and extent. Science Advances, 3
Cox DTC, Shanahan DF, Hudson HL, Fuller RA, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Doses of nearby nature simultaneously associated with multiple health benefits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2). Abstract.
Cox DTC, Shanahan DF, Hudson HL, Plummer KE, Siriwardena GM, Fuller RA, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Doses of neighborhood nature: the benefits for mental health of living with nature. BioScience, 67(2), 147-155. Abstract.
Robinson BS, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2017). Drivers of risk perceptions about the invasive non-native plant Japanese knotweed in domestic gardens. Biological Invasions, 19(10), 2927-2940. Abstract.
Casalegno S, Anderson K, Cox DTC, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Ecological connectivity in the three-dimensional urban green volume using waveform airborne lidar. Scientific Reports, 7 Abstract.
De Freitas JR, Bennie J, Mantovani W, Gaston KJ (2017). Exposure of tropical ecosystems to artificial light at night: Brazil as a case study. PLoS ONE, 12(2). Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ, Yamaura Y (2017). Gardening is beneficial for health: a meta-analysis. Preventive Medicine Reports, 5, 92-99. Abstract.
Soga M, Cox DTC, Yamaura Y, Gaston KJ, Kurisu K, Hanaki K (2017). Health benefits of urban allotment gardening: Improved physical and psychological well-being and social integration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(1). Abstract.
Lin BB, Gaston KJ, Fuller RA, Wu D, Bush R, Shanahan DF (2017). How green is your garden?: Urban form and socio-demographic factors influence yard vegetation, visitation, and ecosystem service benefits. Landscape and Urban Planning, 157, 239-246. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Davies TW, Nedelec SL, Holt LA (2017). Impacts of Artificial Light at Night on Biological Timings. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 48, 49-68. Abstract.
Casalegno S, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Improving models of urban greenspace: from vegetation surface cover to volumetric survey, using waveform laser scanning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(11), 1443-1452. Abstract.
Porcelli D, Gaston KJ, Butlin RK, Snook RR (2017). Local adaptation of reproductive performance during thermal stress. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(2), 422-429. Abstract.
Hancock S, Anderson K, Disney M, Gaston KJ (2017). Measurement of fine-spatial-resolution 3D vegetation structure with airborne waveform lidar: Calibration and validation with voxelised terrestrial lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment, 188, 37-50. Abstract.
Davies TW, Bennie J, Cruse D, Blumgart D, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2017). Multiple night-time light-emitting diode lighting strategies impact grassland invertebrate assemblages. Global Change Biology, 23(7), 2641-2648. Abstract.
Dyer EE, Cassey P, Redding DW, Collen B, Franks V, Gaston KJ, Jones KE, Kark S, Orme CDL, Blackburn TM, et al (2017). The Global Distribution and Drivers of Alien Bird Species Richness. PLoS Biology, 15(1). Abstract.
Cox DTC, Hudson HL, Shanahan DF, Fuller RA, Gaston KJ (2017). The rarity of direct experiences of nature in an urban population. Landscape and Urban Planning, 160, 79-84. Abstract.
Shanahan DF, Cox DTC, Fuller RA, Hancock S, Lin BB, Anderson K, Bush R, Gaston KJ (2017). Variation in experiences of nature across gradients of tree cover in compact and sprawling cities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 157, 231-238. Abstract.
Robinson BS, Inger R, Crowley SL, Gaston KJ (2017). Weeds on the web: conflicting management advice about an invasive non-native plant. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(1), 178-187. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ, Yamaura Y, Kurisu K, Hanaki K (2016). Both direct and vicarious experiences of nature affect children’s willingness to conserve biodiversity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6). Abstract.
Collen B, Dulvy NK, Gaston KJ, Gärdenfors U, Keith DA, Punt AE, Regan HM, Böhm M, Hedges S, Seddon M, et al (2016). Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List. Biol Lett, 12(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennie J, Davies TW, Cruse D, Gaston KJ (2016). Ecological effects of artificial light at night on wild plants. Journal of Ecology, 104(3), 611-620. Abstract.
Inger R, Cox DTC, Per E, Norton BA, Gaston KJ (2016). Ecological role of vertebrate scavengers in urban ecosystems in the UK. Ecology and Evolution, 6(19), 7015-7023. Abstract.
Wu XG, Hu D, Ma SL, Zhang X, Guo Z, Gaston KJ (2016). Elevated soil CO<inf>2</inf> efflux at the boundaries between impervious surfaces and urban greenspaces. Atmospheric Environment, 141, 375-378. Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ (2016). Extinction of experience: the loss of human-nature interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(2), 94-101. Abstract.
Porcelli D, Westram AM, Pascual M, Gaston KJ, Butlin RK, Snook RR (2016). Gene expression clines reveal local adaptation and associated trade-offs at a continental scale. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Shanahan DF, Bush R, Gaston KJ, Lin BB, Dean J, Barber E, Fuller RA (2016). Health Benefits from Nature Experiences Depend on Dose. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Anderson K, Hancock S, Disney M, Gaston KJ (2016). Is waveform worth it? a comparison of LiDAR approaches for vegetation and landscape characterization. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2(1), 5-15. Abstract.
Inger R, Per E, Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (2016). Key role in ecosystem functioning of scavengers reliant on a single common species. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Allinson D, Irvine KN, Edmondson JL, Tiwary A, Hill G, Morris J, Bell M, Davies ZG, Firth SK, Fisher J, et al (2016). Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city. Applied Energy, 164, 871-881. Abstract.
Cox DTC, Inger R, Hancock S, Anderson K, Gaston KJ (2016). Movement of feeder-using songbirds: the influence of urban features. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Stott I, Davies ZG, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2016). Soil surface temperatures reveal moderation of the urban heat island effect by trees and shrubs. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Davies TW, Duffy JP, Bennie J, Gaston KJ (2016). Stemming the Tide of Light Pollution Encroaching into Marine Protected Areas. Conservation Letters, 9(3), 164-171. Abstract.
Shanahan DF, Franco L, Lin BB, Gaston KJ, Fuller RA (2016). The Benefits of Natural Environments for Physical Activity. Sports Med, 46(7), 989-995. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dallimer M, Tang Z, Gaston KJ, Davies ZG (2016). The extent of shifts in vegetation phenology between rural and urban areas within a human-dominated region. Ecology and Evolution, 6(7), 1942-1953. Abstract.
Gonzalez LF, Montes GA, Puig E, Johnson S, Mengersen K, Gaston KJ (2016). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and artificial intelligence revolutionizing wildlife monitoring and conservation. Sensors (Switzerland), 16(1). Abstract.
Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (2016). Urban bird feeding: Connecting people with nature. PLoS ONE, 11(7). Abstract.
Soga M, Gaston KJ, Koyanagi TF, Kurisu K, Hanaki K (2016). Urban residents' perceptions of neighbourhood nature: Does the extinction of experience matter?. Biological Conservation, 203, 143-150. Abstract.
Sanders D, Kehoe R, Tiley K, Bennie J, Cruse D, Davies TW, Frank van Veen FJ, Gaston KJ (2015). Artificial nighttime light changes aphid-parasitoid population dynamics. Sci Rep, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Gaston S, Bennie J, Hopkins J (2015). Benefits and costs of artificial nighttime lighting of the environment. Environmental Reviews, 23(1), 14-23. Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Stott I, Potter J, Lopez-Capel E, Manning DAC, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2015). Black Carbon Contribution to Organic Carbon Stocks in Urban Soil. Environ Sci Technol, 49(14), 8339-8346. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennie J, Davies TW, Cruse D, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2015). Cascading effects of artificial light at night: resource-mediated control of herbivores in a grassland ecosystem. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 370(1667). Abstract.  Author URL.
Inger R, Gregory R, Duffy JP, Stott I, Voříšek P, Gaston KJ (2015). Common European birds are declining rapidly while less abundant species' numbers are rising. Ecol Lett, 18(1), 28-36. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kyba CCM, Tong KP, Bennie J, Birriel I, Birriel JJ, Cool A, Danielsen A, Davies TW, den Outer PN, Edwards W, et al (2015). Corrigendum: Worldwide variations in artificial skyglow. Sci Rep, 5  Author URL.
Bonnington C, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2015). Ecological traps and behavioural adjustments of urban songbirds to fine-scale spatial variation in predator activity. Animal Conservation Abstract.
Stanley MC, Beggs JR, Bassett IE, Burns BR, Dirks KN, Jones DN, Linklater WL, Macinnis-Ng C, Simcock R, Souter-Brown G, et al (2015). Emerging threats in urban ecosystems: a horizon scanning exercise. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(10), 553-560. Abstract.
Yvon-Durocher G, Allen AP, Cellamare M, Dossena M, Gaston KJ, Leitao M, Montoya JM, Reuman DC, Woodward G, Trimmer M, et al (2015). Five Years of Experimental Warming Increases the Biodiversity and Productivity of Phytoplankton. PLoS Biology, 13(12). Abstract.
Bennie J, Duffy JP, Davies TW, Correa-Cano ME, Gaston KJ (2015). Global trends in exposure to light pollution in natural terrestrial ecosystems. Remote Sensing, 7(3), 2715-2730. Abstract.
Goettsch B, Hilton-Taylor C, Cruz-Piñón G, Duffy JP, Frances A, Hernández HM, Inger R, Pollock C, Schipper J, Superina M, et al (2015). High proportion of cactus species threatened with extinction. Nature Plants, 1 Abstract.
Dallimer M, Davies ZG, Diaz-Porras DF, Irvine KN, Maltby L, Warren PH, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ (2015). Historical influences on the current provision of multiple ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change, 31, 307-317. Abstract.
Stott I, Soga M, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2015). Land sparing is crucial for urban ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(7), 387-393. Abstract.
Mitchell MGE, Suarez-Castro AF, Martinez-Harms M, Maron M, McAlpine C, Gaston KJ, Johansen K, Rhodes JR (2015). Landscape Fragmentation and Ecosystem Services: a Reply to Andrieu et al. Trends Ecol Evol, 30(11), 634-635.  Author URL.
Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (2015). Likeability of Garden Birds: Importance of Species Knowledge & Richness in Connecting People to Nature. PLoS One, 10(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2015). Macrophysiology - progress and prospects. Functional Ecology Abstract.
Duffy JP, Bennie J, Durán AP, Gaston KJ (2015). Mammalian ranges are experiencing erosion of natural darkness. Sci Rep, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Mchugh N, Edmondson JL, Gaston KJ, Leake JR, O'Sullivan OS (2015). Modelling short-rotation coppice and tree planting for urban carbon management - a citywide analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology Abstract.
