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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor Stuart Bearhop

Professor Stuart Bearhop

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement and Professor of Animal Ecology

 01326 371835

 Stella Turk Building 311


University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, TR10 9FE


I am an ecologist with a range of interests mainly related to migration and foraging ecology of vertebrates (particularly birds) and the application of stable isotope techniques in animal ecology. I am a member of the Ecology and Conservation research group.

I am the Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement for the The Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy.


  • 1995 BSc (Hons) Glasgow
  • 1999 PhD Glasgow
  • 2012 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


  • 2011-present Professor of Animal Ecology, University of Exeter
  • 2010-2011 Associate Professor in Animal Ecology, University of Exeter
  • 2007-2010 Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology, University of Exeter
  • 2004-2006 Lecturer in Conservation Biology, Queen's University Belfast
  • 2001-2003 NERC Independent Research Fellow, Queen's University Belfast & University of Glasgow
  • 2000-2001 NERC Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham
  • 1999-2000 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Glasgow


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Research interests

My research focuses on spatial and trophic ecology of animals, with a particular interest in the causes and consequences of intra-population variation in movement and foraging behaviours. I also work on  applications of stable isotope techniques. My research group works at field sites all over the world: UK, Ireland, Iceland, Iberia, Canadian Arctic, North Atlantic, west Africa, Kenya, Hong Kong, China 

Research projects

1. Drivers of fitness in long distance migrants

Long distance migration in birds is among the most dramatic and exciting phenomena in nature, enthusing both scientists and members of the public alike. However despite many years of study, the first theories were proposed by Aristotle over 2000 years ago, there are still huge gaps in our understanding of how migration shapes individual ecology and influences population processes. For example, we know little of how migratory animals manage trade offs within and among seasons and how these in turn drive variation in productivity, survival or breeding phenology. Elucidating the causes and consequences of this intraspecific variation, lies at the heart of ecological and evolutionary enquiry as it is material upon which natural selection can operate and understanding of the manner in which events across the annual cycle influence demography has implications for conservation and management.

I am interested in a range of questions linked to this theme such as:

How do interactions among the seasons influence fitness?
Known as carry over effects these phenomena are likely to play a hugely important role in shaping individual life histories, for example settling on a poor quality wintering territory will likely reduce resource intake, which may in turn influence when animals migrate and how much resources they can devote to reproduction. I have a range of projects investigating the role that carry over effects might play.

How do physiological mechanisms such as oxidative stress influence migratory decisions?
Fuelling migration presents a physiological challenge not just in terms of sustained high metabolic performance, but also in how the animals manage to deal with the large amount of oxidative stress (OS) associated with this level of activity. Resources allocated to protection from OS during migration cannot be subsequently allocated to other important systems such as reproduction or immunity. My group is trying to understand how such trade offs are managed.

In order to address these questions we have set up a long-term study on a marked population of light-bellied Brent geese in collaboration with the Irish Brent Goose Research Group and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. These birds spend the winter in Ireland, stage in Iceland and breed in the High Canadian Arctic making one of the longest migrations of any goose species. Over the last 10 years we have marked over 3000 animals and now have a database comprising over 100000 resightings, with data on morphometrics, associations, fat stores and number of offspring. We are also using long-term Whooper swan data bases (held by the WWT).

2. Social structure among group living animals

Social behaviour is an integral component in the lives of numerous animal species. As such there is a huge body of both theory and empirical work covering the selection pressures and trade-offs that underpin group living. However it is becoming increasingly clear that the associations that individuals form within groups are often non-random. It is also important that we can recognise the form of such associations as they may not necessarily be simply social, and cryptic kin structure appears to be a widespread phenomenon in vertebrate populations. Understanding the causes and consequences of these non-random associations, and the form that they take, has important ecological, evolutionary, disease and conservation implications. Social network theory provides us with the tools necessary to begin to investigate these phenomena.

Here I am interested in questions such as:

What are the benefits of forming stable associations (or having friends) in unrelated animals?
Among group foragers there are well-understood trade offs between foraging, aggression and vigilance. One way of freeing up time for more foraging could be to associate with familiar individuals, thereby reducing the time allocated to aggression.

What evidence is there for cryptic kin structure among such stable associations?
Although, alliances may not necessarily occur between related individuals an obvious way in which they might form is via associations with kin. Such relationships could bring inclusive fitness benefits as well as those outlined above.

We are investigation the causes and consequences of these stable associations in migratory wildfowl and badgers.

3. The causes and consequences of individual foraging specialisations

Treating all individuals within a population as ecologically equivalent is an oversimplification and ignoring variation among individuals, particularly with respect to resource use, is likely to impede our ability to grasp a suite of ecological and evolutionary processes. Individuals often vary consistently in the extent to which they exploit different food resourcesand this variation can sometimes comprise the majority of a population’s trophic niche width. Individual specialization in diet and foraging behaviour has important implications for ecology, evolution (including speciation) and conservation but remains largely unevaluated and poorly understood for most free-living consumers.

The kinds of question we are trying to answer here are:

What processes drive patterns of individual specialisation?
Are there environmental variables such as the distribution of resources or the number of intraspecific competitors that can explain why some individuals might choose to specialise on a subset of the population’s dietary niche.

What are the consequences of individual specialisations?
Is specialism better than generalsism? Does this apply in all circumstances? Are all specialists equal? We are trying to link these patterns of foraging to proxies of fitness, such as foraging effort, body condition and reproductive success.
We are using Northern Gannets studied at multiple colonies around the British Isles and multiple badger social groups to investigate these questions.

4. Stable isotopes as markers of diet

In much of my work I have used stable isotopes as forensic markers of diet, habitat selection and movement. These are really exciting tools and can provide remarkable insights where conventional methods fail (particularly when multiple approached are combined). I have an interest in how we can better use these tools as measures of resource breadth at both the individual and community level. As such I have also been closely involved in the development of new Bayesian tools that enhance our ability to use stable isotope ratios as markers of diet and resource use.

Cannon netting brent geese

Over the last 20 years we have marked over 6000 animals and now have a database comprising over 500000 resightings

Research grants

  • 2017 Transport Northern Ireland
    Assessing the impact of road building on whooper swans
  • 2017 Natural Environment Research Council
    The effect of disturbance on barnacle geese
  • 2017 Fingal, Dublin
    Funds to support PhD research on urban habitat use in Brent geese
  • 2017 Natural Environment Research Council
    Unravelling the causes of migratory declines in Afro-palearctic migrants
  • 2016 WWT
    Decline of the Greenland White-fronted goose (WWT)
  • 2014 WWT
    The reintroduction of common cranes into the UK
  • 2013 European Research Council
    Multi-level trade offs in an extreme migrant
  • 2012 ERC Consolidators Grant
    Fitness drivers in long-distance migrants: the interacting roles of physiology, social biology, ecological and physical environments
  • 2011 FERA
    Postgraduate programme (PhD and MRes) with Prof R McDonald
  • 2011 WWT
    Population ecology of Greenland White-fronted Geese with Dr D Hodgson, Dr T Fox and Dr G Hilton
  • 2011 TSB
    Impact of tidal power generation devices with Dr R Inger
  • 2010 FERA
    Postgraduate programme (PhD and MRes) with Prof R McDonald
  • 2010 NERC
    Facility grant to carry out stable isotope analyses at SUERC
  • 2010 NERC Std Grant
    Individual specialization in a wide ranging predator. With Dr K Hamer (Leeds) and Dr Steve Votier (Plymouth)
  • 2009 European Union Atlantic Area INTERREG II Initiative
    Top predators in marine systems with Dr Brendan Godley and Dr Annette Broderick.
  • 2009 FCT (Portugal)
    Studentship: individual specialisation in albatrosses, with Dr Paulo Catry (Lisbon)
  • 2009 European Science Foundation
    Internal allocation
  • 2009 FERA
    Migration and dispersal of serotine bats: with Dr David Hosken
  • 2009 FERA
    Stable isotopes as measures of community function with Dr Frank Van Veen
  • 2009 NERC
    NERC Std Grant with Drs Ali Dunn (Leeds) and Jaimie Dick (Belfast)
  • 2008 South West Regional Development Agency
    Wavehub (potential impact on large vertebrates) PI: Brendan Godley
  • 2008 FERA
    Studentship, Social networks in Badgers Co-supervised with Dr Sasha Dall
  • 2008 Leverhulme Trust
    Migrations of bats CoI Iwth Prof J Altringham (Leeds)
  • 2008 NERC CASE Studentship (open competition)
    Rats on islands CASE Studentship (open competition) with Prof J Memmott (Bristol)
  • 2008 NERC
    SMG Facilty Grant: Genetic structure in goose populations
  • 2008 NERC
    Std Grant: Causes and consequences of variation in dispersal with Dr David Hodgson
  • 2008 Royal Society Travel Grant
    Conference grant
  • 2007 NERC
    Facility Grant for funding to carry out isotope analyses at SUERC.
  • 2007 NERC
    CASE Studentship (departmental competition) Dispersal in geese. With Drs Tom Tregenza and David Hodgson
  • 2007 NERC
    CASE Studentship (open competition) Impact of bird feeders. With Dr J Blount
  • 2007 NERC
    CASE Studentship (open competition) Impacts of rats on islands
  • 2007 Leverhulme Trust
    Pump priming for Bat migration study. PI: J. Altringham (Leeds)
  • 2006 NERC
    Facility Grant for funding to carry out isotope analyses at SUERC.
  • 2005 NERC
    NERC Facility Grant for funding to carry out isotope analyses at SUERC
  • 2005 EHS
    Lamprey fisheries in Lough Neagh.
  • 2005 Better Belfast
    Birds, bees and biodiversity.
  • 2005 Quercus
    Alien predators on islands.
  • 2005 DARD
    Studentship: Impact of piscivorous predators
  • 2005 DARD
    Studentship: Rodenticide use in NI
  • 2005 NERC
    Facility Grant for funding to carry out isotope analyses at
  • 2004 NERC
    Standard Grant: The fuelling of terrestrial foodwebs by biogenic methane
  • 2004 NERC
    Facility Grant for funding to carry out isotope analyses at SUERC.
  • 2004 Royal Society
    Conference Grant.
  • 2004 DARD
    Studentship: Bats & agriculture.
  • 2004 DEL
    Impact of bird feeders.
  • 2003 NERC
    CASE Studentship: Foraging decisions in brent geese.
  • 2002 IBLS
    Research support grant (open competition).
  • 2002 Royal Society of Edinburgh
    Travel Grant April.
  • 2002 US Fish & Wildlife Natural Heritage
  • 2001 NERC
    To carry out isotope analyses at SUERC.
  • 2001 NERC
    Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded in February

