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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Neeltje Boogert

Dr Neeltje Boogert

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow

 Daphne du Maurier 3063


Daphne du Maurier Building, University of Exeter,  Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Originally from the Netherlands (which explains my unpronounceable name!), I obtained my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at Utrecht University (2000-2005). For my M.Sc. thesis research I investigated scent mark communication in stingless bees in Costa Rica and the spread of foraging information through social networks in starlings. The latter work was conducted with Dr. Simon Reader (now at McGill) and Prof. Kevin Laland (University of St. Andrews). After graduating I moved from Scotland to Canada to do a Ph.D. with Prof. Louis Lefebvre at McGill University (2005-2010). There I started research on another form of social learning, namely vocal learning, in zebra finches (with Prof. Luc-Alain Giraldeau, UQAM) and song sparrows (with Dr. Rindy Anderson, Prof. Steve Nowicki (Duke University) and Prof. Bill Searcy (University of Miami)). I discovered that more complex singers are better problem solvers, but are not generally ‘smarter’ than the singers of simpler songs. In 2011 I moved back to St. Andrews to conduct further studies on starling social networks with Prof. Laland and Dr. Will Hoppitt. In 2012 I obtained a Rubicon fellowship from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to study the effects of developmental stress on later social behaviour in quail and zebra finches with Dr. Karen Spencer (University of St. Andrews). In 2015 I was awarded a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship to study the developmental drivers of avian social network positions. I was briefly based at Oxford University’s Edward Grey Institute before moving the fellowship here.

Broad research specialisms

I am generally interested in the evolution and ecology of cognition and social behaviour. Thus far I have studied quite a diverse array of topics, ranging from insect communication to bird song learning and mate choice for cognitive traits, the existence of a "general cognitive ability", to social learning and the spread of information through animal groups. I am currently focussing on how developmental factors affect (social) information use, social network positions and proxies of fitness, using both wild and captive birds as my model systems. I am also investigating how group composition affects cognitive performance and fitness proxies in fish. I greatly enjoy collaborative research projects with colleagues at the University of Cambridge Zoology Department, the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and the University of Oxford Edward Grey Institute, and am always open to new collaborations.


2011: Ph.D. Biology, McGill University, Canada
2005: M.Sc. Animal Behaviour, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2003: B.Sc. Biology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


2016 -  current: Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, University of Exeter
2016: 8-month maternity leave
2015 – 2016: Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, University of Oxford
2012 – 2015: NWO Rubicon Research Fellow, University of St. Andrews
2013: 8-month maternity leave
2011 – 2012: Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of St. Andrews

Research group links

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Research interests

One of my main research aims is to understand how early-life conditions shape later social behaviour and cognitive traits. Stress exposure early in life is often assumed to have inevitable negative consequences. However, individuals may have the phenotypic flexibility to change their behavioural strategies in an adaptive way. I am investigating whether and when this is the case, and what the fitness consequences might be across generations, in captive zebra finches. I also aim to take these questions into the wild and study how developmental conditions shape social behaviour in wild great tits in the Wytham Woods with Prof. Ben Sheldon and in wild jackdaws, as part of the Cornish jackdaw project with Dr. Alex Thornton.

Research projects

Developmental drivers of avian social networks

Although social networks are known to shape important population-level processes such as the spread of information and disease, we still know very little about the factors that drive social network structure. My aim is to investigate how early-life conditions shape later social phenotypes and social network positions. To achieve this, I experimentally manipulate early-life conditions, for example by exposing chicks to elevated levels of stress hormones. I then quantify the effects on later social behaviour, as well as on sexually selected and cognitive traits, both within and across generations. Our previous work on captive zebra finches suggests that early-life stress can switch social learning as well as song learning strategies in captivity. The next step is to investigate these processes in the wild.