Day J, Baker J, Schofield H, Mathews F, Gaston KJ (2015). Part-night lighting: Implications for bat conservation. Animal Conservation Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Duffy JP, Bennie J (2015). Quantifying the erosion of natural darkness in the global protected area system. Conserv Biol, 29(4), 1132-1141. Abstract.  Author URL.
Soga M, Yamaura Y, Aikoh T, Shoji Y, Kubo T, Gaston KJ (2015). Reducing the extinction of experience: Association between urban form and recreational use of public greenspace. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143, 69-75. Abstract.
Mitchell MGE, Suarez-Castro AF, Martinez-Harms M, Maron M, McAlpine C, Gaston KJ, Johansen K, Rhodes JR (2015). Reframing landscape fragmentation's effects on ecosystem services. Trends Ecol Evol, 30(4), 190-198. Abstract.  Author URL.
Edmondson JL, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2015). Soil and the city. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(5).
Durán AP, Inger R, Cantú-Salazar L, Gaston KJ (2015). Species richness representation within protected areas is associated with multiple interacting spatial features. Diversity and Distributions Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Visser ME, Hölker F (2015). The biological impacts of artificial light at night: the research challenge. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 370(1667).  Author URL.
Porcelli D, Butlin RK, Gaston KJ, Joly D, Snook RR (2015). The environmental genomics of metazoan thermal adaptation. Heredity, 114(5), 502-514. Abstract.
Porcelli D, Butlin RK, Gaston KJ, Joly D, Snook RR (2015). The environmental genomics of metazoan thermal adaptation. Heredity (Edinb), 114(5), 502-514. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gómez P, Bennie J, Gaston KJ, Buckling A (2015). The impact of resource availability on bacterial resistance to phages in soil. PLoS One, 10(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shanahan DF, Lin BB, Bush R, Gaston KJ, Dean JH, Barber E, Fuller RA (2015). Toward improved public health outcomes from urban nature. Am J Public Health, 105(3), 470-477. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hancock S, Armston J, Li Z, Gaulton R, Lewis P, Disney M, Mark Danson F, Strahler A, Schaaf C, Anderson K, et al (2015). Waveform lidar over vegetation: an evaluation of inversion methods for estimating return energy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 164, 208-224. Abstract.
Kyba CCM, Tong KP, Bennie J, Birriel I, Birriel JJ, Cool A, Danielsen A, Davies TW, Outer PND, Edwards W, et al (2015). Worldwide variations in artificial skyglow. Sci Rep, 5 Abstract.  Author URL.
Díaz-Porras DF, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2014). 110 Years of change in urban tree stocks and associated carbon storage. Ecology and Evolution, 4(8), 1413-1422. Abstract.
Bonnington C, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2014). Assessing the potential for Grey Squirrels Sciurus carolinensis to compete with birds at supplementary feeding stations. Ibis, 156(1), 220-226. Abstract.
Bennie JJ, Duffy JP, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2014). Biogeography of time partitioning in mammals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(38), 13727-13732. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennie J, Davies TW, Duffy JP, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2014). Contrasting trends in light pollution across Europe based on satellite observed night time lights. Sci Rep, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Bennie J (2014). Demographic effects of artificial nighttime lighting on animal populations. Environmental Reviews, 22(4), 323-330. Abstract.
Durán AP, Duffy JP, Gaston KJ (2014). Exclusion of agricultural lands in spatial conservation prioritization strategies: consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem service representation. Proc Biol Sci, 281(1792). Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Duffy JP, Gaston S, Bennie J, Davies TW (2014). Human alteration of natural light cycles: causes and ecological consequences. Oecologia, 176(4), 917-931. Abstract.  Author URL.
Soga M, Yamaura Y, Koike S, Gaston KJ (2014). Land sharing vs. land sparing: Does the compact city reconcile urban development and biodiversity conservation?. Journal of Applied Ecology
Edmondson JL, Davies ZG, McCormack SA, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2014). Land-cover effects on soil organic carbon stocks in a European city. Sci Total Environ, 472, 444-453. Abstract.  Author URL.
Coetzee BWT, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2014). Local scale comparisons of biodiversity as a test for global protected area ecological performance: a meta-analysis. PLoS One, 9(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennie J, Davies TW, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2014). Mapping artificial lightscapes for ecological studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(6), 534-540. Abstract.
Lin BB, Fuller RA, Bush R, Gaston KJ, Shanahan DF (2014). Opportunity or orientation? Who uses urban parks and why. PLoS One, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Inger R, Bennie J, Davies TW, Gaston KJ (2014). Potential biological and ecological effects of flickering artificial light. PLoS One, 9(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dallimer M, Tinch D, Hanley N, Irvine KN, Rouquette JR, Warren PH, Maltby L, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2014). Quantifying preferences for the natural world using monetary and nonmonetary assessments of value. Conservation Biology, 28(2), 404-413. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Gaston S, Bennie J, Hopkins J (2014). Reducing the impacts of artificial light. British Wildlife, 25(5), 332-339.
Casalegno S, Bennie JJ, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2014). Regional scale prioritisation for key ecosystem services, renewable energy production and urban development. PLoS One, 9(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bonnington C, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2014). Relative roles of grey squirrels, supplementary feeding, and habitat in shaping urban bird assemblages. PLoS One, 9(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shanahan DF, Lin BB, Gaston KJ, Bush R, Fuller RA (2014). Socio-economic inequalities in access to nature on public and private lands: a case study from Brisbane, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 130(1), 14-23. Abstract.
Bonnington C, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2014). Squirrels in suburbia: Influence of urbanisation on the occurrence and distribution of a common exotic mammal. Urban Ecosystems, 17(2), 533-546. Abstract.
Davies TW, Duffy JP, Bennie J, Gaston KJ (2014). The nature, extent, and ecological implications of marine light pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(6), 347-355. Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Davies ZG, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2014). Urban cultivation in allotments maintains soil qualities adversely affected by conventional agriculture. Journal of Applied Ecology
Edmondson JL, O'Sullivan OS, Inger R, Potter J, McHugh N, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2014). Urban tree effects on soil organic carbon. PLoS One, 9(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Shanahan DF, Lin BB, Gaston KJ, Bush R, Fuller RA (2014). What is the role of trees and remnant vegetation in attracting people to urban parks?. Landscape Ecology
Dallimer M, Davies ZG, Irvine KN, Maltby L, Warren PH, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2014). What personal and environmental factors determine frequency of urban greenspace use?. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 11(8), 7977-7992. Abstract.  Author URL.
Soga M, Yamaura Y, Koike S, Gaston KJ (2014). Woodland remnants as an urban wildlife refuge: a cross-taxonomic assessment. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23(3), 649-659. Abstract.
Davies TW, Bennie J, Inger R, Gaston KJ (2013). Artificial light alters natural regimes of night-time sky brightness. Sci Rep, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Davies TW, Bennie J, Inger R, de Ibarra NH, Gaston KJ (2013). Artificial light pollution: are shifting spectral signatures changing the balance of species interactions?. Glob Chang Biol, 19(5), 1417-1423. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mueller JC, Partecke J, Hatchwell BJ, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2013). Candidate gene polymorphisms for behavioural adaptations during urbanization in blackbirds. Molecular Ecology, 22(13), 3629-3637. Abstract.
Mueller JC, Partecke J, Hatchwell BJ, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2013). Candidate gene polymorphisms for behavioural adaptations during urbanization in blackbirds. Molecular Ecology
Fishburn IS, Boyer AG, Kareiva P, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2013). Changing spatial patterns of conservation investment by a major land trust. Biological Conservation, 161, 223-229. Abstract.
Lennox GD, Gaston KJ, Acs S, Dallimer M, Hanley N, Armsworth PR (2013). Conservation when landowners have bargaining power: Continuous conservation investments and cost uncertainty. Ecological Economics, 93, 69-78. Abstract.
Bonnington C, Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2013). Fearing the feline: Domestic cats reduce avian fecundity through trait-mediated indirect effects that increase nest predation by other species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(1), 15-24. Abstract.
Durán AP, Rauch J, Gaston KJ (2013). Global spatial coincidence between protected areas and metal mining activities. Biological Conservation, 160, 272-278. Abstract.
Davies ZG, Dallimer M, Edmondson JL, Leake JR, Gaston KJ (2013). Identifying potential sources of variability between vegetation carbon storage estimates for urban areas. Environmental Pollution, 183, 133-142. Abstract.
Davies ZG, Dallimer M, Edmondson JL, Leake JR, Gaston KJ (2013). Identifying potential sources of variability between vegetation carbon storage estimates for urban areas. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 183, 133-142. Abstract.
Anderson K, Gaston KJ (2013). Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(3), 138-146. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Ávila-Jiménez ML, Edmondson JL (2013). Managing urban ecosystems for goods and services. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(4), 830-840. Abstract.
Dornelas M, Magurran AE, Buckland ST, Chao A, Chazdon RL, Colwell RK, Curtis T, Gaston KJ, Gotelli NJ, Kosnik MA, et al (2013). Quantifying temporal change in biodiversity: challenges and opportunities. Proc Biol Sci, 280(1750). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dornelas M, Magurran AE, Buckland ST, Chao A, Chazdon RL, Colwell RK, Curtis T, Gaston KJ, Gotelli NJ, Kosnik MA, et al (2013). Quantifying temporal change in biodiversity: challenges and opportunities. Proceedings. Biological sciences / the Royal Society, 280(1750). Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Avila-Jimenez ML, Edmondson JL (2013). REVIEW: Managing urban ecosystems for goods and services. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 50(4), 830-840.  Author URL.
Thomas CD, Anderson BJ, Moilanen A, Eigenbrod F, Heinemeyer A, Quaife T, Roy DB, Gillings S, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ, et al (2013). Reconciling biodiversity and carbon conservation. Ecology Letters, 16(SUPPL.1), 39-47. Abstract.
Durán AP, Casalegno S, Marquet PA, Gaston KJ (2013). Representation of ecosystem services by terrestrial protected areas: Chile as a case study. PLoS One, 8(12). Abstract.  Author URL.
Casalegno S, Inger R, Desilvey C, Gaston KJ (2013). Spatial covariance between aesthetic value & other ecosystem services. PLoS One, 8(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Cantú-Salazar L, Gaston KJ (2013). Species richness and representation in protected areas of the Western hemisphere: Discrepancies between checklists and range maps. Diversity and Distributions, 19(7), 782-793. Abstract.
Rouquette JR, Dallimer M, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ, Maltby L, Warren PH (2013). Species turnover and geographic distance in an urban river network. Diversity and Distributions, 19(11), 1429-1439. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2013). Sustainability: a green light for efficiency. Nature, 497(7451), 560-561.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Bennie J, Davies TW, Hopkins J (2013). The ecological impacts of nighttime light pollution: a mechanistic appraisal. Biological Reviews, 88(4), 912-927. Abstract.
