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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Jennifer Littlechild

Professor Jennifer Littlechild

Professor of Biological Chemistry



 Biocatalysis Centre BC2.1


Biocatalysis Centre, University of Exeter, The Henry Wellcome Building for Biocatalysis, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD , UK


I am a biochemist/structural biologist with interests in the structure and mechanism of a range of microbial and human enzymes. I have special interest in industrial biotechnology and biocatalysis. Current research studies involve the structural and mechanistic characterisation of the C-C bond forming enzymes transketolase and aldolase, carbonic anhydrases, vanadium haloperoxidases, Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases, aminoacylases, novel esterases and lipases, expoxide hydrolases, gamma lactamases, alcohol dehydrogenases, dehalogenases, transaminases,cellulases and other enzymes from thermophilic bacteria and archaea.  Many of these enzymes are used in combination with conventional chemical synthesis for the production of new high value optically pure drugs of interest to pharmaceutical companies. Other  enzymes have applications within the healthcare industries and in different areas of industrial biotechnology.


1973 PhD Biophysics, Kings College, University of London
1969 MI Biology (by examination) Biochemistry, special topic Microbial Biochemistry
1967 LI Biology (by examination) Physical and Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry


1999-present Professor of Biological Chemistry, University of Exeter Head of Biocatalysis within the Bioeconomy Centre.
1991-1994 Senior Lectureship (Wellcome Trust) in Biological & Medicinal Chemistry, University of Exeter
1984-1991 SERC Senior Research Fellow, Biotechnology Directorate, University of Bristol
1981-1984 Principal Investigator, MRC Project Grant, Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol
1975-1981 Group Leader, Max-Planck Institute fur Molekular Genetik, Berlin, Germany
1974-1975 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemical Sciences, Princeton University, USA
1974 Department of Biochemical Sciences, Princeton University, USA
1973 Department of Biophysics, Kings College, University of London


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Research interests

Our work is multi-disciplinary in nature covering molecular genetics (site-directed mutagenesis and gene isolation and cloning), protein purification and characterisation, and structural analysis by NMR, X-ray crystallography and molecular modelling.

Biotransformations. Structural and mechanistic characterisation of the C-C bond forming enzymes transketolase and aldolase, vanadium haloperoxidases, Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases, aminoacylases, novel esterases and lipases, gamma lactamases, alcohol dehydrogenases, nitrilases, transaminases, dehalogenases,expoxide hydrolases, lactonases,cellulases and other enzymes from thermophilic bacteria and archaea have been carried out. The results have provided information on the properties, substrate specificity and structure of these industrially important biocatalysts. This work has attracted industrial collaborations with a number of international companies and SME's including Chirotech/DowPharma, Stylacats, Affiniti/Biomol, TMO Biotech, Alphamerix, PML Corporation Ltd., Fluka/Sigma Aldrich, DSM, YorkPharma, Diversa and Glaxo-Smith Kline,Unilever and Evonik. I have co-ordinated grants with DTI and Innovate, UK and have been involved in EU grants within framework 4,6 and 7 and ERA-net and ERA-CoBiotech in 2017. I am Vice-Chair and UK representative of the European Section on Applied Biocatalysis and an affiliated member of the CoE in Biocatalysis in Manchester.

Human enzymes and their importance in drug design. The structures of several human glycolytic enzymes have assumed special significance due to their potential use in drug design. My research has concentrated on phosphoglycerate kinase and aldolase and our studies have contributed to the determination, three dimensional structure and mechanism of these enzymes. Other human enzymes with medicinal interest have recently been studied such as human glucokinase (diabetes) and perioxiredoxin and sulfiredoxin (antioxidant proteins and their complexes with Peninsula Medical School) and pyroglutamyl carboxypeptidase (peptide N-terminal modification).

Other collaborations with Prof Brophy, Aberystwyth on the structural investigation of nematode specific GST proteins. Structural studies on novel plant enzymes from the vitamin C pathway and involved in fungal infection with Exeter colleagues. Russian Academy of Sciences for thermophilic transfer enzymes and thermophilic cell factories, Prof Nils Birkeland,Bergen, Norway and Prof Peter Schoeheit, University of Keil, thermophilic transfer enzymes, Dr Daniela Monti, ICRM, Milan, Italy for thermophilic transfer enzymes. Prof Siebers, Essen, Germany for extremolyte production in thermophilic bacteria and archaea.

Research projects

Novel extremophilic enzymes for new applications in Healthcare Products

BBSRC Training Grant, Industrial CASE with Unilever 2021-2025.

Development of Novel Robust Laundry Enzymes for Cold Wash Applications by both rational and directed evolution and using micro-fluidic approaches

BBSRC Training Grant, Industrial CASE with Unilever  2020-2024

Novel extremophilic hydrolytic enzymes for consumer product applications including improved extremophilic enzyme expression platform development

BBSRC Training Grant, Industrial CASE with Unilever  2018-2022

Molecular Mechanics of Enzymes 

EPSRC, Physics of Life Grant with Prof Frank Vollmer Joint PI, CoPIs Prof Neil Gow and Prof Peter Winlove 2019-2022 

EU Horizon 2020 Large Consortium Grant RADICALZ - Rapid discovery and development of enzymes for novel and greener consumer products with Dr Fabrice Gielen, LSI Exeter and partners at University of Madrid, Spain, University of  Greifswald, Germany, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Polytechnique of Lausanne, Switzerland, Institut National Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France, Industries, Brain, Germany. Hanson, Denmark and 4 SMEs 2021-2025

ERA-Net Co-fund on Food Systems and Climate (FOSC) THERMOK with University of Bergen, CEA Research Unit, France, Free State University, South Africa, University of Nairobi, Kenya, Norwegian Research Centre, Norway  DEFRA Funded UK 2021-2024

ERA-CoBiotech HOTSOLUTE -- Thermophilic bacteria and archaeal chassis for extremolyte production

March 2018 to April 2021   BBSRC  with University of Essen, Germany, National Academy of Sciences, Russia, ICRM Institute, Milan, Italy, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (Fairdom Data Management), sub-contractor and Evonik and SME in Germany

TIPS-Thermophilic Isomerases for Industrial Applications ERA-IB Grant   March 2018-Feb 2019

Funding from Norway Research Council and CSIC, Spain Part of ERA-IB grant sub-contractor with CSIC, Spain, University of Bergen, Norway, University of Kiel, Germany and Sigma-Aldrich, Merck as advisors.

Synergy of Novel Chemistry and Novel Biology to Combat unmet cleaning needs

Innovate UK November with Unilever Nov 2018 to  Sep 2020         

In collaboration with SME Protein Technologies, UK, University of Liverpool

Intervention on Enzyme Stability – Unilever

Oct 2013 –Sep  2017

Novel enzyme diversity for improving cleaning and hygiene Innovation UK Catalyst with Unilever

Sep 2016-Aug 2017.

Exploration of Novel Host Organisms as Cell Factories
Industrial studentship Glaxo Smith Kline
Oct 2012 – Sep 2016

THERMOGENE ERA-inet Industrial Biotechnology
With SME in Russia Moltech and partners in Norway and Germany
BBSRC funded in UK
March 2013- Feb 2016

EU Large Consortium Grant ‘Hotzyme’ Biocatalysis Centre
International Companies – Sigma Aldrich and Novozymes, SMEs and academic partners,
1st April 2011-31st March 2015

Unilever GrantEnzyme Stabilisation – Intervention Routes Industrial grant                          
Dec 2011-Nov 2012
Extension for Dec 2012
Extension Jan 2013 – Dec 2013

Statoil Industrial Grant –Investigating Kinetics of Enzymes in Microreactors
Jan 2012 – Dec 2012 

Succinate Dehydrogenase as a target for anti-microbial and anti-fungal fluorinated compounds
iNET Award with local company Darr House (SME) with Dr Steven Bates
May 1st 2011

KTN SPARK Award with Gwent Group, UK (SME)
Identification, Expression, Purification and Analysis of Novel Thermophilic Alcohol Oxidases
(Funding from Tech. Strategy Board, EU, Defra and BBSRC)
Feb 14th 2011 – August 13th 2011

Characteristion of novel enzymes from the marine algal virus EhV-86 and evaluation of their use for commercial biocatalysis
BBSRC Studentship CASE partner PML Cooperation Ltd
10-2007 - 09-2011

Novel Halogenating and Dehalogenase enzymes from marine microbes
BBSRC Studentship CASE partner Aquapharm
10-2007 - 09-2011

Starch Degrading Enzymes  
Industrial Project Diversa, USA ,

Dehydrogenases of Importance in Drug Development
Industrial Project York Pharma, UK  
2005 - 2007

Commercial exploitation of Marine Enzymes
DTI Fasttrack with Aquapharm, Oban   
12-2006 - 11-2008

Baeyer-Villiger Enzymes and Application in Biotransformations
12-2005 - 1-2008

High Throughput Biocatalytic Synthesis and Screening in Micro Reactors
07-2005 - 06-2008

Effective and Substainable Control Strategies for Liver Fluke in Europe
EU Framework 6
005  - 2008

Research networks

  • South West Structural Biology Consortium, UK
  • Collaborations with UCL London, Prof. J. Ward, Biochemistry and Dr Paul Dalby and Prof. John Woodley, Biochemical Engineering, University of Copenhagen 
  • EU Network on Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases. DSM, Germany, Fluka, Switzerland, Academic partners in France, Holland and Italy
  • EU Network on Thermophilic hydrolase enzymes, Hotzyme with Sigma-Aldrich, Novozymes and SMEs, University of Copenhagen Denmark, University of Essen, Germany, Montana State University, USA,Wageningen University, Netherlands,ICRM, Milan, Italy, National Hellenic research foundation, Greece, EuCRF, Israel.
  • ERA-IB Network on Thermophilic Transferase enzymes with Russian Academy of Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway, University , University of Keil, Germany and SME Moltech.
  • COST Action Cascat
  • COST Action Systems Biocatalysis
  • RedCat network, Saarbrucken University, Germany
  • Japan Partnership Award, BBSRC with Prof. Izumi, Prof. Oshima, Japan
  • Pro-Bio Faraday grouping, UK
  • Knowledge Transfer Network in Marine Biotechnology
  • INSTRUCT European Structural Biology Network
  • European Society of Applied Biocatalysis - Vice Chair