Dr. Damien Farine
Dr. Josh Firth
Prof. Ben Sheldon
Dr. Alex Thornton

The effects of personality and group composition on problem solving

It is now well-established that individuals exhibit consistent behavioural differences across ecological contexts, also known as “personality traits”. These personality traits are often quantified in social isolation, but most animals engage in social interactions on a daily basis. How does an individual’s social environment shape the development and expression of its personality traits? And is there such a thing as an ‘optimal’ social environment for tackling ecologically relevant problems? If so, can individuals actively seek out such group memberships, or is this a passive assortment process? I am tackling these and other questions on wild-caught three-spine sticklebacks as a visiting Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge’s Zoology Department.

Dr. Jolle Jolles
Dr. Andrea Manica


For all publications, please see my Google Scholar Profile.
Please contact me for any PDFs.

Farine, D.R.*, Spencer, K.A. & Boogert, N.J.* Early-life stress triggers juveniles to switch social learning strategies. Current Biology (2015) 25: 2184-2188. *equal contributors

Boogert, N.J.*, Farine, D.R.* & Spencer, K.A. Developmental stress predicts social network position. Biology Letters (2014) 10: 20140561. *equal contributors
Boogert, N.J., Nightingale, G.F., Hoppitt, W. & Laland, K.N. Perching but not foraging networks predict the spread of novel foraging skills in starlings. Behavioural Processes (2014) 109: 135-144.  

Templeton, C.N., Laland, K.N. & Boogert, N.J. Does song complexity correlate with problem-solving performance in flocks of zebra finches? Animal Behaviour (2014) 92: 63-71.

Boogert, N.J., Zimmer, C. & Spencer, K.A. Pre-natal and post-natal stress affect social learning strategies, but in opposite directions. Biology Letters (2013) 9: 20121088.   

Boogert, N.J., Anderson, R.C., Peters, S., Searcy, W.A. & Nowicki, S. Song repertoire size in male song sparrows correlates with detour reaching, but not with other cognitive measures. Animal Behaviour (2011) 81: 1209-1216.

Boogert, N.J., Fawcett, T.W. & Lefebvre, L. Mate choice for cognitive traits: a review of the evidence in non-human vertebrates. Behavioral Ecology (2011) 22: 447-459.


2015 – 2021: Royal Society: Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship
[2015 – 2018: NWO, The Netherlands: Veni Fellowship (declined)]
[2015 – 2017: University of Oxford, EGI: Research Fellowship (declined)]
2014 – 2015: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour: Research Grant
2012 – 2015: NWO, The Netherlands: Rubicon Early Career Fellowship
2008 – 2010: McGill University, Canada: Dr. Milton Leong Fellowship
2005 – 2008: McGill University, Canada: Dr. Richard H. Tomlinson Fellowship
2005 – 2006: Netherlands Talented Students Program: Fellowship