Cantú-Salazar L, Orme CDL, Rasmussen PC, Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2013). The performance of the global protected area system in capturing vertebrate geographic ranges. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(4), 1033-1047. Abstract.
Irvine KN, Warber SL, Devine-Wright P, Gaston KJ (2013). Understanding Urban Green Space as a Health Resource: a Qualitative Comparison of Visit Motivation and Derived Effects among Park Users in Sheffield, UK. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 10(1), 417-442.  Author URL.
De Boer WF, van Langevelde F, Prins HHT, De Ruiter PC, Blanc J, Vis MJP, Gaston KJ, Hamilton ID (2013). Understanding spatial differences in African elephant densities and occurrence, a continent-wide analysis. Biological Conservation, 159, 468-476. Abstract.
Keniger LE, Gaston KJ, Irvine KN, Fuller RA (2013). What are the benefits of interacting with nature?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(3), 913-935. Abstract.
Dallimer M, Irvine KN, Skinner AMJ, Davies ZG, Rouquette JR, Maltby LL, Warren PH, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ (2012). Biodiversity and the feel-good factor: Understanding associations between self-reported human well-being and species richness. BioScience, 62(1), 47-55. Abstract.
Webb TJ, Freckleton RP, Gaston KJ (2012). Characterizing abundance-occupancy relationships: There is no artefact. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(9), 952-957. Abstract.
Evans KL, Newton J, Gaston KJ, Sharp SP, McGowan A, Hatchwell BJ (2012). Colonisation of urban environments is associated with reduced migratory behaviour, facilitating divergence from ancestral populations. Oikos, 121(4), 634-640. Abstract.
Dallimer M, Rouquette JR, Skinner AMJ, Armsworth PR, Maltby LM, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2012). Contrasting patterns in species richness of birds, butterflies and plants along riparian corridors in an urban landscape. Diversity and Distributions, 18(8), 742-753. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2012). Ecology: the importance of being rare. Nature, 487(7405), 46-47.
Canard E, Mouquet N, Marescot L, Gaston KJ, Gravel D, Mouillot D (2012). Emergence of structural patterns in neutral trophic networks. PLoS ONE, 7(8). Abstract.
Hanley N, Acs S, Dallimer M, Gaston KJ, Graves A, Morris J, Armsworth PR (2012). Farm-scale ecological and economic impacts of agricultural change in the uplands. Land Use Policy, 29(3), 587-597. Abstract.
Tang Z, Fang J, Chi X, Yang Y, Ma W, Mohhamot A, Guo Z, Liu Y, Gaston KJ (2012). Geography, Environment, and spatial turnover of species in China's grasslands. Ecography, 35(12), 1103-1109. Abstract.
Sandel B, Arge L, Dalsgaard B, Davies RG, Gaston KJ, Sutherland WJ, Svenning J-C (2012). Global Endemism Needs Spatial Integration Response. SCIENCE, 335(6066), 285-286.  Author URL.
Davies ZG, Fuller RA, Dallimer M, Loram A, Gaston KJ (2012). Household factors influencing participation in bird feeding activity: a national scale analysis. PLoS ONE, 7(6). Abstract.
Dallimer M, Skinner AMJ, Davies ZG, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ (2012). Multiple habitat associations: the role of offsite habitat in determining onsite avian density and species richness. Ecography, 35(2), 134-145. Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Davies ZG, McHugh N, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2012). Organic carbon hidden in urban ecosystems. Sci Rep, 2 Abstract.  Author URL.
Tang Z, Fang J, Chi X, Feng J, Liu Y, Shen Z, Wang X, Wang Z, Wu X, Zheng C, et al (2012). Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China. Ecography, 35(12), 1083-1091. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Davies TW, Bennie J, Hopkins J (2012). Reducing the ecological consequences of night-time light pollution: options and developments. J Appl Ecol, 49(6), 1256-1266. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sandel B, Arge L, Dalsgaard B, Davies RG, Gaston KJ, Sutherland WJ, Svenning JC (2012). Response - Global endemism needs spatial integration. Science, 335(6066), 285-286.
Davies TW, Bennie J, Gaston KJ (2012). Street lighting changes the composition of invertebrate communities. Biol Lett, 8(5), 764-767. Abstract.  Author URL.
Braschler B, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2012). The Fynbos and Succulent Karoo biomes do not have exceptional local ant richness. PLoS ONE, 7(3). Abstract.
Armsworth PR, Acs S, Dallimer M, Gaston KJ, Hanley N, Wilson P (2012). The cost of policy simplification in conservation incentive programs. Ecology Letters, 15(5), 406-414. Abstract.
Cianciaruso MV, Silva IA, Batalha MA, Gaston KJ, Petchey OL (2012). The influence of fire on phylogenetic and functional structure of woody savannas: Moving from species to individuals. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 14(3), 205-216. Abstract.
Armsworth PR, Fishburn IS, Davies ZG, Gilbert J, Leaver N, Gaston KJ (2012). The size, concentration and growth of biodiversity-conservation nonprofits. BioScience, 62(3), 271-281. Abstract.
Edmondson JL, Davies ZG, McCormack SA, Gaston KJ, Leake JR (2011). Are soils in urban ecosystems compacted? a citywide analysis. Biol Lett, 7(5), 771-774. Abstract.  Author URL.
Moilanen A, Anderson BJ, Eigenbrod F, Heinemeyer A, Roy DB, Gillings S, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ, Thomas CD (2011). Balancing alternative land uses in conservation prioritization. Ecological Applications, 21(5), 1419-1426. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2011). Common ecology. BioScience, 61(5), 354-362. Abstract.
Renforth P, Edmondson J, Leake JR, Gaston KJ, Manning DAC (2011). Designing a carbon capture function into urban soils. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 164(2), 121-128. Abstract.
Tang Z, Fang J, Sun J, Gaston KJ (2011). Effectiveness of protected areas in maintaining plant production. PLoS ONE, 6(4). Abstract.
Marini L, Bona E, Kunin WE, Gaston KJ (2011). Exploring anthropogenic and natural processes shaping fern species richness along elevational gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 38(1), 78-88. Abstract.
Dupré J (2011). Foreword. Carving Nature at its Joints: Natural Kinds in Metaphysics and Science
Mora C, Aburto-Oropeza O, Ayala-Bocos A, Ayotte PM, Banks S, Bauman AG, Beger M, Bessudo S, Booth DJ, Brokovich E, et al (2011). Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes. PLoS Biology, 9(4). Abstract.
Gouws EJ, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2011). Intraspecific body size frequency distributions of insects. PLoS ONE, 6(3). Abstract.
Davies ZG, Edmondson JL, Heinemeyer A, Leake JR, Gaston KJ (2011). Mapping an urban ecosystem service: Quantifying above-ground carbon storage at a city-wide scale. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(5), 1125-1134. Abstract.
Gaspar C, Gaston KJ, Borges PAV, Cardoso P (2011). Selection of priority areas for arthropod conservation in the Azores archipelago. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15(5), 671-684. Abstract.
Holland RA, Eigenbrod F, Armsworth PR, Anderson BJ, Thomas CD, Heinemeyer A, Gillings S, Roy DB, Gaston KJ (2011). Spatial covariation between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem services. Ecological Applications, 21(6), 2034-2048. Abstract.
Dallimer M, Tang Z, Bibby PR, Brindley P, Gaston KJ, Davies ZG (2011). Temporal changes in greenspace in a highly urbanized region. Biol Lett, 7(5), 763-766. Abstract.  Author URL.
Resit Akçakaya H, Mace GM, Gaston KJ, Regan H, Punt A, Butchart SHM, Keith DA, Gärdenfors U (2011). The SAFE index is not safe. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9(9), 485-486.
Greve M, Chown SL, van Rensburg BJ, Dallimer M, Gaston KJ (2011). The ecological effectiveness of protected areas: a case study for South African birds. Animal Conservation, 14(3), 295-305. Abstract.
Eigenbrod F, Bell VA, Davies HN, Heinemeyer A, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ (2011). The impact of projected increases in urbanization on ecosystem services. Proc Biol Sci, 278(1722), 3201-3208. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sandel B, Arge L, Dalsgaard B, Davies RG, Gaston KJ, Sutherland WJ, Svenning JC (2011). The influence of late quaternary climate-change velocity on species endemism. Science, 334(6056), 660-664. Abstract.
Holland RA, Eigenbrod F, Armsworth PR, Anderson BJ, Thomas CD, Gaston KJ (2011). The influence of temporal variation on relationships between ecosystem services. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(14), 3285-3294. Abstract.
Booth JE, Gaston KJ, Evans KL, Armsworth PR (2011). The value of species rarity in biodiversity recreation: a birdwatching example. Biological Conservation, 144(11), 2728-2732. Abstract.
Loram A, Warren P, Thompson K, Gaston K (2011). Urban Domestic Gardens: the Effects of Human Interventions on Garden Composition. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 48(4), 808-824.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Chamberlain DE, Hatchwell BJ, Gregory RD, Gaston KJ (2011). What makes an urban bird?. Global Change Biology, 17(1), 32-44. Abstract.
Evans KL, Hatchwell BJ, Parnell M, Gaston KJ (2010). A conceptual framework for the colonisation of urban areas: the blackbird Turdus merula as a case study. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 85(3), 643-667. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dallimer M, Marini L, Skinner AMJ, Hanley N, Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ (2010). Agricultural land-use in the surrounding landscape affects moorland bird diversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139(4), 578-583. Abstract.
Davies RG, Irlich UM, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2010). Ambient, productive and wind energy, and ocean extent predict global species richness of procellariiform seabirds. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19(1), 98-110. Abstract.
Gaspar C, Gaston KJ, Borges PAV (2010). Arthropods as surrogates of diversity at different spatial scales. Biological Conservation, 143(5), 1287-1294. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2010). Body size variation in insects: a macroecological perspective. Biological Reviews, 85(1), 139-169. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Parnell M (2010). Changes in non-randomness in the expanding introduced avifauna of the world. Ecography, 33(1), 168-174. Abstract.
Eigenbrod F, Armsworth PR, Anderson BJ, Heinemeyer A, Gillings S, Roy DB, Thomas CD, Gaston KJ (2010). Error propagation associated with benefits transfer-based mapping of ecosystem services. Biological Conservation, 143(11), 2487-2493. Abstract.
