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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Dr Ross Brown

Dr Ross Brown

Senior Research Fellow

 01392 72 4677

 Newman Lower Ground Floor (The Cave)


I am a Senior Research Fellow in the Ecotoxicology and Aquatic Biology Research Group, based in Biosciences at the University of Exeter. Previously (1990-2014) I specialised in environmental risk/impact assessment in the chemical/pharmaceutical industry. 

My research focuses on refining environmental risk assessment approaches to safeguard aquatic ecosystems from pollution and to facilitate the sustainable development of aquaculture. I employ molecular, ecotoxicological and ecological modelling and monitoring approaches to characterise and quantify the vulnerability of species, populations and assemblages to physical, chemical and (micro)biological factors (such as Harmful Algal Blooms). 

Broad research specialisms:

Aquatic (eco)toxicology including: assessing the impacts of chemical, physical and biological stressors on aquatic organisms (e.g. fish); extrapolating effects measured in model species in the laboratory to adverse effects on wildlife populations and communities.

Molecular, population and community ecology including: population dynamics and population genetics, focusing mainly on finfish and shellfish; application of computational and biological test systems for predicting environmental effects of chemicals based on ecological life-histories, environmental stressor and food web interactions.

Environmental and human health assessments including: the integrated design of risk assessments for ultimately protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services (which benefit human health and wellbeing).

Current Research:  

Understanding the effects of chemicals on aquatic organisms, populations, ecosystems and services.

Understanding aquaculture x environment interactions


BSc. (hons); MSc.; PhD.

Research group links

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Research interests

My broad research interests encompass the ecological effects of environmental stressors on individual organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems. My work centres on evaluating the ecological effects of environmental pollution on finish/shellfish health and population viability, in combination with climate change, habitat degradation and exploitation (fishing, aquaculture and agriculture). In order to evaluate and better manage the ecological and economic impacts of these interacting pressures, I have also developed a burgeoning research interest in natural capital and ecosystem service-based approaches. 

Specific interests (from the individual to the ecosystem level)

  • Defining “adverse outcome pathways” for chemicals with the aid of transgenic (TG) zebrafish models.
  • Understanding the effects of genetic and environmental factors on population fitness in fish.
  • Predicting the susceptibility of fish to endocrine disrupting chemicals (chronic reproductive toxicity) based on life-history traits and population modelling.
  • Assessing & mitigating future risks of harmful algal blooms to wild fisheries & aquaculture.
  • Whole catchment water quality management underpinning sustainable aquaculture development.
  • Deriving specific protection goals for environmental risk assessment of chemicals based on an ecosystem services framework.

Research projects


Funding source






Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)



PI (CR Tyler)

CoI (AR Brown)

Pump priming funding for my PhD & Phil Trans paper


Technology Strategy Board (TSB)



PI (CR Tyler)

CoI (AR Brown)

Additional foundation funding for PNAS paper





PhD (AR Brown)

7 PhD papers


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) / Syngenta



PI (CR Tyler)

Fellow/Flexible Interchanger (AR Brown)

Zebrafish molecular & functional screening assays,

ES&T paper


Pharmaceutical industry and European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)



PI (CR Tyler)

Fellow (AR Brown)

Understanding variation in NSAID bioavailability and effects in rainbow trout & refinement of predictive model (2 papers pending)


European Maritime and Fisheries Fund


(Part 1)


Fellow (AR Brown) - led the grant application and led the project

Assessing risk of harmful algal blooms to marine fisheries and aquaculture

(2 papers publ)

1 KEP: Knowledge Exchange Partnership: Post Genomics and Proteomics Programme (NE/F007787/1)

2 KTP: Knowledge Transfer Partnership: Use of ‘omic’ technologies in the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals (KTP007650)

3 PhD: Interactions Between Inbreeding and Environmental Stressors: Implications for Ecotoxicology  

4 FLIP: Flexible Interchange Programme: Exploiting transgenic zebrafish embryos/ larvae in chemical hazard assessment (BB/L01548X/1)

5 IPIE: Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (IMI/ 115735)

6 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: Assessing the risks of harmful algal blooms to fisheries and aquaculture (ENG2360)