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Journal articles

Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Cleasby I, Bell F, Parr N, Schultz A, Votier SC (In Press). A phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis of biologging device effects on birds: Deleterious effects and a call for more standardized reporting of study data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Bearhop S, Cleasby IR, Bodey TW, Vigfusdottir F, McDonald JL, McElwaine G, Mackie K, Colhoun K (In Press). Climatic conditions produce contrasting influences on demographic traits in a long distance Arctic migrant. Journal of Animal Ecology
Votier SC, Fayet A, Bearhop S, Bodey T, Clark B, Grecian WJ, Guilford T, Hamer K, Jeglinski J, Morgan G, et al (In Press). Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Votier SC, Grecian WJ, Witt MJ, Bearhop, Attrill M, Godley BJ (In Press). Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biology Letters
McIntosh ALS, Langley LP, Hilton GM, Shaw JM, Bearhop S (2024). Flying without fear: Shooting disturbance has little effect on site preferences in a conflict goose species. Journal of Applied Ecology Abstract.
Bell O, Jones ME, Ruiz-Aravena M, Hamilton DG, Comte S, Hamer R, Hamede RK, Newton J, Bearhop S, McDonald RA, et al (2024). Human habitat modification, not apex scavenger decline, drives isotopic niche variation in a carnivore community. Oecologia, 204(4), 943-957. Abstract.
Bell F, Ouwehand J, Both C, Briedis M, Lisovski S, Wang X, Bearhop S, Burgess M (2024). Individuals departing non-breeding areas early achieve earlier breeding and higher breeding success. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
Marsh KJ, Bearhop S, Harrison XA (2024). Linking microbiome temporal dynamics to host ecology in the wild. Trends in Microbiology Abstract.
Ozsanlav-Harris L, Burgess MD, Hilton GM, Bearhop S (2023). Changes in the spatial patterns of avian migrations: Evidence, mechanisms and causes. Diversity and Distributions, 29(12), 1527-1545. Abstract.
Lee SCR, Hodgson DJ, Bearhop S (2023). Correction: What has biotelemetry ever done for avian translocations?. Mov Ecol, 11(1).  Author URL.
Downing BC, Silk MJ, Delahay RJ, Bearhop S, Royle NJ (2023). Culling‐induced perturbation of social networks of wild geese reinforces rather than disrupts associations among survivors. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(12), 2613-2624. Abstract.
Soriano-Redondo A, Inger R, Sherley RB, Rees EC, Abadi F, McElwaine G, Colhoun K, Einarsson O, Thorstensen S, Newth J, et al (2023). Demographic rates reveal the benefits of protected areas in a long-lived migratory bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(12). Abstract.
Ozsanlav‐Harris L, Hilton GM, Griffin LR, Walsh AJ, Cao L, Weegman MD, Bearhop S (2023). Differing drivers of decline within a migratory metapopulation has implications for future conservation. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7). Abstract.
Atkins K, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Grecian WJ, Hamer K, Pereira JM, Meinertzhagen H, Mitchell C, Morgan G, Morgan L, et al (2023). Geolocator-tracking seabird migration and moult reveal large-scale, temperature-driven isoscapes in the NE Atlantic. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 37(9). Abstract.  Author URL.
McIntosh ALS, Ozsanlav‐Harris L, Taggart MA, Shaw JM, Hilton GM, Bearhop S (2023). Incidence of lead ingestion in managed goose populations and the efficacy of imposed restrictions on the use of lead shot. Ibis, 165(4), 1397-1413. Abstract.
Kuepfer A, Catry P, Bearhop S, Sherley RB, Bell O, Newton J, Brickle P, Arkhipkin A, Votier SC (2023). Inter-colony and inter-annual variation in discard use by albatross chicks revealed using isotopes and regurgitates. Marine Biology, 170(4). Abstract.
McIntosh ALS, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Shaw JM, Johnson FA (2023). Modelling harvest of Greenland barnacle geese and its implications in mitigating human–wildlife conflict. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(5), 764-777. Abstract.
Jones I, Marsh K, Handby TM, Hopkins K, Slezacek J, Bearhop S, Harrison XA (2023). The influence of diet on gut microbiome and body mass dynamics in a capital-breeding migratory bird. PeerJ, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Cunningham SA, Schafer TLJ, Wikle CK, VonBank JA, Ballard BM, Cao L, Bearhop S, Fox AD, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, et al (2023). Time-varying effects of local weather on behavior and probability of breeding deferral in two Arctic-nesting goose populations. Oecologia, 201(2), 369-383. Abstract.
Woods RD, Swaddle JP, Bearhop S, Colhoun K, Gaze WH, Kay SM, McDonald RA (2022). A Sonic Net deters European starlings <i>Sturnus vulgaris</i> from maize silage stores. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 46(4). Abstract.
Weegman MD, Walsh AJ, Ogilvie MA, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Hodgson DJ, Fox AD (2022). Adult survival and per-capita production of young explain dynamics of a long-lived goose population. IBIS, 164(2), 574-580.  Author URL.
Swan GJF, Bearhop S, Redpath SM, Silk MJ, Padfield D, Goodwin CED, McDonald RA (2022). Associations between abundances of free-roaming gamebirds and common buzzards <i>Buteo buteo</i> are not driven by consumption of gamebirds in the buzzard breeding season. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 12(5).  Author URL.
Handby T, Slezacek J, Lupi S, Colhoun K, Harrison XA, Bearhop S (2022). Changes in Behaviour and Proxies of Physiology Suggest Individual Variation in the Building of Migratory Phenotypes in Preparation for Long-Distance Flights. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
Goetz KT, Stephenson F, Hoskins A, Bindoff AD, Orben RA, Sagar PM, Torres LG, Kroeger CE, Sztukowski LA, Phillips RA, et al (2022). Data Quality Influences the Predicted Distribution and Habitat of Four Southern-Hemisphere Albatross Species. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9
Newth JL, McDonald RA, Wood KA, Rees EC, Semenov I, Chistyakov A, Mikhaylova G, Bearhop S, Cromie RL, Belousova A, et al (2022). Predicting intention to hunt protected wildlife: a case study of Bewick's swan in the European Russian Arctic. ORYX, 56(2), 228-240. Abstract.
Mills WF, Ibañez AE, Bustamante P, Carneiro APB, Bearhop S, Cherel Y, Mariano-Jelicich R, McGill RAR, Montalti D, Votier SC, et al (2022). Spatial and sex differences in mercury contamination of skuas in the Southern Ocean. Environ Pollut, 297 Abstract.  Author URL.
Langley LP, Bearhop S, Burton NHK, Banks AN, Frayling T, Thaxter CB, Clewley GD, Scragg E, Votier SC (2022). Urban and coastal breeding lesser black‐backed gulls (Larus fuscus) segregate by foraging habitat. Ibis, 165(1), 214-230.
Evans SR, Bearhop S (2022). Variation in movement strategies: Capital versus income migration. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(10), 1961-1974. Abstract.
Ozsanlav-Harris L, Griffin LR, Weegman MD, Cao L, Hilton GM, Bearhop S (2022). Wearable reproductive trackers: quantifying a key life history event remotely. ANIMAL BIOTELEMETRY, 10(1).  Author URL.
Lee SCR, Hodgson DJ, Bearhop S (2022). What has biotelemetry ever done for avian translocations?. Mov Ecol, 10(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Brakes P, Carroll EL, Dall SRX, Keith SA, McGregor PK, Mesnick SL, Noad MJ, Rendell L, Robbins MM, Rutz C, et al (2021). A deepening understanding of animal culture suggests lessons for conservation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1949). Abstract.
Cecchetti M, Crowley SL, Goodwin CED, Cole H, McDonald J, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2021). Contributions of wild and provisioned foods to the diets of domestic cats that depredate wild animals. Ecosphere, 12(9). Abstract.
Langley LP, Bearhop S, Burton NHK, Banks AN, Frayling T, Thaxter CB, Clewley GD, Scragg E, Votier SC (2021). GPS tracking reveals landfill closures induce higher foraging effort and habitat switching in gulls. MOVEMENT ECOLOGY, 9(1).  Author URL.
Bell F, Bearhop S, Briedis M, El Harouchi M, Bell SC, Castello J, Burgess M (2021). Geolocators reveal variation and sex‐specific differences in the migratory strategies of a long‐distance migrant. Ibis, 164(2), 451-467. Abstract.
Bell O, Jones ME, Cunningham CX, Ruiz-Aravena M, Hamilton DG, Comte S, Hamede RK, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2021). Isotopic niche variation in Tasmanian devils Sarcophilus harrisii with progression of devil facial tumor disease. Ecology and Evolution, 11(12), 8038-8053. Abstract.
Gimenez J, Arneill GE, Bennison A, Pirotta E, Gerritsen HD, Bodey TW, Bearhop S, Hamer KC, Votier S, Jessopp M, et al (2021). Sexual Mismatch Between Vessel-Associated Foraging and Discard Consumption in a Marine Top Predator. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 8  Author URL.
Clark BL, Cox SL, Atkins KM, Bearhop S, Bicknell AWJ, Bodey TW, Cleasby IR, Grecian WJ, Hamer KC, Loveday BR, et al (2021). Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 661, 1-16. Abstract.
Doyle S, Cabot D, Griffin L, Kane A, Colhoun K, Bearhop S, McMahon BJ (2021). Spring and autumn movements of an Arctic bird in relation to temperature and primary production. JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY, 52(11).  Author URL.