Dallimer M, Gaston KJ, Skinner AMJ, Hanley N, Acs S, Armsworth PR (2010). Field-level bird abundances are enhanced by landscape-scale agri-environment scheme uptake. Biol Lett, 6(5), 643-646. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ, van Kleunen M, Clusella-Trullas S (2010). Population responses within a landscape matrix: a macrophysiological approach to understanding climate change impacts. Evolutionary Ecology, 24(3), 601-616. Abstract.
Braschler B, Mahood K, Karenyi N, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2010). Realizing a synergy between research and education: How participation in ant monitoring helps raise biodiversity awareness in a resource-poor country. Journal of Insect Conservation, 14(1), 19-30. Abstract.
Eigenbrod F, Anderson BJ, Armsworth PR, Heinemeyer A, Gillings S, Roy DB, Thomas CD, Gaston KJ (2010). Representation of ecosystem services by tiered conservation strategies. Conservation Letters, 3(3), 184-191. Abstract.
Cerdeira JO, Pinto LS, Cabeza M, Gaston KJ (2010). Species specific connectivity in reserve-network design using graphs. Biological Conservation, 143(2), 408-415. Abstract.
Armsworth PR, Armsworth AN, Compton N, Cottle P, Davies I, Emmett BA, Fandrich V, Foote M, Gaston KJ, Gardiner P, et al (2010). The ecological research needs of business. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2), 235-243. Abstract.
Acs S, Hanley N, Dallimer M, Gaston KJ, Robertson P, Wilson P, Armsworth PR (2010). The effect of decoupling on marginal agricultural systems: Implications for farm incomes, land use and upland ecology. Land Use Policy, 27(2), 550-563. Abstract.
Eigenbrod F, Armsworth PR, Anderson BJ, Heinemeyer A, Gillings S, Roy DB, Thomas CD, Gaston KJ (2010). The impact of proxy-based methods on mapping the distribution of ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2), 377-385. Abstract.
Smith RM, Thompson K, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2010). Urban domestic gardens (XIII): Composition of the bryophyte and lichen floras, and determinants of species richness. Biological Conservation, 143(4), 873-882. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2010). Valuing common species. Science, 327(5962), 154-155. Abstract.
Cant-Salazar L, Gaston KJ (2010). Very large protected areas and their contribution to terrestrial biological conservation. BioScience, 60(10), 808-818. Abstract.
Booth JE, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2010). Who benefits from recreational use of protected areas?. Ecology and Society, 15(3). Abstract.
Dallimer M, Tinch D, Acs S, Hanley N, Southall HR, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2009). 100 years of change: Examining agricultural trends, habitat change and stakeholder perceptions through the 20th century. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2), 334-343. Abstract.
Davies ZG, Fuller RA, Loram A, Irvine KN, Sims V, Gaston KJ (2009). A national scale inventory of resource provision for biodiversity within domestic gardens. Biological Conservation, 142(4), 761-771. Abstract.
Marini L, Fontana P, Battisti A, Gaston KJ (2009). Agricultural management, vegetation traits and landscape drive orthopteran and butterfly diversity in a grassland-forest mosaic: a multi-scale approach. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2(3), 213-220. Abstract.
Chamberlain DE, Cannon AR, Toms MP, Leech DI, Hatchwell BJ, Gaston KJ (2009). Avian productivity in urban landscapes: a review and meta-analysis. Ibis, 151(1), 1-18. Abstract.
Sachs JD, Baillie JEM, Sutherland WJ, Armsworth PR, Ash N, Beddington J, Blackburn TM, Collen B, Gardiner B, Gaston KJ, et al (2009). Biodiversity conservation and the millennium development goals. Science, 325(5947), 1502-1503. Abstract.
Simeoni M, Dawson DA, Gentle LK, Coiffait L, Wolff K, Evans KL, Gaston KJ, Hatchwell BJ (2009). Characterization of 38 microsatellite loci in the European blackbird, Turdus merula (Turdidae, AVES). Mol Ecol Resour, 9(6), 1520-1526. Abstract.  Author URL.
Armsworth PR, Gaston KJ, Hanley ND, Ruffell RJ (2009). Contrasting approaches to statistical regression in ecology and economics: FORUM. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(2), 265-268. Abstract.
Marini L, Gaston KJ, Prosser F, Hulme PE (2009). Contrasting response of native and alien plant species richness to environmental energy and human impact along alpine elevation gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18(6), 652-661. Abstract.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2009). Dendrograms and measures of functional diversity: a second instalment. Oikos, 118(7), 1118-1120.
Eigenbrod F, Anderson BJ, Armsworth PR, Heinemeyer A, Jackson SF, Parnell M, Thomas CD, Gaston KJ (2009). Ecosystem service benefits of contrasting conservation strategies in a human-dominated region. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1669), 2903-2911. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Gaston KJ, Sharp SP, McGowan A, Simeoni M, Hatchwell BJ (2009). Effects of urbanisation on disease prevalence and age structure in blackbird Turdus merula populations. Oikos, 118(5), 774-782. Abstract.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2009). Effects on ecosystem resilience of biodiversity, extinctions, and the structure of regional species pools. Theoretical Ecology, 2(3), 177-187. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2009). Geographic range limits of species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1661), 1391-1393. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2009). Geographic range limits: Achieving synthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1661), 1395-1406. Abstract.
Olson VA, Davies RG, Orme CDL, Thomas GH, Meiri S, Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Owens IPF, Bennett PM (2009). Global biogeography and ecology of body size in birds. Ecology Letters, 12(3), 249-259. Abstract.
Devine-Wright P, Irvine K, Payne S, Fuller R, Painter B, Gaston K (2009). Green space, soundscape and urban sustainability: an interdisciplinary,empirical study. Local Environment, 14(2), 155-172. Abstract.
Evans KL, Newson SE, Gaston KJ (2009). Habitat influences on urban avian assemblages. Ibis, 151(1), 19-39. Abstract.
Fuller RA, Tratalos J, Gaston KJ (2009). How many birds are there in a city of half a million people?. Diversity and Distributions, 15(2), 328-337. Abstract.
Marini L, Fontana P, Klimek S, Battisti A, Gaston KJ (2009). Impact of farm size and topography on plant and insect diversity of managed grasslands in the Alps. Biological Conservation, 142(2), 394-403. Abstract.
Cianciaruso MV, Batalha MA, Gaston KJ, Petchey OL (2009). Including intraspecific variability in functional diversity. Ecology, 90(1), 81-89. Abstract.
Evans KL, Gaston KJ, Frantz AC, Simeoni M, Sharp SP, McGowan A, Dawson DA, Walasz K, Partecke J, Burke T, et al (2009). Independent colonization of multiple urban centres by a formerly forest specialist bird species. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1666), 2403-2410. Abstract.  Author URL.
Šizling AL, Storch D, Reif J, Gaston KJ (2009). Invariance in species-abundance distributions. Theoretical Ecology, 2(2), 89-103. Abstract.
Evans KL, Leech DI, Humphrey QPC, Greenwood J, Gaston KJ (2009). Latitudinal and seasonal patterns in clutch size of some single-brooded British birds. Bird Study, 56(1), 75-85. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL, Calosi P, Bernardo J, Bilton DT, Clarke A, Clusella-Trullas S, Ghalambor CK, Konarzewski M, Peck LS, et al (2009). Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification. Am Nat, 174(5), 595-612. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mora C, Myers RA, Coll M, Libralato S, Pitcher TJ, Sumaila RU, Zeller D, Watson R, Gaston KJ, Worm B, et al (2009). Management effectiveness of the world's marine fisheries. PLoS Biology, 7(6). Abstract.
Booth JE, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2009). Public understanding of protected area designation. Biological Conservation, 142(12), 3196-3200. Abstract.
Šiding AL, Šizlingová E, Storch D, Reif J, Gaston KJ (2009). Rarity, commonness, and the contribution of individual species to species richness patterns. American Naturalist, 174(1), 82-93. Abstract.
Jackson SF, Walker K, Gaston KJ (2009). Relationship between distributions of threatened plants and protected areas in Britain. Biological Conservation, 142(7), 1515-1522. Abstract.
Guilhaumon F, Gimenez O, Gaston KJ, Mouillot D (2009). Reply to Bode and Murdoch: a proper integration of species-area relationship uncertainties into return on investment analyses is needed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(7).
Marini L, Fontana P, Battisti A, Gaston KJ (2009). Response of orthopteran diversity to abandonment of semi-natural meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 132(3-4), 232-236. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2009). Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one: a response to 'Missing the rarest: is the positive interspecific abundance-distribution relationship a truly general macroecological pattern?'. Biology Letters, 5(6), 777-778.
Anderson BJ, Armsworth PR, Eigenbrod F, Thomas CD, Gillings S, Heinemeyer A, Roy DB, Gaston KJ (2009). Spatial covariance between biodiversity and other ecosystem service priorities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(4), 888-896. Abstract.
Šizling AL, Storch D, Šizlingová E, Reif J, Gaston KJ (2009). Species abundance distribution results from a spatial analogy of central limit theorem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(16), 6691-6695. Abstract.
Fishburn IS, Kareiva P, Gaston KJ, Evans KL, Armsworth PR (2009). State-level variation in conservation investment by a major nongovernmental organization. CONSERVATION LETTERS, 2(2), 74-81.  Author URL.
Jackson SF, Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2009). Statutory protected areas and avian species richness in Britain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18(8), 2143-2151. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Evans KL, Gaston KJ, Duncan RP (2009). The biogeography of avian extinctions on oceanic islands revisited. Journal of Biogeography, 36(8), 1613-1614. Abstract.
Evans KL, Gaston KJ, Sharp SP, McGowan A, Hatchwell BJ (2009). The effect of urbanisation on avian morphology and latitudinal gradients in body size. Oikos, 118(2), 251-259. Abstract.
Fishburn IS, Kareiva P, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2009). The growth of easements as a conservation tool. PLoS One, 4(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Fuller RA, Gaston KJ (2009). The scaling of green space coverage in European cities. Biology Letters, 5(3), 352-355. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Fuller RA (2009). The sizes of species' geographic ranges. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(1), 1-9. Abstract.
Dallimer M, Acs S, Hanley N, Wilson P, Gaston KJ, Armsworth PR (2009). What explains property-level variation in avian diversity? an inter-disciplinary approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(3), 647-656. Abstract.
Sims V, Evans KL, Newson SE, Tratalos JA, Gaston KJ (2008). Avian assemblage structure and domestic cat densities in urban environments. Diversity and Distributions, 14(2), 387-399. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2008). Biodiversity and extinction: the dynamics of geographic range size. Progress in Physical Geography, 32(6), 678-683.
Gaston KJ (2008). Biodiversity and extinction: the importance of being common. Progress in Physical Geography, 32(1), 73-79.