Research grants

  • 2006 PML Corporation
    Plymouth consultancy
  • 2006 Diversa, USA.
    Starch Degrading Enzymes
  • 2006 DTI
    Commercial exploitation of Marine Enzymes
  • 2005 BBSRC
    Baeyer-Villiger Enzymes and Application in Biotransformations
  • 2005 EPSRC
    High Throughput Biocatalytic Synthesis and Screening in Micro Reactors
  • 2005 EU Framework 6
    Design of Effective and Substainable Control Strategies for Liver Fluke in Euorpe
  • 2004 BBSRC
    Structural Studies of Enzymes Important in Biocatalysis and Drug Design REI Equipment Initiative
  • 2004 Alphamerix/Alpha Alchemy, Cambridge/Pro-Bio Faraday
    The application of thermostable alcohol dehydrogenases and lipases to medicinal biocatalysis
  • 2004 Chirotech/Dow Pharma, Cambridge.
    Optimisation of the use of thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes for the synthesis of novel chiral alcohols of interest to pharmaceutical industry
  • 2003 TMO Renewables UK
    Dehalogenase Enzymes.
  • 2003 Exeter,UK
    Acetylation of transcription factors in relation to Oxidative Stress Affiniti/Biomol
  • 2002 BBSRC
    The Exploitation of Vanadium Haloperoxidase Enzymes in Applied Biocatalysis
  • 2002 BBSRC Japan Partnership Award.
    Development of Novel Thermostable Biocatalysts
  • 2002 Diabetes, UK.
    Glucokinase-Structure and Function Relationships to Normal and Diabetic Forms
  • 2002 EPSRC Pro-Bio Faraday Industrial Studnetship/Stylacats, Live
    Thermophilic Nitrilase Enzymes
  • 2002 Applied Genomics Centre ESRC
    10% Time commitment.
  • 2002 BRA
    Oxidative stress/Rheumatics
  • 2002 Chirotech/Dow Pharma, Cambridge.
    Human pyroglutamyl carboxypeptidase and inhibitor development
  • 2001 BBSRC
    Structural Studies on two Gamma Lactamase Enzymes with Opposite Stereospecificity
  • 2001 Torbay Hospital Devon.
    Non-Enzymically induced amino acid racemization in human proteins – a possible contributory factor in metabolic dysfunction and complications of diabetes mellitus
  • 2000 Glaxo-Wellcome.
    The bromoperoxidase from marine algae Corallina officinalis
  • 2000 Chirotech/Dow Pharma, Cambridge.
    Thermostable ADH enzymes from the archaea Sulpholobus and Pyrococcus species:applications in chiral drug synthesis
  • 2000 Chirotech/Dow Pharma, Cambridge.
    Characterisation of lactamase (amidohydrolase) enzymes of commercial value for chiral drug synthesis.
  • 2000 Chirotech/Dow Pharma, Cambridge.
    Thermostable archaeal esterase enzyme and its application for chiral drug synthesis.


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Satyanarayana T, Littlechild J, Kawarabayasi Y (2013). Preface.