Lemos Gonçalves GR, Melo dos Santos PV, Costa VE, Negreiros-Fransozo ML, Bearhop S, Castilho AL (2021). Trophic relationships between the crab Libinia ferreirae and its symbionts. Marine Environmental Research, 171, 105479-105479.
Bell O, Jones ME, Ruiz‐Aravena M, Hamede RK, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2020). Age‐related variation in the trophic characteristics of a marsupial carnivore, the Tasmanian devil <i>Sarcophilus harrisii</i>. Ecology and Evolution, 10(14), 7861-7871. Abstract.
Bodey TW, Cleasby IR, Blount JD, McElwaine G, Vigfusdottir F, Bearhop S (2020). Consistent measures of oxidative balance predict survival but not reproduction in a long-distance migrant. J Anim Ecol, 89(8), 1872-1882. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mills WF, Xavier JC, Bearhop S, Cherel Y, Votier SC, Waluda CM, Phillips RA (2020). Long-term trends in albatross diets in relation to prey availability and breeding success. Marine Biology, 167(3).
Mills WF, Bustamante P, McGill RAR, Anderson ORJ, Bearhop S, Cherel Y, Votier SC, Phillips RA (2020). Mercury exposure in an endangered seabird: long-term changes and relationships with trophic ecology and breeding success. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1941), 20202683-20202683. Abstract.
Soriano-Redondo A, Gutiérrez JS, Hodgson D, Bearhop S (2020). Migrant birds and mammals live faster than residents. Nature Communications, 11(1). Abstract.
Bodey TW, Barnett R, du Feu CR, Clark JR, Bearhop S (2020). Nesting outcomes under anthropogenic change – effects of changing climate and nestbox provision on the reproduction of Great Tits <i>Parus major</i>. Ibis, 163(1), 65-78. Abstract.
McNicol CM, Bavin D, Bearhop S, Bridges J, Croose E, Gill R, Goodwin CED, Lewis J, MacPherson J, Padfield D, et al (2020). Postrelease movement and habitat selection of translocated pine martens <i>Martes martes</i>. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 10(11), 5106-5118.  Author URL.
Doyle S, Cabot D, Walsh A, Inger R, Bearhop S, McMahon BJ (2020). Temperature and precipitation at migratory grounds influence demographic trends of an Arctic-breeding bird. Glob Chang Biol, 26(10), 5447-5458. Abstract.  Author URL.
McNicol CM, Bavin D, Bearhop S, Ferryman M, Gill R, Goodwin CED, MacPherson J, Silk MJ, McDonald RA (2020). Translocated native pine martens <i>Martes martes</i> alter short‐term space use by invasive non‐native grey squirrels <i>Sciurus carolinensis</i>. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(5), 903-913. Abstract.
Brakes P, Dall SRX, Aplin LM, Bearhop S, Carroll EL, Ciucci P, Fishlock V, Ford JKB, Garland EC, Keith SA, et al (2019). Animal cultures matter for conservation. Science
Newth JL, Wood KA, McDonald RA, Nuno A, Semenov I, Chistyakov A, Mikhaylova G, Bearhop S, Belousova A, Glazov P, et al (2019). Conservation implications of misidentification and killing of protected species. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(5). Abstract.
Swan GJF, Bearhop S, Redpath SM, Silk MJ, Goodwin CED, Inger R, McDonald RA (2019). Evaluating Bayesian stable isotope mixing models of wild animal diet and the effects of trophic discrimination factors and informative priors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), 139-149. Abstract.
Grecian WJ, Williams HJ, Votier SC, Bearhop S, Cleasby IR, Gremillet D, Hamer KC, Le Nuz M, Lescroel A, Newton J, et al (2019). Individual Spatial Consistency and Dietary Flexibility in the Migratory Behavior of Northern Gannets Wintering in the Northeast Atlantic. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 7  Author URL.
Bearhop S, Bodey T, Cleasby IR, Blount J, Vigfusdottir F, MacKie K (2019). Measures of oxidative state are primarily driven by extrinsic factors in a long-distance migrant. Biology Letters, 15, 1-4.
Deakin Z, Hamer KC, Sherley RB, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Clark BL, James Grecian W, Gummery M, Lane J, Morgan G, et al (2019). Sex differences in migration and demography of a wide-ranging seabird, the Northern Gannet. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 622, 191-201. Abstract.
Soriano-Redondo A, Hilton GM, Gutiérrez JS, Lock L, Stanbury A, Votier SC, Bearhop S (2019). The role of immigration and reinforcement in the population dynamics of a long-lived bird: implications for the conservation of threatened species. Animal Conservation, 22(1), 49-58. Abstract.
Soriano-Redondo A, Jones-Todd CM, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Lock L, Stanbury A, Votier SC, Illian JB (2019). Understanding species distribution in dynamic populations: a new approach using spatio-temporal point process models. Ecography, 42(6), 1092-1102. Abstract.
Cleasby IR, Wakefield ED, Morrissey BJ, Bodey TW, Votier SC, Bearhop S, Hamer KC (2019). Using time-series similarity measures to compare animal movement trajectories in ecology. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(11). Abstract.
Blount J, Plummer K, Bearhop S, leech D, chamberlain D (2018). Effects of winter food provisioning on the phenotypes of breeding blue tits. Ecology and Evolution
Bodey TW, Cleasby IR, Votier SC, Hamer KC, Newton J, Patrick SC, Wakefield ED, Bearhop S (2018). Frequency and consequences of individual dietary specialisation in a wide-ranging marine predator, the northern gannet. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 604, 251-262.  Author URL.
Perkins MJ, Inger R, Bearhop S, Sanders D (2018). Multichannel feeding by spider functional groups is driven by feeding strategies and resource availability. Oikos, 127(1), 23-33. Abstract.
Healy K, Guillerme T, Kelly SBA, Inger R, Bearhop S, Jackson AL (2018). SIDER: an R package for predicting trophic discrimination factors of consumers based on their ecology and phylogenetic relatedness. Ecography, 41(8), 1393-1400. Abstract.
Bennison A, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Votier SC, Grecian WJ, Wakefield ED, Hamer KC, Jessopp M (2018). Search and foraging behaviors from movement data: a comparison of methods. Ecology and Evolution, 8(1), 13-24. Abstract.
Weegman MD, Fox AD, Hilton GM, Hodgson DJ, Walsh AJ, Griffin LR, Bearhop S (2017). Diagnosing the decline of the Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris using population and individual level techniques. Wildfowl, 67, 3-18. Abstract.
Swan GJF, Redpath SM, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2017). Ecology of Problem Individuals and the Efficacy of Selective Wildlife Management. Trends Ecol Evol, 32(7), 518-530. Abstract.  Author URL.
Parr N, Bearhop S, Douglas DC, Takekawa JY, Prosser DJ, Newman SH, Perry WM, Balachandran S, Witt MJ, Hou Y, et al (2017). High altitude flights by ruddy shelduck Tadorna ferruginea during trans-Himalayan migrations. Journal of Avian Biology, 48(10), 1310-1315. Abstract.
Soriano-Redondo A, Bearhop S, Lock L, Votier SC, Hilton GM (2017). Internet-based monitoring of public perception of conservation. Biological Conservation, 206, 304-309. Abstract.
Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, Griffin L, Resheff YS, Nathan R, Fox AD (2017). Using accelerometry to compare costs of extended migration in an arctic herbivore. CURRENT ZOOLOGY, 63(6), 667-674.  Author URL.
Moreno R, Stowasser G, McGill RAR, Bearhop S, Phillips RA (2016). Assessing the structure and temporal dynamics of seabird communities: the challenge of capturing marine ecosystem complexity. J Anim Ecol, 85(1), 199-212. Abstract.  Author URL.
Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Walsh A, Fox AD (2016). Conditions during adulthood affect cohort-specific reproductive success in an Arctic-nesting goose population. PeerJ, 4 Abstract.  Author URL.
Soriano-Redondo A, Bearhop S, Cleasby IR, Lock L, Votier SC, Hilton GM (2016). Ecological Responses to Extreme Flooding Events: a Case Study with a Reintroduced Bird. Sci Rep, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Fox AD, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, McDonald JL, Hodgson DJ (2016). Integrated population modelling reveals a perceived source to be a cryptic sink. J Anim Ecol, 85(2), 467-475. Abstract.  Author URL.
Catry P, Campos AR, Granadeiro JP, Neto JM, Ramos J, Newton J, Bearhop S (2016). Provenance does matter: links between winter trophic segregation and the migratory origins of European robins. Oecologia, 182(4), 985-994. Abstract.  Author URL.
Saporiti F, Bearhop S, Vales DG, Silva L, Zenteno L, Tavares M, Crespo EA, Cardona L (2016). Resource partitioning among air-breathing marine predators: are body size and mouth diameter the major determinants?. Marine Ecology, 37(5), 957-969. Abstract.
Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, Weegman KM, Hodgson DJ, Fox AD (2016). Should I stay or should I go? Fitness costs and benefits of prolonged parent-offspring and sibling-sibling associations in an Arctic-nesting goose population. Oecologia, 181(3), 809-817. Abstract.  Author URL.
Votier SC, Aspinall S, Bearhop S, Bilton D, Newton J, Alström P, Leader P, Carey G, Furnes RW, Olsson U, et al (2016). Stable isotopes and mtDNA reveal niche segregation but no evidence of intergradation along a habitat gradient in the Lesser Whitethroat complex (Sylvia curruca; Passeriformes; Aves). Journal of Ornithology, 157(4), 1017-1027. Abstract.