Gaston KJ (2008). Bliodiversity and extinction: the importance of being common. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT, 32(1), 73-79.  Author URL.
Davies RG, Barbosa O, Fuller RA, Tratalos J, Burke N, Lewis D, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2008). City-wide relationships between green spaces, urban land use and topography. Urban Ecosystems, 11(3), 269-287. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Fuller RA (2008). Commonness, population depletion and conservation biology. Trends Ecol Evol, 23(1), 14-19. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL, Evans KL (2008). Ecogeographical rules: Elements of a synthesis. Journal of Biogeography, 35(3), 483-500. Abstract.
Greve M, Gaston KJ, Van Rensburg BJ, Chown SL (2008). Environmental factors, regional body size distributions and spatial variation in body size of local avian assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17(4), 514-523. Abstract.
Sutherland WJ, Bailey MJ, Bainbridge IP, Brereton T, Dick JTA, Drewitt J, Dulvy NK, Dusic NR, Freckleton RP, Gaston KJ, et al (2008). Future novel threats and opportunities facing UK biodiversity identified by horizon scanning. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(3), 821-833. Abstract.
Fuller RA, Warren PH, Armsworth PR, Barbosa O, Gaston KJ (2008). Garden bird feeding predicts the structure of urban avian assemblages. Diversity and Distributions, 14(1), 131-137. Abstract.
Jackson SF, Gaston KJ (2008). Incorporating private lands in conservation planning: protected areas in Britain. Ecol Appl, 18(4), 1050-1060. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jackson SF, Gaston KJ (2008). Land use change and the dependence of national priority species on protected areas. Global Change Biology, 14(9), 2132-2138. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2008). Macrophysiology for a changing world. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275(1642), 1469-1478. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Jackson SF, Nagy A, Cantú-Salazar L, Johnson M (2008). Protected areas in Europe: principle and practice. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1134, 97-119. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mace GM, Collar NJ, Gaston KJ, Hilton-Taylor C, Akçakaya HR, Leader-Williams N, Milner-Gulland EJ, Stuart SN (2008). Quantification of extinction risk: IUCN's system for classifying threatened species. Conservation Biology, 22(6), 1424-1442. Abstract.
Thomas GH, Orme CDL, Davies RG, Olson VA, Bennett PM, Gaston KJ, Owens IPF, Blackburn TM (2008). Regional variation in the historical components of global avian species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17(3), 340-351. Abstract.
Evans KL, Newson SE, Storch D, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2008). Spatial scale, abundance and the species-energy relationship in British birds. J Anim Ecol, 77(2), 395-405. Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillimore AB, Orme CDL, Thomas GH, Blackburn TM, Bennett PM, Gaston KJ, Owens IPF (2008). Sympatric speciation in birds is rare: Insights from range data and simulations. American Naturalist, 171(5), 646-657. Abstract.
Guilhaumon F, Gimenez O, Gaston KJ, Mouillot D (2008). Taxonomic and regional uncertainty in species-area relationships and the identification of richness hotspots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(40), 15458-15463. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Jackson SF, Cantú-Salazar L, Cruz-Piñón G (2008). The ecological performance of protected areas. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 39, 93-113. Abstract.
Storch D, Šizling AL, Reif J, Polechová J, Šizlingová E, Gaston KJ (2008). The quest for a null model for macroecological patterns: Geometry of species distributions at multiple spatial scales. Ecology Letters, 11(8), 771-784. Abstract.
Jackson SF, Gaston KJ (2008). The unpredictability of favourability: Condition assessment and protected areas in England. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17(4), 749-764. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Duncan RP, Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2008). Threats to avifauna on oceanic islands revisited. Conservation Biology, 22(2), 492-494.
Loram A, Thompson K, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2008). Urban domestic gardens (XII): the richness and composition of the flora in five UK cities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19(3), 321-330. Abstract.
Loram A, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2008). Urban domestic gardens (XIV): the characteristics of gardens in five cities. Environ Manage, 42(3), 361-376. Abstract.  Author URL.
Newson SE, Evans KL, Noble DG, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2008). Use of distance sampling to improve estimates of national population sizes for common and widespread breeding birds in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(5), 1330-1338. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Fuller RA (2007). Biodiversity and extinction: Losing the common and the widespread. Progress in Physical Geography, 31(2), 213-225.
Phillimore AB, Orme CDL, Davies RG, Hadfield JD, Reed WJ, Gaston KJ, Freckleton RP, Owens IPF (2007). Biogeographical basis of recent phenotypic divergence among birds: a global study of subspecies richness. Evolution, 61(4), 942-957. Abstract.
Tratalos J, Fuller RA, Evans KL, Davies RG, Newson SE, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2007). Bird densities are associated with household densities. Global Change Biology, 13(8), 1685-1695. Abstract.
Fuller RA, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2007). Daytime noise predicts nocturnal singing in urban robins. Biol Lett, 3(4), 368-370. Abstract.  Author URL.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2007). Dendrograms and measuring functional diversity. Oikos, 116(8), 1422-1426. Abstract.
Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Davies TJ, Jackson SF, Davies RG, Olson VA, Jones KE, Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Thomas GH, et al (2007). Effective global conservation strategies - Reply. NATURE, 450(7171), E20-E20.  Author URL.
Davies RG, Orme CDL, Webster AJ, Jones KE, Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2007). Environmental predictors of global parrot (Aves: Psittaciformes) species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16(2), 220-233. Abstract.
He F, Gaston KJ (2007). Estimating abundance from occurrence: an underdetermined problem. American Naturalist, 170(4), 655-659.
Bebber DP, Harris SA, Gaston KJ, Scotland RW (2007). Ethnobotany and the first printed records of British flowering plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16(1), 103-108. Abstract.
Mouillot D, Gaston KJ (2007). Geographical range size heritability: What do neutral models with different modes of speciation predict?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16(3), 367-380. Abstract.
Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Davies TJ, Jackson SF, Davies RG, Olson VA, Jones KE, Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Thomas GH, et al (2007). Grenyer et al. reply. Nature, 450(7171).
Gaston KJ, Cush P, Ferguson S, Frost P, Gaston S, Knight D, Loram A, Smith RM, Thompson K, Warren PH, et al (2007). Improving the contribution of urban gardens for wildlife: Some guiding propositions. British Wildlife, 18(3), 171-177.
Gaston KJ (2007). Latitudinal gradient in species richness. Curr Biol, 17(15).  Author URL.
Fuller RJ, Gaston KJ, Quine CP (2007). Living on the edge: British and Irish woodland birds in a European context. Ibis, 149(SUPPL. 2), 53-63. Abstract.
Petchey OL, Evans KL, Fishburn IS, Gaston KJ (2007). Low functional diversity and no redundancy in British avian assemblages. J Anim Ecol, 76(5), 977-985. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bebber DP, Marriott FHC, Gaston KJ, Harris SA, Scotland RW (2007). Predicting unknown species numbers using discovery curves. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1618), 1651-1658. Abstract.
Fuller RA, Irvine KN, Devine-Wright P, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2007). Psychological benefits of greenspace increase with biodiversity. Biol Lett, 3(4), 390-394. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Lennon JJ, Gaston KJ (2007). Slopes of Avian Species-Area Relationships, Human Population Density, and Environmental Factors. AVIAN CONSERVATION AND ECOLOGY, 2(2).  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Davies RG, Orme CDL, Olson VA, Thomas GH, Ding T-S, Rasmussen PC, Lennon JJ, Bennett PM, Owens IPF, et al (2007). Spatial turnover in the global avifauna. Proc Biol Sci, 274(1618), 1567-1574. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2007). The positive correlation between avian species richness and human population density in Britain is not attributable to sampling bias. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16(3), 300-304. Abstract.
Davies RG, Orme CDL, Storch D, Olson VA, Thomas GH, Ross SG, Ding T-S, Rasmussen PC, Bennett PM, Owens IPF, et al (2007). Topography, energy and the global distribution of bird species richness. Proc Biol Sci, 274(1614), 1189-1197. Abstract.  Author URL.
Beckerman AP, Boots M, Gaston KJ (2007). Urban bird declines and the fear of cats. ANIMAL CONSERVATION, 10(3), 320-325.  Author URL.
Loram A, Tratalos J, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2007). Urban domestic gardens (X): the extent &amp; structure of the resource in five major cities. Landscape Ecology, 22(4), 601-615. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Fuller RA, Loram A, MacDonald C, Power S, Dempsey N (2007). Urban domestic gardens (XI): Variation in urban wildlife gardening in the United Kingdom. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16(11), 3227-3238. Abstract.
Tratalos J, Fuller RA, Warren PH, Davies RG, Gaston KJ (2007). Urban form, biodiversity potential and ecosystem services. Landscape and Urban Planning, 83(4), 308-317. Abstract.
Barbosa O, Tratalos JA, Armsworth PR, Davies RG, Fuller RA, Johnson P, Gaston KJ (2007). Who benefits from access to green space? a case study from Sheffield, UK. Landscape and Urban Planning, 83(2-3), 187-195. Abstract.
Pautasso M, Gaston KJ (2006). A test of the mechanisms behind avian generalized individuals-area relationships. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(3), 303-317. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Borges PAV, He F, Gaspar C (2006). Abundance, spatial variance and occupancy: arthropod species distribution in the Azores. J Anim Ecol, 75(3), 646-656. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans KL, James NA, Gaston KJ (2006). Abundance, species richness and energy availability in the North American avifauna. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(4), 372-385. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2006). Biodiversity and extinction: Macroecological patterns and people. Progress in Physical Geography, 30(2), 258-269.
Clarke A, Gaston KJ (2006). Climate, energy and diversity. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1599), 2257-2266. Abstract.  Author URL.
Webb TJ, Gaston KJ, Hannah L, Woodward FI (2006). Coincident scales of forest feedback on climate and conservation in a diversity hot spot. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1587), 757-765. Abstract.
Mouillot D, Krasnov BR, Shenbrot GI, Gaston KJ, Poulin R (2006). Conservatism of host specificity in parasites. Ecography, 29(4), 596-602. Abstract.
Mora C, Andréfouët S, Costello MJ, Kranenburg C, Rollo A, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006). Coral reefs and the global network of marine protected areas. Science, 312(5781), 1750-1751. Abstract.
Storch D, Davies RG, Zajíček S, Orme CDL, Olson V, Thomas GH, Ding TS, Rasmussen PC, Ridgely RS, Bennett PM, et al (2006). Energy, range dynamics and global species richness patterns: Reconciling mid-domain effects and environmental determinants of avian diversity. Ecology Letters, 9(12), 1308-1320. Abstract.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2006). Functional diversity: back to basics and looking forward. Ecol Lett, 9(6), 741-758. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Jackson SF, Thomas GH, Davies RG, Davies TJ, Jones KE, Olson VA, Ridgely RS, Rasmussen PC, et al (2006). Global distribution and conservation of rare and threatened vertebrates. Nature, 444(7115), 93-96. Abstract.