Funding source






European Maritime and Fisheries Fund



Fellow (AR Brown) - led grant application and leading the project

Assessing risk of harmful algal blooms to marine fisheries and aquaculture

(Part 2) –Workshop report, paper


European Maritime and Fisheries Fund



PI (I Ashton) Fellow/CoI (AR Brown)

Development of seaweed cultivation


Natural Environment Research Council



PI (CR Tyler) Fellow/CoI

(AR Brown) leading project delivery

Water quality underpinning sustainable aquaculture – Workshop report, paper


Research England – Strategic Priorities Fund



PI (CR Tyler) Fellow/CoI

(AR Brown) leading project delivery

Developing a policy brief on the compatibility of aquaculture and MPAs - Ongoing

Institute for Data Science & Artificial Intel11

University of Exeter



PI (AR Brown)

Data Science tools statistical models for predicting HABs (ongoing)

7 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: Assessing the risks of harmful algal blooms to fisheries and aquaculture (ENG3103)

8 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund: Development of seaweed cultivation (ENG3418)

9 NERC Water quality management underpinning sustainable aquaculture. Funded under NERC’s South West Partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) (NE/P011217/1)

10 Research England Strategic Priorities Fund – Research Fund to support Evidenced-Based Policy Making

11 Institute for Data Science & Artificial Intelligence - University of Exeter


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Tyler CR, Parsons A, Rogers NJ, Lange A, Brown AR (2019). Plasticisers and Their Impact on Wildlife. Abstract.