Catry T, Lourenco PM, Lopes RJ, Bocher P, Carneiro C, Alves JA, Delaporte P, Bearhop S, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP, et al (2016). Use of stable isotope fingerprints to assign wintering origin and trace shorebird movements along the East Atlantic Flyway. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY, 17(2), 177-187.  Author URL.
Newth JL, Rees EC, Cromie RL, McDonald RA, Bearhop S, Pain DJ, Norton GJ, Deacon C, Hilton GM (2016). Widespread exposure to lead affects the body condition of free-living whooper swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain. Environ Pollut, 209, 60-67. Abstract.  Author URL.
Patrick SC, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Grecian WJ, Hamer KC, Lee J, Votier SC (2015). Individual seabirds show consistent foraging strategies in response to predictable fisheries discards. JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY, 46(5), 431-440.  Author URL.
Agnew A, Wang J, Fanning S, Bearhop S, McMahon BJ (2015). Insights into antimicrobial resistance among long distance migratory East Canadian High Arctic light-bellied Brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota). Ir Vet J, 69 Abstract.  Author URL.
Saporiti F, Bearhop S, Vales DG, Silva L, Zenteno L, Tavares M, Crespo EA, Cardona L (2015). Latitudinal changes in the structure of marine food webs in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 538, 23-34. Abstract.
Wakefield ED, Cleasby IR, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Davies RD, Miller PI, Newton J, Votier SC, Hamer KC (2015). Long-term individual foraging site fidelitywhy some gannets don't change their spots. ECOLOGY, 96(11), 3058-3074.  Author URL.
Weegman MD, Fox AD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, Cleasby IR, Hodgson DJ (2015). No evidence for sex bias in winter inter-site movements in an Arctic-nesting goose population. Ibis, 157(2), 401-405. Abstract.
Weegman MD, Fox AD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Walsh AJ, Cleasby IR, Hodgson DJ (2015). No evidence for sex bias in winter inter-site movements in an Arctic-nesting goose population. Ibis
Moussy C, Atterby H, Griffiths AGF, Allnutt TR, Mathews F, Smith GC, Aegerter JN, Bearhop S, Hosken DJ (2015). Population genetic structure of serotine bats (<i>Eptesicus serotinus</i>) across Europe and implications for the potential spread of bat rabies (European bat lyssavirus EBLV-1). HEREDITY, 115(1), 83-92.  Author URL.
Robertson A, McDonald RA, Delahay RJ, Kelly SD, Bearhop S (2015). Resource availability affects individual niche variation and its consequences in group-living European badgers Meles meles. Oecologia, 178(1), 31-43. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cleasby IR, Wakefield ED, Bodey TW, Davies RD, Patrick SC, Newton J, Votier SC, Bearhop S, Hamer KC (2015). Sexual segregation in a wide-ranging marine predator is a consequence of habitat selection. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 518, 1-12. Abstract.
Catry T, Lourenço PM, Lopes RJ, Carneiro C, Alves JA, Costa J, Rguibi-Idrissi H, Bearhop S, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP, et al (2015). Structure and functioning of intertidal food webs along an avian flyway: a comparative approach using stable isotopes. Functional Ecology Abstract.
Silk MJ, Jackson AL, Croft DP, Colhoun K, Bearhop S (2015). The consequences of unidentifiable individuals for the analysis of an animal social network. Animal Behaviour, 104, 1-11. Abstract.
Cleasby IR, Wakefield ED, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Votier SC, Hamer KC (2015). Three-dimensional tracking of a wide-ranging marine predator: flight heights and vulnerability to offshore wind farms. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 52(6), 1474-1482.  Author URL.
Catry T, Lourenço PM, Lopes RJ, Bocher P, Carneiro C, Alves JA, Delaporte P, Bearhop S, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP, et al (2015). Use of stable isotope fingerprints to assign wintering origin and trace shorebird movements along the East Atlantic Flyway. Basic and Applied Ecology Abstract.
Perkins MJ, McDonald RA, van Veen FJF, Kelly SD, Rees G, Bearhop S (2014). Application of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes (δ(15)N and δ(13)C) to quantify food chain length and trophic structure. PLoS One, 9(3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillips DL, Inger R, Bearhop S, Jackson AL, Moore JW, Parnell AC, Semmens BX, Ward EJ (2014). Best practices for use of stable isotope mixing models in food-web studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92(10), 823-835. Abstract.
Fox AD, Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Hilton GM, Griffin L, Stroud DA, Walsh A (2014). Climate change and contrasting plasticity in timing of a two-step migration episode of an Arctic-nesting avian herbivore. Current Zoology, 60(2), 233-242. Abstract.
Resano-Mayor J, Hernández-Matías A, Real J, Parés F, Inger R, Bearhop S (2014). Comparing pellet and stable isotope analyses of nestling Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata diet. Ibis, 156(1), 176-188. Abstract.
O'Farrell S, Bearhop S, Mcgill RAR, Dahlgren CP, Brumbaugh DR, Mumby PJ (2014). Habitat and body size effects on the isotopic niche space of invasive lionfish and endangered Nassau grouper. ECOSPHERE, 5(10).  Author URL.
Patrick SC, Bearhop S, Gremillet D, Lescroel A, Grecian WJ, Bodey TW, Hamer KC, Wakefield E, Le Nuz M, Votier SC, et al (2014). Individual differences in searching behaviour and spatial foraging consistency in a central place marine predator. OIKOS, 123(1), 33-40.  Author URL.
Robertson A, McDonald RA, Delahay RJ, Kelly SD, Bearhop S (2014). Individual foraging specialisation in a social mammal: the European badger (Meles meles). Oecologia, 176(2), 409-421. Abstract.  Author URL.
Saporiti F, Bearhop S, Silva L, Vales DG, Zenteno L, Crespo EA, Aguilar A, Cardona L (2014). Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past. PLoS One, 9(7). Abstract.  Author URL.
Resano-Mayor J, Hernández-Matías A, Real J, Moleón M, Parés F, Inger R, Bearhop S (2014). Multi-scale effects of nestling diet on breeding performance in a terrestrial top predator inferred from stable isotope analysis. PLoS One, 9(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Maclean IM, Inger R, Booth CG, Embling CB, Grecian WJ, Heymans JJ, Plummer K, Shackshaft M, Sparling C, Wilson B, et al (2014). Resolving issues with environmental impact assessment of marine renewable energy installations. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1(75).
Bodey TW, Jessopp MJ, Votier SC, Gerritsen HD, Cleasby IR, Hamer KC, Patrick SC, Wakefield ED, Bearhop S (2014). Seabird movement reveals the ecological footprint of fishing vessels. Curr Biol, 24(11), R514-R515. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bodey TW, Ward EJ, Phillips RA, McGill RAR, Bearhop S (2014). Species versus guild level differentiation revealed across the annual cycle by isotopic niche examination. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(2), 470-478. Abstract.
Bodey TW, Ward EJ, Phillips RA, McGill RAR, Bearhop S (2014). Species versus guild level differentiation revealed across the annual cycle by isotopic niche examination. J Anim Ecol, 83(2), 470-478. Abstract.  Author URL.
Fox AD, Walsh AJ, Weegman MD, Bearhop S, Mitchell C (2014). Spring ice formation on goose neck collars: effects on body condition and survival in Greenland white-fronted geese <i>Anser albifrons flavirostris</i>. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 60(5), 831-834.  Author URL.
Silk MJ, Croft DP, Tregenza T, Bearhop S (2014). The importance of fission-fusion social group dynamics in birds. IBIS, 156(4), 701-715.  Author URL.
Gavrilchuk K, Lesage V, Ramp C, Sears R, Bérubé M, Bearhop S, Beauplet G (2014). Trophic niche partitioning among sympatric baleen whale species following the collapse of groundfish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 497, 285-301. Abstract.
Weber NL, Carter SP, Dall SRX, Delahay RJ, McDonald JL, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2013). Badger social networks correlate with tuberculosis infection. Current Biology, 23(20), R915-R916. Abstract.
Parnell AC, Phillips DL, Bearhop S, Semmens BX, Ward EJ, Moore JW, Jackson AL, Grey J, Kelly DJ, Inger R, et al (2013). Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. Environmetrics, 24(6), 387-399. Abstract.
Resano-Mayor J, Hernández-Matías A, Real J, Parés F, Inger R, Bearhop S (2013). Comparing pellet and stable isotope analyses of nestling Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata diet. Ibis
Weber N, Bearhop S, Dall SRX, Delahay RJ, McDonald RA, Carter SP (2013). Denning behaviour of the European badger (Meles meles) correlates with bovine tuberculosis infection status. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67, 471-479. Abstract.
Harrison XA, Hodgson DJ, Inger R, Colhoun K, Gudmundsson GA, McElwaine G, Tregenza T, Bearhop S (2013). Environmental conditions during breeding modify the strength of mass-dependent carry-over effects in a migratory bird. PLoS One, 8(10). Abstract.  Author URL.
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Fat provisioning in winter impairs egg production during the following spring: a landscape-scale study of blue tits. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82(3), 673-682. Abstract.