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Journal articles

Jolles JW, Boogert NJ, Sridhar VH, Couzin ID, Manica A (In Press). Consistent individual differences drive collective behaviour and group functioning of schooling fish. Current Biology
Goumas M, Kelley L, Boogert N (In Press). Herring gull aversion to gaze in urban and rural human settlements. Animal Behaviour
Inzani E, Kelley L, Boogert N (In Press). Object neophilia in wild herring gulls in urban and rural locations. Journal of Avian Biology Abstract.
Kendal RL, Boogert NJ, Rendell L, Laland KN, Webster M, Jones PL (In Press). Social learning strategies: bridge-building between fields. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Goumas M, Boogert N, Kelley L (In Press). Urban herring gulls use human behavioural cues to locate food. Royal Society Open Science
Goumas M, Berkin CR, Rayner CW, Boogert NJ (2024). From the sea to the city: explaining gulls’ use of urban habitats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12
Cauchard L, Boogert NJ, Giraldeau L-A, Lefebvre L, McNeil JN, Overington S, Quinn JL (2024). Julie Morand-Ferron retrospective (1977–2022) for <i>FACETS</i>. FACETS, 9, 1-4.
Romero-Haro AA, Maldonado-Chaparro AA, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Bleu J, Criscuolo F, Zahn S, Farine DR, Boogert NJ (2024). Males with high levels of oxidative damage form weak pair bonds in a gregarious bird species. Animal Behaviour, 210, 11-22.
Raghav S, Boogert NJ (2023). Factors associated with Herring Gulls<i>Larus argentatus</i>stealing food from humans in coastal towns. Bird Study, 69(3-4), 103-108.
Gomes ACR, Boogert NJ, Cardoso GC (2023). Social network positions of common waxbills are resilient to prolonged absence and to manipulation of ornamental plumage. Animal Behaviour, 202, 121-138.
Saliveros AM, Bowden-Parry M, McAusland F, Boogert NJ (2022). Captive Asian short-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus) learn to exploit unfamiliar natural prey. R Soc Open Sci, 9(6). Abstract.  Author URL.
Dehnen T, Papageorgiou D, Nyaguthii B, Cherono W, Penndorf J, Boogert NJ, Farine DR (2022). Costs dictate strategic investment in dominance interactions. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 377(1845).  Author URL.
Gomes ACR, Beltrao P, Boogert NJ, Cardoso GC (2022). Familiarity, dominance, sex and season shape common waxbill social networks. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY, 33(3), 526-540.  Author URL.
Riley RJ, Gillie ER, Savage JL, Manica A, Boogert NJ (2022). Familiarity, personality, and foraging performance in three-spined sticklebacks. Behav Processes, 200 Abstract.  Author URL.
Dehnen T, Arbon JJ, Farine DR, Boogert NJ (2022). How feedback and feed-forward mechanisms link determinants of social dominance. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 97(3), 1210-1230. Abstract.  Author URL.
Barrett LP, Marsh JL, Boogert NJ, Templeton CN, Benson-Amram S (2022). Links between personality traits and problem-solving performance in zebra finches (<i>Taeniopygia guttata</i>). Royal Society Open Science, 9(6). Abstract.
Goumas M, Boogert NJ, Kelley LA, Holding T (2022). Predator or provider? How wild animals respond to mixed messages from humans. Royal Society Open Science, 9(3). Abstract.
Di Giovanni J, Fawcett TW, Templeton CN, Raghav S, Boogert NJ (2022). Urban gulls show similar thermographic and behavioral responses to human shouting and conspecific alarm calls. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10 Abstract.
Dibnah AJ, Herbert-Read JE, Boogert NJ, McIvor GE, Jolles JW, Thornton A (2022). Vocally mediated consensus decisions govern mass departures from jackdaw roosts. Curr Biol, 32(10), R455-R456. Abstract.  Author URL.
Evans JC, Hodgson DJ, Boogert NJ, Silk MJ (2021). Group size and modularity interact to shape the spread of infection and information through animal societies. Abstract.
Evans JC, Hodgson DJ, Boogert NJ, Silk MJ (2021). Group size and modularity interact to shape the spread of infection and information through animal societies. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 75(12).  Author URL.