Journal articles

Littlechild JA (In Press). Improving the ‘Tool Box’ for Robust Industrial Enzymes. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
Cowan DA, Albers SV, Antranikian G, Atomi H, Averhoff B, Basen M, Driessen AJM, Jebbar M, Kelman Z, Kerou M, et al (2024). Extremophiles in a changing world. EXTREMOPHILES, 28(2).  Author URL.
De Rose SA, Isupov MN, Worthy HL, Stracke C, Harmer NJ, Siebers B, Littlechild JA, consortium TH, Siebers B, Bräsen C, et al (2023). Structural characterization of a novel cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate synthetase involved in extremolyte production in the archaeon Methanothermus fervidus. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14
Alcántara AR, DomĂ­nguez de MarĂ­a P, Littlechild JA, SchĂĽrmann M, Sheldon RA, Wohlgemuth R (2022). Biocatalysis as Key to Sustainable Industrial Chemistry. ChemSusChem, 15(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Alcántara AR, DomĂ­nguez de MarĂ­a P, Littlechild JA, SchĂĽrmann M, Sheldon RA, Wohlgemuth R (2022). Biocatalysis as Key to Sustainable Industrial Chemistry. ChemSusChem, 15(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Wohlgemuth R, Littlechild J (2022). Complexity reduction and opportunities in the design, integration and intensification of biocatalytic processes for metabolite synthesis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10 Abstract.
Wohlgemuth R, Littlechild J, Kim B-G (2022). Editorial: Systems biocatalysis for bioprocess design. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10
Alcántara AR, de MarĂ­a PD, Littlechild JA, SchĂĽrmann M, Sheldon RA, Wohlgemuth R (2022). Front Cover: Biocatalysis as Key to Sustainable Industrial Chemistry (ChemSusChem 9/2022). ChemSusChem, 15(9).
Alcántara AR, DomĂ­nguez de MarĂ­a P, Littlechild JA, SchĂĽrmann M, Sheldon RA, Wohlgemuth R (2022). Preface to Special Issue on Biocatalysis as Key to Sustainable Industrial Chemistry. ChemSusChem, 15(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sutter J-M, Mitchell DE, Schmidt M, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Schönheit P (2022). Substrate specificity of branched chain amino acid aminotransferases: the substitution of glycine to serine in the active site determines the substrate specificity for α-ketoglutarate. Frontiers in Catalysis, 2
De Rose SA, Kuprat T, Isupov MN, Reinhardt A, Schönheit P, Littlechild JA (2021). Biochemical and Structural Characterisation of a Novel D-Lyxose Isomerase from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermofilum sp. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9 Abstract.
De Rose SA, Finnigan W, Harmer NJ, Littlechild JA, consortium TH, Bettina S, Christopher B, Christina S, Benjamin M, N. IM, et al (2021). Production of the Extremolyte Cyclic 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate Using Thermus thermophilus as a Whole-Cell Factory. Frontiers in Catalysis, 1
Nepogodiev D, Simoes JFF, Li E, Glasbey J, Picciochi M, Kamarajah SK, Gujjuri R, Bhangu A, Maryam A, Azab MA, et al (2021). SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. British Journal of Surgery, 108(9), 1056-1063. Abstract.
Zhu C, Chen Y, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Sun L, Liu X, Wang Q, Gong H, Dong P, Zhang N, et al (2021). Structural Insights into a Novel Esterase from the East Pacific Rise and its Improved Thermostability by a Semirational Design. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(3), 1079-1090.
James P, Isupov MN, De Rose SA, Sayer C, Cole IS, Littlechild JA (2020). A ‘Split-Gene’ Transketolase from the Hyper-Thermophilic Bacterium Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans: Structure and Biochemical Characterization. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11
K. Hussain K, Malavia D, M. Johnson E, Littlechild J, Winlove CP, Vollmer F, Gow NAR (2020). Biosensors and Diagnostics for Fungal Detection. Journal of Fungi, 6(4), 349-349. Abstract.
Yilmazer B, Isupov MN, De Rose SA, Bulut H, Benninghoff JC, Binay B, Littlechild JA (2020). Structural insights into the NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase mechanism revealed from the NADH complex and the formate NAD+ ternary complex of the Chaetomium thermophilum enzyme. Journal of Structural Biology, 212(3), 107657-107657.
Wang Q, Jiang M, Isupov MN, Chen Y, Littlechild JA, Sun L, Wu X, Wang Q, Yang W, Chen L, et al (2020). The crystal structure of Arabidopsis BON1 provides insights into the copine protein family. Plant J, 103(3), 1215-1232. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cutlan R, De Rose S, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Harmer NJ (2020). Using enzyme cascades in biocatalysis: Highlight on transaminases and carboxylic acid reductases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 1868(2), 140322-140322.
Finnigan W, Cutlan R, Snajdrova R, Adams J, Littlechild J, Harmer NJ (2019). Engineering a Seven Enzyme Biotransformation using Mathematical Modelling and Characterized Enzyme Parts. ChemCatChem
Jiang M, Sun L, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Wu X, Wang Q, Wang Q, Yang W, Wu Y (2019). Structural basis for the Target DNA recognition and binding by the MYB domain of phosphate starvation response 1. FEBS J, 286(14), 2809-2821. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Boyko KM, Sutter J-M, James P, Sayer C, Schmidt M, Schonheit P, Nikolaeva AY, Stekhanova TN, Mardanov AV, et al (2019). Thermostable Branched-Chain Amino Acid Transaminases from the Archaea <i>Geoglobus acetivorans</i> and <i>Archaeoglobus fulgidus</i>: Biochemical and Structural Characterization (vol 7, 7, 2019). FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 7  Author URL.
Isupov MN, James P, Littlechild JA (2019). Thermostable Branched-Chain Amino Acid Transaminases from the Archaea Geoglobus acetivorans and Archaeoglobus fulgidus: Biochemical and Structural Characterization. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol, 7, 7-7.
Line K, Isupov MN, LaCourse EJ, Cutress DJ, Morphew RM, Brophy PM, Littlechild JA (2019). X-ray structure of Fasciola hepatica Sigma class glutathione transferase 1 reveals a disulfide bond to support stability in gastro-intestinal environment. Scientific Reports, 9(1). Abstract.
Knight AR, Taylor EL, Lukaszewski R, Winyard PG (2018). A high-sensitivity electrochemiluminescence-based ELISA for the measurement of the oxidative stress biomarker, 3-nitrotyrosine, in human blood serum and cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Wohlgemuth R, Littlechild J, Monti D, Schnorr K, van Rossum T, Siebers B, Menzel P, Kublanov IV, Rike AG, Skretas G, et al (2018). Discovering novel hydrolases from hot environments. Biotechnol Adv, 36(8), 2077-2100. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ferrandi EE, Sayer C, De Rose SA, Guazzelli E, Marchesi C, Saneei V, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Monti D (2018). New thermophilic α/β class epoxide hydrolases found in metagenomes from hot environments. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6(OCT). Abstract.
Petrova TE, Boyko KM, Nikolaeva AY, Stekhanova TN, Gruzdev EV, Mardanov AV, Stroilov VS, Littlechild JA, Popov VO, Bezsudnova EY, et al (2018). Structural characterization of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase GACE1337 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Geoglobus acetivorans. Extremophiles, 22(6), 877-888. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Schröder E, Gibson RP, Beecher J, Donadio G, Saneei V, Dcunha SA, McGhie EJ, Sayer C, Davenport CF, et al (2018). The oxygenating constituent of 3,6-diketocamphane monooxygenase from the CAM plasmid of Pseudomonas putida: the first crystal structure of a type II Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase. Corrigendum. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol, 74(Pt 4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Isupov MN (2017). Comments to Article by Willetts A. et al. Microorganisms 2016, 4, 38. Microorganisms, 5(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Antranikian G, Suleiman M, Schäfers C, Adams MWW, Bartolucci S, Blamey JM, Birkeland N-K, Bonch-Osmolovskaya E, da Costa MS, Cowan D, et al (2017). Diversity of bacteria and archaea from two shallow marine hydrothermal vents from Vulcano Island. Extremophiles, 21(4), 733-742. Abstract.  Author URL.
de Rose SA, Novak H, Dowd A, Singh S, Lang DA, Littlechild J (2017). Stabilization of a lipolytic enzyme for commercial application. Catalysts, 7(3). Abstract.
Finnigan W, Thomas A, Cromar H, Gough B, Snajdrova R, Adams JP, Littlechild JA, Harmer NJ (2016). Characterization of carboxylic acid reductases as enzymes in the toolbox for synthetic chemistry. ChemCatChem, in press
Zarafeta D, Kissas D, Sayer C, Gudbergsdottir SR, Ladoukakis E, Isupov MN, Chatziioannou A, Peng X, Littlechild JA, Skretas G, et al (2016). Discovery and Characterization of a Thermostable and Highly Halotolerant GH5 Cellulase from an Icelandic Hot Spring Isolate. PLoS One, 11(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
sayer C, Finnigan W, Isupov MN, Levisson M, Kengen SWM, van der Oost J, Harmer NJ, Littlechild JA (2016). Structural and biochemical characterisation of Archaeoglobus fulgidus esterase reveals a bound CoA molecule in the vicinity of the active site. Scientific Reports, 6, 25542-25542. Abstract.
Littlechild JA (2015). Archaeal Enzymes and Applications in Industrial Biocatalysts. Archaea, 2015, 1-10. Abstract.
Ferrandi EE, Sayer C, Isupov MN, Annovazzi C, Marchesi C, Iacobone G, Peng X, Bonch-Osmolovskaya E, Wohlgemuth R, Littlechild JA, et al (2015). Discovery and characterization of thermophilic limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolases from hot spring metagenomic libraries. FEBS J, 282(15), 2879-2894. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA (2015). Enzymes from Extreme Environments and Their Industrial Applications. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Sayer C, Isupov MN, Bonch-Osmolovskaya E, Littlechild JA (2015). Structural studies of a thermophilic esterase from a new Planctomycetes species, Thermogutta terrifontis. FEBS J, 282(15), 2846-2857. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sayer C, Szabo Z, Isupov MN, Ingham C, Littlechild JA (2015). The Structure of a Novel Thermophilic Esterase from the Planctomycetes Species, Thermogutta terrifontis Reveals an Open Active Site Due to a Minimal 'Cap' Domain. Front Microbiol, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Schröder E, Gibson RP, Beecher J, Donadio G, Saneei V, Dcunha SA, McGhie EJ, Sayer C, Davenport CF, et al (2015). The oxygenating constituent of 3,6-diketocamphane monooxygenase from the CAM plasmid of Pseudomonas putida: the first crystal structure of a type II Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 71(Pt 11), 2344-2353. Abstract.  Author URL.
Novak HR, Sayer C, Isupov MN, Gotz D, Spragg AM, Littlechild JA (2014). Biochemical and structural characterisation of a haloalkane dehalogenase from a marine Rhodobacteraceae. FEBS Lett, 588(9), 1616-1622. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kallnik V, Bunescu A, Sayer C, Bräsen C, Wohlgemuth R, Littlechild J, Siebers B (2014). Characterization of a phosphotriesterase-like lactonase from the hyperthermoacidophilic crenarchaeon Vulcanisaeta moutnovskia. J Biotechnol, 190, 11-17. Abstract.  Author URL.
Vivoli M, Novak HR, Littlechild JA, Harmer NJ (2014). Determination of Protein-ligand Interactions Using Differential Scanning Fluorimetry. Journal of Visualized Experiments(91).
Vivoli M, Novak HR, Littlechild JA, Harmer NJ (2014). Determination of protein-ligand interactions using differential scanning fluorimetry. J Vis Exp(91). Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Sayer C, Isupov M, Ward J, Littlechild J (2014). Structural studies on transaminase enzymes and applications in biocatalysis. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 31, S19-S19.  Author URL.
James P, Isupov MN, Sayer C, Saneei V, Berg S, Lioliou M, Kotlar HK, Littlechild JA (2014). The structure of a tetrameric α-carbonic anhydrase from Thermovibrio ammonificans reveals a core formed around intermolecular disulfides that contribute to its thermostability. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 70(Pt 10), 2607-2618. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sayer C, Martinez-Torres RJ, Richter N, Isupov MN, Hailes HC, Littlechild JA, Ward JM (2014). The substrate specificity, enantioselectivity and structure of the (R)-selective amine : pyruvate transaminase from Nectria haematococca. FEBS J, 281(9), 2240-2253. Abstract.  Author URL.
Holley JE, Slonka J, Littlechild J, Gutowski NJ (2013). An investigation into the presence of pyroglutamyl peptidases in the Alzheimer's disease brain: relevance to pathology?. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 260, S167-S167.  Author URL.
Novak HR, Sayer C, Panning J, Littlechild JA (2013). Characterisation of an L-haloacid dehalogenase from the marine psychrophile Psychromonas ingrahamii with potential industrial application. Mar Biotechnol (NY), 15(6), 695-705. Abstract.  Author URL.
Novak HR, Sayer C, Panning J, Littlechild JA (2013). Characterisation of an l-Haloacid Dehalogenase from the Marine Psychrophile Psychromonas ingrahamii with Potential Industrial Application. Marine Biotechnology, 15(6), 695-705. Abstract.
Hill A, Littlechild J (2013). ChemInform Abstract: Oxidation. Haloperoxidases. ChemInform, 44(25), no-no.
Reid EL, Weynberg KD, Love J, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Wilson WH, Kelly SL, Lamb DC, Allen MJ (2013). Functional and structural characterisation of a viral cytochrome b5. FEBS Lett, 587(22), 3633-3639. Abstract.  Author URL.
Novak HR, Sayer C, Isupov MN, Paszkiewicz K, Gotz D, Spragg AM, Littlechild JA (2013). Marine Rhodobacteraceae L-haloacid dehalogenase contains a novel His/Glu dyad that could activate the catalytic water. FEBS J, 280(7), 1664-1680. Abstract.  Author URL.
Novak H, Littlechild J (2013). Marine enzymes with applications for biosynthesis of fine chemicals. , 89-106. Abstract.
Littlechild JA (2013). Protein structure and function. , 57-79. Abstract.
Sayer C, Isupov MN, Westlake A, Littlechild JA (2013). Structural studies of Pseudomonas and Chromobacterium ω-aminotransferases provide insights into their differing substrate specificity. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 69(Pt 4), 564-576. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hill A, Littlechild J (2012). 7.15 Oxidation: Haloperoxidases. , 7, 329-349. Abstract.
Fraser CS, Rubio-Cabezas O, Littlechild JA, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Flanagan SE (2012). Amino acid properties may be useful in predicting clinical outcome in patients with Kir6.2 neonatal diabetes. Eur J Endocrinol, 167(3), 417-421. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sayer C, Bommer M, Isupov M, Ward J, Littlechild J (2012). Crystal structure and substrate specificity of the thermophilic serine:pyruvate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 68(7), 763-772. Abstract.
Szabo-Taylor KE, Eggleton P, Turner CAL, Lo Faro ML, Tarr JM, Toth S, Whiteman M, Haigh RC, Littlechild JA, Winyard PG, et al (2012). Lymphocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients have elevated levels of intracellular peroxiredoxin 2, and a greater frequency of cells with exofacial peroxiredoxin 2, compared with healthy human lymphocytes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, 44(8), 1223-1231.  Author URL.
Reid EL, Worthy CA, Probert I, Ali ST, Love J, Napier J, Littlechild JA, Somerfield PJ, Allen MJ (2011). Coccolithophores: functional biodiversity, enzymes and bioprospecting. Mar Drugs, 9(4), 586-602. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA (2011). Thermophilic archaeal enzymes and applications in biocatalysis. Biochem Soc Trans, 39(1), 155-158. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson RA, Gibson RP, Quispe CF, Littlechild JA, Talbot NJ (2010). An NADPH-dependent genetic switch regulates plant infection by the rice blast fungus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(50), 21902-21907. Abstract.  Author URL.
TAYLOR SJC, MCCAGUE R, WISDOM R, LEE C, DICKSON K, RUECROFT G, O'BRIEN F, LITTLECHILD J, BEVAN J, ROBERTS SM, et al (2010). ChemInform Abstract: Development of the Biocatalytic Resolution of 2â€Azabicyclo(2.2.1)hept†5â€enâ€3â€one as an Entry to Singleâ€Enantiomer Carbocyclic Nucleosides. ChemInform, 24(41), no-no.
Opperman DJ, Sewell BT, Litthauer D, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, van Heerden E (2010). Crystal structure of a thermostable old yellow enzyme from Thermus scotoductus SA-01. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 393(3), 426-431. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ngamsom B, Hickey AM, Greenway GM, Littlechild JA, Watts P, Wiles C (2010). Development of a high throughput screening tool for biotransformations utilising a thermophilic l-aminoacylase enzyme. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 63(1-2), 81-86. Abstract.
Ngamsom B, Hickey AM, Greenway GM, Littlechild JA, McCreedy T, Watts P, Wiles C (2010). The development and evaluation of a conducting matrix for the electrochemical regeneration of the immobilised co-factor NAD(H) under continuous flow. Org Biomol Chem, 8(10), 2419-2424. Abstract.  Author URL.
Willies S, Isupov M, Littlechild J (2010). Thermophilic enzymes and their applications in biocatalysis: a robust aldo-keto reductase. Environ Technol, 31(10), 1159-1167. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hickey AM, Ngamsom B, Wiles C, Greenway GM, Watts P, Littlechild JA (2009). A microreactor for the study of biotransformations by a cross-linked gamma-lactamase enzyme. Biotechnol J, 4(4), 510-516. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rye CA, Isupov MN, Lebedev AA, Littlechild JA (2009). Biochemical and structural studies of a L-haloacid dehalogenase from the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. Extremophiles, 13(1), 179-190. Abstract.  Author URL.
Willies SC, Isupov MN, Garman EF, Littlechild JA (2009). The binding of haem and zinc in the 1.9 a X-ray structure of Escherichia coli bacterioferritin. J Biol Inorg Chem, 14(2), 201-207. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2009). Thermophilic enzymes as stable biocatalysts. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 25, S108-S108.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Garcia Rodriguez E, Isupov M (2009). Vanadium containing bromoperoxidase--insights into the enzymatic mechanism using X-ray crystallography. J Inorg Biochem, 103(4), 617-621. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2008). Catalyst for improvement. EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review(SUMM), 27-32. Abstract.
Ngamsom B, Marle L, Hickey AM, Greenway GM, Watts P, McCreedy T, Littlechild JA (2008). Immobilisation of thermophilic enzymes within miniaturised flow reactors for biotransformations. AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
Line K, Isupov MN, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Maggioli G, Parra F, Littlechild JA (2008). The Fasciola hepatica thioredoxin: High resolution structure reveals two oxidation states. Mol Biochem Parasitol, 161(1), 44-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rye CA, Isupov MN, Lebedev AA, Littlechild JA (2007). An order-disorder twin crystal of L-2-haloacid dehalogenase from Sulfolobus tokodaii. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 63(Pt 8), 926-930. Abstract.  Author URL.
Battershill C, Bavington C, Chahal S, Jaspars M, Littlechild J, Spragg AM (2007). Contributions of marine bioscience to industrial biotechology. Industrial Biotechnology, 3(4), 304-313. Abstract.
Sayer C, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2007). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of omega-amino acid:pyruvate transaminase from Chromobacterium violaceum. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, 63(Pt 2), 117-119. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hickey AM, Marle L, McCreedy T, Watts P, Greenway GM, Littlechild JA (2007). Immobilization of thermophilic enzymes in miniaturized flow reactors. Biochem Soc Trans, 35(Pt 6), 1621-1623. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Guy J, Connelly S, Mallett L, Waddell S, Rye CA, Line K, Isupov M (2007). Natural methods of protein stabilization: thermostable biocatalysts. Biochem Soc Trans, 35(Pt 6), 1558-1563. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2007). Nature's catalysts for biosynthesis of natural products. AMINO ACIDS, 33(3), XIV-XIV.  Author URL.
Watts P, McCreedy T, Marle L, Littlechild J, Hickey AM, Greenway GM (2007). ORGN 104-The use of immobilized thermophilic enzymes for organic synthesis in flow reactors. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 234  Author URL.
Coupe EE, Smyth MG, Fosberry AP, Hall RM, Littlechild JA (2007). The dodecameric vanadium-dependent haloperoxidase from the marine algae Corallina officinalis: cloning, expression, and refolding of the recombinant enzyme. Protein Expr Purif, 52(2), 265-272. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson RA, Jenkinson JM, Gibson RP, Littlechild JA, Wang Z-Y, Talbot NJ (2007). Tps1 regulates the pentose phosphate pathway, nitrogen metabolism and fungal virulence. The EMBO Journal, 26(15), 3673-3685.
Tapper S, Littlechild JA, Molard Y, Prokes I, Tucker JHR (2006). Anion binding tripodal receptors as structural models for the active site of vanadium haloperoxidases and acid phosphatases. Supramolecular Chemistry, 18(1), 55-58. Abstract.
Conklin PL, Gatzek S, Wheeler GL, Dowdle J, Raymond MJ, Rolinski S, Isupov M, Littlechild JA, Smirnoff N (2006). Arabidopsis thaliana VTC4 encodes L-galactose-1-P phosphatase, a plant ascorbic acid biosynthetic enzyme. J Biol Chem, 281(23), 15662-15670. Abstract.  Author URL.
Line, K. Gonsalvez, I. (2006). Crystal structure of a (+) gamma lactamase with a novel protein Fold. Nature Structural Biology
Littlechild J, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Isupov M (2006). INOR 398-Crystallization studies of vanadium haloperoxidases: Insights into halide specificity and enzyme mechanism. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 232  Author URL.
Garcia-Rodriguez E, Ohshiro T, Aibara T, Izumi Y, Littlechild J (2005). Enhancing effect of calcium and vanadium ions on thermal stability of bromoperoxidase from Corallina pilulifera. J Biol Inorg Chem, 10(3), 275-282. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2005). Nature's catalysts and their applications in the pharmaceutical industry. EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review(AUTUMN), 64-68. Abstract.
Connelly S, Line K, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2005). Synthesis and characterisation of a ligand that forms a stable tetrahedral intermediate in the active site of the Aureobacterium species (-) gamma-lactamase. Org Biomol Chem, 3(18), 3260-3262. Abstract.  Author URL.
Clark DS, Ball P, Littlechild JA, Rice DW, Halle B (2004). Characteristics of nearly dry enzymes in organic solvents: Implications for biocatalysis in the absence of water. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 359(1448), 1299-1307. Abstract.
Brice DC, Bryant JA, Dambrauskas G, Drury SC, Littlechild JA (2004). Cloning and expression of cytosolic phosphoglycerate kinase from pea (Pisum sativum L.). J Exp Bot, 55(398), 955-956. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Brindley AA, Hollingsworth EJ, Murshudov GN, Vagin AA, Littlechild JA (2004). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a fungal hydrolase from Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 60(Pt 10), 1879-1882. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ohshiro T, Littlechild J, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Isupov MN, Iida Y, Kobayashi T, Izumi Y (2004). Modification of halogen specificity of a vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase. Protein Sci, 13(6), 1566-1571. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rand RP, Ho MW, Littlechild JA, Finney JL, Cupane A, Engberts JBFN (2004). Probing the role of water in protein conformation and function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 359(1448), 1277-1285. Abstract.
Littlechild JA, Isupov MN, Line K (2004). The crystal structure of a (-)?-lactamase from an Aureobacterium species reveals a tetrahedral intermediate in the active site. Journal of Molecular Biology, 338(3), 519-532.
Toogood HS, Brown RC, Line K, Keene PA, Taylor SJC, McCague R, Littlechild JA (2004). The use of a thermostable signature amidase in the resolution of the bicyclic synthon (rac)-γ-lactam. Tetrahedron, 60(3), 711-716. Abstract.
Halling PJ, Finney JL, Ho MW, Franks F, Littlechild JA (2004). What can we learn by studying enzymes in non-aqueous media?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 359(1448), 1287-1297. Abstract.
Guy JE, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2003). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a novel alcohol dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 59(Pt 1), 174-176. Abstract.  Author URL.
Watts, A. Giles, G.I. Fry, F.H. (2003). Metal and Redox Regulation of Cysteine Protein Function. Chemistry and Biology, 10, 677-693.
