Dr Orly Razgour
Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
01392 727681
Hatherly C13B
Hatherly Building, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK
I am a molecular ecologist and conservation biologist, researching evolutionary and ecological responses to global environmental change.
My research sits at the interface between ecology, molecular biology, evolutionary biology and physical geography. I aim to understand how environmental heterogeneity at different spatial and temporal scales affects geographical distributions, genetic composition and ecological interactions. I carry out multidisciplinary research, combining genomic tools with ecological research and spatial, ecological and mathematical modelling. My research is applied in nature, aiming to provide the evidence base for managing our environment and conserving biodiversity. Much of my research has focused on bats as indicators of environmental change.
My group is involved in projects across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia.
2013 PhD Biological Sciences, University of Bristol
2008 MSc Ecology, Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University
2006 BSc Biodiversity Conservation, DICE, University of Kent
2019 – Present Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
2016 – 2019 Lecturer, University of Southampton
2015 – 2021 NERC Independent Research Fellow
2015 – Present Associated Researcher, CIBIO/InBio. University of Porto
2013 – 2015 Impact Research Fellow, University of Stirling
2013 GIS Specialist, Bat Conservation Trust
Research group links
Research interests
My research programme addresses biodiversity responses to global environmental changes through four main areas of investigation:
1. Genomic approaches to studying species responses to climate change
Understanding the genetic basis of environmental adaptations is essential for predicting biodiversity responses to global change. I use genomic datasets (ddRAD-sequencing, RNA-sequencing, metagenomics) and combine population genomics and ecological approaches to identify signatures of climatic adaptations and project their effects on population persistence. My research focuses on the role of phenotypic plasticity and the gut microbiota versus genetic adaptations in facilitating species responses to climate change.
2. Relating landscape and environmental heterogeneity to movement processes
Geographic and environmental features of the landscape can structure genetic variation via their effect on dispersal and gene flow. Landscape genetics offers an interdisciplinary approach for relating spatial genetic patterns to the effects of environmental heterogeneity on the movement of organisms. I am particularly interested in the effects of anthropogenic land use changes and fragmentation on landscape connectivity and movement, and relating landscape connectivity to species’ range shifts under future climate change.
3. Ecological interactions and resource partitioning across spatial scales
My research group develops approaches to integrate interspecific interactions into broad-scale distribution models and fine-scale analysis of community composition and ecological requirements. We also use DNA metabarcoding to identify fine-scale patterns of trophic and habitat partitioning among competing species.
4. Biogeography and evolutionary history
Understanding how past climatic fluctuations during the Pleistocene affected the distribution of species and patterns of genetic variation across their ranges can help predict biodiversity responses to future changes. My research combines genetic and environmental data with spatial modelling and approximate Bayesian computation model-based inference to determine how past climatic changes shaped the evolutionary history and biogeography of species with different distributions and ecological requirements.
Research networks
ClimBats COST Action Network on bats and climate change - Working Group leader (https://climbats.eu/)
Earth Hologenome Initative - Scientific Committee, project coordinator (https://www.earthhologenome.org/)
British Ecological Society Climate Change Group - Chair (https://besclimatechange.wordpress.com/)
UNEP EUROBATS Agreement - Scientific Advisory Committee, Intersessional Working Group on bats and climate change
Research grants
- 2022 Natural Environment Research Council
NERC Standard Grant – ‘Understanding population level effects of artificial lighting on biodiversity - a novel interdisciplinary approach using bats as models’ - 2022 JNCC
Developing molecular approaches to study historic population declines in UK bats - 2022 Exeter University
Developing a cross-European Adaptation Hologenomics network - 2020 GW4
Valuing ecosystem services provided by UK bats under climate change - 2019 EU COST Action
Climate change and bats: from science to conservation (CLIMBATS) - 2019 NERC
Pilot project grant: Identifying the genomic basis of adaptations to arid environments in bats - 2019 NERC
INSPIRE NERC DTP PhD studentship: Investigating the effects of environmental change on tropical montane bats - 2018 FCT (Portugal)
BatPine: Promoting the resilience of ecosystem services to climate change: a case study with pine plantations, pine processionary moth and bats - 2018 NERC
SPITFIRE NERC DTP PhD Studentship: Factors affecting the distribution of cryptic anurans in Malaysian montane forests - 2017 NERC
SPITFIRE NERC DTP PhD Studentship: How will greening the desert affect bats and the ecosystem services they provide? - 2017 Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Biodiversity Information for Development Grant: Mobilising Bat Occurrence Data in Zambia - 2015 NERC Advanced Fellowship
Developing an integrated framework for investigating biodiversity responses to global environmental change - 2014 British Ecological Society (UK)
Up in the air: researching ecological connectivity in sky island bats of the Ethiopian Highlands - 2014 Rufford Foundation
Using genetic tools to assess the conservation status of cave-dwelling bats in southern Africa - 2014 Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society
Early Career Researcher Exchanges Grant - 2013 University of Stirling Impact Fellowship
Fight or flight: The spatial genomics of bat species response to climate change
Journal articles
External Engagement and Impact
2014 – John Marsden Medal for best UK doctoral thesis in Biology, The Linnean Society of London
2013 – Faculty of Science Commendation for outstanding PhD thesis, University of Bristol
2012 – Vincent Weir Scientific Award for contribution to bat conservation research
2012 – Student talk prize Population Genetics Group Meeting, Glasgow
2011 – Student talk prize Ecological Genetics Group Meeting, London
2008 – Merav Ziv Award, Ben-Gurion University
2007 – Frederick Siegmund Prize, Ben-Gurion University
Advice to Government, Parliament, devolved and English regional administrations, other national, international, regional or local agencies; advice to non-government organisations and to private practice
Trustee of the Bat Conservation Trust
Chair British Ecological Society Climate Change Ecology Special Interest Group
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for UNEP EUROBATS Agreement
Natural England, Favourable Conservation Status reporting
EU Habitat Directive Article 17 reporting
Editorial responsibilities
Senior Editor Diversity and DIstributions
Associate Editor Journal of Applied Ecology
Editorial Board Mammal Review
Supervision / Group
Postgraduate researchers
- Connor Butler 2018-2022 NERC DTP PhD University of Southampton: Factors affecting the distribution of cryptic anurans in Malaysian montane forests
- Penelope Fialas Valuing ecosystem services provided by UK bats under climate change; GW4 PhD studentship
- Pedro Horta 2017-2021 PhD, CIBIO, University of Porto: Hybridisation as adaptive process of cryptic bat species to climate change
- Erik Omar Mata Guel 2019-2022 CONACyT funded PhD University of Southampton: Effects of climate change on tropical montane forests
- Evie Morris 2017-2021 NERC DTP PhD, University of Southampton: How will greening the desert affect bats and the ecosystem services they provide?
- Roberto Novella-Fernandez 2016-2020 PhD University of Southampton: Investigating the role of ecological interactions in shaping species distributions and range shifts under climate change
- Cristian Pizzigalli 2021-2025 - FCT PhD scholarship, CIBIO, University of Porto
- Peter Syme 2019-2023 NERC DTP PhD University of Southampton: Investigating the effects of environmental change on tropical montane bats