Gomes ACR, Boogert NJ, Cardoso GC (2021). Network structure and the optimization of proximity-based association criteria. METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 12(1), 88-100.  Author URL.
Allen SF, Ellis F, Mitchell C, Wang X, Boogert NJ, Lin C-Y, Clokey J, Thomas KV, Blount JD (2021). Phthalate diversity in eggs and associations with oxidative stress in the European herring gull (Larus argentatus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169, 112564-112564.
Bowden-Parry M, Postma E, Boogert NJ (2020). Effects of food type and abundance on begging and sharing in Asian small-clawed otters (Aonyx cinereus). PeerJ, 8 Abstract.
Evans JC, Silk MJ, Boogert NJ, Hodgson DJ (2020). Infected or informed? Social structure and the simultaneous transmission of information and infectious disease. Oikos, 129(9), 1271-1288. Abstract.
Saliveros AM, Blyth EC, Easter C, Hume GV, McAusland F, Hoppitt W, Boogert NJ (2020). Learning strategies and long-term memory in Asian short-clawed otters (<i>Aonyx cinereus</i>). ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, 7(11).  Author URL.
Gomes ACR, Guerra S, Silva PA, Marques CI, Trigo S, Boogert NJ, Cardoso GC (2020). Proactive common waxbills make fewer mistakes in a cognitive assay, the detour-reaching task. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74(3). Abstract.
Goumas M, Lee VE, Boogert NJ, Kelley LA, Thornton A (2020). The Role of Animal Cognition in Human-Wildlife Interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, 11
Allison M-L, Reed R, Michels E, Boogert NJ (2020). The drivers and functions of rock juggling in otters. Royal Society Open Science, 7(5), 200141-200141. Abstract.
Hackett PMW, Shaw RC, Boogert NJ, Clayton NS (2019). A Facet Theory Analysis of the Structure of Cognitive Performance in New Zealand Robins (Petroica longipes). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 32, 1-16. Abstract.
Thornton A, Boogert NJ (2019). Animal Cognition: the Benefits of Remembering. Current Biology, 29(9), R324-R327. Abstract.
Jolles JW, Laskowski KL, Boogert NJ, Manica A (2019). Comment on "Consistency of fish-shoal social network structure under laboratory conditions (Gaffney & Webster, 2018)" (vol 93, pg 762, 2018). JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, 94(2), 348-348.  Author URL.
Riley RJ, Gillie ER, Horswill C, Johnstone RA, Boogert NJ, Manica A (2019). Coping with strangers: how familiarity and active interactions shape group coordination in Corydoras aeneus. R Soc Open Sci, 6(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Goumas M, Burns I, Kelley LA, Boogert NJ (2019). Herring gulls respond to human gaze direction. Biol Lett, 15(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jolles JW, Briggs HD, Araya-Ajoy YG, Boogert NJ (2019). Personality, plasticity and predictability in sticklebacks: bold fish are less plastic and more predictable than shy fish. Animal Behaviour, 154, 193-202. Abstract.
Riley RJ, Gillie ER, Savage JL, Boogert NJ, Manica A, Jungwirth A (2019). The role of tactile interactions in flight responses in the Bronze Cory catfish (Corydoras aeneus). Ethology, 125(11), 810-820. Abstract.
Logan CJ, Avin S, Boogert N, Buskell A, Cross FR, Currie A, Jelbert S, Lukas D, Mares R, Navarrete AF, et al (2018). Beyond brain size: Uncovering the neural correlates of behavioral and cognitive specialization. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, 13, 55-90. Abstract.
Montgomer SH, Currie A, Lukas D, Boogert N, Buskell A, Cross FR, Jelbert S, Avin S, Mares R, Navarrete AF, et al (2018). Ingredients for understanding brain and behavioral evolution: Ecology, phylogeny, and mechanism. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, 13, 99-104. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Madden JR, Morand-Ferron J, Thornton A (2018). Measuring and understanding individual differences in cognition. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 373(1756). Abstract.  Author URL.
Jolles JW, Laskowski KL, Boogert NJ, Manica A (2018). Repeatable group differences in the collective behaviour of stickleback shoals across ecological contexts. Proc Biol Sci, 285(1872). Abstract.  Author URL.
Boogert NJ, Lachlan RF, Spencer KA, Templeton CN, Farine DR (2018). Stress hormones, social associations and song learning in zebra finches. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences
Cauchard L, Angers B, Boogert NJ, Lenarth M, Bize P, Doligez B (2017). An experimental test of a causal link between problem-solving performance and reproductive success in wild great tits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5(SEP). Abstract.
Ladds Z, Hoppitt W, Boogert NJ (2017). Social learning in otters. Royal Society Open Science
Cauchard L, Doucet SM, Boogert NJ, Angers B, Doligez B (2017). The relationship between plumage colouration, problem-solving and learning performance in great tits Parus major. Journal of Avian Biology, 48(9), 1246-1253. Abstract.
Zimmer C, Larriva M, Boogert NJ, Spencer KA (2017). Transgenerational transmission of a stress-coping phenotype programmed by early-life stress in the Japanese quail. Sci Rep, 7 Abstract.  Author URL.
Griffith SC, Crino OL, Andrew SC, Nomano FY, Adkins-Regan E, Alonso-Alvarez C, Bailey IE, Bittner SS, Bolton PE, Boner W, et al (2017). Variation in Reproductive Success Across Captive Populations: Methodological Differences, Potential Biases and Opportunities. Ethology, 123(1), 1-29. Abstract.
Cauchard L, Angers B, Boogert NJ, Doligez B (2016). Effect of an anti-malaria drug on behavioural performance on a problem-solving task: an experiment in wild great tits. Behavioural Processes, 133, 24-30. Abstract.
Jolles JW, Manica A, Boogert NJ (2016). Food intake rates of inactive fish are positively linked to boldness in three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus. Journal of Fish Biology, 88(4), 1661-1668. Abstract.
Farine DR, Spencer KA, Boogert NJ (2015). Early-life stress triggers juvenile zebra finches to switch social learning strategies. Current Biology, 25(16), 2184-2188. Abstract.
Jolles JW, Boogert NJ, van den Bos R (2015). Sex differences in risk-taking and associative learning in rats. Royal Society Open Science, 2(11). Abstract.
Shaw RC, Boogert NJ, Clayton NS, Burns KC (2015). Wild psychometrics: Evidence for 'general' cognitive performance in wild New Zealand robins, Petroica longipes. Animal Behaviour, 109, 101-111. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Farine DR, Spencer KA (2014). Developmental stress predicts social network position. Biology Letters, 10(10). Abstract.
Templeton CN, Laland KN, Boogert NJ (2014). Does song complexity correlate with problem-solving performance inflocks of zebra finches?. Animal Behaviour, 92, 63-71. Abstract.
Zandberg L, Jolles JW, Boogert NJ, Thornton A (2014). Jackdaw nestlings can discriminate between conspecific calls but do not beg specifically to their parents. Behavioral Ecology, 25(3), 565-573. Abstract.
Laland KN, Boogert N, Evans C (2014). Niche construction, innovation and complexity. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 11, 71-86.
Boogert NJ, Nightingale GF, Hoppitt W, Laland KN (2014). Perching but not foraging networks predict the spread of novel foraging skills in starlings. Behavioural Processes, 109(PB), 135-144. Abstract.
MacLean EL, Hare B, Nun CL, Addess E, Amic F, Anderson RC, Aureli F, Baker JM, Bania AE, Barnard AM, et al (2014). The evolution of self-control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(20). Abstract.
Seed AM, Boogert NJ (2013). Animal cognition: an end to insight?. Current Biology, 23(2). Abstract.
Corfield JR, Birkhead TR, Spottiswoode CN, Iwaniuk AN, Boogert NJ, Gutiérrez-Ibáñez C, Overington SE, Wylie DR, Lefebvre L (2013). Brain size and morphology of the brood-parasitic and cerophagous honeyguides (Aves: Piciformes). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 81(3), 170-186. Abstract.
Zimmer C, Boogert NJ, Spencer KA (2013). Developmental programming: Cumulative effects of increased pre-hatching corticosterone levels and post-hatching unpredictable food availability on physiology and behaviour in adulthood. Hormones and Behavior, 64(3), 494-500. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Arbilly M, Muth F, Seed AM (2013). Do crows reason about causes or agents? the devil is in the controls. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110(4).  Author URL.
Boogert NJ, Zimmer C, Spencer KA (2013). Pre- and post-natal stress have opposing effects on social information use. Biology Letters, 9(2). Abstract.