Littlechild JA, Garcia-Rodriguez E (2003). Structural studies on the dodecameric vanadium bromoperoxidase from Corallina species. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 237(1-2), 65-76.
Littlechild JA, Guy JE, Isupov MN (2003). The Structure of an Alcohol Dehydrogenase from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Aeropyrum pernix. Journal of Molecular Biology, 331(5), 1041-1051.
Watts AB, Beecher J, Whitcher CS, Littlechild JA (2002). A method for screening Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase activity against monocyclic ketones. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 20(3), 209-215. Abstract.
Toogood HS, Hollingsworth EJ, Brown RC, Taylor IN, Taylor SJC, McCague R, Littlechild JA (2002). A thermostable L-aminoacylase from Thermococcus litoralis: cloning, overexpression, characterization, and applications in biotransformations. Extremophiles, 6(2), 111-122. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hollingsworth EJ, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2002). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of L-aminoacylase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 58(Pt 3), 507-510. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2002). Extremely versatile systems. Trends in Biotechnology, 20(8).
Gloyn AL, Noordam K, Willemsen MA, Watts AB, Littlechild JA, Ellard S, Hatterlsey AT (2002). Familial hyperinsulinism caused by a novel activating glucokinase mutation. DIABETES, 51, A260-A260.  Author URL.
Toogood HS, Taylor IN, Brown RC, Taylor SJC, McCague R, Littlechild JA (2002). Immobilisation of the thermostable L-aminoacylase from Thermococcus litoralis to generate a reusable industrial biocatalyst. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 20(4), 241-249. Abstract.
Littlechild J, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Dalby A, Isupov M (2002). Structural and functional comparisons between vanadium haloperoxidase and acid phosphatase enzymes. J Mol Recognit, 15(5), 291-296. Abstract.  Author URL.
Qi JF, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Anderson LE (2001). Chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase contains a single disulfide bond located in the C-terminal extension to the B subunit. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 222, U121-U121.  Author URL.
Qi JF, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Anderson LE (2001). Chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase contains a single disulfide bond located in the C-terminal extension to the B subunit. BIOCHEMISTRY, 40(29), 8615-8615.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Anderson LE, Isupov MN, Qi JF (2001). Chloroplast glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase contains a single disulfide bond located in the C-terminal extension to the B subunit. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(38), 35247-35252.
Harris JR, Schröder E, Isupov MN, Scheffler D, Kristensen P, Littlechild JA, Vagin AA, Meissner U (2001). Comparison of the decameric structure of peroxiredoxin-II by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1547(2), 221-234. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gonsalvez IS, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2001). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a gamma-lactamase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 57(Pt 2), 284-286. Abstract.  Author URL.
Turner NA, Gaskin DJ, Yagnik AT, Littlechild JA, Vulfson EN (2001). Enantioselectivity of recombinant Rhizomucor miehei lipase in the ring opening of oxazolin-5(4H)-ones. Protein Eng, 14(4), 269-278. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Isupov M (2001). Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Methods Enzymol, 331, 105-117.  Author URL.
Crowhurst G, McHarg J, Littlechild JA (2001). Phosphoglycerate kinases from bacteria and archaea. Methods Enzymol, 331, 90-104.  Author URL.
Singleton MR, Littlechild JA (2001). Pyrrolidone carboxylpeptidase from Thermococcus litoralis. Methods Enzymol, 330, 394-403.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Isupov M, Garcia E (2001). Structural studies on the dodecameric vanadium containing bromoperoxidase from <i>Corallina officinalis</i>. JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, 86(1), 67-67.  Author URL.
Dalby AR, Tolan DR, Littlechild JA (2001). The structure of human liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 57(Pt 11), 1526-1533. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gonsalvez IS, Littlechild JA, Taylor S, Brown R (2000). Characterisation of a novel γ-lactamase enzyme used in the synthesis of an anti-HIV drug. Biochemical Society Transactions, 28(3), a75-a75.
Singleton MR, Taylor SJ, Parrat JS, Littlechild JA (2000). Cloning, expression, and characterization of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase from the archaeon Thermococcus litoralis. Extremophiles, 4(5), 297-303. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schröder E, Littlechild JA, Lebedev AA, Errington N, Vagin AA, Isupov MN (2000). Crystal structure of decameric 2-Cys peroxiredoxin from human erythrocytes at 1.7 a resolution. Structure, 8(6), 605-615. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schröder E, Littlechild JA, Lebedev AA, Errington N, Vagin AA, Isupov MN (2000). Crystal structure of decameric 2-Cys peroxiredoxin from human erythrocytes at 1.7 Å resolution (vol 8, pg 605, 2000). STRUCTURE, 8(12), U5-U5.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Dalby AR, Brindley AA, Izumi Y, Tanabe T, Murshudov GN, Littlechild JA (2000). Crystal structure of dodecameric vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase from the red algae Corallina officinalis. J Mol Biol, 299(4), 1035-1049. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bourne PC, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2000). The atomic-resolution structure of a novel bacterial esterase. Structure, 8(2), 143-151. Abstract.  Author URL.
Charron C, Talfournier F, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA, Branlant G, Vitoux B, Aubry A (2000). The crystal structure of d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus in the presence of NADP(+) at 2.1 a resolution. J Mol Biol, 297(2), 481-500. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dalby A, Dauter Z, Littlechild JA (1999). Crystal structure of human muscle aldolase complexed with fructose 1,6-bisphosphate: mechanistic implications. Protein Sci, 8(2), 291-297. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Fleming TM, Dalby AR, Crowhurst GS, Bourne PC, Littlechild JA (1999). Crystal structure of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. J Mol Biol, 291(3), 651-660. Abstract.  Author URL.
Schröder E, Isupov MN, Naran A, Littlechild JA (1999). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of human thioredoxin peroxidase-B from red blood cells. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 55(Pt 2), 536-538. Abstract.  Author URL.
Charron C, Talfournier F, Isupov MN, Branlant G, Littlechild JA, Vitoux B, Aubry A (1999). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanothermus fervidus. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 55(Pt 7), 1353-1355. Abstract.  Author URL.
Singleton MR, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (1999). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 55(Pt 3), 702-703. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bourne PC, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (1999). Crystallization and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of a novel bacterial esterase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 55(Pt 4), 915-917. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (1999). Haloperoxidases and their role in biotransformation reactions. Curr Opin Chem Biol, 3(1), 28-34. Abstract.  Author URL.
McHarg J, Kelly SM, Price NC, Cooper A, Littlechild JA (1999). Site-directed mutagenesis of proline 204 in the 'hinge' region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. Eur J Biochem, 259(3), 939-945. Abstract.  Author URL.
Crowhurst GS, Dalby AR, Isupov MN, Campbell JW, Littlechild JA (1999). Structure of a phosphoglycerate mutase:3-phosphoglyceric acid complex at 1.7 A. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 55(Pt 11), 1822-1826. Abstract.  Author URL.
Singleton M, Isupov M, Littlechild J (1999). X-ray structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus litoralis. Structure, 7(3), 237-244. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fleming TM, Jones CE, Piper PW, Cowan DA, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (1998). Characterization, crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 54(Pt 4), 671-674. Abstract.  Author URL.
McGhie EJ, Isupov MN, Schröder E, Littlechild JA (1998). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the oxygenating subunit of 3,6-diketocamphane monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 54(Pt 5), 1035-1038. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brindley AA, Dalby AR, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (1998). Preliminary X-ray analysis of a new crystal form of the vanadium-dependent bromoperoxidase from Corallina officinalis. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 54(Pt 3), 454-457. Abstract.  Author URL.
Lewis G, Bevan J, Rawas A, McMichael P, Wisdom R, McCague R, Watson H, Littlechild J (1997). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies on Candida cylindracea lipase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 53(Pt 3), 348-351. Abstract.  Author URL.
Yagnik AT, Littlechild JA, Turner NJ (1997). Molecular modelling studies of substrate binding to the lipase from Rhizomucor miehei. J Comput Aided Mol Des, 11(3), 256-264. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bentley PA, Kroutil W, Littlechild JA, Roberts SM (1997). Preparation of polyamino acid catalysts for use in Julia asymmetric epoxidation. Chirality, 9(2), 198-202. Abstract.
Fleming T, Littlechild J (1997). Sequence and structural comparison of thermophilic phosphoglycerate kinases with a mesophilic equivalent. Comp Biochem Physiol a Physiol, 118(3), 439-451. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Obmolova G, Butterworth S, BadetDenisot MA, Badet B, Polikarpov I, Littlechild JA, Teplyakov A (1997). Substrate binding is required for assembly of the active conformation of the catalytic site in Ntn amidotransferases: Evidence from the 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the glutaminase domain of glucosamine 6-phosphate synthase (vol 4, pg 801, 1996). STRUCTURE, 5(5), 723-723.  Author URL.
Piper PW, Emson C, Jones CE, Cowan DA, Fleming TM, Littlechild JA (1996). Complementation of a pgk deletion mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with expression of the phosphoglycerate-kinase gene from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Curr Genet, 29(6), 594-596. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dalby A, Rawas A, Watson HC, Littlechild JA (1996). Crystallisation and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies on human liver aldolase. Protein and Peptide Letters, 3(3), 207-212. Abstract.
Brabban AD, Littlechild J, Wisdom R (1996). Stereospecific γ-lactamase activity in a Pseudomonas fluorescens species. Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 16(1), 8-14. Abstract.
Mcharg J, Littlechild JA (1996). Studies with inhibitors of the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase for potential treatment of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. J Pharm Pharmacol, 48(2), 201-205. Abstract.  Author URL.
Dalby A, Littlechild JA (1996). Studies with type I aldolase to understand fructose intolerance and combat parasitic disease. J Pharm Pharmacol, 48(2), 214-217. Abstract.  Author URL.
Isupov MN, Obmolova G, Butterworth S, Badet-Denisot MA, Badet B, Polikarpov I, Littlechild JA, Teplyakov A (1996). Substrate binding is required for assembly of the active conformation of the catalytic site in Ntn amidotransferases: evidence from the 1.8 a crystal structure of the glutaminase domain of glucosamine 6-phosphate synthase. Structure, 4(7), 801-810. Abstract.  Author URL.
McGhie EJ, Littlechild JA (1996). The purification and crystallisation of 2,5-diketocamphane 1,2-monooxygenase and 3,6-diketocamphane 1,6-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida NCIMB 10007. Biochem Soc Trans, 24(1).  Author URL.
Fleming TM, Jones CE, Piper PW, Cowan DA, Adams MWW, Littlechild JA (1996). The purification and crystallisation of phosphoglycerate kinase from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium thermotoga maritima. Protein and Peptide Letters, 3(3), 213-218. Abstract.
Jones CE, Fleming TM, Piper PW, Littlechild JA, Cowan DA (1995). Cloning and sequencing of a gene from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with high homology to a gene encoding phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase from Escherichia coli. Gene, 160(1), 101-103. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Turner N, Hobbs G, Lilly M, Rawas A, Watson H (1995). Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic data with Escherichia coli transketolase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 51(Pt 6), 1074-1076. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rush C, Willetts A, Davies G, Dauter Z, Watson H, Littlechild J (1995). Purification, crystallisation and preliminary X-ray analysis of the vanadium-dependent haloperoxidase from Corallina officinalis. FEBS Lett, 359(2-3), 244-246. Abstract.  Author URL.
Jones CE, Fleming TM, Cowan DA, Littlechild JA, Piper PW (1995). The phosphoglycerate kinase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase genes from the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus overlap by 8-bp. Isolation, sequencing of the genes and expression in Escherichia coli. Eur J Biochem, 233(3), 800-808. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davies GJ, Gamblin SJ, Littlechild JA, Dauter Z, Wilson KS, Watson HC (1994). Structure of the ADP complex of the 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus at 1.65 A. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 50(Pt 2), 202-209. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1993). A data-based reaction mechanism for type I fructose bisphosphate aldolase. Trends Biochem Sci, 18(2), 36-39. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor SJ, McCague R, Wisdom R, Lee C, Dickson K, Ruecroft G, O'Brien F, Littlechild J, Bevan J, Roberts SM, et al (1993). Development of the biocatalytic resolution of 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-one as an entry to single-enantiomer carbocyclic nucleosides. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 4(6), 1117-1128. Abstract.
Vellieux FM, Hajdu J, Verlinde CL, Groendijk H, Read RJ, Greenhough TJ, Campbell JW, Kalk KH, Littlechild JA, Watson HC, et al (1993). Structure of glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma brucei determined from Laue data. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 90(6), 2355-2359. Abstract.  Author URL.
Davies GJ, Gamblin SJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1993). The structure of a thermally stable 3-phosphoglycerate kinase and a comparison with its mesophilic equivalent. Proteins, 15(3), 283-289. Abstract.  Author URL.
Joao HC, Williams RJ, Littlechild JA, Nagasuma R, Watson HC (1992). An investigation of large inhibitors binding to phosphoglycerate kinase and their effect on anion activation. Eur J Biochem, 205(3), 1077-1088. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walker PA, Joâo HC, Littlechild JA, Williams RJ, Watson HC (1992). Characterisation of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase modified by mutagenesis at residue 21. Eur J Biochem, 207(1), 29-37. Abstract.  Author URL.
Eisenberg D, Perutz MF, Buckingham AD, Graf L, Thornton J, Blow DM, Fersht AR, Karplus M, Johnson LN, Rippmann F, et al (1992). General discussion. Faraday Discussions, 93, 107-129.
Davies GJ, Gamblin SJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1992). Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus. J Mol Biol, 227(4), 1263-1264. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA (1992). Structure and function. Nature, 359(6394), 448-449.
Graham HC, Williams RJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1991). A proton-NMR study of a site-directed mutation (His388----Glu) in the interdomain region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. Implications for domain movement. Eur J Biochem, 196(2), 261-269. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gamblin SJ, Davies GJ, Grimes JM, Jackson RM, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1991). Activity and specificity of human aldolases. J Mol Biol, 219(4), 573-576. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA (1991). Protein crystallization: Magical or logical: can we establish some general rules?. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 24(2), 111-118. Abstract.
Davies GJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC, Hall L (1991). Sequence and expression of the gene encoding 3-phosphoglycerate kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Gene, 109(1), 39-45. Abstract.  Author URL.
Minard P, Bowen DJ, Hall L, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1990). Site-directed mutagenesis of aspartic acid 372 at the ATP binding site of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase: over-expression and characterization of the mutant enzyme. Protein Eng, 3(6), 515-521. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gamblin SJ, Cooper B, Millar JR, Davies GJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1990). The crystal structure of human muscle aldolase at 3.0 a resolution. FEBS Lett, 262(2), 282-286. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fairbrother WJ, Walker PA, Minard P, Littlechild JA, Watson HC, Williams RJ (1989). NMR analysis of site-specific mutants of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. An investigation of the triose-binding site. Eur J Biochem, 183(1), 57-67. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fairbrother WJ, Hall L, Littlechild JA, Walker PA, Watson HC, Williams RJ (1989). Site-directed mutagenesis of histidine 62 in the 'basic patch' region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. FEBS Lett, 258(2), 247-250. Abstract.  Author URL.
Walker PA, Littlechild JA, Hall L, Watson HC (1989). Site-directed mutagenesis of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. The 'basic-patch' residue arginine 168. Eur J Biochem, 183(1), 49-55. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wilson HR, Williams RJ, Littlechild JA, Watson HC (1988). NMR analysis of the interdomain region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. Eur J Biochem, 170(3), 529-538. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bowen D, Littlechild JA, Fothergill JE, Watson HC, Hall L (1988). Nucleotide sequence of the phosphoglycerate kinase gene from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with that of the mesophilic yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. Biochem J, 254(2), 509-517. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Davies GJ, Gamblin SJ, Watson HC (1987). Phosphoglycerate kinase from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus Crystallization and preliminary X-ray data. FEBS Letters, 225(1-2), 123-126. Abstract.
Littlechild J, Malcolm A, Paterakis K, Ackermann I, Dijk J (1987). The tertiary structure of salt-extracted ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli as studied by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and limited proteolysis experiments. Biochim Biophys Acta, 913(2), 245-255. Abstract.  Author URL.
Crout DHG, Littlechild J, Morrey SM (1986). Acetoin metabolism: Stereochemistry of the acetoin produced by the pyruvate decarboxylase of wheat germ and by the α-acetolactate decarboxylase of Klebsiella aerogenes. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 105-108. Abstract.
Dijk J, Littlechild JA, Freund AM, Pouyet J, Daune M, Provencher SW (1986). The secondary structure of salt-extracted ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli as studied by circular dichroic spectroscopy. Biochim Biophys Acta, 874(2), 227-234. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stöffler-Meilicke M, Epe B, Woolley P, Lotti M, Littlechild J, Stöffler G (1984). Location of protein S4 on the small ribosomal subunit of E. coli and B. stearothermophilus with protein- and hapten-specific antibodies. Mol Gen Genet, 197(1), 8-18. Abstract.  Author URL.
Crout DHG, Littlechild J, Mitchell MB, Morrey SM (1984). Stereochemistry of the decarboxylation of α-acetolactate (2-hydroxy-2-methyl-3-oxobutanoate) by the acetolactate decarboxylase of Klebsiella aerogenes. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2271-2276. Abstract.
Paterakis K, Littlechild J, Woolley P (1983). Structural and functional studies on protein S20 from the 30-S subunit of the Escherichia coli ribosome. Eur J Biochem, 129(3), 543-548. Abstract.  Author URL.
Epe B, Woolley P, Steinhäuser KG, Littlechild J (1982). Distance measurement by energy transfer: the 3' end of 16-S RNA and proteins S4 and S17 of the ribosome of Escherichia coli. Eur J Biochem, 129(1), 211-219. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wirth R, Littlechild J, Böck A (1982). Ribosomal protein S20 purified under mild conditions almost completely inhibits its own translation. Mol Gen Genet, 188(1), 164-166. Abstract.  Author URL.
Paterakis K, Littlechild J (1982). Structural domains of ribosomal protein S8 and their relationship to ribosomal RNA binding. FEBS Lett, 149(2), 328-333. Abstract.  Author URL.
Georgalis Y, Giri L, Littlechild JA (1981). Physical studies on the ribosomal protein S2 from the Escherichia coli 30S. Biochemistry, 20(5), 1061-1064. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pawlik RT, Littlechild J, Pon C, Gualerzi C (1981). Purification and properties of Escherichia coli translational initiation factors. Biochemistry International, 2(4), 421-428.
Littlechild J (1980). Proton magnetic resonance studies of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S16. FEBS Lett, 111(1), 51-55.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Morrison CA, Bradbury EM (1979). Proton magnetic resonance studies of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S4 and a C-terminal fragment of this protein. FEBS Lett, 104(1), 90-94.  Author URL.
Dijk J, Littlechild J (1979). Purification of ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli under nondenaturing conditions. Methods Enzymol, 59, 481-502.  Author URL.
Khechinashvili NN, Koteliansky VE, Gogia ZV, Littlechild J, Dijk J (1978). A heat denaturation study of several ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli by scanning microcalorimetry. FEBS Letters, 95(2), 270-272.
Khechinashvili NN, Koteliansky VE, Gogia ZV, Littlechild J, Dijk J (1978). A heat denaturation study of several ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli by scanning microcalorimetry. FEBS Lett, 95(2), 270-272.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Malcolm AL (1978). A new method for the purification of 30S ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli using nondenaturing conditions. Biochemistry, 17(16), 3363-3369. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ă–sterberg R, Sjöberg B, Littlechild J (1978). Small-angle X-ray scattering study of the proteins S1, S8, S15, S16, S20 from Escherichia coli ribosomes. FEBS Letters, 93(1), 115-119.
Osterberg R, Sjöberg B, Garrett RA, Littlechild J (1978). Small-angle X-ray titration of the complex formed between the ribosomal protein S4 and its 16S binding site, S4-RNA: a central core in the 30S subunit. Nucleic Acids Res, 5(10), 3579-3587. Abstract.  Author URL.
Giri L, Littlechild J, Dijk J (1977). Hydrodynamic studies on the Escherichia coli robosomal proteins S8 and L6, prepared by two different methods. FEBS Lett, 79(2), 238-244.  Author URL.
Morrison CA, Bradbury EM, Littlechild J, Dijk J (1977). Proton magnetic resonance studies to compare Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins prepared by two different methods. FEBS Lett, 83(2), 348-352.  Author URL.
Ă–sterberg R, Sjöberg B, Garrett RA, Littlechild J (1977). Small-angle X-ray scattering study of the 16 S RNA binding protein S4 from Escherichia coli ribosomes. FEBS Letters, 73(1), 22-24.
Osterberg R, Sjöberg B, Garrett RA, Littlechild J (1977). Small-angle x-ray scattering study of the 16S RNA binding protein S4 from Escherichia coli ribosomes. FEBS Lett, 73(1), 25-28.  Author URL.
Dijk J, Littlechild J, Garrett RA (1977). The RNA binding properties of "native" protein-protein complexes isolated from the Escherichia coli ribosome. FEBS Lett, 77(2), 295-300.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Dijk J, Garrett RA (1977). The identification of new RNA-binding proteins in the Escherichia coli ribosome. FEBS Lett, 74(2), 292-294.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (1973). Nuclease contaminant of a batch of lysozyme used for ribosome extraction: cleavage of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA into two specific fragments. Anal Biochem, 55(2), 634-636.  Author URL.
Littlechild J, Spencer M (1973). Stability and homogeneity of preparations of ribosomal particles from Escherichia coli. Biochemistry, 12(16), 3102-3108.  Author URL.