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Fat provisioning in winter impairs egg production during the following spring: a landscape-scale study of blue tits. J Anim Ecol, 82(3), 673-682. Abstract.  Author URL.
Perkins MJ, Mcdonald RA, van Veen FJF, Kelly SD, Rees G, Bearhop S (2013). Important impacts of tissue selection and lipid extraction on ecological parameters derived from stable isotope ratios. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(10), 944-953. Abstract.
Moussy C, Hosken DJ, Mathews F, Smith GC, Aegerter JN, Bearhop S (2013). Migration and dispersal patterns of bats and their influence on genetic structure. Mammal Review, 43, 183-195.
Dwyer RG, Bearhop S, Campbell HA, Bryant DM (2013). Shedding light on light: Benefits of anthropogenic illumination to a nocturnally foraging shorebird. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82(2), 478-485. Abstract.
Dwyer RG, Bearhop S, Campbell HA, Bryant DM (2013). Shedding light on light: benefits of anthropogenic illumination to a nocturnally foraging shorebird. J Anim Ecol, 82(2), 478-485. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wakefield ED, Bodey TW, Bearhop S, Blackburn J, Colhoun K, Davies R, Dwyer RG, Green JA, Gremillet D, Jackson AL, et al (2013). Space Partitioning Without Territoriality in Gannets. SCIENCE, 341(6141), 68-70.  Author URL.
Wakefield ED, Bodey TW, Bearhop S, Blackburn J, Colhoun K, Davies R, Dwyer RG, Green JA, Grémillet D, Jackson AL, et al (2013). Space partitioning without territoriality in gannets. Science, 341(6141), 68-70. Abstract.
Semmens BX, Ward EJ, Parnell AC, Phillips DL, Bearhop S, Inger R, Jackson A, Moore JW (2013). Statistical basis and outputs of stable isotope mixing models: Comment on Fry (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 490, 285-289. Abstract.
Fuller RA, Bearhop S, Metcalfe NB, Piersma T (2013). The effect of group size on vigilance in Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres varies with foraging habitat. Ibis, 155(2), 246-257. Abstract.
Plummer KE, Bearhop S, Leech DI, Chamberlain DE, Blount JD (2013). Winter food provisioning reduces future breeding performance in a wild bird. Sci Rep, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Grecian WJ, Witt MJ, Attrill MJ, Bearhop S, Godley BJ, Grémillet D, Hamer KC, Votier SC (2012). A novel projection technique to identify important at-sea areas for seabird conservation: an example using Northern gannets breeding in the North East Atlantic. Biological Conservation
Grecian WJ, Witt MJ, Attrill MJ, Bearhop S, Godley BJ, Grémillet D, Hamer KC, Votier SC (2012). A novel projection technique to identify important at-sea areas for seabird conservation: an example using Northern gannets breeding in the North East Atlantic. Biological Conservation, 156, 43-52. Abstract.
Brown SL, Bearhop S, Harrod C, McDonald RA (2012). A review of spatial and temporal variation in grey and common seal diet in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92(8), 1711-1722. Abstract.
Layman CA, Araujo MS, Boucek R, Hammerschlag-Peyer CM, Harrison E, Jud ZR, Matich P, Rosenblatt AE, Vaudo JJ, Yeager LA, et al (2012). Applying stable isotopes to examine food-web structure: an overview of analytical tools. Biological Reviews, 87(3), 545-562. Abstract.
Layman CA, Araujo MS, Boucek R, Hammerschlag-Peyer CM, Harrison E, Jud ZR, Matich P, Rosenblatt AE, Vaudo JJ, Yeager LA, et al (2012). Applying stable isotopes to examine food-web structure: an overview of analytical tools. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 87(3), 545-562. Abstract.  Author URL.
Witt MJ, Sheehan EV, Bearhop S, Broderick AC, Conley DC, Cotterell SP, Crow E, Grecian WJ, Halsband C, Hodgson DJ, et al (2012). Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 370(1959), 502-529. Abstract.
Witt MJ, Sheehan EV, Bearhop S, Broderick AC, Conley DC, Cotterell SP, Crow E, Grecian WJ, Halsband C, Hodgson DJ, et al (2012). Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 370(1959), 502-529.
Mainwaring MC, Hartley IR, Bearhop S, Brulez K, du Feu CR, Murphy G, Plummer KE, Webber SL, James Reynolds S, Deeming DC, et al (2012). Latitudinal variation in blue tit and great tit nest characteristics indicates environmental adjustment. Journal of Biogeography, 39(9), 1669-1677. Abstract.
Mainwaring MC, Hartley IR, Bearhop S, Brulez K, Du Feu CR, Murphy G, Plummer KE, Webber SL, James Reynolds S, Deeming DC, et al (2012). Latitudinal variation in blue tit and great tit nest characteristics indicates environmental adjustment. Journal of Biogeography
Fort J, Pettex E, Tremblay Y, Lorentsen SH, Garthe S, Votier S, Pons JB, Siorat F, Furness RW, Grecian WJ, et al (2012). Meta-population evidence of oriented chain migration in northern gannets (Morus bassanus). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(5), 237-242. Abstract.
Drewe JA, Weber N, Carter SP, Bearhop S, Harrison XA, Dall SRX, McDonald RA, Delahay RJ (2012). Performance of proximity loggers in recording intra- and inter-species interactions: a laboratory and field-based validation study. PLoS One, 7(6). Abstract.
Lewison R, Oro D, Godley BJ, Underhill L, Bearhop S, Wilson RP, Ainley D, Arcos JM, Boersma PD, Borboroglu PG, et al (2012). Research priorities for seabirds: Improving conservation and management in the 21st century. Endangered Species Research, 17(2), 93-121. Abstract.
Tosh DG, McDonald RA, Bearhop S, Llewellyn NR, Montgomery WI, Shore RF (2012). Rodenticide exposure in wood mouse and house mouse populations on farms and potential secondary risk to predators. Ecotoxicology, 21(5), 1325-1332. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stauss C, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Garthe S, Gunn C, Grecian WJ, Inger R, Knight ME, Newton J, Patrick SC, et al (2012). Sex-specific foraging behaviour in northern gannets Morus bassanus: incidence and implications. Marine Ecology Progress Series(457), 151-162. Abstract.
Robertson A, McDonald RA, Delahay RJ, Kelly SD, Bearhop S (2012). Whisker growth in wild Eurasian badgers Meles meles: implications for stable isotope and bait marking studies. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 1-10.
Bodey TW, Mcdonald RA, Sheldon RD, Bearhop S (2011). Absence of effects of predator control on nesting success of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus: Implications for conservation. Ibis, 153(3), 543-555. Abstract.
Jackson AL, Inger R, Parnell A, Bearhop S (2011). Comparing isotopic niche widths among and within communities: SIBER - Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(3), 595-602. Abstract.
Tosh DG, McDonald RA, Bearhop S, Lllewellyn NR, Fee S, Sharp EA, Barnett EA, Shore RF (2011). Does small mammal prey guild affect the exposure of predators to anticoagulant rodenticides?. Environ Pollut, 159(10), 3106-3112. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison XA, Bearhop S, Inger R, Colhoun K, Gudmundsson GA, Hodgson D, McElwaine G, Tregenza T (2011). Heterozygosity-fitness correlations in a migratory bird: an analysis of inbreeding and single-locus effects. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 20(22), 4786-4795.  Author URL.
Harrison XA, Bearhop S, Inger R, Colhoun K, Gudmundsson GA, Hodgson D, McElwaine G, Tregenza T (2011). Heterozygosity-fitness correlations in a migratory bird: an analysis of inbreeding and single-locus effects. Molecular ecology, 20(22), 4786-4795. Abstract.
Campos AR, Catry P, Tenreiro P, Neto JM, Pereira AC, Brito R, Cardoso H, Ramos JA, Bearhop S, Newton J, et al (2011). How do Robins Erithacus rubecula resident in Iberia respond to seasonal flooding by conspecific migrants?. Bird Study, 58(4), 435-442. Abstract.
Bodey TW, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2011). Localised control of an introduced predator: creating problems for the future?. Biol Invasions, 13(12), 2817-2828. Abstract.
Zbinden JA, Bearhop S, Bradshaw P, Gill B, Margaritoulis D, Newton J, Godley BJ (2011). Migratory dichotomy and associated phenotypic variation in marine turtles revealed by satellite tracking and stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 421, 291-302. Abstract.
Phillips RA, McGill RAR, Dawson DA, Bearhop S (2011). Sexual segregation in distribution, diet and trophic level of seabirds: Insights from stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology, 158(10), 2199-2208. Abstract.
Bodey TW, Bearhop S, McDonald RA (2011). The diet of an invasive alien predator the feral ferret Mustela furo: implications for the conservation of ground nesting birds. Eur J Wildl Res, 57, 107-117. Abstract.
Tosh DG, Shore RF, Jess S, Withers A, Bearhop S, Ian Montgomery W, McDonald RA (2011). User behaviour, best practice and the risks of non-target exposure associated with anticoagulant rodenticide use. J Environ Manage, 92(6), 1503-1508. Abstract.  Author URL.
Robb GN, McDonald RA, Inger R, Reynolds SJ, Newton J, McGill RAR, Chamberlain DE, Harrison TJE, Bearhop S (2011). Using stable-isotope analysis as a technique for determining consumption of supplementary foods by individual birds. Condor, 113(3), 475-482. Abstract.