Journal articles

Brown A (In Press). Applying ecosystem services principles to the derivation of freshwater environmental quality standards. Frontiers in Environmental Science Abstract.
Brown AR (In Press). Predicting the effects of endocrine disruptors on fish populations. Human and ecological risk assessment, 9, 761-788.
Brown A, Webber J, Zonneveld S, Carless D, Jackson B, Artioli Y, Miller P, Holmyard J, Baker-Austin C, Kershaw S, et al (In Press). Stakeholder perspectives on the importance of water quality and other constraints for sustainable mariculture. Environmental Science and Policy, 1-37.
Matthee C, Brown AR, Lange A, Tyler CR (2023). Correction to “Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Fish to Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals”. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(39), 14768-14768.
Corrigan S, Brown AR, Tyler CR, Wilding C, Daniels C, Ashton IGC, Smale DA (2023). Development and Diversity of Epibiont Assemblages on Cultivated Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima) in Relation to Farming Schedules and Harvesting Techniques. Life, 13(1), 209-209. Abstract.
Matthee C, Tyler CR, Brown A, Lange A (2023). Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Fish to Effects of Human Pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science and Technology Abstract.
Walker C, Corrigan S, Daniels C, Wilding C, Woodward EMS, Widdicombe CE, Smale DA, Ashton IGC, Brown AR (2023). Field assessment of the potential for small scale co-cultivation of seaweed and shellfish to regulate nutrients and plankton dynamics. Aquaculture Reports, 33, 101789-101789.
Corrigan S, Brown AR, Tyler CR, Wilding C, Daniels C, Ashton IGC, Smale DA (2023). Home sweet home: Comparison of epibiont assemblages associated with cultivated and wild sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima), co-cultivated blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and farm infrastructure. Journal of Applied Phycology, 36(2), 611-625. Abstract.
Coors A, Brown AR, Maynard SK, Nimrod Perkins A, Owen S, Tyler CR (2023). Minimizing Experimental Testing on Fish for Legacy Pharmaceuticals. Environ Sci Technol, 57(4), 1721-1730. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stoner O, Economou T, Torres R, Ashton I, Brown AR (2023). Quantifying Spatio-temporal risk of Harmful Algal Blooms and their impacts on bivalve shellfish mariculture using a data-driven modelling approach. Harmful Algae, 121, 102363-102363.
McQuillan JS, Alrefaey A, Turner AD, Morrell N, Stoner O, Brown R, Kay S, Cooke S, Bage T (2023). Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for the estimation of toxigenic microalgae abundance in shellfish production waters. Harmful Algae, 128, 102497-102497.
Moermond CTA, Puhlmann N, Brown AR, Owen SF, Ryan J, Snape J, Venhuis BJ, Kümmerer K (2022). GREENER Pharmaceuticals for More Sustainable Healthcare. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 9(9), 699-705.
Moermond CTA, Puhlmann N, Brown AR, Owen SF, Ryan J, Snape J, Venhuis BJ, Kuemmerer K (2022). GREENER Pharmaceuticals for More Sustainable Healthcare. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 9(9), 699-705.  Author URL.
Ross Brown A, Lilley MKS, Shutler J, Widdicombe C, Rooks P, McEvoy A, Torres R, Artioli Y, Rawle G, Homyard J, et al (2022). Harmful Algal Blooms and their impacts on shellfish mariculture follow regionally distinct patterns of water circulation in the western English Channel during the 2018 heatwave. Harmful Algae, 111, 102166-102166.
Corrigan S, Brown AR, Ashton IGC, Smale DA, Tyler CR (2022). Quantifying habitat provisioning at macroalgal cultivation sites. Reviews in Aquaculture, 14(3), 1671-1694. Abstract.
Maltby L, Brown R, Faber JH, Galic N, Van den Brink PJ, Warwick O, Marshall S (2021). Assessing chemical risk within an ecosystem services framework: Implementation and added value. Science of the Total Environment, 791, 148631-148631.
Brown AR, Marshall S, Cooper C, Whitehouse P, Van den Brink PJ, Faber JH, Maltby L (2021). Assessing the feasibility and value of employing an ecosystem services approach in chemical environmental risk assessment under the Water Framework Directive. Science of the Total Environment, 789, 147857-147857.
Faber JH, Marshall S, Brown AR, Holt A, van den Brink PJ, Maltby L (2021). Identifying ecological production functions for use in ecosystem services-based environmental risk assessment of chemicals. Sci Total Environ, 791 Abstract.  Author URL.
Webber JL, Tyler CR, Carless D, Jackson B, Tingley D, Stewart-Sinclair P, Artioli Y, Torres R, Galli G, Miller PI, et al (2021). Impacts of land use on water quality and the viability of bivalve shellfish mariculture in the UK: a case study and review for SW England. Environmental Science & Policy, 126, 122-131.
Van den Brink PJ, Alix A, Thorbek P, Baveco H, Agatz A, Faber JH, Brown AR, Marshall S, Maltby L (2021). The use of ecological models to assess the effects of a plant protection product on ecosystem services provided by an orchard. Science of the Total Environment, 798, 149329-149329.
Mintram KS, Maynard SK, Brown AR, Boyd R, Johnston ASA, Sibly RM, Thorbek P, Tyler CR (2020). Applying a mechanistic model to predict interacting effects of chemical exposure and food availability on fish populations. Aquat Toxicol, 224 Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown A, Lowe C, Shutler J, Tyler C, Lilley M (2019). Assessing risks and mitigating impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on mariculture and marine fisheries. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1-77.
Mintram KS, Brown AR, Maynard SK, Liu C, Parker SJ, Tyler CR, Thorbek P (2018). Assessing population impacts of toxicant-induced disruption of breeding behaviours using an individual-based model for the three-spined stickleback. Ecological Modelling, 387, 107-117. Abstract.
Mintram KS, Brown AR, Maynard SK, Thorbek P, Tyler CR (2018). Capturing ecology in modeling approaches applied to environmental risk assessment of endocrine active chemicals in fish. Crit Rev Toxicol, 48(2), 109-120. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Green J, Moreman J, Gunnarsson L, Mourabit S, Ball J, Winter M, Trznadel M, Correia A, Hacker C, et al (2018). Cardiovascular Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of Bisphenol a and its Metabolite MBP in Zebrafish. Environmental Science and Technology