Littlechild J, Isupov M (2014). Haloperoxidase enzymes as 'redox catalysts' important for industrial biocatalysis. In  (Ed) Recent Advances in Redox Active Plant and Microbial Products: from Basic Chemistry to Widespread Applications in Medicine and Agriculture, 425-446. Abstract.
Novak H, Littlechild J (2013). 4 Marine enzymes with applications for biosynthesis of fine chemicals. In  (Ed) Marine Enzymes for Biocatalysis, Elsevier, 89-106.
Littlechild JA (2013). Chapter 2 Protein structure and function. In  (Ed) Introduction to Biological and Small Molecule Drug Research and Development, Elsevier, 57-79.
James PBC, sayer C, Novak H, Littlechild JA (2013). Mechanisms of Thermal Stability Adopted by Thermophilic Proteins and Their Use in White Biotechnology. In Littlechild JA, Satyanarayana T, Kawarabayasi Y (Eds.) Thermophilic Microbes in Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology, Springer Netherlands, 481-507.
Littlechild JA, Hill A (2012). Oxidation:Haloperoxidases. In Carreira EM, Yamamoto H (Eds.) Comprehensive Chirality, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 329-349. Abstract.
Szabo K, Gutowski NJ, Holley JE, Littlechild JA, Winyard P (2009). Redox Control in Human Disease with a Special Emphasis on the Peroxiredoxin-Based Antioxidant System. In Jacob C, Winyard PG (Eds.) Redox signaling and regulation in biology and medicine, Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh, 409-431. Abstract.
Szabo KE, Line K, Eggleton P, Littlechild JA, Winyard P (2009). Structure and Function of the Human Peroxiredoxin-Based Antioxidant System:the Interplay between Peroxiredoxins,Thioredoxins,Thioredoxin Reductases,Sulfiredoxins and Sestrins. In Jacob C, Winyard PG (Eds.) Redox signaling and regulation in biology and medicine, Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh, 143-174. Abstract.
Szabo KE, Line K, Eggleton P, Littlechild JA, Winyard PG (2009). Structure and function of the human peroxiredoxin-based antioxidant system: the interplay between peroxierdoxins, thioredoxins, thioredoxin reductases, sulfiredoxins and sestrins. In Jacob C, Winyard PG (Eds.) Redox Signaling and Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH.
Szabo KE, Line K, Eggleton P, Littlechild JA, Winyard PG (2009). Structure and function of the human peroxiredoxin-based antioxidant system: the interplay between peroxiredoxins, thioredoxins, thioredoxin reductases, sulfiredoxins and sestrins. In Jacob C, Winyard PG (Eds.) Redox Signaling and Regulation in Biology and Medicine, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH-Verlag, 151-192.
Littlechild JA, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Coupe E, Watts A, Isupov M (2007). Structural Studies of Vanadium Haloperoxidases:Insight into Halide Specificity,Stability and Enzyme Mechanism. In Kustin K, Pessoa JC, Crans D (Eds.) Vanadium:The versatile Metal, Washington, USA: ACS, 136-147.
Isupov JLEG-RAWECAM (2007). The vanadium dependent bromoperoxidase enzymes:Insights into Mechanism and Applications gained from Structural Studies. In Aureliano M, Aureliano M (Eds.) Vanadium Biochemistry, India: Research Signpost, 97-117.
Littlechild J, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Watts A, Coupe E, Isupov M (2007). The vanadium dependent bromoperoxidase enzymes:Insights into Mechanism and Applications gained from Structural Studies. In Aureliano M (Ed) Vanadium biochemistry, India: Signpost, 97-116.
Littlechild JA, Garcia-Rodriguez E, Watts A, Coupe E, Isupov M (2007). The vanadium dependent bromoperoxidase enzymes:Insights into Mechanism and Applications gained from Structural Studies. In Alves MA (Ed) Vanadium Biochemistry, India: Research Signpost, 97-116.
Rodriguez, E.G. Coupe, E. Watts, A. (2007). The vanadium dependent bromoperoxidase enzymes:Insights into Mechanism and Applications gained from Structural Studies. In Manuel, Aureliano, Alves (Eds.) Vanadium Chemistry.