Torres LG, Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Votier S, Taylor GA, Sagar PM, Robertson BC (2011). White-capped albatrosses alter fine-scale foraging behavior patterns when associated with fishing vessels. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 428, 289-301. Abstract.
Bodey TW, Bearhop S, Roy SS, Newton J, McDonald RA (2010). Behavioural responses of invasive American mink Neovison vison to an eradication campaign, revealed by stable isotope analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(1), 114-120. Abstract.
Inger R, Harrison XA, Ruxton GD, Newton J, Colhoun K, Gudmundsson GA, McElwaine G, Pickford M, Hodgson D, Bearhop S, et al (2010). Carry-Over Effects Reveal Reproductive Costs in a Long Distance Migrant. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, 974-982.
Harrison XA, Blount J, Inger R, Bearhop S (2010). Carry-over Effects as Drivers of Fitness in Animals. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, 974-982.
Harrison XA, Tregenza T, Inger R, Colhoun K, Dawson DA, Gudmundsson GA, Hodgson DJ, Horsburgh GJ, McElwaine G, Bearhop S, et al (2010). Cultural inheritance drives site fidelity and migratory connectivity in a long-distance migrant. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 19(24), 5484-5496.  Author URL.
Inger R, McDonald RA, Rogowski D, Jackson AL, Parnell A, Preston SJ, Harrod C, Goodwin C, Griffiths D, Dick JTA, et al (2010). Do non-native invasive fish support elevated lamprey populations?. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 121-129. Abstract.  Author URL.
Harrison TJE, Smith JA, Martin GR, Chamberlain DE, Bearhop S, Robb GN, Reynolds SJ (2010). Does food supplementation really enhance productivity of breeding birds?. Oecologia, 164(2), 311-320. Abstract.  Author URL.
Anderson ORJ, Phillips RA, Shore RF, McGill RAR, McDonald RA, Bearhop S (2010). Element patterns in albatrosses and petrels: influence of trophic position, foraging range, and prey type. Environ Pollut, 158(1), 98-107. Abstract.  Author URL.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Witt MJ, Inger R, Thompson D, Newton J (2010). Individual responses of seabirds to commercial fisheries revealed using GPS tracking, stable isotopes and vessel monitoring systems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2), 487-497. Abstract.
Votier S, Bearhop S, Witt M, Inger R, Thompson D, Newton J (2010). Individual-level responses of seabirds to commercial fisheries revealed using GPS tracking, stable isotopes and vessel monitoring systems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 487-497.
Harrison XA, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Tregenza T, Bearhop S (2010). Isolation, characterisation and predicted genome locations of Light-bellied Brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) microsatellite loci (Anatidae, AVES). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2, 365-371.
Harrison XA, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Tregenza T, Bearhop S (2010). Isolation, characterisation and predicted genome locations of Light-bellied Brent goose (Branta bernicla hrota) microsatellite loci (Anatidae, AVES). Conservation Genetics Resources, 1-7.
Grecian WJ, Inger R, Attrill MJ, Bearhop S, Godley BJ, Witt MJ, Votier SC (2010). Potential impacts of wave-powered marine renewable energy installations on marine birds. Ibis, 152, 683-697. Abstract.
Mangel JC, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Van Waerebeek K, Cáceres C, Bearhop S, Witt MJ, Godley BJ (2010). Small cetacean captures in Peruvian artisanal fisheries: High despite protective legislation. Biological Conservation, 143(1), 136-143. Abstract.
Parnell A, Inger R, Bearhop S, Jackson AL (2010). Source partitioning using stable isotopes: coping with variation. Plos One, 3(5). Abstract.
Rutz CR, Bluff LA, Reed N, Troscianko J, Newton J, Inger R, Kacelnik A, Bearhop S (2010). The Ecological Significance of Tool Use in New Caledonian Crows. Science, 329, 1523-1525. Abstract.
Anderson ORJ, Phillips RA, Shore RF, McGill RAR, McDonald RA, Bearhop S (2009). Diet, individual specialisation and breeding of brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi): an investigation using stable isotopes. Polar Biology, 32(1), 27-33. Abstract.
Jackson AL, Inger R, Bearhop S, Parnell A (2009). Erroneous behaviour of MixSIR, a recently published Bayesian isotope mixing model: a discussion of Moore & Semmens (2008). Ecol Lett, 12(3), E1-E5. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mainwaring MC, Rowe LV, Kelly DJ, Grey J, Bearhop S, Hartley IR (2009). Hatching asynchrony and growth trade-offs within Barn Swallow broods. Condor, 111(4), 668-674. Abstract.
Anderson ORJ, Phillips RA, McDonald RA, Shore RF, McGill RAR, Bearhop S (2009). Influence of trophic position and foraging range on mercury levels within a seabird community. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 375, 277-288. Abstract.
Inger R, Attrill MJ, Bearhop S, Broderick AC, Grecian WJ, Hodgson DJ, Sheehan E, Votier SC, Witt MJ, Godley BJ, et al (2009). Marine Renewable Energy: potential benefits to biodiversity? an urgent call for research. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46, 1145-1153. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inger R, Attrill MJ, Bearhop S, Broderick AC, James Grecian W, Hodgson DJ, Mills C, Sheehan E, Votier SC, Witt MJ, et al (2009). Marine renewable energy: Potential benefits to biodiversity? an urgent call for research. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(6), 1145-1153. Abstract.
Bodey TW, McDonald RA, Bearhop S (2009). Mesopredators constrain a top predator: competitive release of ravens after culling crows. Biol Lett, 5(5), 617-620. Abstract.  Author URL.
Phillips RA, Bearhop S, McGill RAR, Dawson DA (2009). Stable isotopes reveal individual variation in migration strategies and habitat preferences in a suite of seabirds during the nonbreeding period. Oecologia, 160(4), 795-806. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inger R, Bearhop S (2008). Applications of stable isotope analyses to avian ecology. Ibis, 150(3), 447-461. Abstract.
Crawford K, McDonald RA, Bearhop S (2008). Applications of stable isotope techniques to the ecology of mammals. Mammal Review, 38(1), 87-107. Abstract.
Robb GN, McDonald RA, Chamberlain DE & Bearhop S (2008). Food for thought: supplementary feeding as a driver of ecological change in avian populations. Frontiers in Ecology, 6
Kelly JF, Bearhop S, Bowen GJ, Hobson KA, Norris DR, Wassenaar LI, West JB, Wunder MB (2008). Future Directions and Challenges for Using Stable Isotopes in Advancing Terrestrial Animal Migration Research. Terrestrial Ecology, 2, 129-139. Abstract.
Inger R, Gudmundsson GA, Ruxton GD, Newton J, Colhoun K, Auhage S, Bearhop S (2008). Habitat utilisation during staging affects body condition in a long distance migrant, Branta bernicla hrota: Potential impacts on fitness?. Journal of Avian Biology, 39(6), 704-708. Abstract.
Oswald SA, Bearhop S, Furness RW, Huntley B, Hamer KC (2008). Heat stress in a high-latitude seabird: Effects of temperature and food supply on bathing and nest attendance of great skuas Catharacta skua. Journal of Avian Biology, 39(2), 163-169. Abstract.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Attrill MJ & Oro D (2008). Is climate change the most likely driver of range expansion for a critically endangered top predator in northeast Atlantic waters?. Biology Letters, 4, 205-206.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Fyfe R, Furness RW (2008). Temporal and spatial variation in the diet of a marine top predator-links with commercial fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 367, 223-232. Abstract.
Fox T, Bearhop S (2008). The use of stable-isotope ratios in ornithology. British Birds, 101(3), 112-130. Abstract.
Robb GN, McDonald RA, Chamberlain DE, Reynolds SJ, Harrison TJE & Bearhop S (2008). Winter feeding of birds increases productivity in the subsequent breeding season. Biology Letters, 4, 220-223.
Newsome SD, Rio CMD, Bearhop S, Phillips DL (2007). A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, preprint(2007).
Newsome SD, Martinez del Rio C, Bearhop S, Phillips DL (2007). A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 5(8), 429-429.
delRio, C.M. Bearhop, S. Phillips, D.L. (2007). A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 5, 429-436.
Catry, P. Silk, J.R.D. Bearhop, S. (2007). Movements, winter distribution and activity patterns of Falkland and brown skuas: insights from loggers and isotopes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345, 281-291.
Bearhop, S. (2007). Seabird predation by great skuas Stercorarius skua - intra-specific competition for food?. Journal of Avian Biology, 38, 234-246.
Bearhop, S. Lecoq, M. (2007). Sex differences in settlement behaviour and condition of chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita at a wintering site in Portugal. Are females doing better?. Journal of Ornithology, 148, 241-249.
Kennedy, M. Bearhop, S. (2007). Supplementary DNA evidence fails to confirm presence of Brown Skuas Stercorarius antarctica in Europe: a retraction of Votier et al. Ibis, 149, 619-621.
Furness RW, Crane JE, Bearhop S, Garthe S, Kakela A, Kakela R, Kelly A, Kubetzki U, Votier SC & Waldron S (2007). Techniques to link individual migration patterns of seabirds with diet specialization, condition and breeding performance. Ardea, 94, 631-638.