Orme CDL, Davies RG, Olson VA, Thomas GH, Ding TS, Rasmussen PC, Ridgely RS, Stattersfield AJ, Bennett PM, Owens IPF, et al (2006). Global patterns of geographic range size in birds. PLoS Biology, 4(7), 1276-1283. Abstract.
Mora C, Andrefouet S, Costello MJ, Kranenburg C, Rollo A, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006). How protected are coral reefs?: Response. SCIENCE, 314(5800), 758-760.  Author URL.
Davies RG, Orme CDL, Olson V, Thomas GH, Ross SG, Ding T-S, Rasmussen PC, Stattersfield AJ, Bennett PM, Blackburn TM, et al (2006). Human impacts and the global distribution of extinction risk. Proc Biol Sci, 273(1598), 2127-2133. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vázquez LB, Gaston KJ (2006). People and mammals in Mexico: Conservation conflicts at a national scale. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(8), 2397-2414. Abstract.
Evans KL, van Rensburg BJ, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2006). People, species richness and human population growth. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(6), 625-636. Abstract.
Evans KL, Rodrigues ASL, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2006). Protected areas and regional avian species richness in South Africa. Biol Lett, 2(2), 184-188. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mora C, Andréfouët S, Costello MJ, Kranenburg C, Rollo A, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006). Response [5]. Science, 314(5800), 758-760.
Evans KL, Jackson SF, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2006). Species traits and the form of individual species-energy relationships. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1595), 1779-1787. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Charman K, Jackson SF, Armsworth PR, Bonn A, Briers RA, Callaghan CSQ, Catchpole R, Hopkins J, Kunin WE, et al (2006). The ecological effectiveness of protected areas: the United Kingdom. Biological Conservation, 132(1), 76-87. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2006). There's more to macroecology than meets the eye. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(6), 537-540. Abstract.
Smith RM, Thompson K, Hodgson JG, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2006). Urban domestic gardens (IX): Composition and richness of the vascular plant flora, and implications for native biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 129(3), 312-322. Abstract.
Smith RM, Warren PH, Thompson K, Gaston KJ (2006). Urban domestic gardens (VI): Environmental correlates of invertebrate species richness. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(8), 2415-2438. Abstract.
Smith RM, Gaston KJ, Warren PH, Thompson K (2006). Urban domestic gardens (VIII): Environmental correlates of invertebrate abundance. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(8), 2515-2545. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Gaston KJ (2006). Variations on a theme: Sources of heterogeneity in the form of the interspecific relationship between abundance and distribution. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75(6), 1426-1439. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2005). Biodiversity and extinction: Species and people. Progress in Physical Geography, 29(2), 239-247.
Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2005). Can the evolutionary-rates hypothesis explain species-energy relationships?. Functional Ecology, 19(6), 899-915. Abstract.
Bonn A, Gaston KJ (2005). Capturing biodiversity: Selecting priority areas for conservation using different criteria. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(5), 1083-1100. Abstract.
Cassey P, Blackburn TM, Duncan RP, Gaston KJ (2005). Causes of exotic bird establishment across oceanic islands. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272(1576), 2059-2063. Abstract.
Cerdeira JO, Gaston KJ, Pinto LS (2005). Connectivity in priority area selection for conservation. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10(3), 183-192. Abstract.
Stuart SN, Archibald GW, Ball J, Berry RJ, Emmerich SD, Evans DM, Flenley JR, Gaston KJ, Given DR, Gosler AG, et al (2005). Conservation theology for conservation biologists - a reply to David Orr. Conservation Biology, 19(6), 1689-1692.
Parr CL, Sinclair BJ, Andersen AN, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2005). Constraint and competition in assemblages: a cross-continental and modeling approach for ants. American Naturalist, 165(4), 481-494. Abstract.
Evans KL, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2005). Dissecting the species-energy relationship. Proc Biol Sci, 272(1577), 2155-2163. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2005). Does energy availability influence classical patterns of spatial variation in exotic species richness?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14(1), 57-65. Abstract.
Webb TJ, Ian Woodward F, Hannah L, Gaston KJ (2005). Forest cover-rainfall relationships in a biodiversity hotspot: the Atlantic forest of Brazil. Ecological Applications, 15(6), 1968-1983. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Petchey OL, Cassey P, Gaston KJ (2005). Functional diversity of mammalian predators and extinction in island birds. Ecology, 86(11), 2916-2923. Abstract.
Orme CDL, Davies RG, Burgess M, Eigenbrod F, Pickup N, Olson VA, Webster AJ, Ding TS, Rasmussen PC, Ridgely RS, et al (2005). Global hotspots of species richness are not congruent with endemism or threat. Nature, 436(7053), 1016-1019. Abstract.
Webb TJ, Gaston KJ (2005). Heritability of geographic range sizes revisited: a reply to Hunt et al. American Naturalist, 166(1), 136-143.
Chown SL, Hull B, Gaston KJ (2005). Human impacts, energy availability and invasion across Southern Ocean Islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14(6), 521-528. Abstract.
Greve M, Gremmen NJM, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2005). Nestedness of Southern Ocean island biotas: Ecological perspectives on a biogeographical conundrum. Journal of Biogeography, 32(1), 155-168. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2005). Neutrality and the niche. Functional Ecology, 19(1), 1-6.
Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2005). People, energy and avian species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14(2), 187-196. Abstract.
Pérez-Arteaga A, Jackson SF, Carrera E, Gaston KJ (2005). Priority sites for wildfowl conservation in Mexico. Animal Conservation, 8(1), 41-50. Abstract.
Evans KL, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2005). Relative contribution of abundant and rare species to species-energy relationships. Biol Lett, 1(1), 87-90. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pautasso M, Gaston KJ (2005). Resources and global avian assemblage structure in forests. Ecology Letters, 8(3), 282-289. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Duncan RP, Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2005). Response to comment on "Avian extinction and mammalian introductions on oceanic islands". SCIENCE, 307(5714), 1412-1412.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2005). Species-energy relationships at the macroecological scale: a review of the mechanisms. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 80(1), 1-25. Abstract.  Author URL.
He F, Gaston KJ, Connor EF, Srivastava DS (2005). The local-regional relationship: Immigration, extinction, and scale. Ecology, 86(2), 360-365. Abstract.
Williamson M, Gaston KJ (2005). The lognormal distribution is not an appropriate null hypothesis for the species-abundance distribution. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74(3), 409-422. Abstract.
Zapata FA, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2005). The mid-domain effect revisited. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 166(5), E144-E148.  Author URL.
Evans KL, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2005). The roles of extinction and colonization in generating species-energy relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74(3), 498-507. Abstract.
Storch D, Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2005). The species-area-energy relationship. Ecol Lett, 8(5), 487-492. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Davies RG, Gascoigne CE, Williamson M (2005). The structure of global species-range size distributions: Raptors &amp; owls. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14(1), 67-76. Abstract.
Cannon AR, Chamberlain DE, Toms MP, Hatchwell BJ, Gaston KJ (2005). Trends in the use of private gardens by wild birds in Great Britain 1995-2002. Journal of Applied Ecology, 42(4), 659-671. Abstract.
Storch D, Marquet PA, Gaston KJ (2005). Untangling an entangled bank. Science, 307(5710), 684-686.
Gaston KJ, Smith RM, Thompson K, Warren PH (2005). Urban domestic gardens (II): Experimental tests of methods for increasing biodiversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(2), 395-413. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Warren PH, Thompson K, Smith RM (2005). Urban domestic gardens (IV): the extent of the resource and its associated features. Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(14), 3327-3349. Abstract.
Smith RM, Gaston KJ, Warren PH, Thompson K (2005). Urban domestic gardens (V): Relationships between landcover composition, housing and landscape. Landscape Ecology, 20(2), 235-253. Abstract.
Thompson K, Colsell S, Carpenter J, Smith RM, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2005). Urban domestic gardens (VII): a preliminary survey of soil seed banks. Seed Science Research, 15(2), 133-141. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, O'Neill MA (2004). Automated species identification: why not?. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 359(1444), 655-667. Abstract.  Author URL.
Blackburn TM, Cassey P, Duncan RP, Evans KL, Gaston KJ (2004). Avian extinction and mammalian introductions on oceanic islands. Science, 305(5692), 1955-1958. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Evans KL (2004). Birds and people in Europe. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1548), 1649-1655. Abstract.  Author URL.
Van Rensburg BJ, Erasmus BFN, Van Jaarsveld AS, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2004). Conservation during times of change: Correlations between birds, climate and people in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 100(5-6), 266-272. Abstract.
Lennon JJ, Koleff P, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2004). Contribution of rarity and commonness to patterns of species richness. Ecology Letters, 7(2), 81-87. Abstract.
Cowling J, Spicer JI, Gaston KJ, Weeks JM (2004). Current status of an amphipod invader, Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt, 1925), in Britain. Journal of Natural History, 38(13), 1665-1675.
Rodrigues ASL, Andelman SJ, Bakan MI, Boitani L, Brooks TM, Cowling RM, Fishpool LDC, Da Fonseca GAB, Gaston KJ, Hoffmann M, et al (2004). Effectiveness of the global protected area network in representing species diversity. Nature, 428(6983), 640-643. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Smith RM, Thompson K, Warren PH (2004). Gardens and wildlife - the BUGS project. British Wildlife, 16(1), 1-9.
Rodrigues ASL, Akçakaya HR, Andelman SJ, Bakarr MI, Boitani L, Brooks TM, Chanson JS, Fishpool LDC, Da Fonseca GAB, Gaston KJ, et al (2004). Global gap analysis: Priority regions for expanding the global protected-area network. BioScience, 54(12), 1092-1100. Abstract.
Chown SL, Sinclair BJ, Leinaas HP, Gaston KJ (2004). Hemispheric asymmetries in biodiversity - a serious matter for ecology. PLoS Biology, 2(11).
Petchey OL, Hector A, Gaston KJ (2004). How do different measures of functional diversity perform?. Ecology, 85(3), 847-857. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2004). Macroecology. Basic and Applied Ecology, 5(5), 385-387.
Gaston KJ (2004). Macroecology and people. Basic and Applied Ecology, 5(4), 303-307. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ, Robinson D (2004). Macrophysiology: Large-scale patterns in physiological traits and their ecological implications. Functional Ecology, 18(2), 159-167.