Littlechild J (2018). Thermophilic enzymes for synthetic biology <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i> cascades.  Author URL.
Littlechild J (2016). Novel enzymes from metagenomics.  Author URL.
Szabo-Taylor KE, Lo Faro ML, Eggleton P, Turner CAL, Tarr JM, Haigh RC, Littlechild JA, Whiteman M, Winyard PG (2010). Peroxiredoxin 2 in Human Inflammatory Joint Disease.  Author URL.
Gutowski NJ, Watson EL, Holley JE, Winyard PG, Littlechild JA (2009). Peroxiredoxin II: an antioxidant with therapeutic potential in multiple sclerosis?.  Author URL.
Szabo K, Tarr J, Eggleton P, Line K, Ryan B, Aksu K, Akcay Y, Haigh R, Littlechild J, Winyard P, et al (2008). Extracellular peroxiredoxin II in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions.  Author URL.
Taylor IN, Brown RC, Bycroft M, King G, Littlechild JA, Lloyd MC, Praquin C, Toogood HS, Taylor SJC (2004). Application of thermophilic enzymes in commercial biotransformation processes. Abstract.  Author URL.
Littlechild JA, Guy JE, Isupov MN (2004). Hyperthermophilic dehydrogenase enzymes. Abstract.  Author URL.
Whitcher CS, Littlechild JA, Woodley JM (2003). Application of a Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase from cunninghamella echinulata NRRL 3655.  Author URL.
Gonsalvez IS, Littlechild JA, Isupov M, Taylor SJ, Brown R (2000). Characterisation and preliminary crystallographic studies of a novel γ-lactamase enzyme used in the synthesis of an anti-HIV drug.
Hollingsworth EJ, Brown R, Isupov MN, Taylor S, Littlechild JA (2000). Cloning, Expression &amp; Purification of a Thermostable Aminoacylase from <i>Thermococcus litoralis</i>.
Schröder E, Littlechild JA, Lebedev AA, Isupov MN (2000). Structure and mechanism of decameric 2-cys peroxiredoxin from human erythrocytes.
Schröder E, Lebedev AA, Isupov MN, Littlechild JA (2000). Structure and mechanism of human decameric 2-cys peroxiredoxin.
Isupov MN, Lebedev AA, Harutyunyan EH, Antson FA, Wilson KS, Dodson GG, Zakomirdina LN, Littlechild JA, Dementieva IS (1999). X-RAY STUDIES OF TRYPTOPHANASE.  Author URL.
Crowhurst GS, Isupov MN, Fleming T, Littlechild JA (1998). Two glycolytic enzymes from Sulfolobus solfataricus.  Author URL.
Dalby A, Rush C, Willetts A, Davies G, Dauter Z, Littlechild J (1996). ANALYSIS OF THE VANADIUM DEPENDENT HALOPEROXIDASE FROM <i>CORALLINA OFFICINALIS</i>.  Author URL.
Lilly MD, Chauhan R, French C, Gyamerah M, Hobbs GR, Humphrey A, Isupov M, Littlechild JA, Mitra RK, Morris KG, et al (1996). Carbon-carbon bond synthesis: the impact of rDNA technology on the production and use of E. coli transketolase. Abstract.
McGhie EJ, Littlechild JA (1996). The purification and crystallisation of 2,5-diketocamphane 1,2 monooxygenase and 3,6-diketocamphane 1,6 monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida NCIMB 10007.
Watson HC, Littlechild JA (1990). Isoenzymes of phosphoglycerate kinase: evolutionary conservation of the structure of this glycolytic enzyme.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