Green JM, Lange A, Scott A, Trznadel M, Wai HA, Takesono A, Brown AR, Owen SF, Kudoh T, Tyler CR, et al (2018). Early life exposure to ethinylestradiol enhances subsequent responses to environmental estrogens measured in a novel transgenic zebrafish. Sci Rep, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Bickley LK, van Aerle R, Brown AR, Hargreaves A, Huby R, Cammack V, Jackson R, Santos EM, Tyler CR (2017). Bioavailability and Kidney Responses to Diclofenac in the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environ Sci Technol, 51(3), 1764-1774. Abstract.  Author URL.
Maltby L, Jackson M, Whale G, Brown AR, Hamer M, Solga A, Kabouw P, Woods R, Marshall S (2017). Is an ecosystem services-based approach developed for setting specific protection goals for plant protection products applicable to other chemicals?. Sci Total Environ, 580, 1222-1236. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Whale G, Jackson M, Marshall S, Hamer M, Solga A, Kabouw P, Galay-Burgos M, Woods R, Nadzialek S, et al (2017). Toward the definition of specific protection goals for the environmental risk assessment of chemicals: a perspective on environmental regulation in Europe. Integr Environ Assess Manag, 13(1), 17-37. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hay EA, Khalaf AR, Marini P, Brown A, Heath K, Sheppard D, MacKenzie A (2016). An analysis of possible off target effects following CAS9/CRISPR targeted deletions of neuropeptide gene enhancers from the mouse genome. Neuropeptides, 64, 101-107.
Green JM, Metz J, Lee O, Trznadel M, Takesono A, Brown AR, Owen SF, Kudoh T, Tyler CR (2016). High-Content and Semi-Automated Quantification of Responses to Estrogenic Chemicals Using a Novel Translucent Transgenic Zebrafish. Environ Sci Technol, 50(12), 6536-6545. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wolf JC, Dietrich DR, Friederich U, Caunter J, Brown AR (2016). Qualitative and Quantitative Histomorphologic Assessment of Fathead Minnow Pimephales promelas Gonads as an Endpoint for Evaluating Endocrine-Active Compounds: a Pilot Methodology Study. Toxicologic Pathology, 32(5), 600-612. Abstract.
Brown AR, Owen SF, Peters J, Zhang Y, Soffker M, Paull GC, Hosken DJ, Wahab MA, Tyler CR (2015). Climate change and pollution speed declines in zebrafish populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112(11), E1237-E1246. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sumpter JP (2014). <i>The challenge</i>: Do pharmaceuticals present a risk to the environment, and what needs to be done to answer the question?. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33(9), 1915-1915.
Brown AR, Gunnarsson L, Kristiansson E, Tyler CR (2014). Assessing variation in the potential susceptibility of fish to pharmaceuticals, considering evolutionary differences in their physiology and ecology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369(1656). Abstract.
Arnold KE, Brown AR, Ankley GT, Sumpter JP (2014). Medicating the environment: assessing risks of pharmaceuticals to wildlife and ecosystems. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 369(1656).  Author URL.
Arnold KE, Boxall ABA, Brown AR, Cuthbert RJ, Gaw S, Hutchinson TH, Jobling S, Madden JC, Metcalfe CD, Naidoo V, et al (2013). Assessing the exposure risk and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on individuals and ecosystems. Biology Letters, 9(4). Abstract.
Bickley LK, Brown AR, Hosken DJ, Hamilton PB, Le Page G, Paull GC, Owen SF, Tyler CR (2013). Interactive effects of inbreeding and endocrine disruption on reproduction in a model laboratory fish. Evolutionary Applications, 6(2), 279-289. Abstract.
Brown AR, Bickley LK, Ryan TA, Paull GC, Hamilton PB, Owen SF, Sharpe AD, Tyler CR (2012). Differences in sexual development in inbred and outbred zebrafish (Danio rerio) and implications for chemical testing. Aquat Toxicol, 112-113, 27-38. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Bickley LK, Le Page G, Hosken DJ, Paull GC, Hamilton PB, Owen SF, Robinson J, Sharpe AD, Tyler CR, et al (2011). Are toxicological responses in laboratory (inbred) zebrafish representative of those in outbred (wild) populations? - a case study with an endocrine disrupting chemical. Environ Sci Technol, 45(9), 4166-4172. Abstract.  Author URL.
Langston WJ, Pope ND, Jonas PJC, Nikitic C, Field MDR, Dowell B, Shillabeer N, Swarbrick RH, Brown AR (2010). Contaminants in fine sediments and their consequences for biota of the Severn Estuary. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 61(1-3), 68-82.  Author URL.
Crane M, Gross M, Matthiessen P, Ankley GT, Axford S, Bjerregaard P, Brown R, Chapman P, Dorgeloh M, Galay‐Burgos M, et al (2010). Multi‐criteria decision analysis of test endpoints for detecting the effects of endocrine active substances in fish full life cycle tests. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 6(3), 378-389. Abstract.
Brown AR, Hosken DJ, Balloux F, Bickley LK, LePage G, Owen SF, Hetheridge MJ, Tyler CR (2009). Genetic variation, inbreeding and chemical exposure--combined effects in wildlife and critical considerations for ecotoxicology. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 364(1534), 3377-3390. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Riddle AM, Winfield IJ, Fletcher JM, James JB (2005). Predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on healthy and disease impacted populations of perch (perca fluviatilis). Ecological Modelling, 189(3-4), 377-395.
Cape JN, Leith ID, Binnie J, Content J, Donkin M, Skewes M, Price DN, Brown AR, Sharpe AD (2003). Effects of VOCs on herbaceous plants in an open-top chamber experiment. Environmental Pollution, 124(2), 341-353.
Warwick RM, Ashman CM, Brown AR, Clarke KR, Dowell B, Hart B, Lewis Re Shillabeer N, Somerfield PJ, Tapp JF (2002). Inter-annual changes in the biodiversity and community structure of the macrobenthos in Tees Bay and the Tees estuary, UK, associated with local and regional environmental events. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 234, 1-13.
Brown AR, Shillabeer N (1996). Development of a biologically based environmental quality standard from a long-term benthic monitoring programme in the North Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 20, 275-282.