Cowling JE, Weeks JA, Spicer JI, Gaston KJ (2004). Physiological tolerances of the euterrestrial amphipod Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt) as a key to its geographical distribution? a test using mesocosms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 139(2), 251-259.
Vázquez LB, Gaston KJ (2004). Rarity, commonness, and patterns of species richness: the mammals of Mexico. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 13(6), 535-542. Abstract.
Jackson SF, Kershaw M, Gaston KJ (2004). Size matters: the value of small populations for wintering waterbirds. Animal Conservation, 7(3), 229-239. Abstract.
Van Rensburg BJ, Koleff P, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2004). Spatial congruence of ecological transition at the regional scale in South Africa. Journal of Biogeography, 31(5), 843-854. Abstract.
Bonn A, Storch D, Gaston KJ (2004). Structure of the species--energy relationship. Proc Biol Sci, 271(1549), 1685-1691. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jackson SF, Kershaw M, Gaston KJ (2004). The buffer effect and the selection of protected areas for waterbirds in Britain. Biological Conservation, 120(1), 137-143. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Genney DR, Thurlow M, Hartley SE (2004). The geographical range structure of the holly leaf-miner. IV. Effects of variation in host-plant quality. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(5), 911-924. Abstract.
Holt AR, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2004). The importance of habitat heterogeneity, biotic interactions and dispersal in abundance-occupancy relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(5), 841-851. Abstract.
Jackson SF, Kershaw M, Gaston KJ (2004). The performance of procedures for selecting conservation areas: Waterbirds in the UK. Biological Conservation, 118(2), 261-270. Abstract.
Storch D, Gaston KJ (2004). Untangling ecological complexity on different scales of space and time. Basic and Applied Ecology, 5(5), 389-400. Abstract.
Thompson K, Hodgson JG, Smith RM, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2004). Urban domestic gardens (III): Composition and diversity of lawn floras. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15(3), 373-378. Abstract.
Pérez-Arteaga A, Gaston KJ (2004). Wildfowl population trends in Mexico, 1961-2000: a basis for conservation planning. Biological Conservation, 115(3), 343-355. Abstract.
Jones AG, Chown SL, Ryan PG, Gremmen NJM, Gaston KJ (2003). A review of conservation threats on Gough Island: a case study for terrestrial conservation in the Southern Oceans. Biological Conservation, 113(1), 75-87. Abstract.
Koleff P, Lennon JJ, Gaston KJ (2003). Are there latitudinal gradients in species turnover?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 12(6), 483-498. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM (2003). Dispersal and the interspecific abundance-occupancy relationship in British birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 12(5), 373-379. Abstract.
Storch D, Konvicka M, Benes J, Martinková J, Gaston KJ (2003). Distribution patterns in butterflies and birds of the Czech Republic: Separating effects of habitat and geographical position. Journal of Biogeography, 30(8), 1195-1205. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2003). Ecology - the how and why of biodiversity. NATURE, 421(6926), 900-901.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Van Rensburg BJ, Gaston KJ, Rodrigues ASL, Van Jaarsveld AS (2003). Energy, species richness, and human population size: Conservation implications at a national scale. Ecological Applications, 13(5), 1233-1241. Abstract.
Cowling JE, Spicer JI, Weeks JM, Gaston KJ (2003). Environmental tolerances of an invasive terrestrial amphipod, Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt) in Britain. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 136(3), 735-747.
Storch D, Šizling AL, Gaston KJ (2003). Geometry of the species-area relationship in central European birds: Testing the mechanism. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(3), 509-519. Abstract.
Balmford A, Gaston KJ, Blyth S, James A, Kapos V (2003). Global variation in terrestrial conservation costs, conservation benefits, and unmet conservation needs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100(3), 1046-1050. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Klein Goldewijk K (2003). Habitat conversion and global avian biodiversity loss. Proc Biol Sci, 270(1521), 1293-1300. Abstract.  Author URL.
Holt AR, Gaston KJ (2003). Interspecific abundance-occupancy relationships of British mammals and birds: is it possible to explain the residual variation?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 12(1), 37-46. Abstract.
Jones AG, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2003). Introduced house mice as a conservation concern on Gough Island. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12(10), 2107-2119. Abstract.
Koleff P, Gaston KJ, Lennon JJ (2003). Measuring beta diversity for presence-absence data. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(3), 367-382. Abstract.
Zapata FA, Gaston KJ, Chown SL (2003). Mid-domain models of species richness gradients: Assumptions, methods and evidence. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(4), 677-690. Abstract.
He F, Gaston KJ (2003). Occupancy, Spatial Variance, and the Abundance of Species. American Naturalist, 162(3), 366-375.
Webb TJ, Gaston KJ (2003). On the heritability of geographic range sizes. Am Nat, 161(4), 553-566. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Addo-Bediako A, Gaston KJ (2003). Physiological diversity: Listening to the large-scale signal. Functional Ecology, 17(4), 568-572.
Gaston KJ, Jones AG, Hänel C, Chown SL (2003). Rates of species introduction to a remote oceanic island. Proc Biol Sci, 270(1519), 1091-1098. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Rodrigues ASL (2003). Reserve selection in regions with poor biological data. Conservation Biology, 17(1), 188-195. Abstract.
Jones AJ, Chown SL, Webb TJ, Gaston KJ (2003). The free-living pterygote insects of gough island, south Atlantic Ocean. Systematics and Biodiversity, 1(2), 213-273. Abstract.
Klok CJ, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2003). The geographical range structure of the Holly Leaf-miner. III. Cold hardiness physiology. Functional Ecology, 17(6), 858-868. Abstract.
Brewer AM, Gaston KJ (2003). The geographical range structure of the holly leaf-miner. II. Demographic rates. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72(1), 82-93. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2003). The how and why of biodiversity. Nature, 421(6926), 900-901. Abstract.
Thompson K, Austin KC, Smith RM, Warren PH, Angold PG, Gaston KJ (2003). Urban domestic gardens (I): Putting small-scale plant diversity in context. Journal of Vegetation Science, 14(1), 71-78. Abstract.
Williamson M, Gaston KJ, Lonsdale WM (2002). An asymptote is an asymptote and not found in species-area relationships. Journal of Biogeography, 29(12).
Jackson SF, Gaston KJ, Kershaw M (2002). Dealing with population fluctuations in waterbird conservation. AVIAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY: PURE AND APPLIED ISSUES IN THE LARGE-SCALE ECOLOGY OF BIRDS, 242-250.  Author URL.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2002). Extinction and the loss of functional diversity. Proc Biol Sci, 269(1501), 1721-1727. Abstract.  Author URL.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2002). Extrinsic factors and the population sizes of threatened birds. Ecology Letters, 5(4), 568-576. Abstract.
Petchey OL, Gaston KJ (2002). Functional diversity (FD), species richness and community composition. Ecology Letters, 5(3), 402-411. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Matter SF (2002). Individuals-area relationships: Comment. Ecology, 83(1), 288-293.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM (2002). Large-scale dynamics in colonization and extinction for breeding birds in Britain. Journal of Animal Ecology, 71(3), 390-399. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2002). Macroecology is distinct from biogeography. NATURE, 418(6899), 723-723.  Author URL.
Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2002). Maximising phylogenetic diversity in the selection of networks of conservation areas. Biological Conservation, 105(1), 103-111. Abstract.
Addo-Bediako A, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2002). Metabolic cold adaptation in insects: a large-scale perspective. Functional Ecology, 16(3), 332-338. Abstract.
McGeoch MA, Gaston KJ (2002). Occupancy frequency distributions: Patterns, artefacts and mechanisms. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 77(3), 311-331. Abstract.
Holt AR, Gaston KJ, He F (2002). Occupancy-abundance relationships and spatial distribution: a review. Basic and Applied Ecology, 3(1), 1-13. Abstract.
He FL, Gaston KJ, Wu JG (2002). On species occupancy-abundance models. ECOSCIENCE, 9(1), 119-126.  Author URL.
Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2002). Optimisation in reserve selection procedures - Why not?. Biological Conservation, 107(1), 123-129. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Pressey RL, Margules CR (2002). Persistence and vulnerability: retaining biodiversity in the landscape and in protected areas. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 27(4), 361-384.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Addo-Bediako A, Gaston KJ (2002). Physiological variation in insects: large-scale patterns and their implications. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 131(4), 587-602.  Author URL.
Storch D, Gaston KJ, Cepák J (2002). Pink landscapes: 1/f spectra of spatial environmental variability and bird community composition. Proc Biol Sci, 269(1502), 1791-1796. Abstract.  Author URL.
Perez-Arteaga A, Gaston KJ, Kershaw M (2002). Population trends and priority conservation sites for Mexican Duck Anas diazi. Bird Conservation International, 12(1), 35-52. Abstract.
Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2002). Rarity and conservation planning across geopolitical units. Conservation Biology, 16(3), 674-682. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2002). Scale in macroecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11(3), 185-189. Abstract.
van Rensburg BJ, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2002). Species richness, environmental correlates, and spatial scale: a test using South African birds. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 159(5), 566-577.  Author URL.
Jones AG, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2002). Terrestrial invertebrates of Gough Island: an assemblage under threat?. African Entomology, 10(1), 83-91. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, He F (2002). The distribution of species range size: a stochastic process. Proc Biol Sci, 269(1495), 1079-1086. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brewer AM, Gaston KJ (2002). The geographical range structure of the holly leaf-miner. I. Population density. Journal of Animal Ecology, 71(1), 99-111. Abstract.
Holt AR, Warren PH, Gaston KJ (2002). The importance of biotic interactions in abundance-occupancy relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology, 71(5), 846-854. Abstract.
Koleff P, Gaston KJ (2002). The relationships between local and regional species richness and spatial turnover. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11(5), 363-375. Abstract.
Bonn A, Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2002). Threat and endemism: good indicators of patterns of biodiversity on a national scale?. AVIAN LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY: PURE AND APPLIED ISSUES IN THE LARGE-SCALE ECOLOGY OF BIRDS, 281-281.  Author URL.
Bonn A, Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2002). Threatened and endemic species: Are they good indicators of patterns of biodiversity on a national scale?. Ecology Letters, 5(6), 733-741. Abstract.
Pérez-Arteaga A, Gaston KJ, Kershaw M (2002). Undesignated sites in Mexico qualifying as wetlands of international importance. Biological Conservation, 107(1), 47-57. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2002). World Atlas of biodiversity: Earth's living resources in the 21st century. NATURE, 419(6907), 562-+.  Author URL.
James A, Gaston KJ, Balmford A (2001). Can we afford to conserve biodiversity?. BioScience, 51(1), 43-52.