Member of the Doctoral Training Centres Panel

Member of Advisory Committee MRC current

Member of Life Science Committee EPSRC current

Member of User Group 1 - Protein Crystallography current

Member of the Advisory Board - Journal of Molecular Recognition current

Evaluatuon committees EPSRC Doctoral Training Programmes 2013

Evaluation of BBSRC Industrial Biotechnology Networks 2013

Core Member of BBSRC Committee D 2010 onwards

UK representative and vice chair for European Section of Applied Biocatalysis 2007-onwards

Round Table Discussion Journal of Industrial Biotechnology 2007
‘Contributions of Marine Bioscience to Industrial Biotechnology’

Member of RSC Chemical/Biology Forum 2003-2006

Member of BBSRC BMS Committee 1995-1998

EU Activities

Contributed to writing of SusChem (Sustainable Chemistry for Europe) documentation 2006-2007

Attended European Section of Applied Biocatalyis meetings in Brussels, Germany, Austria 2007-2013

Evaluation of EU Framework 7 call on ‘Designer Enzymes’, 2009

Evaluation of major EU grants 2012 and 2013.Industrial Biocatalysis

Advisor to EU Commission on Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Brussels,2009

Evaluation of applications for ERC grants, New Investigators 2009 onwards

EU commission advisory committee in Brussels on Industrial Biotechnology and evaluation of mid term large consortia grants 2012-2013.


