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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor John A Bryant

Professor John A Bryant

Emeritus Professor

 Geoffrey Pope 


Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter , Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK



2004-present: Fellow of the Wessex Institute of Technology

2003-present: Research Associate of the ESRC Genomics in Society Centre

2003-2005: President, Society for Experimental Biology)

2001-present: Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences

1999-present: Visiting Professor of Molecular Biology, West Virginia State University

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Research interests

1. Regulation of the cell cycle with particular emphasis on (a) the initiation of DNA replication and (b) the interaction between cellular metabolism and key cell cycle events

2. Bioethics (a) Attitudes to bioethical issues (partly in collaboration with EGENIS); (b) The teaching of ethics to bioscience students (I am co-chair of the Higher Education Academy / Centre for Bioscience Special Interest Group on this topic).

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Journal articles

Bryant JA, Aves SJ (2011). Initiation of DNA replication: functional and evolutionary aspects. Ann Bot, 107(7), 1119-1126. Abstract.  Author URL.

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In this academic year I am teaching Level 1 Introduction to Biotechnology and Level 2 Bioethics; I have also supervised 6 projects, all in Bioethics.

I am also actively involved in various aspects of Science Communication and contribute regularly to local, national and sometimes international workshops on this topic

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