Gaston KJ, Rodrigues ASL, Van Rensburg BJ, Koleff P, Chown SL (2001). Complementary representation and zones of ecological transition. Ecology Letters, 4(1), 4-9. Abstract.
Cowley MJR, Thomas CD, Roy DB, Wilson RJ, León-Cortés JL, Gutiérrez D, Bulman CR, Quinn RM, Moss D, Gaston KJ (2001). Density-distribution relationships in British butterflies I: the effect of mobility and spatial scale. Journal of Animal Ecology, 70, 410-425.
Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ (2001). How large do reserve networks need to be?. Ecology Letters, 4(6), 602-609. Abstract.
Koleff P, Gaston KJ (2001). Latitudinal gradients in diversity: Real patterns and random models. Ecography, 24(3), 341-351. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2001). Linking patterns in macroecology. Journal of Animal Ecology, 70(2), 338-352. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (2001). Local avian assemblages as random draws from regional pools. Ecography, 24(1), 50-58. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Duncan RP (2001). Population density and geographical range size in the introduced and native passerine faunas of New Zealand. Diversity and Distributions, 7(5), 209-221. Abstract.
Addo-Bediako A, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2001). Revisiting water loss in insects: a large scale view. Journal of Insect Physiology, 47(12), 1377-1388. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL, Mercer RD (2001). The animal species-body size distribution of Marion Island. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98(25), 14493-14496. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lennon JJ, Koleff P, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ (2001). The geographical structure of British bird distributions: diversity, spatial turnover and scale. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 70(6), 966-979.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Spicer JI (2001). The relationship between range size and niche breadth: a test using five species of Gammarus (Amphipoda). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10(2), 179-188. Abstract.
Williamson M, Gaston KJ, Lonsdale WM (2001). The species-area relationship does not have an asymptote!. Journal of Biogeography, 28(7), 827-830. Abstract.
Chown SL, Rodrigues ASL, Gremmen NJM, Gaston KJ (2001). World heritage status and conservation of Southern ocean Islands. Conservation Biology, 15(3), 550-557.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Greenwood JJD, Gregory RD, Quinn RM, Lawton JH (2000). Abundance-occupancy relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37(SUPPL. 1), 39-59. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2000). Areas cradles and museums: the latitudinal gradient in species richness. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15(8), 311-315. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (2000). Biodiversity: Higher taxon richness. Progress in Physical Geography, 24(1), 117-127.
McGeoch MA, Gaston KJ (2000). Edge effects on the prevalence and mortality factors of Phytomyza ilicis (Diptera, Agromyzidae) in a suburban woodland. Ecology Letters, 3(1), 23-29. Abstract.
He FL, Gaston KJ (2000). Estimating species abundance from occurrence. AMERICAN NATURALIST, 156(5), 553-559.  Author URL.
Gregory RD, Gaston KJ (2000). Explanations of commonness and rarity in british breeding birds: Separating resource use and resource availability. Oikos, 88(3), 515-526. Abstract.
Rodrigues AS, Cerdeira JO, Gaston KJ (2000). Flexibility, efficiency, and accountability: Adapting reserve selection algorithms to more complex conservation problems. Ecography, 23(5), 565-574. Abstract.
Webb TJ, Gaston KJ (2000). Geographic range size and evolutionary age in birds. Proc Biol Sci, 267(1455), 1843-1850. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ (2000). Global patterns in biodiversity. Nature, 405(6783), 220-227. Abstract.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ, Hänel C (2000). Gough Island biodiversity study goes ahead. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 96(1), 7-8.  Author URL.
Balmford A, Gaston KJ, Rodrigues ASL, James A (2000). Integrating costs of conservation into international priority setting. Conservation Biology, 14(3), 597-605.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2000). Island-hopping invaders hitch a ride with tourists in South Georgia [1]. Nature, 408(6813).
Mace GM, Balmford A, Boitani L, Cowlishaw G, Dobson AP, Faith DP, Gaston KJ, Humphries CJ, Vane-Wright RI, Williams PH, et al (2000). It's time to work together and stop duplicating conservation efforts. [1]. Nature, 405(6785).
He F, Gaston KJ (2000). Occupancy-abundance relationships and sampling scales. Ecography, 23(4), 503-511. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2000). Rapoport effect and speciation/extinction rates in the tropics - Reply. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 15(12), 514-515.  Author URL.
Rodrigues AS, Gregory RD, Gaston KJ (2000). Robustness of reserve selection procedures under temporal species turnover. Proc Biol Sci, 267(1438), 49-55. Abstract.  Author URL.
Metcalfe JA, Marcal JAG, Gaston KJ (2000). The holly leaf miner as a study organism. Journal of Biological Education, 34(2), 90-94. Abstract.
Addo-Bediako A, Chown SL, Gaston KJ (2000). Thermal tolerance, climatic variability and latitude. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 267(1445), 739-745. Abstract.
Rodrigues AS, Gaston KJ, Gregory RD (2000). Using presence-absence data to establish reserve selection procedures that are robust to temporal species turnover. Proc Biol Sci, 267(1446), 897-902. Abstract.  Author URL.
James A, Gaston KJ, Balmford A (2000). Why private institutions alone will not do enough to protect biodiversity [1]. Nature, 404(6774).
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM (1999). A critique for macroecology. Oikos, 84(3), 353-368. Abstract.
Williamson M, Gaston KJ (1999). A simple transformation for sets of range sizes. Ecography, 22(6), 674-680. Abstract.
Spicer JI, Gaston KJ, Peck L, Chapelle G (1999). Amphipod gigantism dictated by oxygen availability?. Ecology Letters, 2(6), 397-403. Abstract.
Weeks PJD, O'Neill MA, Gaston KJ, Gauld ID (1999). Automating insect identification: Exploring the limitations of a prototype system. Journal of Applied Entomology, 123(1), 1-8. Abstract.
James AN, Gaston KJ, Balmford A (1999). Balancing the Earth's accounts. NATURE, 401(6751), 323-324.  Author URL.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (1999). Density, survey area, and the perfection (or otherwise) of ecologists. Oikos, 85(3), 570-573.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Quinn RM, Gregory RD (1999). Do local abundances of British birds change with proximity to range edge?. Journal of Biogeography, 26(3), 493-505. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Gregory RD (1999). Does variation in census area confound density comparisons?. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36(2), 191-204. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL (1999). Elevation and climatic tolerance: a test using dung beetles. Oikos, 86(3), 584-590. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (1999). Exploring links between physiology and ecology at macro-scales: the role of respiratory metabolism in insects. Biological Reviews, 74(1), 87-120. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (1999). Exploring links between physiology and ecology at macro-scales: the role of respiratory metabolism in insects. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 74(1), 87-120. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Loder N (1999). Geographic gradients in body size: a clarification of Bergmann's rule. Diversity and Distributions, 5(4), 165-174. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (1999). Implications of interspecific and intraspecific abundance-occupancy relationships. Oikos, 86(2), 195-207. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Gregory RD (1999). Intraspecific abundance-occupancy relationships: Case studies of six bird species in Britain. Diversity and Distributions, 5(5), 197-212. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Gregory RD, Blackburn TM (1999). Intraspecific relationships between abundance and occupancy among species of Paridae and Sylviidae in Britain. Ecoscience, 6(2), 131-142. Abstract.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ (1999). Patterns in procellariiform diversity as a test of species-energy theory in marine systems. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 1(3), 365-373. Abstract.
Thompson K, Gaston KJ, Band SR (1999). Range size, dispersal and niche breadth in the herbaceous flora of central England. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 87(1), 150-155.  Author URL.
Erasmus BFN, Freitag S, Gaston KJ, Erasmus BH, Van Jaarsveld AS (1999). Scale and conservation planning in the real world. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266(1417), 315-319. Abstract.
Weeks PJD, O'Neill MA, Gaston KJ, Gauld ID (1999). Species-identification of wasps using principal component associative memories. Image and Vision Computing, 17(12), 861-866. Abstract.
Rodrigues ASL, Tratt R, Wheeler BD, Gaston KJ (1999). The performance of existing networks of conservation areas in representing biodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266(1427), 1453-1460. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (1999). The relationship between animal abundance and body size: a review of the mechanisms. ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, VOL 28, 28, 181-210.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ, Chown SL (1999). Why Rapoport's rule does not generalise. Oikos, 84(2), 309-312.
Balmford A, Gaston KJ (1999). Why biodiversity surveys are good value. Nature, 398(6724), 204-205.
Thompson K, Hodgson JG, Gaston KJ (1998). Abundance-range size relationships in the herbaceous flora of central England. Journal of Ecology, 86(3), 439-448. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Lawton JH (1998). Aggregation and interspecific abundance-occupancy relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology, 67(6), 995-999.
Gaston KJ (1998). Biodiversity - the road to an atlas. Progress in Physical Geography, 22(2), 269-281.
Williams PH, Gaston KJ (1998). Biodiversity indicators: Graphical techniques, smoothing and searching for what makes relationships work. Ecography, 21(5), 551-560. Abstract.
Loder N, Gaston KJ, Warren PH, Arnold HR (1998). Body size and feeding specificity: Macrolepidoptera in Britain. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 63(1), 121-139. Abstract.
Quinn RM, Gaston KJ, Roy DB (1998). Coincidence in the distributions of butterflies and their foodplants. Ecography, 21(3), 279-288. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Spicer JI (1998). Do upper thermal tolerances differ in geographically separated populations of the beachflea Orchestia gammarellus (Crustacea: Amphipoda)?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 229(2), 265-276. Abstract.
Chown SL, Grammen NJM, Gaston KJ (1998). Ecological biogeography of southern ocean islands: Species-area relationships, human impacts, and conservation. American Naturalist, 152(4), 562-575. Abstract.
Gaston KJ (1998). Ecology - Rarity as double jeopardy. NATURE, 394(6690), 229-230.  Author URL.
Chown SL, Gaston KJ, Williams PH (1998). Global patterns in species richness of pelagic seabirds: the procellariiformes. Ecography, 21(4), 342-350. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Gregory RD (1998). Interspecific differences in intraspecific abundance-range size relationships of British breeding birds. Ecography, 21(2), 149-158. Abstract.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ, Lawton JH (1998). Patterns in the geographic ranges of the world's woodpeckers. Ibis, 140(4), 626-638. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Blackburn TM, Spicer JI (1998). Rapoport's rule: time for an epitaph?. Trends Ecol Evol, 13(2), 70-74. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gaston KJ (1998). Rarity as double jeopardy. Nature, 394(6690), 229-230.
Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (1998). Some methodological issues in macroecology. American Naturalist, 151(1), 68-83. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Quinn RM, Blackburn TM, Eversham BC (1998). Species-range size distributions in Britain. Ecography, 21(4), 361-370.