Evaluation of ERC grants

Invited Article in European Reports in Biotechnology 2008 ‘Robust Enzyme Catalysts with Commercial Applications’

Member of INSTRUCT UK Liaison Group, for the Development of Central Facilities for Structural Biology in Europe.

Member of Biosciences for Business, KTN

Editorial responsibilities

Editorial Board International Journal Extremophiles. current

Editorial Board – Biotechnology Letters

Refereeing grant proposals UK, NIH, USA New Zealand, Norway and France

Refereeing papers for major international journals

Refereeing proposals for Queens Anniversary Awards 2006

Reviewing of Grants for MRC, BBSRC, EPSRC and Wellcome Trust, Innovate UK

Reviewing of scientific papers for high impact scientific journals

Review of major BBSRC and EPSRC Facilities, eg 2003 Chemical Database Service

Review of Queens Anniversary Awards

Member of BBSRC REI Committee 2004

Member of BBSRC Nibb Committee

Member of EPSRC Committees 2017

Member of BBSRC Equipment Committee 2018

Member of RSC Chemical/Biology Forum 2003 onwards

Member of Advisory Committee MRC

Member of the EPSRC/BBSRC Biomolecular Sciences Committee until 1998.

Member of Life Science Committee EPSRC current

Member of User Group 1 - Protein Crystallography, Daresbury laboratory

Member of the Advisory Board - Journal of Molecular Recognition.

Editorial Board International Journal Extremophiles

Invited lectures

American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA August 2006

International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France Sep. 2006

International Meeting on Industrial Enzymes, Osaka, Japan March 2007

International Protein Stabilisation Conference, University of Exeter, April 2007

Max-Planck Symposium on Ribosomes, Berlin May 2007

International Meeting on Amino Acids and Proteins, Greece August 2007

EU Meeting on Industrial Biotechnology, Symbiosis, Barcelona, September 2007

International Meeting on Thermophiles, Bergen, September 2007

Invited lecture International Meeting on Vanadium Enzymes, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2008

International Conference on Extremophiles, Cape Town,South Africa, September 2008

International BIOPROSP 2009 Meeting, Tromso, Norway, February 2009

International ProStab Meeting, Graz, Austria, April 2009

International Biotrans 2009 Meeting, Bern, Switzerland July 2009

Keynote Lecture International Thermophiles 2009, Beijing, China, August 2009

Session Chair and Keynote Lecture European Symbiosis Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 2009.

Plenary Lecture South African Biochemical Society, Bloemfontaine, South Africa, Jan 2010

Invited lecture International Thermophiles Meeting, Montana, USA and International Extremophiles Meeting, Athens, Georgia, USA 9th -17th September 2011

Invited lecture International Extremophile Meeting – Key to Bioenergy Athens Geogia, USA Sep 19th -20th 2011

Invited lecture and session chair -International Marine Biodiversity Meeting, Aberdeen, Scotland26th -30th Sep 2011

International Biotransformation Conference, ESAB Meeting and COST Meeting, Naxos, Sicily.30th Sep to 8th Oct, 2011

Invited speaker - International Protein Stabilisation Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2nd-4th 2012.

Keynote speaker Leading Industrial Biotechnology. Focus on Biotechnology, York, UK May 2012

Invited lecture-International Extremophile Meeting, Seville, Spain, September 2012

Invited lecture and session chair International Conference on Marine Biotechnology, Dalian, China , September, 2012

Invited lecture -International Zing Conference on Biocatalysis, Cacun, Mexico December 2012

Invited lecture -International Transaminase Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, Feb 2013

Keynote speaker-International Thermophile Meeting.Regensburg, Germany, September 2013

Recent Lectures

Invited lecture International Thermophiles Meeting, Montana, USA and International Extremophiles Meeting, USA September 2011

Invited lecture International Extremophile Meeting – Key to Bioenergy Athens Geogia, USA Sep 19th -20th 2011

Invited lecture and session chair -International Marine Biodiversity Meeting, Aberdeen, Scotland 26th -30th Sep 2011

International Biotransformation Conference, ESAB Meeting and COST Meeting, Naxos, Sicily.30th Sep to 8th Oct, 2011

Invited speaker International Protein Stabilisation Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2nd-4th 2012.

Keynote speaker Leading Industrial Biotechnology. Focus on Biotechnology, York, UK May 2012

Invited lecture-International Extremophile Meeting, Seville, Spain, September 2012

Invited lecture and session chair International Conference on Marine Biotechnology, Dalian, China , September, 2012

Invited lecture -International Zing Conference on Biocatalysis, Cacun, Mexico December 2012

Invited lecture -International Transaminase Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, Feb 2013

Keynote speaker-International Thermophile Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, September 2013

Invited lecture International Extremophiles Meeting, St Petersburg, Russia, September, 2014

Invited lecture International Protein Stabilisation Meeting, Stressa, Italy, May 2014

Invited lecture International Novel Enzymes Meeting, Gent, Belgium, Oct. 2014

Invited lecture TRANSAM Meeting, Greitswald, Germany, Feb. 2015

Invited lecture International Biotrans Meeting, Vienna, July 2015

Invited Lecture US Society of Molecular Biology, Philidelphia, US, August 2015

Plenary Lecture International Thermophiles Meeting, Chile, September, 2015

Plenary Lecture 11th International Conference on Protein Stabilisation ProtStab, Istanbul, Turkey, 9th -11th May 2016

Invited Lecture 12th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries , Ghent, Belgium 30th May – 1st June 2016

Plenary Lecture, European Congress on Biotechnology, ECIB16 Krakow, Poland, 3rd to 6th July 2016

Invited lecture, Ecc International Extremophile Meeting, Sophia, Bulgaria, September, 2016

Invited Lecture International Russian Biochemistry Meeting, Sochi, Russia 3rd-10th October 2016

Keynote Lecture International Thermophile Meeting, South Africa, 24th August to 1st Sep, 2017

Keynote Lecture International Biotechnology Meeting, March, London, 2018

Keynote Lecture International Protein Stabilisation Meeting, ProStab, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2018

Keynote Lecture ECB18 ESAB/Asian Meeting, Geneva, July, 2018

7th International School on the Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules Como, Italy, May 2003

International Thermophile Meeting, Exeter, Sep. 2003

International Biocatalysis Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 2004

International Vanadium Meeting, Budapest Hungary, 2004

RSC Frontiers Meeting in Mechanistic Enzymology and Biocatalysis, Exeter Aug-Sep. 2005

International Extremophile Meeting in Baltimore, USA Sep. 2004

US Biocatalysis Company, Diversa, USA Sep 2005

International Thermophiles 2005, Brisban, Australia, Sep. 2005

International Symposium on Extremophiles and Their Applications, Japan, Nov. 2005

International Symposium on Hydration in Proteins, Japan, Nov 2005

International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France, Sep. 2006

Coast to Coast Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Torquay, 2006

International Symposium on Vanadium, San Francisco, USA Sep. 2006

International Meeting on Industrial Enzymes, Osaka, Japan March, 2007

International Protein Stabilisation Conference, University of Exeter, April 2007

Max-Planck Symposium on Ribosomes, Berlin May 2007

International Meeting on Amino Acids and Proteins, Greece August 2007

International Meeting on Thermophiles, Bergen, Norway Sep. 2007

Pacific Rim Conference on Biotechnology, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2007

South West Structural Biology Consortium 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (Exeter)

Media Coverage

Invited Article in European Reports in Biotechnology 2008 ‘Robust Enzyme Catalysts with Commercial Applications’

Nature's Catalysts and New Pharmaceuticals. Lecture to the Institute of Biology, Devon Section

Lectures to Exeter Discussion group and Exeter Womens Society, 2004.

Presented work as part of Astrazeneca Meeting, Bio-Business Success in South West England.

Presented work at Peninsula Medical School Academic evenings in Exeter and Plymouth.

Interview and video clip of my groups work appearing on local news BBC TV

Interview and article appearing in Express and Echo, local newspaper, 2003

Featured in 'Excellence in SW Book' published by SWRDA

Article in the 'Biochemist' on Cures from the Ends of the Earth, new pharmaceuticals from thermophilic enzymes.

Cafe Scientific Lecture, Exeter Phoenix May 2007

Article in Devon Life July 2007 Cures from the Ends of the Earth

Press Release of DTI Fasttrack Award with Aquapharm, Oban, 2007

Workshops/Conferences organised

International Thermophiles meeting 2003 Exeter

International Protein Stabilisation Meeting, 2007 Exeter

International Novel Enzymes Meeting 2010

RSC Mechanistic Enzymology Meeting 2005 Exeter

South west Structural Biology Meetings Exeter 2001 and 2008

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Programme Director: BSc Biological and Medicinal Chemistry

Programme Director: MSc Biocatalysis


  • BIO1311 Microbiology and Biochemistry,
  • BIO1313 Introduction to the Biotechnology Industry,
  • BIO2059 Methods of Analysis of Macromolecules,
  • BIO3057 Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Therapeutics,
  • BIOM503 Essentials in Molecular Biology,
  • BIOM504 Sequence Alignment and Structural Biology,
  • BIOM029 Advanced Biological Chemistry



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Joseph Bull
  • Simone De Rose
  • Kamal Hamidi-Nokhostin
  • Paul James
  • Matthew Martin
  • Nathan Menderin
  • Halina Novak
  • Emma Reid
  • Vahid Saneei
  • Christopher Sayers
  • Katalin Szabo (with PMS)
  • Rita Vaz
  • Simon Willies
  • Justyna Worek

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