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Race equality

We understand that, as a Department, Biosciences still has work to do to promote an actively anti-racist and inclusive culture. Racism and other forms of discrimination, whether they are active or passive, through bigotry or lack of understanding, remain an issue across society, including within academia and in universities. 

We actively promote inclusivity, equality and diversity through our Departmental structures and leadership, and are acutely aware of the negative effect discrimination and ignorance has on our success as a Department and on the individual success of our staff and students. 

However, we fully acknowledge that we must do more to tackle it – from feeling empowered to report perceived racism, to ensuring a fair, decolonised curriculum, to encouraging engagement with unconscious bias and authentic lived experience training. Everyone is involved and everyone should take personal and collective action. As individuals, a Departmental community and as a University, we fully support action to become a truly anti-racist institution.