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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Lucy Brunt

Dr Lucy Brunt

Research Fellow


 Living Systems Institute 


Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD


During my PhD at the University of Bristol, I became interested in the role of Wnt signalling and biomechanics in tissue morphogenesis, in particular, during zebrafish jaw joint morphogenesis. My current project, here at the Living Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, is to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and control of Wnt positive signalling filopodia- also known as cytonemes- during brain development.


2011 - Biomedical Science, BSc, University of Sheffield

2015 - Wellcome Trust Dynamic Cell Biology PhD, University of Bristol


2015-2017 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr. Chrissy Hammond Lab, University of Bristol

2017-Present  Postdoctoral Research Associate, Prof. Steffen Scholpp Lab, University of Exeter

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Research interests

During my PhD at the University of Bristol, I became interested in the role of Wnt signalling and biomechanics in tissue morphogenesis, in particular, during zebrafish jaw joint morphogenesis. My current project, here at the Living Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, is to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and control of Wnt positive signalling filopodia- also known as cytonemes- during brain development.

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Journal articles

Gardilla AC, Sanchez D, Brunt L, Scholpp S (In Press). From top to bottom: Cell polarity in Hedgehog and Wnt trafficking. BMC Biology
Brunt L, Greicius G, Rogers S, Evans BD, Virshup DM, Wedgwood KCA, Scholpp S (2021). Vangl2 promotes the formation of long cytonemes to enable distant Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Nat Commun, 12(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Brunt L, Greicius G, Evans BD, Virshup DM, Wedgwood KCA, Scholpp S (2020). Vangl2 regulates the dynamics of Wnt cytonemes in vertebrates. Abstract.
Brunt L, Scholpp S (2018). The function of endocytosis in Wnt signaling. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 75(5), 785-795. Abstract.
Brunt LH, Begg K, Kague E, Cross S, Hammond CL (2017). Wnt signalling controls the response to mechanical loading during zebrafish joint development. Development, 144(15), 2798-2809. Abstract.
Brunt LH, Roddy KA, Rayfield EJ, Hammond CL (2016). Building Finite Element Models to Investigate Zebrafish Jaw Biomechanics. Journal of Visualized Experiments(118).
Brunt LH, Skinner REH, Roddy KA, Araujo NM, Rayfield EJ, Hammond CL (2016). Differential effects of altered patterns of movement and strain on joint cell behaviour and skeletal morphogenesis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(11), 1940-1950.
Brunt LH, Norton JL, Bright JA, Rayfield EJ, Hammond CL (2015). Finite element modelling predicts changes in joint shape and cell behaviour due to loss of muscle strain in jaw development. Journal of Biomechanics, 48(12), 3112-3122.
Mitchell RE, Huitema LFA, Skinner REH, Brunt LH, Severn C, Schulte-Merker S, Hammond CL (2013). New tools for studying osteoarthritis genetics in zebrafish. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 21(2), 269-278.

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