Cauchard L, Boogert NJ, Lefebvre L, Dubois F, Doligez B (2013). Problem-solving performance is correlated with reproductive success in a wild bird population. Animal Behaviour, 85(1), 19-26. Abstract.
Fawcett TW, Boogert NJ, Lefebvre L (2011). Female assessment: cheap tricks or costly calculations?. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY, 22(3), 462-463.  Author URL.
Boogert NJ, Fawcett TW, Lefebvre L (2011). Mate choice for cognitive traits: a review of the evidence in nonhuman vertebrates. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY, 22(3), 447-459.  Author URL.
Boogert NJ, Anderson RC, Peters S, Searcy WA, Nowicki S (2011). Song repertoire size in male song sparrows correlates with detour reaching, but not with other cognitive measures. Animal Behaviour, 81(6), 1209-1216. Abstract.
Overington SE, Morand-Ferron J, Boogert NJ, Lefebvre L (2011). Technical innovations drive the relationship between innovativeness and residual brain size in birds (vol 78, pg 1001, 2009). ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 82(2), 421-421.  Author URL.
Boogert NJ, Monceau K, Lefebvre L (2010). A field test of behavioural flexibility in Zenaida doves (Zenaida aurita). Behavioural Processes, 85(2), 135-141. Abstract.
Hoppitt W, Boogert NJ, Laland KN (2010). Detecting social transmission in networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 263(4), 544-555. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Bui C, Howarth K, Giraldeau LA, Lefebvre L (2010). Does foraging behaviour affect female mate preferences and pair formation in captive zebra finches?. PLoS ONE, 5(12). Abstract.
Laland KN, Boogert NJ (2010). Niche construction, co-evolution and biodiversity. Ecological Economics, 69(4), 731-736. Abstract.
Botero CA, Boogert NJ, Vehrencamp SL, Lovette IJ (2009). Climatic Patterns Predict the Elaboration of Song Displays in Mockingbirds. Current Biology, 19(13), 1151-1155. Abstract.
Overington SE, Morand-Ferron J, Boogert NJ, Lefebvre L (2009). Technical innovations drive the relationship between innovativeness and residual brain size in birds. Animal Behaviour, 78(4), 1001-1010. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Giraldeau LA, Lefebvre L (2008). Song complexity correlates with learning ability in zebra finch males. Animal Behaviour, 76(5), 1735-1741. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Reader SM, Hoppitt W, Laland KN (2008). The origin and spread of innovations in starlings. Animal Behaviour, 75(4), 1509-1518. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Paterson DM, Laland KN (2006). The implications of niche construction and ecosystem engineering for conservation biology. BioScience, 56(7), 570-578. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Reader SM, Laland KN (2006). The relation between social rank, neophobia and individual learning in starlings. Animal Behaviour, 72(6), 1229-1239. Abstract.
Boogert NJ, Hofstede FE, Aguilar Monge I (2006). The use of food source scent marks by the stingless bee Trigona corvina (Hymenoptera: Apidae): the importance of the depositor's identity. Apidologie, 37(3), 366-375. Abstract.


Lefebvre L, Boogert NJ (2019). Avian Social Learning. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Second Edition: Volume 1-5. Abstract.
Lefebvre L, Boogert NJ (2019). Avian social learning. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 334-340. Abstract.
Thornton A, Boogert NJ (2019). The nature and nurturing of animal minds. In Hosken DJ, Hunt J, Wedell N (Eds.) Genes and Behaviour Beyond Nature-Nurture, Wiley, 181-201.
Boogert NJ (2017). Sing Me Something Smart: Does Song Signal Cognition?. In  (Ed) Avian Cognition, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 296-313.
Nightingale G, Boogert NJ, Laland KN, Hoppitt W (2014). Quantifying diffusion in social networks: a Bayesian approach. In  (Ed) Animal Social Networks, Oxford University Press (OUP), 38-52.
Lefebvre L, Boogert NJ (2010). Avian Social Learning. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Volume-Three Set. Abstract.
Lefebvre L, Boogert NJ (2009). Avian Social Learning. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 124-130. Abstract.

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