Christensen, T.K. Bearhop, S. Newton, J. (2007). Using stable isotope analysis of multiple feather tracts to identify moulting provenance of vagrant birds: a case study of Baikal Teal Anas formosa in Denmark. Ibis, 149, 622-625.
Bearhop S (2006). Change in the air. Natural History, 115
Votier SC, Crane JE, Bearhop S, de Leon A, McSorley CA, Minguez E, Mitchell IP, Parsons M, Phillips RA & Furness RW (2006). Nocturnal foraging by great skuas Stercorarius skua: implications for conservation of storm-petrel populations. Journal of Ornithology, 147, 405-413.
Bearhop, S. Robinson, J.A. Ruxton, G.D. (2006). Prey Choice Affects the Trade Off Balance in an Avian Herbivore. Animal Behaviour, 71: 1335-1341
Phillips, R.A. McGill, R. Cherel, Y. (2006). Stable isotopes indicate sex-specific and long-term individual foraging specialisation in diving seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 311, 157-164.
Ruxton, G.D. Newton, J. Colhoun, K. (2006). Temporal and intrapopulation variation in prey choice of wintering geese determined by stable isotope analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 1190-1200
SBearhop, Colhoun K, Inger R, Mackie K (2006). Using daily ration models and stable isotope analysis to predict biomass depletion by herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43(5), 1022-1030.
SBearhop, Fielder W, Furness RW, Votier SC (2005). Assortative Mating as a Mechanism for Rapid Evolution of a Migratory Divide. Science, 310(5747), 502-504.
Bearhop S, Fiedler W, Furness RW, Votier SC, Waldron S, Newton J, Bowen GJ, Berthold P, Farnsworth K (2005). Evolution: Assortative mating as a mechanism for rapid evolution of a migratory divide. Science, 310(5747), 502-504. Abstract.
Bearhop, S. Thompson, D.R. (2005). Shape can influence the rate of colony fragmentation in ground nesting seabirds. Oikos, 111: 473 -478
Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Ross B (2005). Spread of Australasian pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) onto Campbell Island following eradication of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Notornis, 52(1), 43-46.
Clark RG, Hobson KA, Nichols JD, Bearhop S (2004). Avian Dispersal and Demography: Scaling up to the Landscape and Beyond. The Condor, 106(4), 717-719.
Clark RG, Hobson KA, Nichols JD & Bearhop S (2004). Avian dispersal ad demogrgaphy: Scaling up to the landscape and beyond. Condor, 106, 717-719.
SBearhop, Crane JE, Furness RW, Votier SC (2004). Changes in fisheries discard rates and seabird communities. Nature, 427(6976), 727-730.
SBearhop, Adams CE, Fuller RA, Waldron S (2004). Determining trophic niche width: a novel approach using stable isotope analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(5), 1007-1012.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Newell RG, Orr K, Furness RW, Kennedy M (2004). Erratum: the first record of Brown Skua Catharacta antarctica in Europe (IBIS (2004) 146 (95-102)). Ibis, 146(2).
Bearhop, S. Ratcliffe, N. Phillips, R.A. (2004). Predation by great skuas at a large Shetland seabird colony. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 1117-1128
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Ratcliffe N, Furness RW (2004). Reproductive Consequences for Great Skuas Specializing as Seabird Predators. The Condor, 106(2), 275-287.
Bearhop, S. Ratcliffe, N. Furness, R.W. (2004). Reproductive consequences for great skuas specializing as seabird predators. Condor, 106: 275-287
Hilton, G. Votier, S.C. Waldron, S. (2004). Stable isotope ratios indicate that body condition in migrating passerines is influenced by winter habitat. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 271(Supp 4), S215-S218.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Newell RG, Orr K, Furness RW, Kennedy M (2004). The first record of Brown Skua Catharacta antarctica in Europe. Ibis, 146(1), 95-102. Abstract.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Newell RG, Orr K, Furness RW & Kennedy M (2004). The first record of Brown Skua Catharacta antarctica in Eurpoe. Ibis, 146
Furness, R.W. Hilton, G. Votier, S.C. (2003). A forensic approach to understanding diet and habitat use from stable isotope analysis of (avian) claw material. Functional Ecology, 17: 270-275
Votier SC, Bearhop S, MacCormick A, Ratcliffe N & Furness RW (2003). Assessing the diet of great skuas, Catharacta skua, using five different techniques. Polar Biology, 26, 20-26.
Bearhop S, Ward RM & Evans PR (2003). Long-term survival rates in colour-ringed shorebirds - practical considerations in the application of mark-recapture models. Bird Study, 50, 271-279.
Waldron, S. Votier, S.C. Furness, R.W. (2002). Factors influencing turnover and fractionation of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in avian blood and feathers. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 75: 451-458
Bearhop S, Waldron S, Votier SC & Furness RW (2002). Factors that influence assimilation rates and fractionation of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in avian blood and feathers. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 75, 451-458.
Arcos JM, Ruiz X, Bearhop S & Furness RW (2002). Mercury levels in seabirds and their fish prey at the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean): the role of trawler discards as a source of contamination. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 232, 281-290.
Bearhop S, Thompson DR, Phillips RA, Waldron S, Hamer KC, Gray CM, Votier SC, Ross BP, Furness RW (2001). Annual Variation in Great Skua Diets: the Importance of Commercial Fisheries and Predation on Seabirds Revealed by Combining Dietary Analyses. The Condor, 103(4), 802-809.
Thompson, D.R. Phillips, R.A. Waldron, S. (2001). Annual variation in great skua diets: the importance of commercial fisheries and predation on seabirds revealed by combining dietary analyses. Condor, 103: 802-809
Donnelly T, Waldron S, Tait A, Dougans J & Bearhop S (2001). Hydrogen isotope analysis of natural abundance and deuterium-enriched waters by reduction over chromium on-line to a dynamic dual inlet isotope-ratio mass spectrometer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 15, 1297-1303.
Votier SC, Bearhop S, Ratcliffe N & Furness RW (2001). Pellets as indicators of diet in Great Skuas Catharacta skua. Bird Study, 48, 373-376.
Bearhop S, Waldron S, Thompson D, Furness R (2000). Bioamplification of mercury in great skua Catharacta skua chicks: the influence of trophic status as determined by stable isotope signatures of blood and feathers. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40(2), 181-185. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Ruxton GD, Furness RW (2000). Dynamics of mercury in blood and feathers of great skuas. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(6), 1638-1643. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Waldron S, Furness RW (2000). Influence of Lipid and Uric Acid on δ 13 C and δ 15 N Values of Avian Blood: Implications for Trophic Studies. Ornithology, 117(2), 504-507.
Bearhop S, Teece MA, Waldron S, Furness RW (2000). Influence of lipid and uric acid on δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N values of avian blood: Implications for trophic studies. Auk, 117(2), 504-507.
Bearhop S, Phillips RA, Thompson DR, Waldron S, Furness RW (2000). Variability in mercury concentrations of great skuas Catharacta skua: the influence of colony, diet and trophic status inferred from stable isotope signatures. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 195, 261-268. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Griffiths R, Orr K, Furness RW (1999). Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) as a measure of condition in birds. Ecology Letters, 2(6), 352-356. Abstract.
Phillips RA, Bearhop S, Hamer KC, Thompson DR (1999). Rapid population growth of great skuas catharacta skua at st kilda: Implications for management and conservation. Bird Study, 46(2), 174-183. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Thompson DR, Waldron S, Russell IC, Alexander G, Furness RW (1999). Stable isotopes indicate the extent of freshwater feeding by cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo shot at inland fisheries in England. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36(1), 75-84. Abstract.
Monteiro LR, Ramos JA, Pereira JC, Monteiro PR, Feio RS, Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Furness RW, Laranjo M, Hilton G, et al (1999). Status and distribution of Fea's Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater and Band-rumped Storm-petrel in the Azores archipelago. Waterbirds, 22(3), 358-366. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Griffiths R, Orr K, Furness RW (1999). The normal haematology of great skuas (Catharacta skua) in the wild. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 9(2), 107-109. Abstract.
Bearhop S, Griffiths R, Orr K, Furness RW (1999). The normal haematology of great skuas (Catharacta skua) in the wild. Comparative Haematology International, 9(2), 107-109. Abstract.
Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Speakman JR, Furness RW (1998). Feathers as a means of monitoring mercury in seabirds: Insights from stable isotope analysis. Environ Pollut, 101(2), 193-200. Abstract.  Author URL.