Brown AR, Robinson PF, Riddle AM, Panter GH (2009). Population dynamics modelling: a tool for environmental risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals. In Devillers J (Ed) Endocrine disruption modelling, Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press.
Cape N, Leith ID, Binnie J, Dopnkin M, Price DN, Brown AR, Schroder P (2004). Techniques for measuring the response of plants to VOC exposure. In Klump A, Ansel W, Klump G (Eds.) Urban air pollution, bioindication and environmental awareness, Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag.


Brown A, Huntington T, Bickley L, Powell T, Tyler C (2023). Positive tipping points for the sustainable growth of bivalve shellfish aquaculture in England and Wales. Higher Education Funding Council for England,  SAF web page, University of Exeter. 53 pages.
Brown A, Carless D, Jackson B, Townsend I, Paling N, Tyler C (2022). Appendices: Wholescape assessment of Water Quality status, drivers and impacts in the Exe Estuary Catchment and implications for ecosystem health and services including Shellfish Aquaculture. SWEEP,, SWEEP. 46 pages.
Brown A (2022). Appendices: Wholescape assessment of Water Quality status, drivers and impacts in the Exe Estuary Catchment and implications for ecosystem health and services including Shellfish Aquaculture. SWEEP,, SWEEP. 46 pages.
Brown A, Stoner O, Kay S, Turner A, McQuillan J, Bage T (2022). Artificial Intelligence approaches for predicting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy,, HM Government. 43 pages. Abstract.
Brown A, Carless D, Jackson B, Townsend I, Paling N, Tyler C (2022). Wholescape assessment of Water Quality status, drivers and impacts in the Exe Estuary Catchment and implications for ecosystem health and services including Shellfish Aquaculture. SWEEP,, SWEEP. 67 pages. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC): Personal Member 2003-date; Scientific Committee Member 2012-2013

Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Assoc. (ESCA): Council Member 2003-date; Publicity Officer 2014-date

European Centre for Ecotoxicology Of Chemicals (ECETOC): Task Force on Ecosystem Services in Environmental Risk Assessment 2013-15

Editorial responsibilities

Guest editor for Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Issue: “Assessing risks and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment” (Oct. 2014) Regular

Reviewer for: Science of the Total Environment; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; Aquatic Toxicology

Invited lectures

European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) Annual Meeting System Approaches for Better Medicines and Health 15-17 June 2015 Geneva.

Media Coverage

“Scientists warn that fish are changing SEX due to warmer climate”
The Express 3 Mar 2015

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