Savidge G, Ainsworth D, Bearhop S, Christen N, Elsaesser B, Fortune F, Inger R, Kennedy R, McRobert A, Plummer KE, et al (2014). Strangford Lough and the SeaGen Tidal Turbine. In  (Ed) Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions, Springer Nature, 153-172.


Soriano-Redondo A, Bearhop S, Lock L, Votier SC, Hilton GM (2018). Internet-based monitoring of public perception of conservation. Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology.

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External Engagement and Impact

Awards/Honorary fellowships

2005 Science manuscript named as one of the Scientific Breakthroughs of the Year by Science magazine and the AAAS. 2005 Science manuscript chosen as a NERC top 10 science achievement.

Adjunct Professor at University College Cork, Ireland

Committee/panel activities

Elected Member of BTO Council (2015-present)

Invited member of NERC Peer-Review College (2008-present)

External Examiner of international PhD theses (Canada, Denmark, France, Spain, Ireland, Switzerland and UK)

Elected member of the British Ornithologist Union Council (2006-2008)

Member of Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Expert Panel (2009)

Member of the Advisory Panel for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Northern Ireland (2003-2007)

Scientific advisor on the Action Plan for the Barn Owl in Northern Ireland (2003-2007)

Sentinus Science and Engineering Ambassador (2004-2007)

Chair of the Citizen Science and Outreach Committee on NSF funded MIGRATE programme (2007-present)

Member of the Steering Committee for NSF funded MIGRATE programme (2008-present)

Member of Comité de these for CEBC-CNRS, France (2007)

Invited symposium organiser for NSF MIGRATE Conference Germany (2010)

Editorial responsibilities

Current editorial board: Methods in Ecology & Evolution

Past editorial board: Journal of Animal Ecology, Oecologia, Ibis

Regular reviewer for prestigious journals (Nature, Science, Ecology Letters, Current Biology, PNAS, Proc Roy Soc B, TREE etc)

Regular reviewer for grant application to international funding bodies (NSF, NSERC, ERC, Leverhulme, Norway, Germany, S. Africa)

External referee for international professorship applications

Invited lectures

(since 2007):

ISOECOL VIII, Brest 2012

Integrating stable isotopes into ecosystem management, CSIRO Freemantle 2011

Stable isotopes in Ecology Symposium, University of Barcelona 2009

Stable Isotope Network Austria Meeting University of Innsbruck 2009

Edward Grey Institute Annual Conference, Oxford 2008

Inaugural NSF MIGRATE Meeting, Sweet Briar Va, US 2007


2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, Guelph 2013

2010 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco US 2010

25th IOC, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2010

3rd Meeting of the MIGRATE group, Konstanz, Germany 2010 (working group co-chair)

Arcitic foodwebs workshop, Tromso Norway 2009

American Ornithologists Union Conference, Portland, US 2008

2nd Meeting of the MIGRATE group, Cornell, US 2008

Research seminars regularly given at UK universities. International research seminars given in France, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Australia, Iceland, Ireland and Canada

Media Coverage

My research has been featured regularly in the international press, the science press, radio and television.

Our goose work has featured in several BBC documentaries and on the Autumnwatch and springwatch series.

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I was the directror of education for the Centre of Ecology and Conservation from 2010-2013. I enjoying teaching in the classroom, lab and field. My research interests give me a broad range of experiences to draw upon in my teaching and I incorporate research from my group in many of the sessions that I deliver.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers


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